Yeah, this post is a bit irrelevant, but I just enjoy enlightening people, especially when it's Final Fantasy realted. :D
I don't know how far you're into it Recon, might be some spoilers for you.
In Final Fantasy IX[9], Kuja is the main villian, boss to say, just like Sephiroth from FFVII[7]. He isn't from Gaia like the main characters[well most]are from, but from Gaias mirror planet Terra.He's the source of all the chaos that goes on in FFIX, Kuja is pretty wierd, not to many people know his exact purpouse, or meaning in life. You'll meet him furthur into the game, I think about the middle of disc two is when you first encounter him for real. After fighting him a few times, you will witness him lose himself in a twisted madness and start to fight towards the final battle that will decide the fate of the entire existence of life itself. I say he's one of the best villians ever created by Squaresoft.
I'd have to say his coolest form is his trance fourm. Trance is basically what you'd call a limit break, or an overdrive. Like in most FFs you'll reach a certain limit, and your characters will beable to do thier specaills. When you fight Kuja for the last time, he's in trance mode for the entire battle, unlike your party would be in a battle, thus making him a chalange. :/ Som better images of Kuja in trance fourm. Some of the pictures you'll see mushroom looking things, which are acutally towers where people live in the city Brain Bal which is on Terra. I don't know if this is Kujas home town, but he does come from Terra.
Allthough as strong as Kuja is, he isn't the final boss, Necron is. Necron is a speciall boss that you don't encounter much. He's like Zoma in a way, he can attack 3 times in a turn.[or he does on my game]. And he only gets stronger everytime Zidane[the main character of the entire game]gets stronger as well. But he's not the strongest either, Zoma is, he can attack 3 times per one characters actions[if I remeber correctly], and he's a bitch too, super powerful attacks as well. The character Hades [he's not a summon, UNLESS! you follow his instructions and get both Pumice pieces] is a hard fighter too, but he helps you in the end. He is also a key to getting a few secret endingins in XI. There are ways, but I'm not going to list them. lol I'm just rammbling now. XD
But about Kuja, he is a tough opponet, but beatable. He is much different looking when he is not in trance form. But much different when in it. Trance is basically an extreme change of the body, unlike where it's just anormal super attack in the other FFs. Dispite his pretty boyish looks, Kuja is a man. He doesn't look to evil at first, but he's about as wicked as they come. For the begining of the most part, he just likes to joke around. I guess you could say he's some what of a noble and likes to act like he doesn't even care about what happens to others.
I'll leave it off at that. :/ lol Sorry if it's a bit more than you needed to know, but I just love telling others about this kind of stuff. And if you look at his trance pictures, the music goes with them, that's what is so great about the FF series. :)
Anywho....congratulations to all and their uber achive ments. I do belive Gooch said he got 20k b/p points did he not? Quite the number my good sir. And congrats to everyone else, except for Bonus, cause he fails, he fails hard. :P