At 1/13/18 09:07 PM, ADR3-N wrote: Thanks for the boost, bro. :)
*fist bump*
Yeah, I'm kinda in the middle. If I don't particularly enjoy a piece and the artist doesn't seem serious, I'm not gonna leave much but a comment. Or if there's not much to say positive or negative, same. I try to say at least one thing I like or dislike; it's easier to digest a short critique.
True that too.
That said, if you produce music, you can also drop in a teaching moment or recommend tutorials. This has really helped me get out of a producing rut, and it's literally the best thing a reviewer can do for me.
Hmm haven't been doing much linking to external resources in reviews in that those links might stop working with time, maybe start redirecting to the wrong place, and as such render that review irrelevant and void... though now mentioned I guess they are only really relevant at the time they're posted anyway, if it's feedback you're going to give... good thinking. Think I'ma try to start linking to on-site resources at least whenever they may apply, quite a bit of good guides here, and resource lists in the Wiki. Seems applicable to pretty much all areas of the arts too.