At 2/21/10 06:00 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
Not to be a dick or anything but your spelling reminds me of this pic"
I have a feeling I may get banned, but this is all in good fun.
Again, no offense about your spelling and grammar ALDLV.
Okay, if everyone here wants to get technical, the language of America should be the Native American tongue. Everyone forgets that those poor bastards had been here for freakin' centuries before the Vikings ran into NewFoundland. Then then when Christopher "where the hell is India anyway - I didn't bring my GPS or a wife" Columbus discovered a new land, he told the King and Queen of Spain that he found a new land for conquest - even though he missed his mark by half the planet!
Once the Europeans started making forays to North America, they found it to be a great vacation spot. The Native Americans, who did not collect wealth and were generally living in harmony with the Earth, graciously gave these visitors land - and in return, they gave them diseases and lead poisoning. After a while, some of the Native Americans took affront to all of this, and started to fight back. So the Europeans hired mercenaries to come on in and kick some brick-red butt.
Later, the Spanish decided that not only did this new land look like a great place to live, but the ignorant primitives who had an Earth-based religion for many millennia needed to be saved by way of Jesus Christ. Now, trying to explain JC to the Native Americans is like trying to teach somebody with no feet how to tie a sneaker - it doesn't make sense. Well, that made it too challenging, so the Crusades began, and those who didn't follow JC wound up on the wrong side of dead.
Then after that, Britain sent out some of their own ships, and formed colonies all along the East Coast. These were met with varying degrees of resistance and friendship, but no matter how you sliced it, the Native Americans kept getting pushed off their land . Eventually, there were 13 colonies, which then became independent of Britain, and now a brand-new country was formed on the eastern side of a large continent that had already been spoken for,
Of course, religion followed, and the concept of "manifest destiny" was formed - meaning that it was "God's will" that the USA keep going west and taking all that it could - until they hit the left side of the continent. Hell, we didn't even stop there - we eventually grabbed Alaska from the Russians and Hawaii from the Philippines, and made a few small islands in the Caribbean our territories. All in the name of religion, we systematically vanquished the natives and their cultures. All that's left of the Native Americans are a few small spots of reservations, where we continue to pillage them by setting up casinos and cheap smoke-shops.
So, while all of you are debating over English and Spanish as the American Language, you are all forgetting that those are not the languages that were first spoken here. I just wanted to set the record straight!
(translated: That's all to say - may God bless you!)