At 4/7/09 01:57 PM, sonofkirk wrote:
Thanks for the screen shots, you could send them to me next time I catch you on AIM.
Yeah whenever I get the time to. Also, only a screenshot. :( Sorry I was busy B/Pi..... I mean studying and doing stuff outside of the computer that day.
It really was a bad day though because someone thought it would be funny to turn the fire alarm on at 3 in the morning. Even though that wasn't bad enough they dumped vomit and rotten milk at all exits. O.o Not a good joke at all.
Also I have no idea how that blog got there... I can assume a dirty statwhore with a fucked up toe made it because he fails at life and have nothing else to do :P.
Except that it bleeds most days and it has no toenail.
At 4/8/09 08:06 PM, puddinN64 wrote: Just to let all of you guys know, me and Corky52 are now officially B.F.F.'s.
Also, what else is new?
Lol wut?
Also, good news for me. I only need one more medal to have all of them.
On the topic of a literature portal I personally can't wait to submit some of my stories. Even though two more portals means two more different types of reviews to write.. which means more statwhoring. It just doesn't ever stop does it?