At 6/7/09 11:50 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Oh come on Byte, now you're just being a complete show-off. Not cool. I at least did all my work FROM SCRATCH. That is excluding the Fun with portals pics I put up here, and here.
I told you I'm not an artist - I can't really do original work. What I was trying to do is see what kind of image we're looking for. I just threw this together so we can get some ideas where to go. That's why I'm not on backgrounds - I can't draw to save my life. I'd like to learn, but I don't even have a tablet. I'm sure your original hand-drawn work will be far better than this. Please don't take it as a personal affront.
At 6/8/09 04:24 AM, Coop83 wrote: I was kind of thinking that we needed to have some sort of M*A*S*H style tent, with EGB across the top of it.
No disrespect intended, but do we need to have a sign saying "SlashFirestorm Commander"? I mean, it's great while the place is running well, but if something fucks up, it does tend to point the blame straight at him saying "This is all his fault", knowing full well, that if anything he's going to be the one trying to restore order.
I see your points. But I would think that if we have been established for 4+ years, we might have set up a more permanent base camp beyond a tent? As for what's on the sign - hey, it's a sign, we can make say whatever we want. If you don't want to put Slash's name on it, that's cool. Remember, this was just a concept, and I expected some feedback - but it does make everyone think "yeah, that's close, but" or "What the hell is she drinkin?" or "nope, not quite". That's all good. Let's get the creative juices flowing!