We have dealt with this guy before.
Unpublished Submission
We have dealt with this guy before.
Unpublished Submission
Dress up game with one of those girldressupgamecraphoopla web domain names plastered on it.
Unpublished Submission
It is sad to see the many inactive members of EGB, I remember lots of the list and it has been ages since I saw them I hope they will return. Well it will be Christmas Eve I have got all my presents wrapped up. Sad to see no Xmas theme again this year on Newgrounds, miss the old theme from the previous years like the snowman and such.
At 12/23/12 07:09 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Sad to see no Xmas theme again this year on Newgrounds, miss the old theme from the previous years like the snowman and such.
Just a guess at why there has been no Christmas theme this year is that due to the Halloween level icons they probably didn't have the time. So next year they'll already have the halloween icons and be able to do some Christmas ones too.
Something tells me that this is stolen...
At 12/26/12 01:42 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 12/26/12 01:11 PM, Coop wrote: Something tells me that this is stolen..."My first animation"
Then a video ripped from youtube begins to play, totally believable.
The thing that gets me out of all of this, is that us, the vigilant ones who voted 0 on it as well don't get a blam :(
I've had no blams over the past 5 days. Seriously, I might as well vote 2, to cover all bases in case it is found to be legitimate.
is dead, but the game itself has been propagated all over the web.
, if you want one.
Oh, and here's some shovelware too:
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
And this, while not being either stolen or shovelware, just defies belief:
Dunno if this violates any rules but I think an admin should step in.
This person is threatening to kill themselves over this flash making it through the portal. I am pretty sure they are not serious but you never know.
Hope everyone at the EGB had a good Christmas I did it goes by so quick I got the presents I wanted. I got some games Kingdom of Amular not sure about that I will try it though. Got Saints Row The Third looks good so far . I got a copy of Resident Evil 6 but for the PS3, I need to get a Xbox version. I'm looking to the portal for some b/p points later on today.
At 12/28/12 10:24 AM, EJR wrote: Oof.
Maybe I spoke too soon when I said they wouldn't be a problem anymore.
One thing I would like to see added to the portal mod tools is the account suspension that happened when someone had 2 or more flashes pulled via the whistle system. Yes, some of them make new accounts constantly anyway, but it would at least give the people that gave half a shit about being able to upload new things something to think about before they go stealing things or shoveling 10 tons of garbage a day down the portal.
Still, some of them will keep doing it no matter what as long as the ad revenue system is in place. Money makes people stupid like that, I guess.
Blams: 5404 (+9 since last log)
Saves: 35623 (+14 since last log)
Not a bad day.
At 12/28/12 11:46 PM, Chrausner wrote: I've seen that submission fall into blammation yesterday night. Whether the guy was actually serious about shooting himself with his gun if the submission got blammed or not, I'll never know. It's kinda scary to think about it, though. Maybe he's dead. But yet, the internet is a fraud. The guy's profile says he has AIDS and the ugly guy in the profile pic could be the user. If those two factors are true, then suicide could have happened.
He's just another spammer, and acts like most spammers on NG do. He's definitely not serious about commiting suicide.
Looks stolen from Flashground.net.
The name of the submitter is not the one on the main screen and looking at his other submissions, I doubt that he was able to make this.
Hola EGB, just popping in after a short end-of-the-year Internet hiatus. I hope everyone had an amazing holidays/Christmas/end of 2012, and I'm hopefully looking forward to a far better year than the last. Onward and upward, then.
Shovelware, generic cookie cutter dressup-type game
Unpublished Submission
Barracks Roster as of January 1st, 2013:
Welcome to the first roster of 2013! 2012 is now history, and what a rough year it was for so many people. I can only hope and pray that 2013 treats us all a little gentler - and that things around here get back in balance again.
Part of that balance was a bit of housekeeping here in the Barracks. As I announced a few weeks ago, there was a group of members that really haven't been active in a long time, and as such, are now reclassified as inactive. They are still in the database, but no longer appear on the active stats roster. Should any of these members wish to reactivate their membership, they can just ask.
With that, the roster is now down to 24 active members - and it is a more accurate portrayal of the current activity here in the Barracks. Nothing personal - just trying to keep things in perspective. Now, that means a lot of people have odd rank jumps this month, but over the next few months things will work themselves out.
Okay, enough of that - here's the roster - and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!
byteslinger - 83K saves, 97K total B/P
Chrausner - 10K saves, 10K total B/P
Coop - 82K saves, 113K total B/P
Cootie - 27K saves, 32K total B/P
Decky - 14K total B/P
GameJunkie - 34K saves, 55K total B/P
Gimmick - 23K saves, 25K total B/P
Jolly - 35K saves, 41K total B/P
Spretznaz - 7K saves, 7K total B/P
Decky - Captain
Spretznaz - Master Sergeant
Members Inactivated::
The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
01) 113,110 | 1,037 | 33.45 | B | +012.35 | Coop Sup. Commander | 3 | D
02) 97,057 | 0,925 | 29.84 | B | +013.36 | byteslinger Sup. Commander | 3 | D
03) 80,294 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | Phantom Sup. Commander | 0 | F
04) 56,108 | 0,003 | 00.10 | D | +050.00 | Little-Rena Sup. Commander | 0 | F
05) 55,787 | 0,882 | 28.45 | B | +102.76 | GameJunkie Sup. Commander | 48 | A
06) 51,861 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | EagleRock Sup. Commander | 0 | F
07) 41,059 | 1,091 | 35.19 | B | +025.55 | Jolly Sup. Commander | 5 | C
08) 32,273 | 0,952 | 30.71 | B | +030.23 | Cootie Sup. Commander +1 | 0 | F
09) 30,854 | 0,031 | 01.00 | D | -011.43 | RohantheBarbarian Sup. Commander +1 | 0 | F
10) 25,137 | 0,414 | 13.35 | C | -065.61 | Gimmick General +4 | 0 | F
11) 19,246 | 0,002 | 00.06 | D | +000.00 | Asandir Colonel +4 | 0 | F
12) 14,039 | 0,886 | 28.58 | B | -007.23 | Decky Captain +5 | 27 | B
13) 10,904 | 1,270 | 40.97 | A | +000.00 | Chrausner Sgt. Major +9 | 6 | C
14) 10,458 | 0,133 | 04.29 | D | +015.65 | BrokenDeck Sgt. Major +6 | 1 | D
15) 10,061 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | SeeD419 Sgt. Major +6 | 0 | F
16) 7,780 | 0,838 | 27.03 | B | +016.55 | Spretznaz Master Sergeant +10 | 70 | A
17) 7,374 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | phantomlassuk Master Sergeant +8 | 9 | C
18) 6,447 | 0,010 | 00.32 | D | +000.00 | HeavenDuff Staff Sergeant +9 | 0 | F
19) 6,415 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | SpiffyMasta Staff Sergeant +9 | 0 | F
20) 6,336 | 0,013 | 00.42 | D | +044.44 | Ronald-McDonald-Lol Staff Sergeant +9 | 2 | D
21) 5,860 | 0,105 | 03.39 | D | +034.62 | ZJ Sergeant +10 | 2 | D
22) 5,843 | 0,065 | 02.10 | D | +030.00 | BenwaHakubi Sergeant +8 | 12 | C
23) 4,656 | 0,110 | 03.55 | D | -003.51 | Jackho Corporal +11 | 0 | F
24) 3,205 | 0,166 | 05.35 | C | -029.96 | Sectus Pvt. First Class +13 | 0 | F
Top 5 Gainers::
Chrausner - 1,270 (14.22% of total)
Jolly - 1,091 (12.21% of total)
Coop - 1,037 (11.61% of total)
Cootie - 952 (10.66% of total)
byteslinger - 925 (10.35% of total)
Top 5 users accounted for 59.05% of B/P points (5,275 total)
Top gainers, repeat appearances::
Jolly (24) * 2 Years *
Coop (7)
byteslinger (2)
Total gain for month: 8,933 (19 Active Members)
That's 288.16 per day, or 15.17 per day per active member.
Happy new year to all the EGB members just 24 sad but lots of the other members were inactive for ages. The Roster for January 1st 2013 no ending of the world like the Mayans said for 2012. I wonder what this year will bring new games or consoles etc. I'm still the same rank as before no change there sadly I would like to change it but I don't think it will be for a while. I also leveled up I'm now level 46 a shark!
At 1/1/13 04:17 PM, byteslinger wrote: Barracks Roster as of January 1st, 2013:
Agh, if I only remembered, I would have saved my "yay its 2013" stuff for this post. Ah well, happy new year again.
Byteslinger, do you think you could find the submitted/blammed average for the year so we could see
just how horrible it was?
Jolly - 35K saves, 41K total B/P
Spretznaz - 7K saves, 7K total B/P
Congrats to all achievers, I'm still unable to distance my saves from total B/P, though.
Decky - Captain
Spretznaz - Master Sergeant
Congrats to Decky and myself. I might not get promotions so regularly after this rank, it seems there's going to be a slight increase in B/P intervals from here on out.
The List:
14) 10,458 | 0,133 | 04.29 | D | +015.65 | BrokenDeck Sgt. Major +6 | 1 | D
15) 10,061 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | SeeD419 Sgt. Major +6 | 0 | F
16) 7,780 | 0,838 | 27.03 | B | +016.55 | Spretznaz Master Sergeant +10 | 70 | A
17) 7,374 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | phantomlassuk Master Sergeant +8 | 9 | C
Still chugging along, I don't see anything of particular note here yet.
Top 5 Gainers::
Looking at some of these absurdly high gains this month (Chrausner, you're a B/P machine!) it looks like I missed a week of a particularly active portal. Always good to see activity, even if it's only for a few days.
Anyway, onward to 2013! Till next month, then.
At 1/1/13 05:12 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: I also leveled up I'm now level 46 a shark!
This same old sniper game, reskinned.
Generic shoelware Mario game, plus this guy isn't exactly a first-timer.
Unpublished Submission
Serial offender evitapal.
Unpublished Submission
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
I remember this being stolen before. No matter, because:
Author Comments:
im uploading this for a friend
Resubmitted shovelware (look about 3 posts up)
Had a little time off for new year but now I'm back and ready to start getting some serious B/P again, to the Portal I go! Well, at least I will after lurking around the forums for a bit. Good to be back :).
At 1/1/13 04:17 PM, byteslinger wrote: Barracks Roster as of January 1st, 2013:
Roster time mofo!!!
Welcome to the first roster of 2013!
Officially we can say that the 2012 apocalypse believers were the morons that we all thought they were. It's a great gift for the start of a new year I thought. I've been having some fun insulting my "believer" friends. Anyway, a great 2013 to all the members of the EGB, may it bring all that you want.
Decky - 14K total B/P
Can't complain about getting a nice, simple milestone like 14K total B/P. Even if I seem to have one at almost every roster hahahaha. I'll have to work a little harder this month if I want to crack 15K for February. Congrats to all the other milestones this month.
Decky - Captain
Spretznaz - Master Sergeant
And the Captain badge for me :). Congrats to Spretznaz too.
The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
10) 25,137 | 0,414 | 13.35 | C | -065.61 | Gimmick General +4 | 0 | F
11) 19,246 | 0,002 | 00.06 | D | +000.00 | Asandir Colonel +4 | 0 | F
12) 14,039 | 0,886 | 28.58 | B | -007.23 | Decky Captain +5 | 27 | B
13) 10,904 | 1,270 | 40.97 | A | +000.00 | Chrausner Sgt. Major +9 | 6 | C
Well with the non active members being removed from the list it sure has effected how spaced out we all are just in my little section of the list we're all thousands a part. I don't think anybody will be moving around much for a while. I don't know why but I think it's a good thing.