Honestly, I agree with what Slash is doing. I think that he has already said enough, but I would like to show that he's not alone and I agree with all of this.
The BBB (Barracks Bulletin Board) will be a nice and easy way to keep track of the current NG situation. Yes, you can go to the portals and check the situation for yourself if you want to, but it's also good to check that thread now and then to have an idea of what's going on. And if you were inactive for a couple of days, for example, you can go there to catch up on what has happened during your absence.
The violations list will also come in handy, it's good to keep a record of things, especially because you'll be able to easily see if there's any reiterated offense done by the same person. And the preliminary investigations thread is not new at all, but it's also a way to talk about rule breaking users without taking it all to this thread.
About the "current NG situation", it's indeed pretty bad. People stealing awards is nothing new, but that doesn't mean it's not important. If a spammer steals any award, yeah, the flash will be deleted, but there's people who lost the chance to win an important award because of that.
And even about less important awards such as the Turd of the Week, it's really sad to see people trying to get it on purpose. Yeah, they are only getting an award saying that the flash is indeed shitty, but the turd wasn't meant for that. I remember that when I was a noob, a long time ago, I always used to watch the turd of the week. As the FAQ says, it was always funny (in a bad way), and I also laughed at it. But no, now that doesn't happen anymore, all because of some stupid people who think it's funny to get it. It really makes me angry.
And you just can't ignore that child pornography was uploaded. Thats one of the biggest offenses, not on Newgrounds, but in the Internet. Real people actually go to jail for that, you know? There are just no words to describe how fucked up someone must be to upload that to any place, and to consider it funny.
Yeah, you may say that no-one cares about all of this. But we do, and that's why we are a part of the EGB.