At 5/13/07 03:24 PM, BlackPlastic wrote: Someone did it on the top BP list
I know, but still, the reviews this guy writes are not one-liners or anything. They all seem pretty decent. Why would someone create an alt for writing hundreds of decent reviews if he could just submit them with his main account? Only reason I can think of is that he wants to review stuff twice...
At 5/13/07 11:18 PM, wizardman wrote: ...? Do I suck that badly as pasing people?
lol, yeah you´re pretty bad :)
fixed, sorry ;)
By the way, the vagrant milinko found last week is banned so I don´t know exactly how many reviews he has now. I just gave him a ±795...
Update #87
1) 17311 -007 XwaynecoltX
2) 15268 +061 KWAS71KCK
3) 04974 +005 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04571 -002 RyanAn
5) 04380 +006 YoinK
6) 04279 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S
7) 04099 -002 Cyberdevil
8) 03867 +086 Hamy-jamy (+1)
9) 03859 +073 milinko959 (-1)
10) 3522 +001 Molotov
11) 3440 +000 j00bie
12) 2361 -002 Bezman
13) 2330 -001 Violet-AIM
14) 2082 -004 thepromaster
15) 2037 +000 artificial
16) 1863 +000 Compdude
17) 1855 +000 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1731 -001 Evil-C
19) 1674 +000 SeizureDog
20) 1663 +000 RemRulzz
21) 1587 +001 jonthomson
22) 1531 -001 iscrulz
23) 1483 +000 AntiGravity
24) 1424 +000 DevastatoR-da-X
25) 1385 +000 Michelangelo
26) 1379 +000 DUDE4U
27) 1355 +000 MegaGold
28) 1335 +000 ramagi
29) 1295 +030 wizardman (+1)
30) 1293 -001 zeppelinstl2007 (-1)
31) 1259 +000 Archile
32) 1231 +000 Livecorpse
33) 1229 +001 Frenzy
34) 1208 +002 S-K
35) 1167 +000 TigerChick
36) 1163 +000 bila
37) 1134 +004 MAYORMCHEESE (+1)
38) 1133 +000 Chris-Aldin (-1)
39) 1127 +000 OrgGladiator
40) 1100 -001 angstdrillhead
41) 1093 -001 Freelance-Magician
42) 1067 +000 HeRetiK
43) 1035 -001 GAMECUBICLE
44) 1020 +005 IceDragon64 (+1)
45) 1018 +000 Zouk (-1)
46) 0999 +000 kospas
47) 0997 +000 Static
48) 0989 +000 Bahamut
49) 0989 +009 hongkongexpress
50) 0979 +000 Dxkpower