Aw, good to see a member (-Myst-) post in here. I think we've found his little brother as well. Shocking enough, there is no congratulations list by me partly tonight because of the fact I'm bloody lazy tonight. But congratulations to everyone nonetheless.
Oh, 36 hours of work so far has earned me over $360 in hard cash. I'm kind of happy as this is my first real kind of work. It smashes my social life though. Hopefully I can still see someone I want to on Tuesday.
How is everyone? Recon, I sent you two devastatingly long e-mails. Brace yourselves before you open them.
Oh yes, the main part of my post. As most of you are aware, 99% of dogs hate me. I was merrily going along with my morning paper round, throwing the designated papers to the correct houses with great style and prose. I then reached 32 New Street. Memories return to my head of dog that had the ability to come out of the bushes and growl at me the day before. A dog I am sure that didn't like me. I avoided eye contact with him/her yesterday.
I started to make my way through the driveway, where there are 13 or so units situated in the property. At unit 7, where a clump of bushes are situated next to the unit's fence, the dog jumps out, barking like mad, running towards me. I'm watching it move closer towards me and thinking. 'Uh-oh'. I quickly depart and deliver the papers at the next two houses whilst keeping an eye behind me. I was not followed. I decide to let the dog cool off and do the other streets.
Returning back to the units, I managed to get the unit 1 complete, since it was at the entrance. I kept myself alert, ready to turn around any second. I saw nothing. I go on, moving towards unit 7. I see the dog on my right, resting on the grass next to unit 8. Hmmm. I liftted my bike and dropped it. It didn't hear. 'Let's try that again' I thought'. I did it again, making sure I hit it harder. It heard instantly, turning around and sprinted towards me. This is about 10 - 15 feet away. I'm like 'fuck...i'm screwed'. It's barked with its mouth open and I forced myself towards the exit, pushing the pedals like crazy. I swear that's the fatest I've ever ridden, scared as hell with this dog trying to bloody gnash my leg. I managed to get out and it stayed at the entrance of the property, watching me. There was nothing I could do but go back to the store.
Please, can anyone give me help. I really do not like dogs and I can't just avoid this house every single day. I have 2 weeks to make a plan. No killing. Suggestions?