At 12/4/04 12:36 AM, ramagi wrote:
I usally just whistle those. I actualy don't vote on those for the most part there are a few stolen ones I'll vote 2-5 beacause I didn't know at the time they were stolen.
Ahh. Well, I tend to vote first and then whistle. I often miss out on the whistle that way, though. If I remember to, I whistle first and THEN vote, but I don't usually remember to. #;-}>
I am as close to gold right now as I have ever been...
Hey I havn''t marked a review today. :)
I been doing other things, I did ban a couple of morons.
By as close as I've ever been... I meant: "not very." #;-}>
And yeah, I noticed your banninations, just as you noticed at least one of my 4. It seems like you and I are the only review mods using the review mod log topic anymore. ;_;
And yeah and yeah, I did notice you didn't mark the reviews of the morons I noticed you'd banned... some reviews were still at 0/0, but don't worry... I fixed that nice and quick.
Still, even if you retire from super-marking duties, the chances of me hitting gold before... say... hitting level 19... are very, very low. #;-}>
At 12/4/04 12:45 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
I never whistle flashes simply because I don't trust my judgement :O. I'm never sure so I prefer to ignore the whistle for flashes. It's better to ignore it than to whistle flashes that don't deserve it, right? so I don't take the risk.
Most whistles that I gained where from abusive reviews linked in the abusive reviews thread.
I understand your fear. I tend to only whistle when I'm sure as well. That's why I don't whistle very much flash. But I do mark a lot of abusive reviews, so that's why I do okay when it comes to WP...
Anyway, I was just responding to your "I vote 0 when A)It's against the rules ex: stolen, malicious, etc." thing from a couple weeks ago, that's all. Wanted to make sure you knew not to vote 0 on stolen flash by default, and for anyone else who was doing it at all.
Don't they usually get blammed and then the real author submits it? so the admins can transfer a flash from one person to another? What the hell did you mean?
:::shrugs::: man, I wouldn't know, I'm not an admin. I'm just telling you what the admins say to do. After you whistle a stolen movie, it TELLS you to vote what you think the movie itself deserves, and not to try to punish the thief with a 0 vote. That's all I'm saying.
His name is AnusBoy. I finally remembered it. aka sanderail or TheSander.
I didn't ask for his username ;O. I just wanted to know what happened.
I didn't say you asked for it. I wanted to say it back in November and couldn't think of it. I have since run across the name again so now I remember. Voila!
Oh really? testing right now :D
hahahahaha. no.
Then you won't be banninated!
OGMOGMGOGM we are banninated O_o :D
By the way, why do you reply to my old posts? I don't even remember posting that. :O
Because that's called "catching up."
Of course you posted it, ya big silly amnesiac! I don't forge quotes.
At 12/4/04 04:11 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 12/4/04 02:17 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote:
Side note to SK: I told you. It always happens. You start to get closer to me in b/p then drop back. Like I said; hovering. =D
I prefer to call it a distraction. Namely, I've gotten really active with Retrogade lately, and it's caused my b/p rate to tumble. So nyah! :-p
Ahhhh, the wonders of adminhood.
Just take a look at how many people you passed on today's top 500 VP list due to a b/p rankup.... and then tell me that you don't care about b/p because you're too busy with RG.
RG ain't got NOTHING like the thrill of a VP climb. Of course, I suppose you could change that, Mr. Admin. #;-}> Adding VP to the PS Portal would be pretty nifty... you already added review responses and (not)helpful review marking, after all.
At 12/4/04 04:59 AM, Denvish wrote:
Your posts aren't as intense, because you add spacing. My main difficulty with reading your stuff is the sheer volume of it (ie. 1-3 loooong posts in pretty much every topic) when you play your catch-up game. I generally ignore the review-related ones anyway, but it can still be quite intimidating keeping up with your catchups.
Yeah, it was after I wrote my faux-upset response that I realised that's what you meant by intense, not the size of the overall post.
However intimidating my catchups are... they don't compare to trying to read 20 pages of level up! like I just did yesterday. Hmph. #;-}>
Once again, nothing of major interest to declare. Slowly working my way up the top 50 BP, hit 1500 posts yesterday, but neither really deserves celebration or even acknowledgement
Passing 12 people in VP ranks is nothing of major interest?!?!? #;-}>