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The Top 100 Reviewers List

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Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 17, 2006

Sorry fo double posting, but I just got to the 4 digits on reviews. I now have 1000 reviews. To celebrate, I'm going to show my 3 favorite reviews I made (no order). That's also as many as I can put down. I don't have enough characters for anything else.

My 800th Review Time To Celebrate November 16, 2005

Entry: (2005)Best Klay Sport Overall Score: 10

This has got to be one of the best clay flashes ever!

Graphics: A little blocky at times, but for a smoothe clay flash the has people throwing balls and making fingers out of there hands, now that is just plain amazing. The only true 3d flashes or clay flashes.

Style: How could I put this mark lower. I love watching your Klaymations so much. This is one of my favourite types of flashes to watch, concitering you poor your heart out making one in like 3 days.

Sound: The sound I really just gave that mark for your voice acting. Knowing your the only one that does multiple voices that sound so different at times is more amazing than a solar eclipse.

Voilence: There really was no voilence on this flash like other flashes. I still couldn't give lower, because it's hard making something look voilent, plus I want my 800th to be one of the best reviews that I have ever done. EVER.

Interactivity: The reason that this got so high was that I kept on pressing the replaying button from laughing my butt off from the last time I seen it. Plus I love how before you press the button, you hear a klay persoo say "ouch".

Humor: What else could I have givin it other than a ten. Your flashes are mainly on the clay and slow humor. The funniest part was when the guy holding the Tennis ball said he was yabbering and moving his hand. Plain classic on movies and now on Klaymations I guess.

Overall: If I gave lower than a ten, than I would be living a lie for the rest of my life. Thanks for giving me a flash that I could do my 800th post on.

Yay 800 freaking posts!

Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 9 Style: 10 Violence: 9 Humor: 10

Amazing!!! April 11, 2004

Entry: One Ring to Rule ThemAll2 Overall Score: 10

I have tuns favourite parts on this one! When they play the music, and all sudden stops and a sign saying "Wrong Hill". Where there talking, Frodo plays with the ring and in the backround a dragon is holding a sign saying "Eat At Joes". Part where the dark lord is talking to Harry Potter. Harry talking about taking over the world and the dark lord saying "Thats Evil". That part is funny, because the Dark Lord Sauron is trying to rule them all! The part where Peter rips paper out and puts stuff about the Dark Lord Sauron. The part where Wayne is chasing them and waky things happen. Joe, you make the best flash.

Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 10 Style: 10 Violence: 10 Humor: 10

Time For NGTT Eggs November 25, 2005

Entry: NG TT VIII (Eggs) Overall Score: 8

Whoever thought of this type of Time Trial, they are a freaking genious. Personally I thing the eggs are better than the rabbits. Especially with what Delitescent came up with.

Wow, this flash was astonishing. I can not believe what I just saw. The eggs were all beaten up at the end which was kind of funny. The graphics of this flash was amazing. I also loved the backround. This one deserved a really high mark. Great job. I can't believe all the eggs that got wasted. You could feed a family of a million with all the eggs that went to waist. Overall this is one of the best TT flashes that I've seen so far. Keep up the amazing work.

This movie was like 10 minutes long. I could easily see that the egg guy was white trash. He seemed to hate everyone and had a nasty sewer mouth. Overall it was pretty good, but it got boring on some times like when he was talking to what looked like to be a guard. Overall it was 3 thumbs up. My got is that egg dude ever nasty. I would advise as my last couple for him to stop smoking and drinking.

The concept of this flash was partially misleading. I loved the song for this movie. The egg reminds me of tweak from South Park. He is like scared of everything, except he should be scared considering he is only a little soft boiled egg. Overall I would give this 4 thumbs up and a big happy face. This is not the best work that I've seen from you, but it sure has a cool kick to it. Never stop with flash, you know how to use it.

Although you were trying to make a Matrix egg, it didn't turn out as good as I thought it would be. The egg didn't do any cool back flips or side flips with guns or anything. It still was pretty good. The only irony here was that after all that egg hoping, he went to an sample testing room. Overall I would give this a good three and a half lightning bolts out of five.

I thought the egg school and graduation was cute. Did you notice that the guy chose the biggest egg which incedentally was on the top. The Pepsi Cola song was cool at the end. For some reason that was the first time that I've ever heard the song. This movie was cute at the beggining and scary at the end making it overall really good no amazing.


Graphics: 9 Sound: 8 Interactivity: 6 Style: 9 Violence: 7 Humor: 7

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 17, 2006

At 1/17/06 11:11 AM, Auz wrote: Update #21

30) 1242 +033 ramagi (+1)

31) 1226 +037 Archile (+1)

I saw him coming I almost wauited to start review till after your update so I would have still been at 1234 reviews. I wanted to get rolling after the response update.

At 1/17/06 11:25 AM, Auz wrote: Here´s a little top 10 of people who have been working hard this week:
1) +073 | KWAS71KCK
2) +037 | Archile
3) +036 | milinko959
4) +033 | ramagi
5) +025 | Bahamut7
6) +025 | RemRulzz
7) +024 | YoinK_VineS
8) +018 | wegra2
9) +015 | BMX007
10) +012| X-Naut

Well you said you might add that a few weeks back, after I had made a comment that sort of some of the top reviewers.
I don't really expect to ever be at the top of it, since I don't really randomly review. I pick out which author I am going to review a head of time. once i finish a author, it takes me a moment to move on to the next one.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 17, 2006

nice update.

viewing this reminds me that I should start reviewing again...

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 18, 2006

That's a nice update. Notice how there are many inactive reviewers right now. That means there is a chance to pass users on the list very easily right now. I like the idea of a top 10 reviewers that reviewed the most for a particular time during the update. nice stuff.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

At 1/18/06 12:31 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: That's a nice update. Notice how there are many inactive reviewers right now. That means there is a chance to pass users on the list very easily right now.

Quite certainly.
I mean I'm 100 away from you, and RyanAn is another 100 further on.
There are 4 users in the top 10 that are like ~300 reviews away from each other or something like that.

If I had kept up my reviewing habits for another 2 months, I would have had around 5,000 reviews by May 2005.

Anyways, good huntin' for you, Yoink.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

Update #22

1) 13562 -002 XwaynecoltX
2) 12590 +049 KWAS71KCK
3) 04637 -002 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04539 +006 RyanAn
5) 04411 +001 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04308 +003 YoinK_VineS
7) 04302 +001 Cyberdevil
8) 03614 -001 j00bie
9) 03051 +013 X-Naut
10) 2486 -001 Hamy_jamy
11) 2449 +000 Violet-AIM
12) 2165 +000 thepromaster
13) 2076 -001 artificial
14) 2042 -003 _Schwing_
15) 2003 +000 Afro_Stud
16) 1969 +000 Compdude
17) 1916 +000 DUDE4U
18) 1744 +008 Seizure_Dog
19) 1698 +010 RemRulzz
20) 1603 +000 jonthomson
21) 1586 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1475 +000 DevastatoR_da_X
23) 1461 -001 Bezman
24) 1439 +000 iscRulz
25) 1396 +002 zackdaman03
26) 1391 +000 angstdrillhead
27) 1327 +000 Livecorpse
28) 1325 +005 -Mj
29) 1257 +031 Archile (+2)
30) 1254 +012 ramagi
31) 1248 +000 Dxkpower (-2)
32) 1223 +000 Tiger_Chick
33) 1182 +000 OrgGladiator
34) 1110 +000 HeRetiK
35) 1074 +007 ShinKosai
36) 1065 +005 Chris_Aldin (+1)
37) 1061 +001 Bila (-1)
38) 1055 +000 kospas
39) 1029 +041 MegaGold (+2)
40) 1001 +000 Nylo (-1)
41) 0994 +000 carmelhadinosaur (-1)
42) 0982 +000 FatherGilpin
43) 0980 +000 Dizfunktion
44) 0964 +000 Zouk
45) 0947 +000 The_Obsession
46) 0945 +003 Darklilangel23
47) 0924 +011 wegra2 (+2)
48) 0920 +000 novocane (-1)
49) 0915 +001 Renegade_Girl (-1)
50) 0901 +000 vdibv

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

51) 0899 +001 GAMECUBICLE
52) 0870 +000 Daedo_the_Mofo
53) 0849 +001 MappytheKlown
54) 0848 +001 Fatblimp23
55) 0846 +000 Clayfight
56) 0843 +003 RoweNuts (+1)
57) 0842 +001 RandomFreak (-1)
58) 0814 +000 EZ3
59) 0804 +000 Havok44
60) 0803 +000 AnzRage
61) 0802 +003 Jeffshaw
62) 0781 +000 ornery_scotsman
63) 0765 +000 bumcheekcity
64) 0758 -001 Zamochit-
65) 0750 +001 Admiral8Q
66) 0744 +001 R3dFOx
67) 0742 +000 MasterStalker
68) 0741 +023 Geminate (+3)
69) 0730 +001 SwitchBladeClock (-1)
70) 0729 +004 Bahamut7 (-1)
71) 0721 +000 AncientX (-1)
72) 0713 +000 pauliojr
73) 0708 -001 xvllvx
74) 0704 +000 Hydecka (+1)
75) 0703 -001 -Canas- (-1)
76) 0699 +000 Ventar
77) 0683 -001 UND
78) 0680 -001 Bowserpants
79) 0675 -002 RTflash
80) 0674 +018 milinko959 (+4)
81) 0672 +005 BMX007
82) 0667 +000 stick0 (-2)
83) 0665 -001 swive (-1)
84) 0665 +012 rtil (+1)
85) 0664 +000 doodytheclownfan (-2)
86) 0645 +000 Credic2
87) 0643 +000 cannibus_clock
88) 0643 +000 Tha_Evil_Umpyre
89) 0642 +000 gfoxcook
90) 0640 +000 -Dawkins-
91) 0638 +000 PepsiClock
92) 0638 +004 jetninjin (+1)
93) 0636 +000 Tancrisism (-1)
94) 0630 +003 crackakillin
95) 0621 +000 Klacid
96) 0616 +000 Umsutfeersme
97) 0615 +000 pickmeup
98) 0608 +000 Starberry
99) 0607 +000 Beowulf_Hawk
100) 605 -001 Master_Inuyasha

Most reviews: KWAS71KCK
Most lost: _Schwing_
Most ranked up: milinko959
Most ranked down: doodytheclownfan, Dxkpower, stick0

Top 10 for this week:
1) +049 | KWAS71KCK
2) +041 | MegaGold
3) +031 | Archile
4) +023 | Geminate
5) +018 | milinko959
6) +013 | X-Naut
7) +012 | rtil
8) +012 | ramagi
9) +011 | wegra2
10) +10 | RemRulzz

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

At 1/24/06 10:56 AM, Auz wrote: Update #22

Nice update Auz.

At 1/24/06 11:13 AM, Auz wrote: 68) 0741 +023 Geminate (+3)
70) 0729 +004 Bahamut7 (-1)

Well, only made four reviews (five since one review got deleted). That was really bad of me. I know I could've made more reviews than that. Only gaining 4 reviews didn't get me a higher rank. It got me down one rank. :| Oh well.

Top 10 for this week:
10) +10 | RemRulzz

Not even enough reviews to get to the top 10 reviews gained for this week. :(

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

At 1/24/06 10:56 AM, Auz wrote: 1) 13562 -002 XwaynecoltX

Heehee, I noticed that one yesterday, I was hoping it would remain the same for today O;-D>

14) 2042 -003 _Schwing_

His -3 is good news for me, it means I'm closer to moving up a spot.

15) 2003 +000 Afro_Stud

I would have been on +1 this week, but then this went and happened, I'll finish off that review when I next have the time O:-/>

Most reviews:

Congrats to Archile on most reviews written since the last update!

Most ranked up: milinko959

Yes, congrats to milinko959 on Most Ranked Up!

Nice update Auz, thanks for doing it O:-)>

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

I was so close to getting most reviews for the first time. Well congrats to KWAS, he deserved it. Second best is still good though. I ranked up 2 more so I'm not that mad.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

At 1/24/06 10:56 AM, Auz wrote: Update #22
3) 04637 -002 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04539 +006 RyanAn
5) 04411 +001 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04308 +003 YoinK_VineS

Oh goody I went up a review woohoo.
Good update, Auz. When are you going to get on this list? haha.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 24, 2006

At 1/24/06 10:56 AM, Auz wrote: Update #22
27) 1327 +000 Livecorpse
28) 1325 +005 -Mj
29) 1257 +031 Archile (+2)
30) 1254 +012 ramagi
31) 1248 +000 Dxkpower (-2)

Well I saw that coming unfortunatly real life came up and my review spree stopped.
I don't think I'll be going to far for the next update. I have a lot to tend to in life the next week. I may be able to sneak a few reviews in but not too many.

Top 10 for this week:
8) +012 | ramagi

lol and that with losing some reviews. Best thing about the reviews I lost they had no responses.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 29, 2006

At 1/24/06 10:56 AM, Auz wrote:
34) 1110 +000 HeRetiK
35) 1074 +007 ShinKosai
36) 1065 +005 Chris_Aldin (+1)
37) 1061 +001 Bila (-1)
38) 1055 +000 kospas

Well this is good for me, i finally moved up a few ranks after having not checked the updates for sometime. But last time i checked i was 38th, so ive moved up twp spots. And based on review increase each time i might have a bit of trouble getting any higher until after my exams which are finished wednesday of this coming week. Ive been getting a lot of hours at my job too so that doesnt help, but ill be back into it soon! And i saw a couple comments like ramagi's saying she lost reviews, i dont lose mine anymore because i tend to review things that have either already passed or are very good. And for Xwayne, he lost 2 reviews since last update! lol ive never seen that in the updates where sometimes gets a negative increase. Anyways hes still owning first so way to go!

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

At 1/24/06 06:51 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Good update, Auz. When are you going to get on this list? haha.

Well I dunno. It took me almost a year to write 321 reviews, so somewhere next year maybe, if it still exists then. Which I doubt, looking at the number of replies this week =S

Anyway, here´s the update:

Update #23

# | Reviews | Change | User | Rank Difference
1) 13559 -003 XwaynecoltX
2) 12629 +039 KWAS71KCK
3) 04637 +000 MI4_REAL_2001
4) 04543 +004 RyanAn
5) 04448 +037 M-A-R-C-U-S
6) 04307 -001 YoinK_VineS
7) 04302 +000 Cyberdevil
8) 03615 +001 j00bie
9) 03160 +109 X-Naut
10) 2484 -002 Hamy_jamy
11) 2447 -002 Violet-AIM
12) 2165 +000 thepromaster
13) 2076 +000 artificial
14) 2040 -002 _Schwing_
15) 2002 -001 Afro_Stud
16) 1969 +000 Compdude
17) 1916 +000 DUDE4U
18) 1748 +004 Seizure_Dog
19) 1700 +002 RemRulzz
20) 1603 +000 jonthomson
21) 1586 +000 AntiGravity
22) 1475 +000 DevastatoR_da_X
23) 1461 +000 Bezman
24) 1437 -002 iscRulz
25) 1396 +000 zackdaman03
26) 1391 +000 angstdrillhead
27) 1331 +006 -Mj (+1)
28) 1327 +000 Livecorpse (-1)
29) 1271 +014 Archile
30) 1252 -002 ramagi
31) 1248 +000 Dxkpower
32) 1223 +000 Tiger_Chick
33) 1184 +002 OrgGladiator
34) 1110 +000 HeRetiK
35) 1084 +010 ShinKosai
36) 1071 +006 Chris_Aldin
37) 1064 +003 Bila
38) 1055 +000 kospas
39) 1032 +003 MegaGold
40) 1001 +000 Nylo
41) 0994 +000 carmelhadinosaur
42) 0982 +000 FatherGilpin
43) 0980 +000 Dizfunktion
44) 0964 +000 Zouk
45) 0947 +000 The_Obsession
46) 0947 +002 Darklilangel23
47) 0924 +000 wegra2
48) 0920 +000 novocane
49) 0918 +003 Renegade_Girl
50) 0902 +003 GAMECUBICLE (+1)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

51) 0901 +000 vdibv (-1)
52) 0870 +000 Daedo_the_Mofo
53) 0849 +000 MappytheKlown
54) 0848 +000 Fatblimp23
55) 0846 +000 Clayfight
56) 0843 +000 RoweNuts
57) 0842 +000 RandomFreak
58) 0814 +000 EZ3
59) 0812 +012 Jeffshaw (+2)
60) 0804 +000 Havok44 (-1)
61) 0803 +000 AnzRage (-1)
62) 0780 -001 ornery_scotsman
63) 0765 +000 bumcheekcity
64) 0758 +017 Geminate (+4)
65) 0757 -001 Zamochit- (-1)
66) 0750 +000 Admiral8Q (-1)
67) 0746 +002 R3dFOx (-1)
68) 0742 +000 MasterStalker (-1)
69) 0728 -002 SwitchBladeClock
70) 0728 -001 Bahamut7
71) 0721 +000 AncientX
72) 0713 +000 pauliojr
73) 0712 +038 milinko959 (+7)
74) 0707 -001 xvllvx (-1)
75) 0707 +003 Hydecka (-1)
76) 0701 -002 -Canas- (-1)
77) 0699 +000 Ventar (-1)
78) 0683 +000 UND (-1)
79) 0681 +009 BMX007 (+2)
80) 0679 -001 Bowserpants (-2)
81) 0676 +011 rtil (+3)
82) 0675 +000 RTflash (-3)
83) 0667 +000 stick0 (-1)
84) 0665 +000 swive (-1)
85) 0664 +000 doodytheclownfan
86) 0650 +005 Credic2
87) 0643 +000 cannibus_clock
88) 0643 +000 Tha_Evil_Umpyre
89) 0642 +000 gfoxcook
90) 0640 +002 jn- (+2)
91) 0639 -001 -Dawkins- (-1)
92) 0638 +000 PepsiClock (-1)
93) 0636 +000 Tancrisism
94) 0636 +006 crackakillin
95) 0621 +000 Klacid
96) 0616 +000 Umsutfeersme
97) 0615 +000 pickmeup
98) 0608 +000 Starberry
99) 0607 +000 Beowulf_Hawk
100) 605 +??? hongkongexpress (New*)
101) 605 +??? VelvetDarkRocks (New*)

*Couldn´t choose, so I mentioned both

Most reviews: X-Naut
Most lost: XwaynecoltX (wtf?)
Most ranks up: milinko959
Most ranks down: RTflash
New: hongkongexpress (and VelvetDarkRocks)
Kicked off: Master_Inuyasha

This weeks top 10:
1) +109 | X-Naut
2) +39 | KWAS71KCK
3) +38 | milinko959
4) +37 | M-A-R-C-U-S
5) +17 | Geminate
6) +14 | Archile
7) +12 | Jeffshaw
8) +11 | rtil
9) +10 | ShinKosai
10) +9 | BMX007

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

At 1/31/06 02:02 PM, Auz wrote: Update #23

Nice update Auz.

At 1/31/06 02:15 PM, Auz wrote: 70) 0728 -001 Bahamut7

For once, I lose a review for the update. -1 isn't so bad, but I'd like to either make two more reviews or lose two reviewa for 50% response rate. Or I might not bother to review at all. :S

Most reviews: X-Naut

Nice to see him reviewing a lot. :D Oh, and ~X~ is too busy with his clay.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

Nice update...

oh yeah i was taking a small vacation, i guess ill add a few more now and then...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

At 1/31/06 02:15 PM, Auz wrote: 30) 652 ramagi (-2)

I'll be back.

Most reviews: X-Naut

Has X in the name but not the one you expect

Most lost: XwaynecoltX (wtf?)

lol anything is possible.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

At 1/31/06 02:15 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews:

Congrats to milinko959 on most reviews written since the last update.

Most lost: XwaynecoltX (wtf?)

LMAO I noticed that yesterday and was hoping it would remain the same, hopefully next week 'Most lost' will go to KWAS

Most ranks up: milinko959

Yes congrats to him on 'most ranked up', most reviews gained and most ranked up looks pretty good.

New: hongkongexpress (and VelvetDarkRocks)

Ah a tie, I'd give it to hongkongexpress since he has the earliest sign-up date.

But congrats to both(one) of them(O:-S>)

At 1/31/06 03:20 PM, DEATHWlSH wrote: KWAS is really pissing me off >: (

He pisses us all off.

One of the review mods really oughtta do their job and take care of him.

There's 'breaking rule 2 of the review guidelines' and then there's 'doing a KWAS'

He really does take the piss.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Jan 31, 2006

At 1/31/06 02:15 PM, Auz wrote: Most reviews: X-Naut
Most lost: XwaynecoltX (wtf?)

What happened here? Well, i managed to beat Wayne with my reviews this week (0).
I thought X-Naut was reviewing more, but I wasn't sure if that was just me or not. Maybe I'll be on the list by June at the rate I"m going >_<. Anyway, nice update.

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 1, 2006

At 1/31/06 02:15 PM, Auz wrote: 52) : This weeks top 10:
1) +109 | X-Naut
2) +39 | KWAS71KCK
3) +38 | milinko959
4) +37 | M-A-R-C-U-S

That really is very, very poor...
6 reviews per day would make anyone the second highest climber for the week... reviewing used to be a lot more active a year or two ago...
Back at school for me, so that recent splurt (yes, I'm calling in a splurt, fuck you) of reviews from me will be all you see XD

Nice update, once again Auz.

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 1, 2006

At 1/31/06 02:02 PM, Auz wrote:
34) 1110 +000 HeRetiK
35) 1084 +010 ShinKosai
36) 1071 +006 Chris_Aldin
37) 1064 +003 Bila
38) 1055 +000 kospas
39) 1032 +003 MegaGold

Well obviously i have the same place as last update.

Here's my analysis :P : I think ive basically secured a 36th place at least for a while because im making more progress on average based on this than Bila and less than Shinkosai like always. And everyone below 37 whos fairly near where i am arent doing too many reviews either. But now i have more time, as i just finished my exams, youll probably see at least 5 more from me over the next few days. I also write long ones so its not like i can do them at any time i want :P. Well i just hope i take 35th sometime this new month!

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 1, 2006

At 1/31/06 07:27 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 1/31/06 02:15 PM, Auz wrote: 30) 652 ramagi (-2)
I'll be back

Guess What I'm back :)

View Your Flash Portal Reviews (1,300)

With the weekend to come yet too :)

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 1, 2006

grr! i am not on that list

cant touch this

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 1, 2006

Sad to see me only go up by three, but like XWayneColtX, I'll be doing them now and then/

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 2, 2006

Wow i didn't really notice how many reviews i've done this past week but then again i got a script of 30 vicodin so i've been pretty fucked up as of late,i will probably do some more tomorrow night and saturday but Sunday i'm gonna be out at a Billiard's room watching the Super Bowl on that 56 inch HDTV with my friends,i don't really know what else is going on the rest of next week.

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 2, 2006

I'm getting closer to the list..

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 4, 2006

Hmm i have written 5 long reviews since last update, and each update is a week apart right? Well i have today (saturday) , sunday, and monday to write 5 more to reach an increase of 10, which is my goal for this update. Maybe if i do that i can catch up to the person infront of me a little bit. Well, just though id let you guys know what myplan is :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 4, 2006

Allright! now im in 47th place and #9 in the top ten for this week! sweet!

Response to The Top 100 Reviewers List Feb 4, 2006

I don't think I'm gonna get most ranked up this week...I've been really lazy

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature