Hopefully I'm getting this "summary" technique down. =/
At 12/25/04 11:52 AM, ramagi wrote: Look Santa gave me a present today.
Haha, nice work there. Just 2,000 more and you've reached another massive milestone. ;)
At 12/25/04 12:51 PM, Denvish wrote: Good luck to Kringle-Kris (Inizuka Kiba) in reaching 10000 blams by 2005. Nice katana, too, I've always wanted a samurai sword, the balance just looks sooooo nice on them
I can't decide if that was a typo or just a blatant misspelling of my main alias. Heh, I don't mind much, most people can't spell it right anyway unless they have some knowledge of Japanese. Heh, also I've almost shortened the gap to a mere 100 more points. Which won't be hard at all. =D And yeah, it's an awesome katana, so now I've made you and Alkador jealous, who next? >=D
My achievement for Christmas day (not a big one, but whatever) courtesy of the Star Syndicate:
Haha, nice work there. Lemme guess, their response was something like "<3" or "laff" or "lol" or ect... Nice work there, I have 100 reviews and 10 responses. What pretty numbers. =D
At 12/25/04 05:02 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Liek lol n00b lolol
Just kidding :P
So if you were talking you would have said "Like, laugh out loud, newbie, laugh out loud out loud."? <3
At 12/25/04 08:53 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: A Very Merry Christmas to all Wi/Ht members!! (you freakazoids)
I take that very offensive and must now commit seppuku. ;_;
Ahhh Christmas. It's really strange how people act differently this time of the year and then fall back to their everyday routines once it's all over.
Heh, you mean me NOT quoting everything in sight? <3 =D
At 12/25/04 11:00 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: Haha, loving the story so far, keep it up.
I can see this whole story becoming nothing but a complete mockary of me. Can you like kill me off now before it gets worse please Alkador? Heh, jk. Just don't put too much abuse on me. =P
Well I've been wanting to list all of my x-mas presents and such, but we still have 2 more get togethers tomorrow. We had 2 on the 24th, 2 on the 25th, and two on the 26th. Must all of my family live here??? Well tomorrow once I have all of my presents I might list them. I just jumped the gun with the webcam and katana because they rule. =D
Wi/Ht? #28