Well, my post will definatly be shorter this time, so much SPAM from Ramagi, ~X~. and ect... >=( Heh, I forgive you. <3
At 12/21/04 04:30 AM, Denvish wrote:
B/p helper stuff
Hmm, the more I hear about this program the more interested I am in it. Hope you can get it done in a month or two so I can test it out. =)
At 12/21/04 04:36 AM, Denvish wrote:
6,000 saves and awesome gif
Wow, congrats on that, your saves are almost as high as my blams. o_O Pretty cool pic too. =)
At 12/21/04 04:56 AM, RedCircle wrote:
Also, the RCVL is updated and you have good news there too ;-)
Haha, RCNIKVL, rofl. That still cracks me up, oh well, it was a good update. =)
At 12/21/04 05:14 AM, Alkador wrote:
I've been having a talk with Inukuza-Kiba in AIM.
Who hasn't? XD I kid, I kid. <3
Story stuff.
Well, I back you up on the whole story thing, it sounds quite interesting. Would you post the chapters in here or make your own thread? =P
PS: Good work with that 3,500 EXP you reminded me about on AIM. =)
At 12/21/04 07:07 AM, Outraged_Josh wrote:
top 4000 exp top 800 b/p
Well, nice work there, that's all the top 5,000 total. =) Congrats. ^_^
At 12/21/04 07:19 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
Psssht, he wants to be me.
Oh really? I severly doubt that. XD Who'd want to be you? >=P <3
At 12/21/04 07:20 AM, RedCircle wrote:
Just to let the Regulars know, I have sent out the e-mail to you all for the January Regulars Election.
Yeah, and you would've forgotten to if I hadn't gone and reminded you at the last minute before you signed off AIM. =D
Thank you Kiba
Shh!!! Don't let everyone know that I helped make the potential list when I'm a potential. I don't know what rule that's breaking, but I'm sure there is one. >=( Good job. ;_;
PLEASE DO NOT VOTE YET!!! ...and no posting ANY of your votes on the bbs. Everything MUST go through e-mail.
What you really mean to say is that you want people to start voting right away and post their votes on the BBS because it's more convenient that e-mail right? =)
Have a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat Day!
-R to da C
Well, I slept all day (after all, we both didn't go to bed until what, 7? ;)) and it was gr^25eat. =)
-F to the U wait...I to the K, yeah, that's what I meant. ;o
PS: Since I know the potential list don't you think it's only fair to post/e-mail the rest of the potentials. After all, it's only fair. =/
At 12/21/04 07:56 AM, Outraged_Josh wrote:
I'm excited
Heh, it's not that big of a deal and all, once you see the list. I've seen it (and I hope RC lets everyone else too, to be fair) and it'll be a few more months before I make it in. ;)
Well RC, its great and all, i wonder who will be next Regular.
Heh, damn, am I allowed to place my bets since I can't vote?? Why aren't you on AIM RC? >=( I have so many questions now, I'm trying to break any rules in this post. ;_;
Well good luck to everyone in the running, whoever they are.
Once again: RC GET ON AIM. >=( And good luck to you too. *Hopes he didn't just break a rule with that comment.* =)
At 12/21/04 09:30 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
One month already! man that went quick! the suspence is killing me lol....
Yeah, well it's only been 2/3 of a month, the elections are just being organized right now. ;) Being on the inside, yet not really supposed to be on the inside is what's killing me right now. Wow, akward sentence. =/
-2000 experience points !
Yay, next milestone: 2,500. Only more days. ;) Congrats.
At 12/21/04 10:14 AM, BonusStage wrote:
no one noticed me
Oh no, I did notice. Immediatly after my post, and I don't like making a super-short post, even for you. So I just delayed it. And never forgot about you. ;)
carmel trusts me
*Asks carmel* *Carmel says never to trust Bonus* *Agrees* ;)
online gaming stuff
Heh, I'm balancing three mmorpgs right now and still have plenty of time for NG and other things, after all, it is winter break here in Indy. ;) You hear about the 7 inches we're suppossed to get tomorrow?? ^_^
DHT and Myst
Heh, you should pay more attention, they've already adopted a child. ;)
Lacie stuff
Really? I don't recall Lacie EVER being ahead of you, because when I first saw her she was around a few hundred and you were around a few thousand. -_-;; But yeah, she's still around, I just saw she was on and decided to check her profile for kicks to see if she stayed that insanly active, and when I saw her with almost the same post count as me, I was shocked. o_O
At 12/21/04 01:40 PM, MPA wrote:
#7 in b/p.
That's great, I'm sure we'll see you up at #6 soon enough, you've been moving like crazy. It seems just yesterday you weren't even in the top 10. =P
At 12/21/04 02:46 PM, -Myst- wrote:
I just reached the Elite Guard First Lieutenant's rank youhou!
Haha, nice work there, that's pretty high up the ladder. Congrats. =)
At 12/21/04 04:37 PM, ramagi wrote:
3,000 posts.
Heh, everyone's just flying in post count these days, I still remember making 2,500 a long time ago, and am still only 64 post past that (soon to be 65). Congrats. =)
At 12/21/04 04:55 PM, _lightning_ wrote:
Hey rebel i see you missed some deposits. =/
So cruel, yet such a perfect turn of events for you. ;) Did you decide to knock out his power? XD
At 12/21/04 05:55 PM, Vince50 wrote:
just got to police lieutenant :-D
Well congrats there. Next rank you get your first (temporary) GOLD rank. ;)
At 12/21/04 06:06 PM, Wylo wrote:
I finally got to Elite Guard Major General, now on to the big VP bonuses.
Haha, congrats. Soon no more of those mesley 2% bonuses for you. =D
At 12/21/04 08:23 PM, iyvonthemon wrote:
Blah blah
You idiot, look at the time the thread was made, and then check the number of people who post in here. Heck, if we had more people who came here then we would be over 1,000 pages. >=( Of course, with the current behavior of some of the people around here (RAMAGI & ~X~) I can see why you think it's all just spam. =P
At 12/21/04 09:24 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:
boxing day
Heh, did you have to find the longest summary? >=( Well now I understand what you meant at least. (I think...) ;)
literary gold
I'll have to go with Reality for 400. =D
And what's this? My post isn't at some ungodly hour at night? Maybe because of this screenie. ;) Yay, now I'll get into the top 500 VP next update, unless everyone else decides they want to rank-up too. =P