Just something I noticed. MegaGold, I was ranked higher than you... on the first update.
At 8/30/05 02:21 PM, Auz wrote:
89) 0598 agak12
90) 0594 MegaGold
Just something I noticed. MegaGold, I was ranked higher than you... on the first update.
At 8/30/05 02:21 PM, Auz wrote:
89) 0598 agak12
90) 0594 MegaGold
At 8/8/06 01:18 PM, MegaGold wrote: It's actually 1224 now.
Sorry about that. +050 is right, but it seems like I forgot to change your total.
Hey what the hell I should be number 3 this week.
Aw crap =( It´s really kinda weird that I forgot you twice. Sorry again, didn´t do this on purpose or anything.
At 8/8/06 01:35 PM, Agak wrote:
Not to mention he's going away and the next update wouldn't be until the end of the month, you can break a new reacord of reviews in one update.
Hmm that doesn´t seem really fair to me. I also divided Hamy_jamy´s review gain by 2 last time. So perhaps I´ll divide the total by 3....
Nice update.
Lol, I haven't raised or lower ranks.
At 8/5/06 02:56 PM, Seamonky wrote:At 8/5/06 02:48 PM, iscrulz wrote: I am going to spam and write hundreds of abusive audio reviews, will anything happen to me as in my right to write music reviews.I wouldn't try it. The Admins will probably be making the Abusive sign on the Audio review and it's not the right thing to do.
It isnt but many users would still do it. and the authors are probably glad they got a review.
At 8/8/06 09:10 AM, Auz wrote:
good dateup auz
Update #48
21) 1703 -001 RemRulzz
I dont know should I go after him and pass
22) 1600 +000 iscrulz
my retiremnet or not I dont even know.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Lol, I've been away. Time to start reviewing again. Thanks for 'Most Ranked Up', and eveyone who thanked me on it!
Oh, and I lost 6 reviews! :D
Oh, by the way I would have done more reviews, but since audio reviews are now shown on profile, I had to do some of those to make the ratio not as big.
50 Movies reviews this week
171 audio reviews this week
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
At 8/8/06 08:28 PM, MegaGold wrote: 50 Movies reviews this week
171 audio reviews this week
171 notbad, seems like you want to take a demanding lead hehe, thats cool, audio reviewing is notbad, now they need to make a top 10 in the statistics page...
Which reminds me since the audio reviewers list is no more why not someone do it in here????
At 8/8/06 09:04 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
171 notbad, seems like you want to take a demanding lead hehe, thats cool, audio reviewing is notbad, now they need to make a top 10 in the statistics page...
I want moreso to bring my audio and movie reviews around the same amount. I wish so bad they had a top ten on the statistics page, I'm going to pm tom.
Which reminds me since the audio reviewers list is no more why not someone do it in here????
I wish, but maybe, just maybe.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
Congrats to X for being on top.
Hope you enjoy your holiday/vacation Auz!
Anyone know when the new levels/icons will go into effect?
And you all may see a more active RyanAn in the coming month.
At 8/8/06 10:38 PM, RyanAn wrote: Congrats to X for being on top.
Wasn't he always? lol
Anyone know when the new levels/icons will go into effect?
In a couple months, though there hasn't been an exact date announced yet. You'll probobly jump straight into the 40's.... Lucky you...
And you all may see a more active RyanAn in the coming month.
that'll be nice =P
YAY! 900 reviews... I'm getting closer to 1 k... BWHAHAHAHA!!! >:)
At 8/12/06 09:48 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: YAY! 900 reviews... I'm getting closer to 1 k... BWHAHAHAHA!!! >:)
Congrats on 900 reviews that a nice number of reviewing you did, keep up the good work...
I assuem the list will be updated tomorrow instead of today, due to the clock day and all...?
At 8/15/06 10:40 AM, wizardman wrote: I assuem the list will be updated tomorrow instead of today, due to the clock day and all...?
I think auz was going away for two weeks or something like that...
At 8/15/06 10:44 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:At 8/15/06 10:40 AM, wizardman wrote: I assuem the list will be updated tomorrow instead of today, due to the clock day and all...?I think auz was going away for two weeks or something like that...
Just noticed that now. Okay then, nevermind.
At 8/12/06 09:48 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: YAY! 900 reviews... I'm getting closer to 1 k... BWHAHAHAHA!!! >:)
Sigh... You're getting closer and closer to me, I'll really have to pull something out of my ass to stay ahead of you...
At 8/15/06 02:47 PM, Agak wrote:At 8/12/06 09:48 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: YAY! 900 reviews... I'm getting closer to 1 k... BWHAHAHAHA!!! >:)Sigh... You're getting closer and closer to me, I'll really have to pull something out of my ass to stay ahead of you...
You haven't even been audio reviewing either. I don't think either of us will ever get 1k...but maybe I will pass you in three weeks!
At 8/15/06 05:28 PM, milinko959 wrote:
You haven't even been audio reviewing either. I don't think either of us will ever get 1k...but maybe I will pass you in three weeks!
Maybe... I have a lot of work ahead of me before school starts, I won't be doing much reviewing before that.
Hey, everybody, I reached (and went above)
[drum roll please]
1,000 reviews! YAY!
At 8/18/06 07:38 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: Hey, everybody, I reached (and went above)
[drum roll please]
1,000 reviews! YAY!
Good job. Man, I can see why I gave up tryign to catch you in the first place, lol.
At 8/18/06 09:09 AM, wizardman wrote:At 8/18/06 07:38 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: Hey, everybody, I reached (and went above)Good job. Man, I can see why I gave up tryign to catch you in the first place, lol.
[drum roll please]
1,000 reviews! YAY!
Lol, you should keep reviewing.
At 8/18/06 07:38 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: Hey, everybody, I reached (and went above)
[drum roll please]
1,000 reviews! YAY!
Damn, still 3 reviews ahead of you... I still have the lead >:)
At 8/19/06 01:15 AM, Agak wrote:At 8/18/06 07:38 AM, -Frenzy- wrote: Hey, everybody, I reached (and went above)Damn, still 3 reviews ahead of you... I still have the lead >:)
[drum roll please]
1,000 reviews! YAY!
Lol, 1 review ahead of you...
Oh, and congrats to X-Naut for reaching level 20!
Is it just me or does joobie.....like.....suck at reviewing. Yet he remains in the top 10.
At 8/23/06 06:40 PM, blackplastic wrote: Is it just me or does joobie.....like.....suck at reviewing. Yet he remains in the top 10.
he has wrote a few good ones in his time, so he is not all that bad, there are worse reviews a few climbing the top 10 and they write crap reviews with no depth what so ever in there reviews...
At 8/23/06 06:40 PM, blackplastic wrote: Is it just me or does joobie.....like.....suck at reviewing. Yet he remains in the top 10.
KWAS's reviews also suck, as does MI4's. so yeah, the top 10 list isn't all that special if you just take into account the quality of reviews.
At 8/23/06 10:30 PM, wizardman wrote:At 8/23/06 06:40 PM, blackplastic wrote: Is it just me or does joobie.....like.....suck at reviewing. Yet he remains in the top 10.KWAS's reviews also suck, as does MI4's. so yeah, the top 10 list isn't all that special if you just take into account the quality of reviews.
I wouldn't say that, only a couple people do crappy reviews. Some people like XwaynecoltX and Hamy_Jamy diserve their place in the top10.
Also, Frenzy and I are still pretty close in reviews, but he's beating me by quite a lot right now, as I do not have too much time at the moment... Work and soon school...
At 8/8/06 09:12 AM, Auz wrote: 91) 0663 +000 Bowserpants
92) 0659 +000 swive
93) 0658 +000 stick0
94) 0657 +000 doodytheclownfan
95) 0655 +000 RTflash
96) 0655 +000 Credic2
97) 0653 +000 gfoxcook
98) 0643 +000 Tha_Evil_Umpyre
99) 0636 +000 PepsiClock
100) 631 +??? ThreeStar (New*)
Oh noeeeee... I am like so in danger of falling out of the top 100 reviewers. maybe I should review my way up from 654 to 666, which is my next stop along the way...
hmmm... perhaps so.
Good updates to the list, BTW.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 8/23/06 06:40 PM, blackplastic wrote: Is it just me or does joobie.....like.....suck at reviewing. Yet he remains in the top 10.
YES! flag everything and ban him so I get in the top 10!!