i am actually going to join the marines next year
i am actually going to join the marines next year
At 3/12/09 02:56 PM, pirogpod wrote: hey dudes i actually was going to start a club like this but i saw this thing and i decided to not start it so can i join this sweet club
Hello there! I'm the Barracks Recruitment Officer, Supreme Commander Slash Firestorm. While I'm glad to see your interest in the Elite Guard Barracks, I must regretfully inform you that you do not meet the admissions requirements.
To be considered for the Elite Guard Barracks, you must be of Private rank or higher (2500+ B/P), and have an intact whistle (Normal or higher).
Anyone over the rank of Security Guard (400+ B/P) can apply to the Newgrounds Police Headquarters, where they can work on their B/P'ing, whistling, and other skills until they reach Private.
If you have any questions about Newgrounds, the NGPD/EGB, or anything, feel free to PM me.
At 3/12/09 02:12 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: On that note...
All Barracks members can go to this thread to vote on whether they think the current "Normal or better" whistle requirement is good enough, or if they'd rather have the minimum whistle level (and, if so, to Bronze, Silver, or Gold).
Silver sound good to me, when you have only a normal it means that you really have not used your whistle at all and would have a higher rate of flagging the wrong things since they don't use there whistle much. bronze is a good start but it really does not take more that a few days at best to achieve it. I can recall when i had the garbage whistle i got my self from there to bronze in only a day and then back down again, it was a long battle to get the top one but i helped out so much.
Ain't no time limit to this, and it's really more to gauge the opinion of Barracks members than to set new policy. If the results swing hard one way or the other, though, I may go ahead and change the recruitment requirements.
I would like to see the recruitment requirements be more strict because as of late i've seen so meny people get on to this list. I'm not saying they don't deserve to be on the list, but there ahve so mey new members in the past months that after a few weeks go inactive and never come back.
News flash - Coop just made himself sound like a complete arse on the EGB Forums
Spot the deliberate mistake :P
At 3/12/09 05:05 PM, Coop83 wrote: News flash - Coop just made himself sound like a complete arse on the EGB Forums
Spot the deliberate mistake :P
that there is already one
the part i liked was... 'an elite group of people', i thought we already were elite XD
wow.. short post... i didn't like it very much
and the portal is so slow right now...
when do you think the portal will start getting a lot of flashes? (about June or something?)
well, I better back to studies
Requesting permission to join, sir! Not all day long on the portal, but mainly in the evening. SIR!
At 3/13/09 02:59 AM, darkh wrote: Requesting permission to join, sir! Not all day long on the portal, but mainly in the evening. SIR!
Denied, civilian. To join our ranks you must be at least a Private in Blam/Protection in the Flash Portal.
Meet the FAQ, as of now, it will be your best friend.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 3/12/09 05:23 PM, aldlv wrote: and the portal is so slow right now...
when do you think the portal will start getting a lot of flashes? (about June or something?)
Idk when ever then next big day comes along or something hopefully there will be tons of flashes in the portal. But the thing about that is there will also be also of blammed flashes as well as actual good quality ones.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
Hi there, how was your day? I'm just stopping by there to tell you I posted some links in the Abusive Reviews Investigations Thread. I won't post here each time I post in that abusive reviews thread, I just do it for the first time hopefully people will check the thread out every now and then. I wish good luck to everyone who is on a quest of the Deity whistle :).
The next big day is Pico Day, April 30. Usually quite a few awesome submissions, including staff-contributed ones, along with the usual surge in spam and non-related flashes. There are flash group holidays all over the calendar, but with more and more of the larger groups becoming defunct, few of those will be anything to be concerned about.
Anyway, the rollcall responses are coming in nicely, and I have received word that someone important might be dropping by soon. Some of the newer members might not know who he is, but we'll catch y'all up, heh.
In other news, the response to the poll on raising the whistle requirements for new recruits is rather one-sided thus far. Most votes are in favor of raising it, and most in favor of raising it think Bronze would be a fair increase. While I personally voted for Silver, I can get behind Bronze...it shows that a Newgrounder knows how to use his whistle, and use it properly, and yet is still a rather easily-attainable goal (50 whistle points is the generally-accepted guess).
So, any comments on the idea? Good idea, bad idea? And then there's the question of what to do if a prospective recruit is otherwise excellent---good B/P ratio, nice posts and helpful reviews---but has a normal whistle. We could hold off of recruitment until they've got one (which, for someone skilled, doesn't take too long), or give them some sort of boot camp/apprentice-type deal, where they're not full members until they have Bronze. Maybe Soldiers-in-training or something. I dunno.
That reminds me, I've got to re-pimp the concept of Guardsman at the NGPD as part of the Barracks restructuring...
At 3/13/09 02:20 PM, sonofkirk wrote: Hi there, how was your day? I'm just stopping by there to tell you I posted some links in the Abusive Reviews Investigations Thread. I won't post here each time I post in that abusive reviews thread, I just do it for the first time hopefully people will check the thread out every now and then. I wish good luck to everyone who is on a quest of the Deity whistle :).
Thanks for those links. This thread is a real blessing. I was really disappointed when Rage's thread went. I learnt how to use my whistle thanks to that thread.
I hope that, as I can't go out in the evenings and don't have any homework, I can make a lot of progress on the NG front this weekend. I'd like to stay up until prime time and beyond and get some B/Ping done.
I'm glad the EGB forums are becoming more active, but I hope they can become even more active, so get posted. I'd be interested in some opinions on the school shootings.
Wow, hello everyone, sorry I've not been active again, I've been a little busy with some university work and other things. Then I get distracted from coming on the BBS when my mind is preoccupied with other things. Anyway, I'm stoping by to say I will try to stay more active, lol.
Pico day, I do wonder if I am going to come up with anything, I've been far too lazy flash wise this year, I haven't got a single submission yet, lol. Of course I need to put together the collab I started a few months back.
At 3/13/09 02:44 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: That reminds me, I've got to re-pimp the concept of Guardsman at the NGPD as part of the Barracks restructuring...
I'm intrigued. What is this concept you speak of? Sorry for not including this in my earlier post, but I posted that one before reading this.
AHEM: Reporting in for duty sirs.
Sorry as well for not coming around as I should've, but l'm gonna do my best to get back into B/Ping once I get back from vacation. <3
At 3/13/09 02:44 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Anyway, the rollcall responses are coming in nicely, and I have received word that someone important might be dropping by soon. Some of the newer members might not know who he is, but we'll catch y'all up, heh.
Not sure of what you're talking about, and probably I'm in the "newer members" category.
In other news, the response to the poll on raising the whistle requirements for new recruits is rather one-sided thus far. Most votes are in favor of raising it, and most in favor of raising it think Bronze would be a fair increase. While I personally voted for Silver, I can get behind Bronze...it shows that a Newgrounder knows how to use his whistle, and use it properly, and yet is still a rather easily-attainable goal (50 whistle points is the generally-accepted guess).
So, any comments on the idea? Good idea, bad idea? And then there's the question of what to do if a prospective recruit is otherwise excellent---good B/P ratio, nice posts and helpful reviews---but has a normal whistle. We could hold off of recruitment until they've got one (which, for someone skilled, doesn't take too long), or give them some sort of boot camp/apprentice-type deal, where they're not full members until they have Bronze. Maybe Soldiers-in-training or something. I dunno.
I think that a Bronze Whistle is good enough, at least for someone who's not in the EGB yet. After a new member joins, there will be time to work on the whistle. It's just my opinion though, if you think silver is more appropriated then I have no problem.
And if someone is a good user who deserves to be in the barracks but doesn't meet the whistle requirement, we could show them the whistle FAQ at our forums and help them improve. If someone is such a good NGer, then he/she should be a part of the EGB, but as you said, not a full member. The advancement officer could help the new person, according to the officer list in the EGB the current advancement officer is Lotus but I don't know if he still takes care of it. What a coincidence, he just posted :)
That reminds me, I've got to re-pimp the concept of Guardsman at the NGPD as part of the Barracks restructuring...
So many changes... :D
At 3/13/09 03:18 PM, Lotus wrote: AHEM: Reporting in for duty sirs.
Sorry as well for not coming around as I should've, but l'm gonna do my best to get back into B/Ping once I get back from vacation. <3
I hope you're having a great time wherever you are :D
Just got back from the dentist and saw something in the portal that sickens me, had I been there I could've stopped it.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
At 3/13/09 03:18 PM, FC-Thun-Fan wrote:At 3/13/09 02:44 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: That reminds me, I've got to re-pimp the concept of Guardsman at the NGPD as part of the Barracks restructuring...I'm intrigued. What is this concept you speak of? Sorry for not including this in my earlier post, but I posted that one before reading this.
Members of the NGPD can post in the Barracks regularly if they intend to join us upon reaching Private (and follow our rules when in our thread), serving as Guardsmen. They also receive posting access on the EGB forums, though they're restricted from voting in recruitment discussions and the like.
We used to have a few Guardsman, but they ranked up and joined us. I'll be trying to restart the idea when I make my next post in the NGPD.
At 3/13/09 03:34 PM, Ismael92 wrote: Not sure of what you're talking about, and probably I'm in the "newer members" category.
Hint: bird
At 3/13/09 06:11 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Just got back from the dentist and saw something in the portal that sickens me, had I been there I could've stopped it.
If you're referring to this charming flash, reviews indicate that it was a fileswap. Alas, I didn't see it while it was UJ, so I can't verify it.
It seems a new spam crew is trying to invade the portal. The [OO] i've never seen thies guys before and they have submitted 6 flashes that are all pure garbage and thanks to the portal guard i have just seen another get submitted. So guys take a look in the portal and judge for yourselfs, i think we should start taking some action soon.
I seriously want to join. As some people may know, I tried to start a group to destroy all the spam on newgrounds. I was soon learned of the democracy that newgrounds seems to have. I was enlightened by SlashFirestorm. He taught me what a terrible decision I made. I want to join this group because it is a more democratic and balanced system.
Pm me if I can join.
At 3/13/09 06:44 PM, idiot-buster wrote: It seems a new spam crew is trying to invade the portal. The [OO] i've never seen thies guys before and they have submitted 6 flashes that are all pure garbage and thanks to the portal guard i have just seen another get submitted. So guys take a look in the portal and judge for yourselfs, i think we should start taking some action soon.
Yep we have to be alert tonight. I hope we can sort it out. Personally I've blammed them, but you never know how many people will just presume they'll pass. It's frustrating but all we can do is vote and hope we can make a difference.
At 3/13/09 06:49 PM, FC-Thun-Fan wrote: Yep we have to be alert tonight. I hope we can sort it out. Personally I've blammed them, but you never know how many people will just presume they'll pass. It's frustrating but all we can do is vote and hope we can make a difference.
Get to the portal, keep watching and vote wisely. We'll see who still stands when this is over.
At 3/13/09 06:49 PM, FC-Thun-Fan wrote:At 3/13/09 06:44 PM, idiot-buster wrote: It seems a new spam crew is trying to invade the portal. The [OO] i've never seen thies guys before and they have submitted 6 flashes that are all pure garbage and thanks to the portal guard i have just seen another get submitted. So guys take a look in the portal and judge for yourselfs, i think we should start taking some action soon.Yep we have to be alert tonight. I hope we can sort it out. Personally I've blammed them, but you never know how many people will just presume they'll pass. It's frustrating but all we can do is vote and hope we can make a difference.
Now that i look harder at them, it almost looks to be nothing short of a spamming war The [OO] vs. the [PP]. As one there submissions that somehow passed :::we all know there were some people voting high on it::: But someone should contact Wade to take better control of this before it gets out of our hands.
At 3/13/09 06:44 PM, idiot-buster wrote: It seems a new spam crew is trying to invade the portal. The [OO] i've never seen thies guys before and they have submitted 6 flashes that are all pure garbage and thanks to the portal guard i have just seen another get submitted. So guys take a look in the portal and judge for yourselfs, i think we should start taking some action soon.
They're not breaking any rules, just submitting questionable-quality flash. Vote how you feel and move on.
At 3/13/09 06:48 PM, Daigon99 wrote: I seriously want to join. As some people may know, I tried to start a group to destroy all the spam on newgrounds. I was soon learned of the democracy that newgrounds seems to have. I was enlightened by SlashFirestorm. He taught me what a terrible decision I made. I want to join this group because it is a more democratic and balanced system.
Pm me if I can join.
I'm glad that I could straighten things out, but you need to be of Private rank or higher (2500+ B/P) to join the Barracks. Take that sense of fair voting and go to the Portal. When you reach Security Guard, you can apply at the Newgrounds Police Department, and eventually the EGB when you hit Private.
If you have any questions, ask them on my userpage or PM me. I'm glad to help.
Regardless of whether they're rule-breaking or not, it would seem that almost all of them ended up getting blammed anyway. I also noticed when I checked the obituaries that Chris Beer's latest batch of spam flashes has been deleted, along with his account, once again. Persistent little bugger.
At 3/13/09 07:39 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Regardless of whether they're rule-breaking or not, it would seem that almost all of them ended up getting blammed anyway. I also noticed when I checked the obituaries that Chris Beer's latest batch of spam flashes has been deleted, along with his account, once again. Persistent little bugger.
Can't say I'm not happy about that, heh. I just didn't want the visitors to get the wrong idea about the EGB. Remember, everyone: the only enemies of the Barracks are those who break the NG rules with their submissions. Just uploading shitty flash is not a crime. Alerting us to a sudden increase in Portal activity is fine, but unless an UJ flash is violating the rules, suggesting that we should do something them is not.
At 3/13/09 07:47 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Can't say I'm not happy about that, heh. I just didn't want the visitors to get the wrong idea about the EGB. Remember, everyone: the only enemies of the Barracks are those who break the NG rules with their submissions. Just uploading shitty flash is not a crime. Alerting us to a sudden increase in Portal activity is fine, but unless an UJ flash is violating the rules, suggesting that we should do something them is not.
I know they are not rule breaking, but i made my way into the [OO] forums. I did not even need to do anyting special, i just made account and i got access to almost everything not smart on there part. Well i took a screenshot a incriminating one to say the least saying that they will span the portal friday, which is today.
Well, the best thing to do in that case is to keep an eye on them, and try to be online whenever they plan another big submission-spree. If they really give a shit, though, they'll probably lock down their forums and/or post disinformation, so take anything you see with a grain of salt.
The [OO] just seems like they want to make history on Newgrounds or something. A wannabee spam raider group in my opinion. The quality of their flash may not be bad but i think their intent of raiding the portal should be taken into account and because of their intent i have not voted so highly on them. I gave them mostly 1's.
At 3/13/09 08:45 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: The [OO] just seems like they want to make history on Newgrounds or something. A wannabee spam raider group in my opinion. The quality of their flash may not be bad but i think their intent of raiding the portal should be taken into account and because of their intent i have not voted so highly on them. I gave them mostly 1's.
Rereading my post got me thinking that some of you may have understood by me giving them mostly 1's that i don't watch the flash. I would like to clarify and say that i do watch the flash movies but the score they would get from me is affected a lot because i don't like their intent to spam the portal and the only reason they're submitting these ok quality flash is because of that.