At 4/3/03 11:04 PM, chaotic1 wrote:
gfoxcook, yur HUGE.. yur probably going to be ahead of me in the rankings by tomorrow. congrats. ill bet you'll be on the top of that list eventually. i dont usually praise other users.. but theres always room for a first time. anyway, happy voting all
Heh. Finally, I found the post you were talking about in "exp." I guess I didn't see it buried amonst all of RR and XkwiziT's mock fighting. #;-}>
Anyway, thanks for the confidence in my abilities. Like I said, I'm only aiming for the top 10, so we'll see. Those ____ General ranks are pretty tempting, though. But who knows, by the time I get to one, there might be 15 already at them, not just 2 like there are now. #;-}>
In any event, you're still ahead of me, by 30 or so. You're proving much tougher than the rest of the 40-50 crowd, I must say. #;-}> Shadow and Agent are pretty slowly getting points lately, so we should both be passing them pretty soon.