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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-13 23:11:46

At 6/13/11 11:05 PM, Pride wrote: Flash containing Stolen Comic:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/57 2305
Original Link: http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0074 /0074_01.asp

I was just about to post this lol. I used to read those when I was a little kid, my uncle had all of them. Talk about a blast from the past.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-13 23:57:42

Little effort put into the descriptions and by different sites.. Definitely stolen.

UFO Joe:

http://www.miniclip.com/games/ufo-joe/en /

I can't find a link to Deluxe Pacman 2, though. All I found is the first game http://www.friv2.org/Deluxe_Pacman.html

Anybody else have better luck finding the original link?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-14 00:00:14

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-14 15:57:04

Stolen flash:

Original link:

http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/Tactical -Assassin-3.html

Date submitted: February 10, 2011

Original author: Simon Hason

NG author link: simonhason

Obvious theft is obvious.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-15 11:04:46

Technically Stolen Flash

The description says he didn't make it.


- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-15 12:21:28

At 6/15/11 11:04 AM, Decky wrote: Technically Stolen Flash
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/57 2431
The description says he didn't make it.

Good Catch! It's stolen from Deviant Art (author InkinGir); original link. Luckily, the thief listed the true author's name in his comments, making it an easier search. It appears he may be misinformed, as it seems he believes it's okay to submit stolen flashes as long as he cites credit (perhaps someone should refer him to FAQ lol).

Oh, and his other flash is stolen as well *sigh*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-17 03:29:54

At 6/17/11 02:43 AM, Cootie wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/57 2596
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/57 2593
He admits they are stolen himself.

Nice Catch! Just make sure you include the original links next time, though (that way others can use it as a reference when whistling).

Original Link

http://www.jocurifotbal.info/game/82/Eur o-2008---Campionii-2.html



True Author


Original Link


True Author


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-17 03:48:05

At 6/17/11 03:29 AM, Pride wrote: Nice Catch! Just make sure you include the original links next time, though (that way others can use it as a reference when whistling).

Well, he admitted stealing the second one and the first didn't take too long on Google to find.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-17 06:52:02

Good job Cootie both got flagged although I only flagged the second one, I did not see the first link. It was from a 2008 football ball I guess he thought it was a obscure game no one would notice but it still theft either way. Saying in the comments it stolen is such a stupid thing to do. I wonder when the new redesign will be I heard rumors mid June but I don't know when really.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-17 09:38:49

What is with people stating that the flashes they are submitted are stolen? It seems a bit bizarre that they are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden.

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-17 12:11:38

At 6/17/11 09:38 AM, Decky wrote: What is with people stating that the flashes they are submitted are stolen? It seems a bit bizarre that they are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden.

It's summer, school is out, all the kids are busy being stupid now that they have nothing better to do. That's the most reasonable explanation I can come up with. It really makes sense if you think about it.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-17 20:52:59

Stolen Flash alert

Its a real easy one :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-18 04:04:30

Stolen flash:

Original Link:

http://www.addictinggames.com/action-gam es/pottyracers.jsp

"i just felt like haking the internet"

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-18 14:17:16

I'm unsure of the rules, is using the 'N word' against them?

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-18 19:56:14

At 6/13/11 08:16 PM, Cootie wrote: I am starting to wonder if I am really cut out for this place. I have been in the crew for quite a long while and I think I have only found around five stolen flash during my career. How could this happen to meeeeee?

No, you have no idea how hard it was when diety whistle actually ment something and RARELY ANYONE has one. I faught hours and hours and hours with little washu to get a diety. ssoooo many stolen flashes I had to watch and find.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-18 20:50:46

At 6/18/11 08:26 PM, daethdrain wrote:
im not in barracks BTW

Thanks for the info. Next time you should include an original link, so that we know that it is stolen and where it comes from.

In this instance http://www.flashgameslab.com/Tottori+Ken +-+Pacman+Remake+_6081.html

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-18 20:58:24

Advertising, links to a different site than NG, without any other content.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-18 22:47:09

Stolen flash:

It's improperly sized, and the other two flash submissions they've submited are made by two completely different people

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktVNkJagK 1M

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-19 23:44:43

Free whistle points! :D
Key words: Serena Gomez :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-19 23:47:47

At 6/19/11 11:44 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Free whistle points! :D
Key words: Serena Gomez :P

What is there to whistle about it? I think it's free blam points, not whistle.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-20 01:34:54

Stolen Flash Game?

Original Link

http://www.xgenstudios.com/game.php?keyw ord=stickarena

True Author: Skye Boyles/XGen STudios

Published: 2003

I having a hard time distinguishing whether this guy tried to steal the game and fucked up the game's coding (making it all blurry and messed up), or if he messed it up on purpose.

Since he didn't create any of the work in this flash, I believe it still is probably flaggable.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-20 01:51:30

At 6/19/11 11:47 PM, Jolly wrote: What is there to whistle about it? I think it's free blam points, not whistle.

The author resubmitted the same entry SEVEN times in a space of fifteen minutes or so. Even though all of them got blammed quickly before being flagged, I still think that I did the right thing by trying to blow the whistle because the author did resubmit the flash multiple times.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-20 02:36:42

i would like to be part of The Elite Guard Barracks, sir

The Elite Guard Barracks

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-20 08:20:48

At 6/20/11 02:36 AM, scopemaster13 wrote: i would like to be part of The Elite Guard Barracks, sir

Come back when you have more experience on the battlefield, sonny.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-20 09:32:54

At 6/20/11 02:36 AM, scopemaster13 wrote: i would like to be part of The Elite Guard Barracks, sir

We appreciate your enthusiasm, but you need to be a bit more seasoned to join the Barracks. We require a rank of Private or higher, bronze whistle, decent review and post history, and no active affiliation with any spammers or hate crews.

Might I recommend that you inquire at the NewGrounds Police Department (NGPD) if you are interested in joining the fight to keep Newgrounds safe and balanced.

EGSC ByteSlinger
Barracks Recruitment Officer

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-21 22:17:40

It quiet here in the Barracks at the moment I saw a massive deletion of flashes in the obituaries, looks like some of it was from a former SS member Star Syndicate. Lots of the submissions were from like 2007 so not new. I like looking at the flashes by SS not Star Syndicate but a author by the name http://jordand.newgrounds.com/ I have only watched one the whole way through Astral Projection cool flash it was long but good worth checking out his flashes are.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-23 15:43:51

hi everyone
right now i am going to have a long time inactivity, so i might get back until end of the year (already PM byte about it)...
Real life is too busy right now, and i have to study a lot

So good luck guys, and keep protecting the portal

EGSC aldlv

~Member of the EGB since 10/04/07 ~Member of the NGDD since 10/28/07

~thanx a million times for the sig CagedSilhouette

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-23 15:56:18

At 6/23/11 03:43 PM, aldlv wrote: hi everyone
right now i am going to have a long time inactivity, so i might get back until end of the year (already PM byte about it)...
Real life is too busy right now, and i have to study a lot

So good luck guys, and keep protecting the portal

EGSC aldlv

I know I speak for everyone here when I say that we're all sad to see you go. You will be missed.

As you have requested, you have been honorably discharged from the Barracks, and should you wish to rejoin, just PM EagleRock, RohanTheBarbarian or any of the Officers here, and we'll put you back on the roster.

I hope the challenges you face are not too hard, and that real life treats you well, even if you are busy.

And remember, no matter what yo do, keep giving it your best, and always fight the good fight!


Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-23 17:00:23

Hi there, guys! It's been a long time... Now, I know that some of you will look at my name and think "whoa, wasn't this guy dead or something?" And judging by the last roster, others may think "who the hell is this guy?" First of all... I think that I owe you all an apology, and an explanation (not that I have a good one, but I feel that you deserve to know what I've been up to lately and why I was absent for such a long time).

According to my post history, the last time I came here was to tell you that I was having some trouble with my computer. I managed to fix that stuff within a week, but soon after that I went on vacation and I didn't have the time to warn you about it. When I came back, I had some other things that I wanted to do, and I also had a lot of personal problems which kind of consumed all of my free time and distracted me and for some reason Newgrounds stopped being at the top of my priorities list.

Then, time seemed to fly as I soon started going to university which meant having even less free time. I still don't know how I handled to bear with it since I did much better at university than I expected. Now, my life is settling down and I'm getting used to my new schedules which mean that I'm able to take more advantage of my free time (hence why I'm here).

And that's pretty much it. I know that you're probably not interested in my life, but as I said before, I owe you an explanation, and an apology. I don't think I need to apologize for not being active, because I assume that at this point we all know that sometimes life can be a bitch and get in the way, making us lose interest in the things we used to love. But I DO owe you an apologize for not telling you about it before. I should have come here and informed you that I wouldn't be posting for a long time, because that's the kind of behavior one would expect from an EGB member (especially from someone who used to be an officer), but I didn't care to come here and I hate myself for it.

So, does this post mean that I'll come back and start posting here frequently? I don't know, but I surely hope so. I've missed you all and for a few weeks I've telling myself that I need to come and post here, but I kept making up new excuses not to do so. However, I've finally managed to get off my lazy ass and do the right thing :D

Sorry for the long post, and I hope to see you all more often from now on :)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-06-23 17:05:18


Got back from a 3 week absence, my parents were out of the city, and I had to stay in my grandmother's house, wich has a shitty internet connection... So, here I am back, and willing to protect the Portal again!!

I'm so happy right now, but at the same time, I'm so fucking sad and tired, now, everything I ever dreamed in my whole life is happening, but at the same time, everything I never wanted to happen is happening AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME.

I'm not in the mood to talk about this right now, it's really bad for me, and I think I already talked about my life a lot here, you guys aren't phychologists. Anyways, if you guys wanna know what happened, I can tell you...

Anyway, it's nice to come back here to the barracks, meet all the good 'ol friends I have here... It's a real nice feeling. But now...


Hey you, looking for fun? Join the Elite Guard Barracks

Signature by CagedSilhouette!!

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