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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-17 22:25:44

At 2/17/11 01:50 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:

:My point was exactly the same as Coop's.

And my point was this: How does obtaining obviously copyrighted videogame footage and marginally changing the subtitles constitute an original flash? There are more definitions of 'stolen' than outright ripping of .swf files here, and IMO, this can count as one such definition.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-18 07:01:39

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-18 10:00:57

At 2/18/11 07:01 AM, phantomlassuk wrote: I think these are both stolen
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 2675
From here http://www.gamenode.com/adventure-games/
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 2673
An armor game no less!
http://armorgames.com/play/5755/pixelkni ght-ii

Both from the same account looks like it his not his.

One got marked for review but the second one Pass judgement. Looks like you may have to send an Email to wade about this.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-18 16:11:49

Stolen alert

The guy even admit's it openly in his comments "I give full credit to MEEGO.Com for this" Don't these people read the sumbitting rules?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-18 16:18:07



http://www2.sega.com/gamesite/sonicheroe s/content.html

Click the mini-game button to reach the file that was stolen.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-18 16:53:16

At 2/18/11 04:18 PM, reverend wrote: STOLEN
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 2707

http://www2.sega.com/gamesite/sonicheroe s/content.html

Click the mini-game button to reach the file that was stolen.

Wasn't this submitted before by the exact same user?

'He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.' - Samuel Johnson

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-19 10:06:08

Stolen flash:

It's the Techno Viking vid, probably nicked from youtube or wherever.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-19 10:08:44

Another one:

Just a loop of a South Park clip


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-19 13:59:23

At 2/18/11 04:53 PM, The3DragonsGroup wrote: Wasn't this submitted before by the exact same user?

It was submitted by the same user, just on a slightly differently named alt (IceBlader500 or something, I think). Same shit, different account.

At 2/19/11 10:06 AM, Quinny wrote: It's the Techno Viking vid, probably nicked from youtube or wherever.

Thanks, but please provide a link to the original video if you know it's stolen. Otherwise, how are the rest of us going to be able to use our own judgement here?
That said, I do think this is stolen (the misspelled name kinda givees it away, original link or not), so it's one more for the Wade PM later.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-19 18:28:29

At 2/19/11 01:59 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Thanks, but please provide a link to the original video if you know it's stolen. Otherwise, how are the rest of us going to be able to use our own judgement here?

It's all over youtube. And it still passed.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-19 20:15:34

At 2/19/11 06:28 PM, Quinny wrote: It's all over youtube. And it still passed.

Hence the PM to Wade: the portal masses have the collective intelligence of a fossilised turd. They'll pass anything these days.

And it may be 'all over youtube' but that doesn't guarantee the account that uploaded it here isn't owned by the person that made the original youtube one. Hence the reason for the original link: Sometimes these things turn out NOT to be stolen after all, even though it looks obvious on face value. And it's always better to let something slide, and have it deleted later, than to flag something legitimate. I know it's unlikely, but it's always best to make sure first (as past mistakes here have proven).

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-20 13:31:44

Thought we'd seen the last of this shit:


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-20 14:37:29

At 2/20/11 01:31 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Thought we'd seen the last of this shit:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 2862

I thought so as well. What is with people posting chocobreak as their own work when it isn't?

Saves link to original to post as proof in the future.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-21 00:48:46

At 2/20/11 11:05 PM, Cootie wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 2912
This video claims that it is a dildo in the flash, yet it is obvious that this is an actual male penis photograph which is indeed against the rules. Why do these people think such a thing would ever be a good idea?

I don't think that's actually rule breaking. Just because it has a penis in it doesn't make it hardcore.

This is from Wikipedia:
"Hardcore pornography is a form of pornography that features explicit sexual acts. The term was coined in the second half of the 20th century to distinguish it from softcore pornography. It usually takes the form of photographs, often displayed in magazines or on the Internet, or films. It can also appear as a cartoon. Since the 1990s it has been distributed widely over the Internet. Hardcore pornography commonly includes explicit depictions of sex acts such as vaginal or anal penetration, cunnilingus, fellatio and ejaculation and/or extreme fetish acts."

And there's these submissions that contain actual nudity

This one is by Wade Fulp

and all of these submissions have actual nudity (female)

http://www.newgrounds.com/collection/dre ssupwomen

So yeah.. If it doesn't have actual people performing sexual acts, it isn't flaggable.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-21 10:30:15


It's a flash game made by nickelodeon

Original: http://nick.co.uk/shows/bigtimerush/game s/bigtimefame/default.aspx

Not to mention, it's really obvious that it has the name of the original game right in the corner... Just like in the original.. Stupid thief..

Copy pasta from NGPD

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-21 12:23:32

At 2/21/11 10:30 AM, Gamewiz wrote: STOLEN FLASH ALERT!
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 2963
It's a flash game made by nickelodeon

I really do think it's high time we had something more than portal fucktards being appointed to keep this crap off of NG. Seriously, the masses seem to get dumber every month here.
Oh well, one more for the Wade PM.

On another note, I was looking for the perfect blam earlier, and it turns out we've actually had about 4,500 of them. The fact that they're all ancient does say something about the portal, though. :(


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-21 12:42:44

At 2/21/11 12:23 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:
On another note, I was looking for the perfect blam earlier, and it turns out we've actually had about 4,500 of them. The fact that they're all ancient does say something about the portal, though. :(


You know a lot of those perfect blams came from them getting marked for Admin review. But also back then I didn't want to believe it, but their were blam bots accounts back then as well. But maybe if we... No I doubt it highly if those will ever come back. Not with all the auto protecting idiots on NG voting just for the sure thing.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-21 13:42:33

Will the chocobreak thieves ever stop?

Original working version

The sad part about this is that the stolen game isn't even working correctly.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 11:22:37

Hey guys! I've been trying to earn some 'reputation' around here in Newgrounds by contributing to the portal community and I've been thinking hard about whether I should join the EGB, since I've already tried joining the NGPD but my rank was too high for me to join. I'm hoping to learn a lot from the top dogs around here and I think it'll be a great experience for me if I take in all of the tips that you guys can offer.

Hope you accept me, cheers! *salutes*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 12:28:50

At 2/22/11 11:22 AM, Tycrane wrote: Hey guys! I've been trying to earn some 'reputation' around here in Newgrounds by contributing to the portal community and I've been thinking hard about whether I should join the EGB, since I've already tried joining the NGPD but my rank was too high for me to join. I'm hoping to learn a lot from the top dogs around here and I think it'll be a great experience for me if I take in all of the tips that you guys can offer.

Hope you accept me, cheers! *salutes*

Commissioner Tails here, please allow me to say a few things about EG Sgt. Tycrane here.

This guy's top-notch! Over the last few weeks I've seen Sgt. Tycrane carrying out great works around the NGPD. With this in mind, I support and encourage his recruitment into the Barracks. Hell, if he were within the police rank, I'd have no reservations whatsoever on advancing him to our apprenticeship phase. He's a committed, helpful, and hard working individual with a real knack for spotting stolen flashes, skills that are undoubtedly invaluable for our success in keeping the Portal clean. I believe absolutely that Tycrane will make a superb addition to the EGB.

That is all.


Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 13:28:48

At 2/22/11 12:28 PM, TailsPrower wrote: Commissioner Tails here, please allow me to say a few things about EG Sgt. Tycrane here.


(k, I'm fucking done. Sorry.)

Seriously though, we usually wait for Byte to come and give new recruits the induction text-wall (which they have to accept) before making the private forum thread anyway. Which you knew already, so I'm just wasting my time pushing these keys here. But dammit, these buttons are fun!
...Actually, don't you have an account there Tails? I thought you were like an honorary member or something?

Anyway, where's Byte gone?
"BYYYYYYYTEEE!! Someone at the door for you!!"
....Ehh, if she doesn't show up, one of the other officers can do it. Just sit tight and give it a day or so; one way or another it'll get started. :X

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 13:48:09

At 2/22/11 01:28 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Seriously though, we usually wait for Byte to come and give new recruits the induction text-wall (which they have to accept) before making the private forum thread anyway. Which you knew already, so I'm just wasting my time pushing these keys here. But dammit, these buttons are fun!
...Actually, don't you have an account there Tails? I thought you were like an honorary member or something?

I can wait. Thanks for the heads up Sheizenhammer! (that name is too long, i need to call you something else :P)

Thanks also to Tails for the commendation, I appreciate it. :D

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 14:07:57

Possibly stolen material?


http://www.gamesquat.com/en/games/free-o nline-games/rango/

I don't know if this flash is stolen or not but I'm just reporting it here so that you guys can make your judgment on it. This is a good way for me to learn as well so no harm done.

The 'author' of this flash uploaded 2 games (this one and his first flash) from GameSquat. The other one is from another website.

I don't really know the full details of this but I'm pretty sure he's not the original creator of these flashes since I see nowhere on his page that he's associated or affiliated with GameSquat. Also his grammar is quite appalling for someone who hosts a particular 'decent' website with tons of games in it. Either that or he's from another country and speaks foreign language.

It's a tough call on this one so for now I'm just going to vote 0.

What are your thoughts?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 14:24:18

At 2/22/11 02:07 PM, Tycrane wrote: Possibly stolen material?
What are your thoughts?

Hmm I noticed this the same things as you, but if you look under the game description you'll see that author's account was created using a gamesquat.com email address ( meaning that "If this submission appears to come from a well known website, the author's email account would most likely - but not always - come from the same domain" to quote newgrounds). For now I would give the submission a fair rating as he is affiliated with gamesquat.com (not zero, unless that is what you believe it deserves), but that is just my opinion sir.

I could always be wrong lol

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 14:26:50

At 2/22/11 02:07 PM, Tycrane wrote: Possibly stolen material?
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/56 3083
Link: http://www.gamesquat.com/en/games/free-o nline-games/rango/

The author's account was created using a Gamesquat.com domain address. Ergo; it's almost certainly NOT stolen.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 14:52:04

Ah, thanks for that guys. I should really start looking more closely to the little things such as that. Never knew that feature was available until now, I must be blind. Anyways this has been a good experience for me now that I've learned something new. I'll be sure to pay attention more carefully next time and try to do more research to see if a flash is stolen or not.

Cheers Bigmike and Sheizen. :D

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 18:42:19

At 2/22/11 11:22 AM, Tycrane wrote: Hey guys! I've been trying to earn some 'reputation' around here in Newgrounds...
Hope you accept me, cheers!

Well, Sergeant, it seems that you have some friends in high places, and besides your own record standing on it's own merit, it's good to see Tails and Sheiz standing up for you as well. Before I continue on with my legendary "Wall of Text", let me just reply to a few people first:

At 2/22/11 12:28 PM, TailsPrower wrote: Commissioner Tails here, please allow me to say a few things about EG Sgt. Tycrane here.
This guy's top-notch!... I believe absolutely that Tycrane will make a superb addition to the EGB.
That is all.

Your recommendation comes highly valued, and I am sure it will weigh positively during the voting and recruiting process - which will begin shortly. Thank you for your kind words.

At 2/22/11 01:28 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: Seriously though, we usually wait for Byte to come and give new recruits the induction text-wall (which they have to accept) before making the private forum thread anyway
....Ehh, if she doesn't show up, one of the other officers can do it. Just sit tight and give it a day or so; one way or another it'll get started. :X

Geez, can't a lady spend time on the front lines without all these kids tugging at her camos? I'm here, don't you worry - and yes, we will get this party started....
...right after Sgt. Tycrane replies to the wall of text:

Before you can be accepted into the barracks, there's a few things we need to do. First, I will present you with the shortened code of conduct for the Barracks, along with links to the relevant FAQ's on our forums. You must read them, understand them, and post here again confirming that you accept those principles. A simple "yes, I agree" will be sufficient. This process serves two purposes:
1) Ensuring that you're not a "drive-by applicant" who asks to join and then never comes back, and
2) Ensuring that you know how we operate so there won't be any complications in the future, such as "wait, we're not supposed to be mass voting?".

After you agree to the code of conduct, the Barracks community will discuss your qualifications and decide whether to allow you into the group. Our requirements aren't too strict; beyond the main qualifications of 2500+ B/P and a Bronze Whistle or better, we'll be looking for sufficient post quality (low number of one-liners, intelligent posts that contribute to the topic), helpful reviews, any potentially problematic flashes, stuff like that. After discussion and a vote, we'll make the final call and PM you with the results. Assuming that no objections are raised, the process usually takes a day or two (or so)

Here is our abbreviated Code of Conduct. Read it, learn it, and post again with confirmation of your understanding. If you can't abide by these principles, say so.
1. Voting fairly.
This is the foundation of the Elite Guard Barracks. All members are expected to give every flash a fair vote, regardless of who made it or what their group affiliations are. We do not target any flash group, not favorably or in opposition; our only enemies are those who break the rules of the site, not those who merely bend them.

Everyone has a different definition of quality, and all members are expected to vote based on what they honestly feel a flash deserves, not on whether they think the flash will pass or be blammed. While Barracks members are proud of their high ranks, and are eager to compete with others, a high B/P score means nothing if achieved through petty point-whore voting, and any member who admits to doing so will be removed from the organization.

2. Stopping Portal abuse.
Numerous stolen, malicious, and unsuitable flash are submitted to the Flash Portal every day, and it is our job to ensure that as many of them are removed as possible. Members are expected to report any suspicious flash to the Barracks, including any evidence or doubts that they might have, and only whistle something if they are sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is whistle-worthy.

Just as with B/P, points mean nothing if achieved through inappropriate means. There should be no blind rush to whistle a flash that is merely suspected of wrongdoing; it's better to let an uncertain case go by rather than wrongly whistle an innocent submission. If evidence of wrongdoing is discovered after a flash passes judgment, we can always (and will always) inform Wade of our findings.

In the case of a beyond-reasonable-doubt rulebreaking flash, members are encouraged to share their results with the Newgrounds Police Department and the Newgrounds Department of Defense.

3. Cleaning up the review system.
Members are expected to be familiar with the review guidelines and whistle abusive reviews when they come across them, and report severe cases of abuse to a review mod. Additionally, members are expected to write helpful reviews, offering constructive criticism and remaining civil even when the author refuses to do so. We must set a good example for other Newgrounders, in hopes that they will improve their own reviews as well.

4. Setting an example for others to follow.
Barracks members are expected to post intelligently, contributing to threads rather than merely dropping a one-liner opinion on it. Flaming, spamming, and other ban-worthy behavior is strictly prohibited, and extreme misbehavior will lead to removal from the EGB.

Members are also expected to act civilly towards all Newgrounders. You are expected to be helpful and patient when dealing with newer members, whether simply showing them the FAQ or explaining more complex concepts that they do not understand. Concepts such as fair voting, intelligent posting/reviewing, and keeping an open mind are essential for newer members to learn, and we are just the ones to teach them.

For those with more experience, you are expected to show respect and understand that they may, in fact, know more about Newgrounds than you do, even if you're a seasoned veteran. This applies both to fellow Barracks members and Newgrounders in the general population.

Members are expected to put reasonable effort into any flash or audio submissions, and be careful with who they become Portal Buddies with. We are quite generous with our definition of reasonable effort; examples of unacceptable submissions would be static images, single frames, ridiculously small loops, or purposefully bad music. Anyone submitting rulebreaking content would, obviously, be removed from the Barracks and reported to Wade.

5. Not starting shit.
As mentioned above, the Barracks has no enemies beyond those who break the rules of the site. Our roster has included current and former members of various flash groups, including the Clock Crew, Barney Bunch, and Kitty Krew, and we are open to anyone willing to follow our principles. Barracks members are expected to be civil to others and not start fights, and anyone found to be starting shit with anyone, even if they deserve it, will be removed. You are representing the Barracks with your actions, and if your actions do not reflect our principles, you will not be a part of the organization.

6. Remaining active with the group.
Barracks members are expected to remain reasonably active in the thread, as well as with their duties. Those who are inactive for long periods (months) may be removed from the roster at any time, and rollcalls are occasionally sent out to all members to determine who is active. Members who expect to be inactive for some time due to IRL reasons (such as school, employment, vacation, etc) should inform the Barracks in advance.
In addition to the above, please examine the following materials.
The Barracks Manifesto
The Barracks FAQ
So, what do you think, Sgt? Up to the challenge?

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 19:53:50

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-22 22:36:50

I have been on Newgrounds now for ten years this is not my first account. I think the site has changed so much over the last decade look at the front page and ads. The reason I'm checking is because my account is now 7 years old. The game got flagged I never sure with slide shows so I don't flag unless I'm totally sure or not. Now I think 3 people at level 60.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2011-02-23 02:51:34

At 2/22/11 06:42 PM, byteslinger wrote: legendary wall of text

Yes I agree. (that's the sort of response your looking for right? :P)

Anyways I'm happy to be accepted into the EGB and I will do my best to serve this place and protect the portal with utmost sincerety. *salutes*