At 11/29/04 11:34 PM, RyanAn wrote:
You will be at 12 soon enough, those days are quicker, enjoy them!
Oh yeah, I know how quickly I can rank up because of the ht effect causing your needed experience to jump up more than mine does. >_< Well anyway, it seems that you got knocked down by that effect. Sad to see you'll have to live with 20 for another day. Hopefully your next deposit will keep you at 21 and you won't keep getting pushed back. Tough luck. ;_;
Heh, I didn't even notice you were nearing a level up ramagi, we'll I'll give you a pre-congrats. And are you serious when you say a year? That's pretty insane right there, I estimated it'd be around 7-8 months. But a's going to be murder when I get there. >_<
Heh, SK, Joe, and Osama, it seems you're all obsessed with that quick draw. I'm usually not even on at that time to get a deposit in. It was fun during the short time we had summer, but now it seems it's gotten a bit old. =P
/me hacks SK's site.
Why it seems you're all mistaken, I have the most golds. >=D
Well congrats snowybeast. That's a pretty nifty number you've got going there. But usually, you want to have 4,444 of one or the other, not both together. But oh well, it's still a good b/p count anyway. Congrats. =D
Well good job on those 4,000 experience points RC. Any reason for tampering with the screenshot? That's not all that needed. =/ Well anyway, it'll be a long while before I make it up there, I'm sure you'll be around 6,000 by then. >_< Congrats.
Heh, yoink has a special number at the end. All I have is this lousy 5. ;_;
*Waits for chance to get 5,555 exp.* >=P My experience points aren't half empty or half full, they're merely half. =D