At 8/29/10 02:18 AM, byteslinger wrote:At 8/29/10 01:42 AM, Domo wrote: i do agree with your response cause saying I do not really find it to my interest and a couple days later attempting to join is looking pretty bad so Im not going to whine about it cause it was a bad idea to post this. But does this mean I do not get another chance at this club?Tell you what - answer the following questions honestly first:
1) Why do you really want to join the EGB? Be VERY specific
Well The reason I would like to join is to help users upgrade there whistle from finding stolen or malicious flashes. And I did say It was just a club that they show off there stats but I didn't mean it exactly like that but having other members a head of me will help push me to get more B/P and I do like to keep the spam and stolen flashes out of the portal even though I have a low blam count.
2) What do you think the EGB really does for Newgrounds?
What I think it is is a club that tries to keep out the bad flashes out of the portal by notifying other members about the flash.
3) How do you think you will add to the strength of the Barracks? What do you bring to the table?
Well all I think I could bring is if I find a stolen flash notifying the members of the flash and a link to where the flash is stolen from.
4) How do you feel about making changes to your posting, review and whistling habits to be more in-line with what we expect from you on a daily basis?
Posting I have been posting a lot of 1-liners here lately but I would start making more meaningful and thoughtful post. Reviews I don't see whats wrong with them. My reviews quality have declined since I left the review request club so I would try my hardest to get my review act together. And my whistle habits I don't know what you mean by that but if you mean flagging I flag reviews daily.
5) When is it alright to vote on a flash without viewing it to completion?
Well I never have done it cause I used to do that and watch it get blammed or saved even though I really like the flash or dislike it.
6) When you see that a flash has been obviously stolen, what do you say in your review to the submitter about that fact?
I never have done it cause it may not be stolen and it could get other users to think its stolen so I would alert Wade or Tom about it but if I had to review it I would let him know that you shouldn't be stealing flashes since it someone else hard work and your taking credit for it so remove it or you may end up getting your account deleted.
7) What is the minimum number of spam flashes from a spam crew that can be under judgment at the same time that will automatically allow you to blam them without viewing them first? ie, if the Kitty Krew has 7 spam flashes under judgment all at once, is that enough to say "ah, they're all crap, let's blam them all anyway?" Or is the number higher or lower?
Well not all KK flashes I vote 0 cause there is a couple that really came to I really actually cared for and voted 4 or 5 on them. I vote on the flash how I think about it not if I know it will pass or get blammed.
8) How often should you post a list of "reviews that can be whistled" on the EGB forum?
None cause you don't want this to turn into Rages thread and get locked.
9) How does one handle Troll Posts on the EGB forum?
You don't react in a harsh manner to them, you either kindly tell them to leave here or just ignore there post.
10) Under what conditions are "+1" posting allowed on the EGB forum?
None. Maybe 1 or 2 if it is redirecting you to a stolen flash with a link to where the flash is stolen from and the flash its self and maybe a little description if it is malicious.