At 7/30/10 08:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: DUUUUH. >:(
Flagged already. Damn that was... unsurprising.
At 7/30/10 02:00 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Also guys, check this thread.
Did check, did post, did bump. ;)
At 7/30/10 07:15 PM, Ismael92 wrote: Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting lately, but I don't have too much free time... Actually I have had some free time, but I guess you'll understand when I tell you that I've spent it doing real life things instead of being in Newgrounds.
Yeah, completely understandable. I should have my activity reduced in the next couple of weeks, since I'll start my regular morning classes AND have extra classes in the afternoon. That should be tiring, studying 10 hours a day is not human. =(
Cootie, your new name is funnier, cuter and more pronounceable. IMO it's better than the old one :D
I can only remember one thing with his name :P
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
At 7/30/10 08:02 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote:
At 7/30/10 06:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 3877then you might want to flag his other submissions because they are all the same.
Unsuitable. Real porn slideshow after the "quiz".
They aren't real porn, just Hentai, so it's supposedly allowed... I think I'll send Wade a PM regarding that and some other things, hopefully he'll answer.
At 7/30/10 08:49 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote:At 7/30/10 08:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: DUUUUH. >:(BAHAHAHAHAHAfail.
Exactly. I mean... HOW?! >:(
Flagged already. Damn that was... unsurprising.
Some flashes get pulled really fast. I also wonder when Wade will do a "portal clean-up", deleting the flagged submissions. They must be stacking now!
At 7/30/10 08:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 3886 5863
What a dumbass! Why would anyone try to steal Thing-Thing Arena?! EPIC FAIL! Seriously, that's about as bad as someone who tried to steal Nom Nom a while back! LMAO!
At 7/30/10 10:48 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: What a dumbass! Why would anyone try to steal Thing-Thing Arena?! EPIC FAIL! Seriously, that's about as bad as someone who tried to steal Nom Nom a while back! LMAO!
I wait for the day that someone tries to steal tankmen. that shit will be hilarious.
I don't know If which one of these flashes are stolen. 3900 3901 What do you guys think?
At 7/31/10 02:10 AM, 34Deadman wrote: I don't know If which one of these flashes are stolen. 3900 3901 What do you guys think?
Maybe I should be clearer both said this was there first flash. So I'm a little confused on that.
Just almost set to coincide with Lizz' new roster update, there's also a Saves Update for you good people to enjoy. I see that we've had some new entries this time around.
It is almost Clock Day over here being five hours ahead 1st August 2010 ,9 years since the mighty Clock Crew began on 2001. I cant get over how fast the year has gone. I got about 60 b/p last year but I don't know if I will be able to top it this year. Anyone seen the latest episode of Mastermind 5? I did the other day I thought it was a bit of a letdown compared to the others. This one did not to me anyway seem as funny as the other ones.
At 7/31/10 06:14 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: It is almost Clock Day over here being five hours ahead 1st August 2010 ,9 years since the mighty Clock Crew began on 2001. I cant get over how fast the year has gone. I got about 60 b/p last year but I don't know if I will be able to top it this year. Anyone seen the latest episode of Mastermind 5? I did the other day I thought it was a bit of a letdown compared to the others. This one did not to me anyway seem as funny as the other ones.
Um, if I'm not mistaken, isn't Clock Day August 15th? Or do they celebrate it on a different day over there on your side of the pond? Just curious, is all...
Um, if I'm not mistaken, isn't Clock Day August 15th? Or do they celebrate it on a different day over there on your side of the pond? Just curious, is all...
No you are correct it is August 15th don't know why I got it wrong silly me. it is on a sunday in about two weeks time I'm a bet premature!
umm stolen flash? The original is from Youtube. here are the links 3954 5o&feature=related
Thanks for the update Lizz! It does feel like a long time, and with 5 new member joining up it has been a hell of a month.
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
11) 22,802 | 0,791 | 25.52 | -- 015.31 | RohantheBarbarian Lt. General -1
Looks like I spoke too soon about being a perennial #10, but looks like unless another high-ranking member joins up, I'll be at #11 for a while, seeing as I'm miles behind DumbassDude and will continue to be so given his pace, and equally I'm miles ahead of you Lizz :P
At 8/1/10 12:43 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of August 1st, 2010:
Good afternoon to the EGB!
I hope you are all well today, I'm feeling a bit rough after a bit of a shitty night.
Was it really shitty? Or was the "I had a big party, got drunk and now I feel sick" kind of shitty? Whatever it was, I hope you get better soon! Thanks for taking your time to post this here even if you're not feeling OK, you're a real soldier :)
As you all know, Clock day will be upon us in T-Minus 14 and a half days, and I'd like to make a suggestion to you all. I was wondering whether we could have a before and after roster for Clock day? Then we will be able to see how much we all gained?
It would be fun, though I would still like September's update to take today's stats into account...
Congrats to all of you guys, once again I'm happy to be in both lists :D
Entering The List::
Welcome! And even if you already told us about the Yamor/Cootie thing, you could have excluded Cootie's name from this list :P (and sushi's too, BTW)
At 8/1/10 12:44 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Top 5 Gainers::
byteslinger - 2,120
Coop83 - 1,400
DumbassDude - 1,269
Ismael92 - 1,033
EagleRock - 1,022
Top gainers, repeat appearances::
byteslinger (19)
Coop83 (18)
Ismael92 (5)
EagleRock (2)
DumbassDude (2)
Congrats to you all, we're the same five who were here last month, lol
Also, I can't believe I gained more than our illustrious leader :o
Thanks again for the roster!
At 8/1/10 12:44 PM, Lizzardis wrote: The List:
No. B/P | Gain | Avg. | Change | Username
15) 11,247 | 0,616 | 19.87 | -- 009.28 | SlntCobra1 Praporshchik -2
19) 06,656 | 0,040 | 01.29 | -- 021.57 | phantomlassuk Staff Sergeant -3
HAHAHA! Come on Lassuk, pick up your game girl! Or are you still feeling like crap because of your ear infection?
Also Lizz, might I suggest you use the vertical separators like you do for the rest of the roster instead of the forward slashes when you make the "No. B/P Gain Avg. Change Username" part of the roster? Here's another thought, you might try abbreviating the word Average to Avg. so it might look a little neater and a bit more in line.
Just a couple suggestions, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, by any means of the word. :) I'm not trying to be nit picky, just thought I'd toss in my two cents because it takes me about 2-5 minutes to figure out which column goes with which.
Top 5 Gainers::
byteslinger - 2,120
Coop83 - 1,400
DumbassDude - 1,269
Ismael92 - 1,033
EagleRock - 1,022
DAMMIT! Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised as my mom had to use my laptop for about a week and a half since hers was in the shop. :\ I was 406 B/P points away from being in a tie with Eagle for 5th place in the top 5 gainers. And Ismael, you only got 11 more than Eagle. I wouldn't gloat about it too much. Now, had you gotten say 500 more, then you'd have reason to gloat. :P
SHit, I lost 4 positions and I never entered the top 5...
God, am I so shitty?? Phew!
Also, congrats, Milestoners and Rankers Uppers. lol
Hi, Lizz! Thanks for the update. As always, a job well done.
Congrats to all the members who reached a milestone, and a special salute to all who received a well-deserved promotion! for capturing the stat information before and after Clock Day:
I just added a new table to the EGB log system - it's a DAILY snapshot of everyone's stats, which automatically writes a record for each member for every day, starting Aug. 1, 2010. The data will be a snapshot at or near midnight of that day, so it's the "end of the day" picture.
In the next week or so (before Clockday), I will put together a "daily difference" program where you will be able to put in two dates (from 8/1/2010 or later) and the system will figure out the B/P changes from those two day's snapshots. I will also add a "download" option so you can pull the raw data down and do what you'd like with it.
That should let us know how we do from one day to the next. If it works out well, I may even add a new set of views on the EGB Website so we can see some of the daily changes...
Hope that will help. Gotta keep those minions happy - and sometimes you need more than cookies.
I hope you feel better Lizzardis and thanks for the monthly roaster gosh the time goes by quick. I like the idea of a roster on Clock Day August 15th not 1st I cant believe I got it wrong. Yes my b/p a bit rubbish lately, but I'm not one for getting much. I get maybe an average 1 or 2 per day. But my ear infection I don't think was the reason of my bad b/p but it did not really help. Looking it was a bit crap need to do more b/ping.
At 8/1/10 12:43 PM, Lizzardis wrote:
Yay! Update!
aldlv - 24K saves
Yay! Milestone!
05) 36,416 | 0,287 | 09.26 | -- 031.50 | aldlv Sup. Commander
wait, what the heck?... i just got 287, in a month? shit
I used to make that in a week...
i miss the old times
At 8/1/10 12:43 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of August 1st, 2010:
Thanks Lizzardis
I hope you are all well today, I'm feeling a bit rough after a bit of a shitty night. I'm not going to explain why on here, but let's just say I was very disorientated and spent an hour of my night violently throwing up and then passing out.
Sounds like a crazy night, I'd be stretching it by saying it was my kind of night. Not the biggest fan of violently throwing up, hah. Slow down on the summer parties mate, assuming it's that.
Anyway, enough about me, let's get on with the roster. Yes the roster. I feel as if I haven't done an update in a LONG LONG while, even though it's only been about a month.
It has been a pretty long month, it's been eventful for me too, plus time goes by slower during the summer holidays in my opinion. Good thing too.
As you all know, Clock day will be upon us in T-Minus 14 and a half days, and I'd like to make a suggestion to you all. I was wondering whether we could have a before and after roster for Clock day? Then we will be able to see how much we all gained?
Byte has sorted that out and I can't wait for Clock Day, admittingly my favourite holiday next to Pico Day. It gets me all nostalgic plus I love Clock flashes, and there are some damn good ones every year.
The rest of the day I shall spend chilling out on NG.
Only site I really chill on. Good stuff.
Enjoy the roster guys. ;)
Cheers :)
Congrats everyone, lot's of milestones this month.
DumbassDude - 20K saves, 26K total B/P
This makes my blam/protect ratio look pathetic, and it is really, though I believe I do blam when necessary, I just don't get enough of them. Mischievous little bastards.
DumbassDude - Commander
Ismael92 - Lieutenant
KidneyThief - Corporal
SlntCobra1 - Praporshchik
I'm finally in the big leagues, I just need to maintain a good B/P, but since I've been kicked out the house and sent to my dads, it is harder to get B/P because of a crappy connection and less time on my hands, looking for a job and everything.
Entering The List::
Lot's of people entering this month, odd thing is we turned away a few.
The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
07) 31,235 | 0,007 | 00.23 | -- 090.79 | ArtDanVal Sup. Commander
08) 27,956 | 0,007 | 00.23 | -- 090.79 | Sir-Nuts Commander NEW
09) 27,833 | 0,000 | 00.00 | -- 100.00 | idiot-buster Commander -1
10) 26,499 | 1,269 | 40.94 | + 007.63 | DumbassDude Commander -1
Top 5 Gainers::
Coop83 - 1,400
DumbassDude - 1,269
I probably could have topped Coop if I had B/P'ed much at all last week, but I'm pretty happy with my pace. 40B/P a day isn't bad :p
Top gainers, repeat appearances::
DumbassDude (2)
If I hadn't left the EGB last year, I probably could have gotten 10 months by now. Hoping to get shitloads on Clock Day.
Obvious impersonation of an official Gorillaz staff member. No links to any websites on the account's userpage, as well as an e-mail address that has nothing to do with the real Gorillaz website. The fact that this was submitted and flagged just a few days ago too just makes me think this is the same author who did that, just under a different name.
Flash in question:
Yet here is the same flash on Addictinggames added to AG on 6/24/2010 and released 7/2/2010. -blast-game.html
The author's name on the submission on AG is Joe Best. I know this Spectre guy has 2 other flashes, but he has no link on his profile to his profile on AG.
Thoughts anyone?
Ahhh, the excitement of the roster always did revive the thread.
Hey guys, just stopping by, unemployment leaves time for internet roaming and such. Any news?
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 8/4/10 06:26 PM, Phantom wrote: Hey guys, just stopping by, unemployment leaves time for internet roaming and such. Any news?
Well, look who's back! :D
(Not that you'd recognise me, but meh.)
I think the biggest recent news is that we got a new forum to play with (or rather, the old one was abandoned in favour of it). That's about it so far as tangible events go, though.
P.S: Coop nicked your B/P rank.
At 8/4/10 06:37 PM, Sheizenhammer wrote: (Not that you'd recognise me, but meh.)
Don't feel bad, sometimes I don't remember my own family.
P.S: Coop nicked your B/P rank.
I know, but if it took him that long to do it, I'll have it back soon. I mean, come on Coop, I've been AWOL for ages, you couldn't do a little better? (shall I avoid the ban-stick?)
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
Well well well! Looky who decided to drop in! I've a lot about you Phantom from talking Eagle over AIM. So, what have you been doing while you've bee AWOL?
Hello Phantom and well I have leveled up to level 36 and have a Tomahawk. I did not realize the old EGB forums have been abandoned. I have tried to sign up to the new forum, but I found the password thing confusing I will try again. I have looked at that account you posted but it may be legit, it won an award in 2009. I PM Tom Fulp and got a reply back and lots of the stuff has been removed. My ear has healed thankfully.
Don't worry Lassuk, it happened to me as well. That's why I let Firefox remember the info for me. Also, nice to hear your ear infection has gone away. I had an ear infection about a decade ago, it wasn't nearly as irritating as having pinkeye. >_>