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The Top 100 Reviewers List

484,666 Views | 4,900 Replies
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Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-28 06:22:44

At 1/26/07 07:53 AM, Darkside7000 wrote: I have 670 reviews, do I have to post to make the list?

Anyway I should be there somewhere.

You don´t have to. But thanks a lot for posting anyway. I´ve never seen you before and I don´t think you would´ve been on it if you hadn´t posted here :) Congrats on entering the top 100.

And also congrats to XwaynecoltX again on writing another 1000 reviews :)

Update #71
1) 17002 +162 XwaynecoltX
2) 13995 +105 KWAS71KCK
3) 05021 -002 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04634 -007 RyanAn
5) 04327 -009 YoinK
6) 04297 -003 M-A-R-C-U-S
7) 04133 -004 Cyberdevil
8) 03515 +001 Molotov
9) 03496 -004 Hamy-jamy
10) 3458 -001 j00bie
11) 3248 +039 milinko959
12) 2364 -004 Violet-AIM
13) 2157 +000 Bezman
14) 2100 -001 thepromaster
15) 2047 -007 artificial
16) 1879 -003 Compdude
17) 1863 -011 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1764 +000 Evil-C
19) 1724 -001 DUDE4U
20) 1692 +001 SeizureDog
21) 1673 +000 RemRulzz
22) 1594 +000 jonthomson
23) 1526 +000 IndianapolisColts
24) 1508 -004 AntiGravity
25) 1436 -002 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1388 -001 Michelangelo
27) 1347 +002 MegaGold
28) 1307 +000 ramagi
29) 1295 -002 zeppelinstl2007
30) 1273 -001 Archile
31) 1266 -004 Livecorpse
32) 1241 +000 Frenzy
33) 1218 +000 wizardman
34) 1190 +000 S-K
35) 1183 -004 Dxkpower
36) 1180 -001 TigerChick
37) 1159 +005 bila
38) 1137 -001 OrgGladiator
39) 1132 +000 Chris-Aldin
40) 1125 +000 MAYORMCHEESE
41) 1109 -005 angstdrillhead
42) 1106 +000 Freelance-Magician
43) 1077 -002 HeRetiK
44) 1024 -001 Zouk
45) 1021 +000 GAMECUBICLE
46) 1012 +000 kospas
47) 1003 -002 Static
48) 0992 +001 Bahamut
49) 0977 +000 carmelhadinosaur (+1)
50) 0974 -003 Nylo (-1)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-28 06:23:46

51) 0953 +000 RenegadeGirl
52) 0934 +000 U-Frontin
53) 0928 -001 Darklilangel23
54) 0925 +003 hongkongexpress
55) 0904 -001 Th-e
56) 0884 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
57) 0863 +000 Starberry
58) 0860 -001 VelvetDarkRocks
59) 0856 +000 FatherGilpin
60) 0855 +001 Jeffshaw
61) 0852 +000 Blackplastic
62) 0847 +001 R3dF0x
63) 0835 +000 wegra2
64) 0835 +012 BMX007 (+3)
65) 0832 -001 TheSoulMan (-1)
66) 0827 -001 Fatblimp23 (-1)
67) 0823 -002 FireHound (-1)
68) 0821 -001 ornery-scotsman
69) 0811 -003 MappyTheKlown
70) 0809 +001 RandomFreak
71) 0804 +000 vdibv
72) 0797 -001 RoweNuts
73) 0795 +011 IceDragon64
74) 0776 +000 AnzRage (+1)
75) 0775 -001 rtil (-1)
76) 0769 -001 EZ3
77) 0769 +000 Havok44
78) 0764 -001 Admiral8Q
79) 0748 -001 Geminate
80) 0740 -001 bumcheekcity
81) 0734 +015 Cajunspirit (+5)
82) 0731 +000 Zamochit-1 (-1)
83) 0727 +000 MasterStalker (-1)
84) 0725 -002 Xalyx (-1)
85) 0720 +000 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
86) 0720 +000 OCP-Lock (-1)
87) 0704 +000 Hydecka
88) 0691 +000 Ventar
89) 0690 +000 xvllvx
90) 0680 +000 Canas
91) 0674 +003 Sir-CannibusClock
92) 0672 +014 wegra2007 (+1)
93) 0667 +000 pauliojr (-1)
94) 0667 +??? Darkside7000 (New)
95) 0652 -002 stick0 (-1)
96) 0652 -001 UND (-1)
97) 0648 +000 gfoxcook (-1)
98) 0646 +000 doodytheclownfan (-1)
99) 0642 +000 swive (-1)
100) 641 +000 Bowserpants (-1)

Most reviews written: XwaynecoltX
Most reviews lost: AfroUnderscoreStud
Most ranked up: Cajunspirit
Most ranked down: Nylo, TheSoulman, Fatblimp23, rtil, Zamochit-1, MasterStalker, Xalyx, SwitchBladeClock, OCP-Lock, pauliojr, stick0, UND, gfoxcook, doodytheclownfan, swive, Bowserpants, Credic2
New: Darkside7000
Off: Bowserpants / Credic2

Top 10 this week:
01) +162 | XwaynecoltX
02) +105 | KWAS71KCK
03) +039 | milinko959
04) +015 | Cajunspirit
05) +014 | wegra2007
06) +012 | BMX007
07) +011 | IceDragon64
08) +005 | bila
09) +003 | hongkongexpress
10) +003 | Sir-CannibusClock

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-28 08:20:54

Thanks for the update, Auz! And congrats to all winners!

And, X, you're almost at 20,000 reviews! :o That's like 1/4 of all the flashes on NG as of now!

And welcome to the new people! :)

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-28 08:28:33

At 1/28/07 06:22 AM, Auz wrote: And also congrats to XwaynecoltX again on writing another 1000 reviews :)

Congrats to him on 17k reviews.

Update #71

Nice update Auz.

1) 17002 +162 XwaynecoltX

Good, you're back.

48) 0992 +001 Bahamut

Yay for me! :P

At 1/28/07 06:23 AM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: XwaynecoltX

Congrats to him.

Most reviews lost: AfroUnderscoreStud


Most ranked up: Cajunspirit

Congrats to him.

Most ranked down: lots of people


New: Darkside7000


Off: Bowserpants / Credic2


Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-28 09:19:51

At 1/28/07 06:22 AM, Auz wrote: And also congrats to XwaynecoltX again on writing another 1000 reviews :)

Heh, congrats to ~X~ on reaching 17000 reviews.

16) 1879 -003 Compdude
17) 1863 -011 AfroUnderscoreStud

Looks like I lost a lot of reviews this week.

Most reviews written: XwaynecoltX

Congrats to ~X~ on writing the most reviews over this last week.

Most reviews lost: AfroUnderscoreStud

Excellent. I've been wanting this award for a while now, it's been too long since I last got it...

Nice update Auz, thanks for taking your time to do it =)

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-29 16:28:17

Still about 200 until I get into the top 10 :( this is going way too slow.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-29 19:48:46

Nice update. Most people around me lost reviews.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-31 04:33:00

Yay I made the list. Good job!

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-31 06:36:41

At 1/28/07 06:22 AM, Auz wrote:

Nice update Auz

26) 1388 -001 Michelangelo
27) 1347 +002 MegaGold

Plus 2 is not bad, plus Mich lost one making me even a bit closer, I won't be at number 26 for a long time though. I should really try getting back to doing at least 10 a week, I feel lazy.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-01-31 07:08:38

Wow! Nice update! al that people have somuch reviews! They are all freaks!

Just Joking! :p


BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 14:07:35

There were huge losses for two users this week. SirCannibusClock lost 47 reviews and falls off (Bowserpants and Credic2 now share the 99th and 100th spot). DUDE4U loses 224 reviews :s

Update #72
1) 17007 +005 XwaynecoltX
2) 14087 +092 KWAS71KCK
3) 05018 -003 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04629 -005 RyanAn
5) 04327 +000 YoinK
6) 04296 -001 M-A-R-C-U-S
7) 04132 -001 Cyberdevil
8) 03513 -002 ChicagoBears
9) 03494 -002 Hamy-jamy
10) 3458 +000 j00bie
11) 3254 +006 milinko959
12) 2361 -003 Violet-AIM
13) 2177 +020 Bezman
14) 2099 -001 thepromaster
15) 2047 +000 artificial
16) 1878 -001 Compdude
17) 1861 -002 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1762 -002 Evil-C
19) 1692 +000 SeizureDog (+1)
20) 1673 +000 RemRulzz (+1)
21) 1594 +000 jonthomson (+1)
22) 1527 +001 IndianapolisColts (+1)
23) 1507 -001 AntiGravity (+1)
24) 1500 -224 DUDE4U (-5)
25) 1435 -001 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1388 +000 Michelangelo
27) 1351 +004 MegaGold
28) 1307 +000 ramagi
29) 1295 +000 zeppelinstl2007
30) 1273 +000 Archile
31) 1266 +000 Livecorpse
32) 1242 +001 Frenzy
33) 1218 +000 wizardman
34) 1188 -002 S-K
35) 1182 -001 Dxkpower
36) 1180 +000 TigerChick
37) 1161 +002 bila
38) 1137 +000 OrgGladiator
39) 1132 +000 Chris-Aldin
40) 1129 +004 MAYORMCHEESE
41) 1109 +000 angstdrillhead
42) 1106 +000 Freelance-Magician
43) 1076 -001 HeRetiK
44) 1024 +000 Zouk
45) 1022 +001 GAMECUBICLE
46) 1011 -001 kospas
47) 1003 +000 Static
48) 0993 +001 Bahamut
49) 0977 +000 carmelhadinosaur
50) 0973 -001 Nylo

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 14:09:02

51) 0953 +000 RenegadeGirl
52) 0933 -001 U-Frontin
53) 0928 +000 Darklilangel23
54) 0926 +001 hongkongexpress
55) 0903 -001 Th-e
56) 0884 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
57) 0863 +000 Starberry
58) 0862 +002 VelvetDarkRocks
59) 0856 +000 FatherGilpin
60) 0856 +001 Jeffshaw
61) 0852 +000 Blackplastic
62) 0847 +000 R3dF0x
63) 0847 +012 BMX007 (+1)
64) 0835 +000 wegra2 (-1)
65) 0833 +001 TheSoulMan
66) 0826 -001 Fatblimp23
67) 0826 +005 ornery-scotsman (+1)
68) 0823 +000 FireHound (-1)
69) 0823 +028 IceDragon64 (+4)
70) 0809 +000 RandomFreak
71) 0807 -004 MappyTheKlown (-2)
72) 0804 +000 vdibv (-1)
73) 0796 -001 RoweNuts (-1)
74) 0777 +001 AnzRage
75) 0775 +000 rtil
76) 0769 +000 EZ3
77) 0769 +000 Havok44
78) 0764 +000 Admiral8Q
79) 0748 +000 Geminate
80) 0738 -002 bumcheekcity
81) 0735 +001 Cajunspirit
82) 0731 +000 Zamochit-1
83) 0727 +000 MasterStalker
84) 0725 +000 Xalyx
85) 0720 +000 SwitchBladeClock
86) 0720 +000 OCP-Lock
87) 0714 +047 Darkside7000 (+7)
88) 0704 +000 Hydecka (-1)
89) 0691 +000 Ventar (-1)
90) 0689 -001 xvllvx (-1)
91) 0680 +000 Canas (-1)
92) 0673 +001 wegra2007
93) 0667 +000 pauliojr
94) 0652 +000 stick0 (+1)
95) 0650 -002 UND (+1)
96) 0648 +000 gfoxcook (+1)
97) 0646 +000 doodytheclownfan (+1)
98) 0643 +001 swive (+1)
99) 0641 +000 Bowserpants (New*)
100) 641 +000 Credic2 (New*)

Most reviews written: KWAS71KCK
Most reviews lost: DUDE4U
Most ranked up: Darkside7000
Most ranked down: Sir-CannibusClock
New: Bowserpants / Credic2
Off: Sir-CannibusClock

Top 10 most written:
01) +92 | KWAS71KCK
02) +47 | Darkside7000
03) +28 | IdeDragon64
04) +20 | Bezman
05) +12 | BMX007
06) +06 | milinko959
07) +05 | XwaynecoltX
08) +05 | ornery-scotsman
10) +04 | MegaGold

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 14:15:45

At 2/4/07 02:07 PM, Auz wrote: DUDE4U loses 224 reviews :s

Hahaha brilliant.

16) 1878 -001 Compdude
17) 1861 -002 AfroUnderscoreStud

Damn, that gap just keeps getting bigger.

Nice update Auz, thanks for taking your time to do it =)

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 14:31:01

At 2/4/07 02:07 PM, Auz wrote: DUDE4U loses 224 reviews :s

lmfao. Not sure why he lost that many reviews, but I'd hate to have that many reviews lost in a single week.

Update #72

Nice update Auz.

48) 0993 +001 Bahamut

I went up by one review, yay!

At 2/4/07 02:09 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews written: KWAS71KCK


Most ranked up: Darkside7000


New: Bowserpants / Credic2


Off: Sir-CannibusClock


Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 16:18:08

Cheers Auz and well done to all who're happy with the quality/quantity of their reviews.

At 2/4/07 02:15 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
Hahaha brilliant.

New level? Congrats.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 18:26:49

Great update, Auz, and congrats to all award winners!

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-04 22:39:50

Dude4u sets a new record. -224 reviews, wow, scary.

And the gap between Frenzy and me is stil about the same. That's good cuz I'm not reviewing. Still doing my futile boycott.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-05 00:54:57

Most reviews written: KWAS71KCK

Wow, almost double mine.

Most reviews lost: DUDE4U

OUCH! What happened there?

Most ranked up: Darkside7000


Most ranked down: Sir-CannibusClock

Now I see why you made that flash lol

New: Bowserpants / Credic2

Welcome back Credic.
Off: Sir-CannibusClock

You called me a fag. Thats not very nice :(

The Top 100 Reviewers List

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-11 15:16:05

Update #73
1) 16992 -015 XwaynecoltX
2) 14197 +110 KWAS71KCK
3) 05014 -004 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04624 -005 RyanAn
5) 04327 +000 YoinK
6) 04293 -003 M-A-R-C-U-S
7) 04130 -002 Cyberdevil
8) 03512 -001 ChicagoBears
9) 03490 -004 Hamy-jamy
10) 3457 -001 j00bie
11) 3259 +005 milinko959
12) 2361 +000 Violet-AIM
13) 2232 +055 Bezman
14) 2098 -001 thepromaster
15) 2047 +000 artificial
16) 1878 +000 Compdude
17) 1861 +000 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1762 +000 Evil-C
19) 1691 -001 SeizureDog
20) 1671 -002 RemRulzz
21) 1593 -001 jonthomson
22) 1527 +000 iscrulz
23) 1507 +000 AntiGravity
24) 1496 -004 DUDE4U
25) 1434 -001 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1388 +000 Michelangelo
27) 1352 +001 MegaGold
28) 1307 +000 ramagi
29) 1294 -001 zeppelinstl2007
30) 1272 -001 Archile
31) 1264 -002 Livecorpse
32) 1242 +000 Frenzy
33) 1218 +000 wizardman
34) 1188 +000 S-K
35) 1182 +000 Dxkpower
36) 1179 -001 TigerChick
37) 1162 +001 bila
38) 1137 +000 OrgGladiator
39) 1132 +000 Chris-Aldin
40) 1132 +003 MAYORMCHEESE
41) 1107 -002 angstdrillhead
42) 1106 +000 Freelance-Magician
43) 1074 -002 HeRetiK
44) 1024 +002 GAMECUBICLE (+1)
45) 1022 -002 Zouk (-1)
46) 1011 +000 kospas
47) 1003 +000 Static
48) 0992 -001 Bahamut
49) 0978 +001 carmelhadinosaur
50) 0972 -001 Nylo

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-11 15:19:02

51) 0953 +000 RenegadeIscle
52) 0933 +000 U-Frontin
53) 0931 +005 hongkongexpress (+1)
54) 0927 -001 Darklilangel23 (-1)
55) 0903 +000 Th-e
56) 0884 +000 Daedo-The-Mofo
57) 0864 +001 Starberry
58) 0864 +002 VelvetDarkRocks
59) 0857 +001 Jeffshaw (+1)
60) 0856 +000 FatherGilpin (-1)
61) 0852 +000 Blackplastic
62) 0847 +004 BMX007 (+1)
63) 0845 -002 R3dF0x (-1)
64) 0841 +018 IceDragon64 (+5)
65) 0834 -001 wegra2 (-1)
66) 0831 -002 TheSoulMan (-1)
67) 0826 +000 ornery-scotsman
68) 0825 -001 Fatblimp23 (-2)
69) 0823 +000 FireHound (-1)
70) 0808 -001 RandomFreak
71) 0807 +000 MappyTheKlown
72) 0804 +000 vdibv <br>
73) 0795 -001 RoweNuts
74) 0777 +000 AnzRage
75) 0776 +001 rtil
76) 0769 +000 EZ3
77) 0768 -001 Havok44
78) 0764 +000 Admiral8Q
79) 0759 +045 Darkside7000 (+7)
80) 0748 +000 Geminate (-1)
81) 0738 +000 bumcheekcity (-1)
82) 0734 -001 Cajunspirit (-1)
83) 0731 +000 Zamochit-1 (-1)
84) 0727 +000 MasterStalker (-1)
85) 0725 +000 Xalyx (-1)
86) 0720 +000 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
87) 0719 -001 OCP-Lock (-1)
88) 0703 -001 Hydecka
89) 0690 -001 Ventar
90) 0689 +000 xvllvx
91) 0679 -001 Canas
92) 0678 +005 wegra2007
93) 0666 -001 pauliojr
94) 0652 +000 stick0
95) 0650 +000 UND
96) 0648 +000 gfoxcook
97) 0645 -001 doodytheclownfan
98) 0644 +001 swive
99) 0641 +000 Bowserpants
100) 641 +000 Credic2

Most reviews written:KWAS71KCK
Most reviews lost: XwaynecoltX
Most ranked up: Darkside7000
Most ranked down: Fatblimp23
New: -

Top 10 this week:
01) +110 | KWAS71KCK
02) +055 | Bezman
03) +045 | DarkSide7000
04) +018 | IceDragon64
05) +005 | hongkongexpress
06) +005 | wegra2007
07) +005 | milinko959
08) +004 | BMX007
10) +002 | GAMECUBICLE, VelvetDarkRocks

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-11 16:06:15

At 2/11/07 03:16 PM, Auz wrote: 11) 3259 +005 milinko959

I actually wrote like 20 :(

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-11 17:11:49

At 2/11/07 03:16 PM, Auz wrote: 16) 1878 +000 Compdude
17) 1861 +000 AfroUnderscoreStud

No change for either of us this week.

Most reviews written:

Congrats to Bezman on writing the most reviews over this last week.

Most ranked up:

Congrats to IceDragon64 on passing the most people on the list this update.

Nice update Auz, thanks for taking your time to do it =)

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-11 18:22:02

Ta to Auz and again congrats to all who are happy with the reviews they wrote.

Also, congrats to all those who are happy with the bike-riding they did.

At 2/11/07 04:06 PM, milinko959 wrote:
At 2/11/07 03:16 PM, Auz wrote: 11) 3259 +005 milinko959
I actually wrote like 20 :(


Since M-bot came around, I think I've lost 6. I guess it's not bad going for someone with 2k+ reviews...

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-12 16:59:28

At 2/11/07 06:22 PM, Bezman wrote:
At 2/11/07 04:06 PM, milinko959 wrote:
At 2/11/07 03:16 PM, Auz wrote: 11) 3259 +005 milinko959
I actually wrote like 20 :(

Since M-bot came around, I think I've lost 6. I guess it's not bad going for someone with 2k+ reviews...

Hah, but this week I didn't get a single deletion from M-bot. These all must have been deleted submissions :(

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-18 14:03:15

I´m a little busy sunday next week, so maybe I´ll update on saturday or monday. Hope you guys don´t mind.

Update #74
1) 16983 -009 XwaynecoltX
2) 14291 +094 KWAS71KCK
3) 05015 +001 MI4-REAL-2001
4) 04617 -007 RyanAn
5) 04327 +000 YoinK
6) 04291 -002 M-A-R-C-U-S
7) 04130 +000 Cyberdevil
8) 03511 -001 Molotov
9) 03490 +000 Hamy-jamy
10) 3456 -001 j00bie
11) 3301 +042 milinko959
12) 2360 -001 Violet-AIM
13) 2237 +005 Bezman
14) 2096 -002 thepromaster
15) 2046 -001 artificial
16) 1878 +000 Compdude
17) 1861 +000 AfroUnderscoreStud
18) 1762 +000 Evil-C
19) 1687 -004 SeizureDog
20) 1670 -001 RemRulzz
21) 1592 -001 jonthomson
22) 1525 -002 iscrulz
23) 1502 -005 AntiGravity
24) 1494 -002 DUDE4U
25) 1432 -002 DevastatoR-da-X
26) 1388 +000 Michelangelo
27) 1352 +000 MegaGold
28) 1305 -002 ramagi
29) 1294 +000 zeppelinstl2007
30) 1271 -001 Archile
31) 1263 -001 Livecorpse
32) 1240 -002 Frenzy
33) 1217 -001 wizardman
34) 1190 +002 S-K
35) 1181 -001 Dxkpower
36) 1176 -003 TigerChick
37) 1162 +000 bila
38) 1136 -001 OrgGladiator
39) 1135 +003 MAYORMCHEESE (+1)
40) 1132 +000 Chris-Aldin (-1)
41) 1105 -002 angstdrillhead
42) 1105 -001 Freelance-Magician
43) 1075 +001 HeRetiK
44) 1024 +000 GAMECUBICLE
45) 1022 +000 Zouk
46) 1011 +000 kospas
47) 1002 -001 Static
48) 0992 +000 Bahamut
49) 0978 +000 carmelhadinosaur
50) 0972 +000 Nylo

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-18 14:04:49

51) 0953 +000 RenegadeIscle
52) 0931 +002 hongkongexpress (+1)
53) 0931 -002 U-Frontin (-1)
54) 0926 -001 Darklilangel23
55) 0901 -002 Th-e
56) 0883 -001 Daedo-The-Mofo
57) 0865 +001 VelvetDarkRocks (+1)
58) 0863 -001 Starberry (-1)
59) 0859 +012 BMX007 (+3)
60) 0856 -001 Jeffshaw (-1)
61) 0855 -001 FatherGilpin (-1)
62) 0851 -001 Blackplastic (-1)
63) 0848 +007 IceDragon64 (+1)
64) 0845 +000 R3dF0x (-1)
65) 0834 +000 wegra2
66) 0834 +003 TheSoulMan
67) 0827 +001 ornery-scotsman
68) 0825 +000 Fatblimp23
69) 0824 +001 FireHound
70) 0808 +000 RandomFreak
71) 0804 -003 MappyTheKlown
72) 0803 -001 vdibv
73) 0793 -002 RoweNuts
74) 0775 -002 AnzRage
75) 0775 -001 rtil
76) 0772 +013 Darkside7000 (+3)
77) 0769 +000 EZ3 (-1)
78) 0768 +000 Havok44 (-1)
79) 0763 -001 Admiral8Q (-1)
80) 0748 +000 Geminate
81) 0738 +000 bumcheekcity
82) 0734 +000 Cajunspirit
83) 0731 +000 Zamochit-1
84) 0731 +006 Xalyx (+1)
85) 0726 -001 MasterStalker (-1)
86) 0719 -001 SwitchBladeClock
87) 0719 +000 OCP-Lock
88) 0703 +000 Hydecka
89) 0690 +000 Ventar
90) 0688 -001 xvllvx
91) 0681 +003 wegra2007 (+1)
92) 0679 +000 Canas (-1)
93) 0666 +000 pauliojr
94) 0652 +000 stick0
95) 0650 +000 UND
96) 0650 +006 swive (+2)
97) 0648 +000 gfoxcook (-1)
98) 0644 -001 doodytheclownfan (-1)
99) 0641 +000 Bowserpants
100) 640 -001 Credic2

Most written: KWAS71KCK
Most lost: XwaynecoltX
Most ranked up: Darkside7000, BMX007
Most ranked down: U-Frontin, Starberry, Jeffshaw, FatherGilpin, Blackplastic, R3dF0x, EZ3, Havok44, Admiral8Q, MasterStalker, Canas, gfoxcook, doodytheclownfan, Chris-Aldin
New: -

Top 10 most written this week:
01) +094 | KWAS71KCK
02) +042 | milinko959
03) +013 | Darkside7000
04) +012 | BMX007
05) +007 | IceDragon64
06) +006 | Xalyx
07) +006 | swive
08) +005 | Bezman
09) +003 | wegra2007, TheSoulMan, MAYORMCHEESE

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-18 17:26:53

I started to review again as of late. Unfortunately, I am still 133 reviews short of the list, but just like the matter of b/p, I will be there one day. Currently, I am making a final push for EGSC. Once that is settled, I will probably increase my daily review amount to 5.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-18 18:18:39

Still going slowly and steadily. But I managed to move up a notch, at least.

unban russianspy22

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-18 18:24:13

At 2/18/07 02:03 PM, Auz wrote: I´m a little busy sunday next week, so maybe I´ll update on saturday or monday. Hope you guys don´t mind.

That'll be no problem to me.

Update #74

Nice update Auz.

1) 16983 -009 XwaynecoltX
2) 14291 +094 KWAS71KCK


48) 0992 +000 Bahamut

Not a surprise.

At 2/18/07 02:04 PM, Auz wrote: 52) 0931 +002 hongkongexpress (+1)
59) 0859 +012 BMX007 (+3)

I think either of them will be the next ones to pass me, but it'll be a while before I go down a rank again.

Most written: KWAS71KCK
Most lost: XwaynecoltX

I remember when ~X~ had most gained and KWAS most lost. ;)

Most ranked up: Darkside7000, BMX007

Congrats to them.

Most ranked down: U-Frontin, Starberry, Jeffshaw, FatherGilpin, Blackplastic, R3dF0x, EZ3, Havok44, Admiral8Q, MasterStalker, Canas, gfoxcook, doodytheclownfan, Chris-Aldin

lol at them all.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List 2007-02-18 21:01:20

That week wasn't too bad for me. But this week will probably be really slow, since my cat ate my headphones again, which for some reason I think will affect my reviewing :(

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature