His other submission comes from a completely different website, so either this is stolen or his previous one is. Or (much more likely) both are.
At 5/21/11 09:15 AM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Stolen: 0405
Original. His other submission comes from a completely different website, so either this is stolen or his previous one is. Or (much more likely) both are.
Sad to say but it passed. Maybe hit Tom or Wade with a PM about it?
At 5/20/11 05:38 PM, Figter wrote:At 5/19/11 08:52 PM, byteslinger wrote:for the love of GOD, DO quote this entire thing! :-)i would be glad to quote that sentence.
And yes my good man i accept your rules and agreements, sign me in sir!
Okay, Private - but first a few things:
1) I accept "sir" as respect for my position - however, biologically speaking, I do not have - nor ever had - that birth defect called a penis.
2) I will also answer to "The Dark Mistress over all that is not Linux" - but you'll learn that if you're voted in - all my minions do!
3) Your acceptance into the barracks now will be put up for review and vote, as all new recruits are subject to. Will ALL active members of the barracks please weigh in on Figter's acceptance discussion.
Give us a few days for everyone to say their peace - and based on the results, I will notify you either way. In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight - and keep in touch.
Wow, this guy has been stealing a lot of content lately. Even looking through his profile it leads to more evidence in the newsposts of him being underage for newgrounds and stealing a bunch of art months ago. It makes me wonder how his account hasn't been terminated or banned from submitting already since he shows no signs of stopping. Sent Wade a pm yesterday about the flash submission that passed judgement. Not sure if anyone else has compiled the compounding evidence against this user though.
At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote: that birth defect called a penis.
3) Your acceptance into the barracks now will be put up for review and vote, as all new recruits are subject to. Will ALL active members of the barracks please weigh in on Figter's acceptance discussion.
I guess I'll weight my options here. Don't count on it taking too long.
Somebody needs to kick me in the ass, so I can get some motivation to b/p. I've been on a good roll for the first 2/3 of the month, but this whole rapture bullshit totally took it out of me. I was all ready to go, packed my suitcase and everything. Bummer.
At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote:
Okay, Private - but first a few things:
1) I accept "sir" as respect for my position - however, biologically speaking, I do not have - nor ever had - that birth defect called a penis.
Oh sorry ma'm :3
2) I will also answer to "The Dark Mistress over all that is not Linux" - but you'll learn that if you're voted in - all my minions do!
Dear dark mistress over all that is not linux, why are you master over everything exept linux?
3) Your acceptance into the barracks now will be put up for review and vote, as all new recruits are subject to. Will ALL active members of the barracks please weigh in on Figter's acceptance discussion.
Give us a few days for everyone to say their peace - and based on the results, I will notify you either way. In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight - and keep in touch.
Sweet, will i if i manage to get into this fine establishment be able to regrister to that forum to?
And nice play on my username there.. harr harr..
Stolen Flash
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
Well, can I ask exactly how the ranking system works here?
At 5/23/11 02:05 AM, lilfozzy wrote: Well, can I ask exactly how the ranking system works here?
There's not really a ranking system, but to join you must be a Private or higher(2,500 or more total B/P), have a Bronze Whistle or higher and a decent post history.
A good place to begin is the NewGrounds Police Department, or NGPD.
Hope to see you soon!
At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote: 1) I accept "sir" as respect for my position - however, biologically speaking, I do not have - nor ever had - that birth defect called a penis.
Ah, the joy of hearing it called a defect. Evolution made it like that - otherwise we'd be like Octopuses and they'd be dropping off all over the place. 3.5 billion men and that many wangs falling off every how long? We'd drown under them.
At 5/22/11 03:18 PM, Figter wrote:At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote: 2) I will also answer to "The Dark Mistress over all that is not Linux" - but you'll learn that if you're voted in - all my minions do!Dear dark mistress over all that is not linux, why are you master over everything exept linux?
Because you can't grasp the English language? Other than that, she claims mistresshood over everything except linux. Don't ask about the dungeon, we're running out of recruits to keep it clean.
At 5/23/11 04:06 AM, Coop wrote:At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote: 1) I accept "sir" as respect for my position - however, biologically speaking, I do not have - nor ever had - that birth defect called a penis.lololololol
Ah, the joy of hearing it called a defect. Evolution made it like that - otherwise we'd be like Octopuses and they'd be dropping off all over the place. 3.5 billion men and that many wangs falling off every how long? We'd drown under them.
It would also reduce the average man's IQ by 40 points, since most men think with their wangs!
At 5/22/11 03:18 PM, Figter wrote:Because you can't grasp the English language? Other than that, she claims mistresshood over everything except linux. Don't ask about the dungeon, we're running out of recruits to keep it clean.At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote: 2) I will also answer to "The Dark Mistress over all that is not Linux" - but you'll learn that if you're voted in - all my minions do!Dear dark mistress over all that is not linux, why are you master over everything exept linux?
Oh, there's always a new recruit to abuse - or if I'm bored, I can re-abuse one of my favorites....hehehe...
At 5/23/11 04:06 AM, Coop wrote:At 5/21/11 08:24 PM, byteslinger wrote:
We'd drown under them.
Thanks for the nightmare-inducing imagery, Coop.
At 5/21/11 09:49 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote::
I guess I'll weight my options here. Don't count on it taking too long.
Somebody needs to kick me in the ass, so I can get some motivation to b/p. I've been on a good roll for the first 2/3 of the month, but this whole rapture bullshit totally took it out of me. I was all ready to go, packed my suitcase and everything. Bummer.
You really need to take a long spiritual journey and understand this world better if you took the rapture seriously.
At 5/23/11 06:04 PM, HoboPorn wrote: You really need to take a long spiritual journey and understand this world better if you took the rapture seriously.
Wait, you're saying it was all a hoax!
I had been on my knees praying every night for an hour for God to save me.
I even donated $30,000 to some priest so he could pay for billboards to try to save as many people as possible. After all, no need for life savings when the end of the world is near.
Now I will just hope the calculations were off by a few days and that the end is still near. Otherwise my life has no purpose.
I'm jk btw
Re-submission/Possible Theft
Original Link jU&feature=related
I remember this being re-submitted and reported on the EGB Thread in the past (this vid. must have been re-submitted at least maybe two or three times). Even if the video wasn't directly stolen from someone's Youtube account it still contains a lot of copyrighted material from Rebecca Black's "Friday Song" (making it rather troublesome).
stolen work > original content ratio (it looks like)
just this one page has got to make me say, good work and thanks guy. So here a little message something i hope you guys enjoy the read.
Trained from the floor up! boot camp day and night! yet one day as a tired and weak lurker you see a thread? a simple thread with men and women of power you join. Simply why? who knows but you, yet days and days moment and hours of work into what? into What i ask you, for newgrounds? No? Yes? maybe! Every morning to night or simply an hour or two a day. in a day the elite do more than most in a month, or a year even! you guys may have some power, or you don't and live in the background working, enjoying, talking! so it be the Elite Guard Barracks will fight forward in the dark times and in the light for all who steal all who betrays the rules will feel the wrath the power of such people, so to those who dare may they remember those who are strong, those who are ready, You are part of the Elite Guard Barracks just doing what needs to be done.
don't like it well thanks for reading and thanks for what yall do.
At 5/23/11 09:47 PM, kidd25 wrote: just this one page has got to make me say, good work and thanks guy. So here a little message something i hope you guys enjoy the read.
Trained from the floor up! boot camp day and night! yet one day as a tired and weak lurker you see a thread? a simple thread with men and women of power you join. Simply why? who knows but you, yet days and days moment and hours of work into what? into What i ask you, for newgrounds? No? Yes? maybe! Every morning to night or simply an hour or two a day. in a day the elite do more than most in a month, or a year even! you guys may have some power, or you don't and live in the background working, enjoying, talking! so it be the Elite Guard Barracks will fight forward in the dark times and in the light for all who steal all who betrays the rules will feel the wrath the power of such people, so to those who dare may they remember those who are strong, those who are ready, You are part of the Elite Guard Barracks just doing what needs to be done.
don't like it well thanks for reading and thanks for what yall do.
We do appreciate the sentiment, even if your grammar is a little awkward. It does take different types of members to make the Elite Guard strong, but we all do what we can in the name of upholding what is right and proper in NewGrounds. Many of us have been with the Guard for years, and some of us (such as our Commander, EagleRock) have been here since the beginning - over 6 years ago.
It's always a challenge to face the Portal every day, and sometimes we may get discouraged when it looks like the flood of spam and porn and stolen flashes will never end. But we persevere as a team, supporting each other and never giving up.
Thank you for acknowledging us and what we do - it's nice to be appreciated!
EGSC ByteSlinger
Barracks Recruitment Officer
I really like your message kidd25 when you get to private maybe you want to join the EGB? I just realized in only 12 days I hit level 40 which is really cool the level 40 is a good weapon it is a Bone-cleaver. I have gone deaf in one ear due to my cold which was like 3 weeks ago annoying.
I might not be active in this thread but I am keeping up the good fight in the portal.
Congratulations! You just destroyed someone else's hard work! This Flash has been blammed.
Thanks for voting, BenwaHakubi! Vote on 4 more submissions and you can deposit your 10 experience points for today!
Your experience gave you a voting power of 7.00 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 24% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 8.67 votes!
The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
Stolen flash:
Original link:
Original author(s): Pearl Jam and Todd McFarlene
Date submitted: July 10, 2007
This one's pretty self explanatory really. He's already admitted to not making the flash and he's saying that he got 'approved' to upload the flash to Newgrounds. I somehow doubt that since he's not affiliated with the creator(s) of the flash whatsoever.
So yeah, this one's stolen.
PS: Sorry for my long absence in the thread, just been really busy with exams and stuff. Should have notified you guys before going to hiatus. 1 more week till I'm done with them soooooo yeah. :)
A great victory yesterday for those who fight the good fight. An account by the name of YouGame got all of its flash deleted as you can see in the obituaries from Warrior Shooting time in the first left column all the way to Aces Up Solitaire. You can tell because they are all neatly organized alphabetically.
I'm gonna bet it was because those flashes were considered as stolen. At least I hope it is lol. Just goes to show, even if stolen flashes pass submission, or an account has many flash submissions and might look legit, it doesn't mean they are the rightful owners of said material.
About YouGame, I brought it up to Tom after getting a deja vu from one flash. I searched THE EXACT SAME NAME of the submission and came across the original. After seeing more of the stolen bullshit, I decided to let Tom handle the account and here's the outcome. I actually came across one of YouGame's content from the random submission link and put it on the list to make icons for. I've reported EVERYTHING I've found that's pornographic, stolen (if I can confirm it), broken, duplicates and a few others.
At 5/26/11 05:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: About YouGame, I brought it up to Tom after getting a deja vu from one flash. I searched THE EXACT SAME NAME of the submission and came across the original. After seeing more of the stolen bullshit, I decided to let Tom handle the account and here's the outcome. I actually came across one of YouGame's content from the random submission link and put it on the list to make icons for. I've reported EVERYTHING I've found that's pornographic, stolen (if I can confirm it), broken, duplicates and a few others.
Well, I'm glad my suspicions were confirmed, and good work getting that done Bahamut! I've come across a few accounts that I deemed to be suspicious in the past, just never got around to really investigating them.
I think it all goes to show that you can't rely on the fact that an author has many submissions in his account to discount if a flash is stolen or not. Especially if these are all submissions of different types. Sometimes you have to think outside the box and outside the website to verify if an author has the permission to upload certain flash to the website.
Also, even a legit looking website (like doesn't necessarily mean the content is legit. Fact is that guy probably stole most of the flash he puts on his website as well.
Just to say, if anyone happens to know any accounts similar to YouGame lying around, let me know. Tom has been clearing out of a lot of submissions lately and will be more than willing to take out any accounts alike. He usually deletes what we bring up in the icon mod crew but I don't know what he'll think of non-icon mods. :P
Well done Bahamut I remember that user so well back in 2008 ,I thought he was stealing loads of games but I found no one replied to my PM about it .So I amused wrongly that he was a legit author. I admire that you reported all of his stuff its about time! He had another account I think called gamesubmission, but the link I just found is saying YouGame the same author? I recall how I was so annoyed about it anyway I see a new Salad Finger Episode 9.
Not seen it yet.
At 5/27/11 06:27 AM, phantomlassuk wrote: I see a new Salad Finger Episode 9.
Not seen it yet.
I havn't watched it myself yet, although I have faith that it will be good so I have added it to my favorites and will watch it when I get a spare five minutes.
Back to college work no me thinks.
At 5/27/11 06:27 AM, phantomlassuk wrote: He had another account I think called gamesubmission, but the link I just found is saying YouGame the same author?
I didn't say the two were the same but rather they did very similar things. Then again, it wouldn't have surprised me if the two were the same. Tom ripped gamesubmission to shreds after I questioned the stolen submissions. There went 125 games that were most likely not the uploader's.
At 5/26/11 05:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: About YouGame, I brought it up to Tom after getting a deja vu from one flash. I searched THE EXACT SAME NAME of the submission and came across the original. After seeing more of the stolen bullshit, I decided to let Tom handle the account and here's the outcome. I actually came across one of YouGame's content from the random submission link and put it on the list to make icons for. I've reported EVERYTHING I've found that's pornographic, stolen (if I can confirm it), broken, duplicates and a few others.
And this is what makes you the user of the year.
Has your tank arrived yet? I wouldn't have said so, since it would have been posted in the LUL, but you never know, you might have swept this one under the rug, what with your NG showbiz lifestyle you now have :P
At 5/27/11 02:33 PM, Coop wrote: At 5/26/11 05:17 PM, Bahamut wrote::
And this is what makes you the user of the year.
Has your tank arrived yet? I wouldn't have said so, since it would have been posted in the LUL, but you never know, you might have swept this one under the rug, what with your NG showbiz lifestyle you now have :P
I haven't heard of bahamut in like 3 years. I'll be damned.