At 3/20/05 03:02 PM, C_A wrote:
Sorry, didn't see this page before I responded, so that "Not my fault!" response is null and void, except for the part about Wolvie. That's 100% true.
Review mods can't moderate the actions you accuse Wolvie of. Only the admins can. If he's been abusing the review-marking action, his WHISTLE will presumably suffer. If that happens, each MARKING will count for LESS against reviews, whether they deserve it or not. His whistle will also count for less against movies in the portal.
The admins weren't smoking crack when they developed this system, you know. It WORKS most of the time. You just don't fully understand it, and that's fine. Take time to read some of the MANY threads about the whistle system and review marking, if you want to... otherwise? That's fine too, but don't assume you know-it-all. Even us review mods don't know it all about this matter. Only the admins do.
I feel rotten for contributing to this site. You know both of those movies were either stolen or cocksucking or whatever it was that warranted the flag, but whatever.
That's why both of those movies were WHISTLED. They are OFF THE PORTAL, but not yet IN THE GRAVEYARD. The next time Wade does his MASS WHISTLELIST DUMP, they will be IN the graveyard at long last, where they deserve to be.
But guess what? Sometimes the REAL author comes along and claims his movie. And then the movie is restored before that happens. And then your "TWEET TWEET TWEET x 100 TWEETs" review is on a perfectly NON-stolen movie by the REAL author. And you probably rated it 0 or something, too. Way to help out, eh?
If you'd PLEASE read the rules (even AS you're whistling the movie, as I believe it tells you right then)... VOTE WHAT THE MOVIE DESERVES, not what the author deserves. If the author STOLE the movie, then you whistle it. DO NOT abuse the movie in your reviews or abuse the author because the situation I just told you about is what the admins have in mind when making that rule.
READ THE FREAKING REVIEW RULES. For the last bloody time I will tell you.
I would look at my reviews and see where they are, but, you know, I can't see them as apparently I'm banned from that, too.
Like I told you, you could have seen that your TWEET TWEET reviews were still there BEFORE YOU WERE BANNED. Like I said RIGHT AFTER THAT, not only mods and admins can. I already pasted the reviews you wrote that I banned you for. Do you want me to post the ENTIRE page of reviews complete with links to the movies they were for? Tough luck.
I have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours moderating reviews on this site. I don't need to spend even MORE of a fraction of an hour explaining to you why you're not special, above the rules, or anything else. Will you please get it through your head:
Whatever you may think.
However many times Wolvie has unfairly marked your reviews.
However badly the movies you abused in reviews deserved it.
You did wrong. Multiple times.
You text-spammed up two reviews with hundreds of TWEETs
And you also did nothing but PASTE YOUR "thanks for voting!" display to another movie which presumably wasn't stolen/whistled/etc. So you don't have that excuse on that one, do you?
I do not want to be banned, because 3 1/2 years down the drain shouldn't be something but a "OMG HE CUSED OUT PLAGEREYEZER PLZ BAN" moment.
All of your NON-abusive reviews (and indeed, maybe even your abusive ones, as Wade let a lot of those slip a week or two ago when he last unbanned 1500 abusive reviewers) are still there. They will still be there when your ban ends.
Nothing has come of this but that YOU cannot continue to review while your ban is in effect, something you did to yourself. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?!?!?
I'll try and post more constructive reviews toward the people who make bad flash movies, even the several movies that show puppets buttfucking or those "high-quality" four-person collaborations that are crawling into the portal each day.
Good. See that you do. And save your sarcasm. Because that's the way MOST QUALITY USERS OF THIS SITE *DO* review such flashes. Save your outrage for yourself.
At 3/19/05 05:06 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
Congrats to:
ramagi - 6666 posts. Oh no, you're evil. Please spare my life!
Ah yes. There we go. I knew I'd find out sooner or later.
Congrats on the 6666 posts, ramagi! I guess I didn't notice or think of that because you were already up to like 6680 by the time I saw your postcount yesterday. :::nods:::
At 3/19/05 03:23 AM, Alkador wrote:
War of the Portal - Part 2
20 - “Sors Part 2”
Note: Full of twists. Beware.
“Thank you,” Smiled gfoxcook. “Our gratitude to you cannot be expressed in any words.”
LOL! holy shit. I'm IN the fanfic you've been writing and posting in here?
From time to time I notice a chapter/part of it while I'm in here (which isn't often anymore, as you know, Alkador)... but I'd certainly never seen a line of dialogue from myself. I guess I wasn't reading the right parts or something. I assumed that perhaps you had to "opt in" to be in the story.
Heh... so what exactly is my "role" in the War of the Portal, anyway? #;-}>
The wind calmed as all stood before the two bodies, dead from the hands of Dobio.