At 6/7/09 05:43 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
Regardless, you're still a mod and if something goes awry while you're hanging about, the EGB might as well be up shit's creek. But then again, who knows.
Yep, that's how it usually goes. I still have nothing against the mods though; I just tend to avoid them most of the time. I've had some bad experiences with mods. *cough*Stamper*cough*
Also, how come no one has commented on my pic I posted a while ago?
T_T I feel ignored.
I missed it. I think it's pretty good, but a darker shade of green is in order, and it needs more tears to it, so that it shows age. :)
Align the letters better.
At 6/7/09 05:58 PM, Ismael92 wrote:
Uhmm... But whether the EGB is active or not has nothing to do with we being online.
Actually, it does, because if you're constantly checking the EGB to see the latest activity, you will probably read the thread and be online a lot longer than you would if you had nothing to read here.
At 6/7/09 06:28 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote:
Well I could've had a better version of it if I had a tablet, but I don't. Also, the best I could draw was a building that had a slanted roof. Hence why it's at an angle. Plus I know the lines aren't that straight. In addition, don't most buildings have something on their roofs to let you know what that building is? That's what I was going for.
Maybe you could draw it on paper first? That usually will make it a lot easier to put into flash or photoshop. It's a good concept, but it needs work. I like the way you did it though.
At 6/7/09 10:57 PM, byteslinger wrote:
I was just messing around with Photoshop and some images I found, and came up with this: - is this too rustic or are we going to go retro (like old-school WW II or Korea?). Not trying to upstage anyone - just had a creative urge, is all...
That's pretty cool. You could improve on the coloring though. It's sorta hard to read the text on the sign, where it is over the image of the Supreme Commander. It's a good piece of work though. I prefer to draw everything completely by hand though.
Well, I'm going to be getting back to the portal.