Congratulations fo shizzle to:
Rooty-the-Pie - Level 12, Police Lieutenant
carmelhadinosaur - 18000 BP, 5000 posts
Swive - 19000 BP
ramagi - 59000 BP
j00bie - EG Colonel
Qwoxyl - EG General, big congrats
At 2/17/05 08:22 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 2/16/05 07:24 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Aww, come on, how about another election? Maybe this time I'll have a shot, without having to compete with RC ;-)
Rest assured in the fact that you probably will win the next election, but their is some feirce competion out their with the likes of Denvish and ramagi.
I believe that ramagi has already turned down Wi/Ht membership, and I'd rather stay as a Regular.
At 2/18/05 05:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
I'm still wondering on how long it's gonna be before Denvis catches up and passes ramagi. At the current pace, I'd say about 400 weeks which is about 8 years.
Heh. She's still maintaining a VERY tidy pace. I don't know her ulterior motive, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was 100000. Also, I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to carry on BPing on this account after EGSC, or start bringing up an alt... if I even carry on BPing...