Sorry fo double posting, but I just got to the 4 digits on reviews. I now have 1000 reviews. To celebrate, I'm going to show my 3 favorite reviews I made (no order). That's also as many as I can put down. I don't have enough characters for anything else.
My 800th Review Time To Celebrate November 16, 2005
Entry: (2005)Best Klay Sport Overall Score: 10
This has got to be one of the best clay flashes ever!
Graphics: A little blocky at times, but for a smoothe clay flash the has people throwing balls and making fingers out of there hands, now that is just plain amazing. The only true 3d flashes or clay flashes.
Style: How could I put this mark lower. I love watching your Klaymations so much. This is one of my favourite types of flashes to watch, concitering you poor your heart out making one in like 3 days.
Sound: The sound I really just gave that mark for your voice acting. Knowing your the only one that does multiple voices that sound so different at times is more amazing than a solar eclipse.
Voilence: There really was no voilence on this flash like other flashes. I still couldn't give lower, because it's hard making something look voilent, plus I want my 800th to be one of the best reviews that I have ever done. EVER.
Interactivity: The reason that this got so high was that I kept on pressing the replaying button from laughing my butt off from the last time I seen it. Plus I love how before you press the button, you hear a klay persoo say "ouch".
Humor: What else could I have givin it other than a ten. Your flashes are mainly on the clay and slow humor. The funniest part was when the guy holding the Tennis ball said he was yabbering and moving his hand. Plain classic on movies and now on Klaymations I guess.
Overall: If I gave lower than a ten, than I would be living a lie for the rest of my life. Thanks for giving me a flash that I could do my 800th post on.
Yay 800 freaking posts!
Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 9 Style: 10 Violence: 9 Humor: 10
Amazing!!! April 11, 2004
Entry: One Ring to Rule ThemAll2 Overall Score: 10
I have tuns favourite parts on this one! When they play the music, and all sudden stops and a sign saying "Wrong Hill". Where there talking, Frodo plays with the ring and in the backround a dragon is holding a sign saying "Eat At Joes". Part where the dark lord is talking to Harry Potter. Harry talking about taking over the world and the dark lord saying "Thats Evil". That part is funny, because the Dark Lord Sauron is trying to rule them all! The part where Peter rips paper out and puts stuff about the Dark Lord Sauron. The part where Wayne is chasing them and waky things happen. Joe, you make the best flash.
Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 10 Style: 10 Violence: 10 Humor: 10
Time For NGTT Eggs November 25, 2005
Entry: NG TT VIII (Eggs) Overall Score: 8
Whoever thought of this type of Time Trial, they are a freaking genious. Personally I thing the eggs are better than the rabbits. Especially with what Delitescent came up with.
Wow, this flash was astonishing. I can not believe what I just saw. The eggs were all beaten up at the end which was kind of funny. The graphics of this flash was amazing. I also loved the backround. This one deserved a really high mark. Great job. I can't believe all the eggs that got wasted. You could feed a family of a million with all the eggs that went to waist. Overall this is one of the best TT flashes that I've seen so far. Keep up the amazing work.
This movie was like 10 minutes long. I could easily see that the egg guy was white trash. He seemed to hate everyone and had a nasty sewer mouth. Overall it was pretty good, but it got boring on some times like when he was talking to what looked like to be a guard. Overall it was 3 thumbs up. My got is that egg dude ever nasty. I would advise as my last couple for him to stop smoking and drinking.
The concept of this flash was partially misleading. I loved the song for this movie. The egg reminds me of tweak from South Park. He is like scared of everything, except he should be scared considering he is only a little soft boiled egg. Overall I would give this 4 thumbs up and a big happy face. This is not the best work that I've seen from you, but it sure has a cool kick to it. Never stop with flash, you know how to use it.
Although you were trying to make a Matrix egg, it didn't turn out as good as I thought it would be. The egg didn't do any cool back flips or side flips with guns or anything. It still was pretty good. The only irony here was that after all that egg hoping, he went to an sample testing room. Overall I would give this a good three and a half lightning bolts out of five.
I thought the egg school and graduation was cute. Did you notice that the guy chose the biggest egg which incedentally was on the top. The Pepsi Cola song was cool at the end. For some reason that was the first time that I've ever heard the song. This movie was cute at the beggining and scary at the end making it overall really good no amazing.
Graphics: 9 Sound: 8 Interactivity: 6 Style: 9 Violence: 7 Humor: 7
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