At 8/8/11 12:18 AM, J-Rex wrote: When does the roster come out here?
I'd like to know because I want to see the top gainers. I just got 233 b/p points in the last week so this sunday to last sunday. Also could someone evaluate me? I know I don't have the whistle but I want to see what else I have to improve besides my whistle status.
The roster is generated the 1st day of the month. The most recent one (as of 8/1/2011) can be found near the bottom of this page in this forum.
Based on a rate of 233 per week, that averages to about 1,010 per month. You would have just made the top-5 list. Please remember, though, that it's not about b/p - it's about voting fairly and being a good example to all of the Newgrounds users. We watch for spam attacks; we work directly with the mods and Tom & Wade if we see serious issues that need to be addressed; we protect for the good of the Portal - not for the stats.
As for evaluating you (and yes, I'll be the one you'll need to impress if you request to join) - you need to work on your whistle - flagging abusive flashes and reviews is definitely an important task here. You are active in many forums, but you tend to have a lot of 1-liners and +1 responses. We all do that occasionally, but you should start developing the habit of working on quality responses - not quantity. You do give generally helpful reviews, and that's a good thing.
Overall, you do need to step it up a little bit, but you're not that far off. With a few improvements, you'll make the cut - when you're ready for it.
Until then, keep fighting the good fight !