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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 11:54:16

Sorry if alot of my repies seem a bit dated as iv been absent form here for 2 days due to simply being very busy, hopefully i will get a resonable ammount of time for NG over the weekend to get some b/p as iv, got close to none these paast few days and sergant looks farther than ever at the rate im going

Congrats to all the people iv missed i know there are alot.

At 11/17/04 09:45 PM, _matt_ wrote: I finally reached 1337 blams, and i hope to get that fancy little new badge by the end of the week :)

Congrats matt thats pretty cool : )

At 11/18/04 03:42 AM, RedCircle wrote: Good job on your high VP Seed!
I just got a base VP of 6.00 today! Yay ^_^

Yay : ) congrats RC

At 11/18/04 09:05 AM, agatio wrote: As of now, I have (and in a few minutes, broke) 1000 save points.


At 11/18/04 03:07 PM, RedCircle wrote: Even though I just bludgeoned a squirrel to death in my yard, I'm quite cheery ^_^

Shame on you ! **calls RSPCA**

At 11/18/04 07:49 PM, EKRegulus wrote: heh I just passed the 3 posts per day mark, maybe I should slow down.
I just reached another milestone. A small one but it's still one.
You guys are probably smart enough to guess it :D

Congrats EKR on your various post achivements

At 11/19/04 12:01 AM, Acid-Rain wrote: lvl ten.... hmmmm

Grats on ya' new glove : )

At 11/19/04 11:27 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: congrats ramagi!
It's nice to see you on top of the list again.

Good goin Yoink, grats 16k.

My biggest Congrats goes to Ramagi **Bows down**

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 13:09:46

At 11/19/04 11:27 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: congrats ramagi!
It's nice to see you on top of the list again.

Congratz on 16K
Also congratz Acid on the level up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 13:52:01

At 11/15/04 05:59 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: K, so I could have worded that sentence a bit better. I knew she had been a review mod for a while. It's been in her sig for nearly as long as I can remember.

Ah, okay... good. I couldn't tell you knew that from the way you phrased that, yeah. #;-}>

You broke the Matrix gfoxcook. Good one.


At 11/15/04 06:00 AM, SeeD419 wrote:
At 11/15/04 05:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HOORAY! I AM NOW 10,000 DAYS OLD!!!! GO ME! GO ME!
YAY FOR GFOX! Now, if you'll give me the address, I'll be over in no time with a 24 pack and the hos you requested...

uh... I think you have me mixed up with someone else. Besides, I don't feel like getting arrested or fined for facilitating underaged drinking and sexxoring. O_O

At 11/15/04 06:05 AM, RedCircle wrote: Grats on ten-thou days geefox! It does make you feel old though, eh? I'll be coming up on that in about 4 years myself.

Thanks. Not really. 10,000 days seems mostly cool to me, not old. Though I wasn't hesitate to lord it over you for about 4 years! MWAHAAHA. #;-}>

It's kinda funny how you are gauging your life on days instead of years (I know you don't do this all the time). It's similiar to the difference in the ways D0GMA and Shitty track bp's. D0GMA does it by days, and SK does it by hours.

Heh. It'd be funny if it WAS all the time, actually. Heh.

At 11/15/04 06:09 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 11/15/04 05:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HOORAY! I AM NOW 10,000 DAYS OLD!!!! GO ME! GO ME! 5 DIGITS, BABY!!!!
Hehe, and I bet you started counting down when you were 6 months old... congratulations on your 27.4 years. Christ, that makes me feel old.

Thanks! Nah. About a year ago or so I made a text file. #;-}>

You're not THAT far over 10k, are yas? Anyway... up to 10,004 now... the odometer o' life keeps on ticking away... day by day, mile by mile.

At 11/15/04 06:13 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/15/04 05:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HOORAY! I AM NOW 10,000 DAYS OLD!!!! GO ME! GO ME!
o;:o:O;O;o omfg congrats to Mr. Phawks :D

Phawks? Is that what they're calling me now? #;-}> Thanks, Mr. Bone-us.

Also congrats Crono on finally passing chaotic in XP, but it got a bit anticlimatic considering he just missed 3 days ... thus ending it :(

Pfft. They'd been tied in exp for like half a year. The only WAY it was going to end was one of them missing at least one deposit. How else did you want it to happen?!

At 11/15/04 07:46 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Grats Gfox and Crono, well done guys....


Hahaha Gfox is back... meh.


At 11/15/04 12:22 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
At 11/15/04 05:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HOORAY! I AM NOW 10,000 DAYS OLD!!!! GO ME! GO ME!
WOW Huge congrats to you!!!

Thanks, Mr. I spam teh reviewsorz. #;-}>

At 11/15/04 01:51 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: What about Gold Whistle? Will we have a chance one day... to achieve it?

If we all keep on marking those reviews you made to the "bottom 50 flash on NG" or whatever, MAYBE SO. #;-}>

In all seriousness, though... um... I'm the closest, AFAIK, to hitting Gold (1.65 Whistle Power currently out of the 2.00 needed for gold)... and jonthomson was around 1.15 or so a couple months ago. AFAIK no one else (except perhaps Newgrundling, who used to be up there with Joe and Dogma in gold/deityland) is as close as we are.

Most people are down in the 0.00-0.50 zone. Yes, even the silvers. Silver is a huge range from somewhere down in that area to 2.00. Gold from 2.00 to 2.99. Deity = 3.00. Garbage = negative.

At 11/15/04 05:00 PM, j00bie wrote:
O, a bit more busy then usual.
gfoxcook - 10000 days old
Nothing new or interesting on my end, except for a nifty screeny.


At 11/15/04 10:02 PM, j00bie wrote: I think it looks damn good, better then the small a.
There's something about the capital at the beginning and the end that I like about it

BilA > Bila

Eh, I likes teh old Bila better.

He should go with bila next. All undercase, like me and ramagi and fixit. That's what the cool peoples (and robots) do.... erm... wait, except if you have numbers in your name, you're not cool. (cough)

Anyway... now to disprove the whole "cap at start/end is nifty" thing":


See? :::shudders:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 14:01:33

At 11/16/04 08:24 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 11/16/04 07:30 AM, SeeD419 wrote: There are at least five of these and they're pretty popular, pages in the hundreds. The name "level up" is even in the name of this thread, but how did it manage to get past the mods like that? It's been bugging me forever, I was just hoping somebody would answer it so I didnt have to ask it. :( didnt happen.
The Wi/Ht forum seems to be considered an exception to this rule - in fact, a couple of the stats threads are maintained by mods (gfoxcook & jonthompson). As someone once said before, a stat-based site like NG is inevitably going to give rise to stats threads. So long as they're kept under control, I think the admins tend to just turn a blind eye to them *crosses fingers*. Also, most of people who hang out in this forum, although stat-obsessed, are sensible and helpful members of the NG community and are not trying to harm NG in any way by being involved in this kind of activity. If anything, stats threads will pull more people of this type onto the BBS; which surely can't be a bad thing... can it...?

:::gfoxcook opens up textbook:::


A) this topic is okay because it's not JUST about levelups and stats. It's also a general lounge for all teh helpful peoples of Wi/Ht? to hang out in and stay sane while dealing with all the noob questions that pop up in various new threads all the time. That, I believe, is the only reason it's still open. Also, keep in mind that we got liljim to change it from level up! to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge many months ago... he obviously knows of the topic, and he was glad we were changing the title of it to reflect that this is primarily a lounge, and not what page 1 of the topic was about (spancker's levelup #;-}>).

B) the other relatively big threads in this forum are not really "stat threads." They are LIST threads. Lists of stats, yes, but lists. The entire rule about stat topics says not to post "post your popularity here!" or "post your exp here!" or yadda yadda yadda. As it says, everyone can see those things in your profile (or even next to your posts in the cases of some stats, especially with the new changes that came with the BBS redesign)....

but you see... lists provide something that you simply CANNOT get from simply looking in individual profiles... nor can you get it from the official NG list section that only provides a few top 50s. And that is why our list threads are okay. They provide a SERVICE to NG, NG regulars, and many noobs. Noobs who'd be posting "OH MY GOD, HOW DO I RANK COMPARED TO OTHER PEOPLE IN B/P" topics in General... will hopefully see Dogma's topic... and many noobs who might post a "IS MY VP GOOD OR BAD?" topic here in Wi/Ht?... will hopefully see my VP topic and find out for themselves. Etc. etc.

Everything that supports question-answering (such as FAQs and list topics) and the sanity of question-answerers (such as this lounge) = okay with the admins. Unless, of course, it all turned into pure spam.

Which is why the page 700 incident was so bad, bad, bad. If enough things like that happened... and people complained to the admins... boom. lockage.

So now you know.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 14:13:33

Yeah, i´m a Elite Guard Private now. It takes some time, because school is taking a lot of my freetime....^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 14:20:40

At 11/19/04 01:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: In all seriousness, though... um... I'm the closest, AFAIK, to hitting Gold (1.65 Whistle Power currently out of the 2.00 needed for gold)... and jonthomson was around 1.15 or so a couple months ago. AFAIK no one else (except perhaps Newgrundling, who used to be up there with Joe and Dogma in gold/deityland) is as close as we are.

Yea it could happen. Wade claered a bunch of reviews so your mark may have went up a bit.

Eh, I likes teh old Bila better.

He should go with bila next. All undercase, like me and ramagi and fixit. That's what the cool peoples (and robots) do.... erm... wait, except if you have numbers in your name, you're not cool. (cough)

Anyway... now to disprove the whole "cap at start/end is nifty" thing":


See? :::shudders:::

That is just ugly. i would never do that to my name. I made my name all lower case when I signed up, I would ewven considering putting cap at both ends. ICK!!!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 15:19:12

At 11/16/04 12:37 PM, SadJerry wrote: Well, having just hit 3 blam points, I have some breaking news for all my fans.

I must retire from blamming and saving. Now, now, don't cry for me, because some day, I may return. But untill that day, I don't want to see any tears, or and mouring for me.

God speed all my fans,

-Jerry Garcia, aka Sad Jerry.

HAHAHAH. Greatest post EVER in this topic. I can't believe NO ONE FUCKING REPLIED TO IT OR EVEN SEEMED TO NOTICE IT. What the hell is wrong with you people?!?! #;-}>

At 11/17/04 02:25 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 11/17/04 02:15 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: *sigh*

You guys didn't even notice the 25,000th post or the 25,000th reply. You just ruined my day. ;-)
true, but they surely noticed the 700th page :P

The main reason why nobody mentionned it is because megastatswhores like gfoxcook, dogma, bonusstage, j00bie or ekregulus(do I know him?) weren't there to discuss or spam during 3 pages about who got the 25 000 th post.

Hey now... don't include me and Dogma on that list. Sure we're megastatwhores, but we don't ramble on forever about something as silly and simple as 25,000 posts in a topic or something. If I was here that day, I would have made one simple post about it and that's it (unless responding to someone else responding to me and it happened to include stuff about that, of course). I've never TRIED to get a specific post in a topic, and I've never gone on and on about such a thing. The only thing I do is try to start my list updates, occasionally, at the top of a new page. That's it.

:::is glad he doesn't have a single post on page 700 or 834 of this topic:::

At 11/17/04 07:53 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
At 11/17/04 07:34 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 11/17/04 07:27 PM, EarthCrisis wrote: Are you guys trying to be the second BBS topic to get to 1,000 pages?
uhhhh that's not the purpose of this thread, please read the first post and you will understand why we keep posting here.
that would be pretty funny wouldn't it ^^ Start a club... and the only purpose is to reach 1000pages ^^

Yeah, it'd be really funny... to the mod who first noticed it and locked the hell out of it immediately.

I'm sad guys... no way highlight my BPs rank up :'( and my 1500th post :'(

no way highlight? WTF?

At 11/18/04 01:03 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 11/18/04 12:55 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: So...um...why do they do that? Can't just put the # of posts that the thread has instead of the number of replies, it only sounds more logical to go by total posts rather than total replies. Maybe they consider the first post to be the actual thread....wait....this is so confusing, I know how it works and all....I just don't understand WHY they decided to set it up that way...
lol, take it up with liljim or whoever the hell formates this site :P
i would say that its reasonable logical... sort of...
in the bbs menu thingy, with all the threads listed.... it shows the number of replies, doesnt it? and in here it sais the number of replies aswell? yeh.... i dont see how its confusing. because the person that MAKES the thread isnt really replying to it are they?

Yep. But either way... thread-starting-post or reply to thread... a post is a post when it comes to postcount and in postsearches...

But here's the thing: Total threads + total replies = total posts. That's why threads and replies are kept track of, because they add together to form posts. So it breaks it down into "topic starters" and "topic continuations" basically.

At 11/19/04 12:22 AM, Syme wrote:
At 11/18/04 11:52 PM, EKRegulus wrote: If fixit was still active, ramagi would NEVER be able to catch him :P
you always like this or is today special? if ramagi hadn't STOPPED fixit wouldnever have caugth her.

When ramagi stopped (on December 4th, 2003), she stopped at 36,000 b/p and fixit had approximately 35,750 b/p. IOW, he was only 250 behind her at that point (versus... when she hit 35,000 b/p and he was over 1100 behind her at around 33,860 b/p on November 11th, 2003)...

fixit passed her only 3 days later, on December 7th, 2003. IOW, at the rate he was going compared to the rate she was going between 35k and 36k, she was going to be passed in December. Maybe a week or so later, but in December 2003. So I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there, Syme. I have the top 50 lists to prove it.

And then... He went on to gain 19,500 b/p (enough for Brigadier General) in the next 5 months, averaging over 125 bppd. So... in defense of EKRegulus... had fixit never stopped, and had he continued the way he normally b/ped... NO ONE could have caught him. Ever.

All that said... she did almost EVERYTHING there was to do, save hitting 40,000 and 45,000... before fixit ever came close to doing them. And she was #1 for a super long time. And because fixit stopped his engines at 49,500 after a few months of rabid b/ping... and then retired for the next 6 months or so... his reign at the top, mostly dormant, only lasted 11.5 months. ramagi is back on top where she belongs! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN! #;-}>

At 11/19/04 08:14 AM, ramagi wrote: First thanks all.
I stepped my pace back up a little to get here. I said about 4am the page would update someone posted it at 5am, not too far off.
I do plan on taking it easy this weekend so 50K in about a 7 days.

"Only" 7 days. #;-}>

The top 50 lists autoupdate, they aren't posted by anyone. And generally, the server recalcs profile rankings and the top 50s around 4:35 AM to 4:45 AM NG time, though it can vary. I miss the old days when it was more like 3:30 AM NG time. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 15:23:05

At 11/19/04 02:20 PM, ramagi wrote: Yea it could happen. Wade claered a bunch of reviews so your mark may have went up a bit.

Well, it was 1.65 just yesterday. I'll check again in a bit, but I doubt it's over 1.70 yet. One can hope, though.


See? :::shudders:::
That is just ugly. i would never do that to my name. I made my name all lower case when I signed up, I would ewven considering putting cap at both ends. ICK!!!!!

No kidding it's ugly! Now when I first came online on AOL and Prodigy, I wanted to go as Greg Fox Cook, but it was too long, so I was G FOX Cook (Fox in all caps because G Fox Cook looked weird to me for some reason). I got tired of the spaces and caps in G FOX Cook, plus internet e-mail addies automatically got rid of them back then, so I became simply gfoxcook@alladdies. I'm glad to hear you will never change your name, too.

Now, since it's ramagi/fixit/gfoxcook/BilA on the list... I wish that Bila would take my advice and change it to bila. Then we can be the top 4 of NO CAPS ALLOWED. #;-}>

At 11/18/04 02:44 AM, RedCircle wrote: First off, while I was working last Sunday, my father met me in the bar area at Outback and told me that my Grandfather passed away. Totally sucked, but I kinda knew it would bound to happen soon.

I'm very sorry to hear about that, man. ;_;

Best wishes to you, your family, and to him.

At 11/18/04 03:16 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 11/18/04 01:18 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: OMFG I Just hit 10,000 reviews everyone congrats me now muhahahha along time but i finnaly did it 10,000 reviews suckas....
Seriously dude.....

/me makes sad attempt at doing Mr. Mackey (school counsellor) voice

Drugs are BAD

LOL! Indeed. Silly XwaynecoltX.

But you forgot the "mmmmkay?"

Drugs are bad... mmmmkay? </mistahmacaroniwhatsitfromsouthpark>

At 11/18/04 05:43 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 11/18/04 05:33 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Don't say such things so loudly! The squirrels around here have little radio transponders around their neck; I think they're planning a coordinated attack. Can't trust those squirrels...
Nice site =) I've disliked tree rats since I was 15. One of them got stuck in the chimney and the damned thing growled at us while we were trying to convince it to go back up the chimney. Of course, I've also had a ground rat leap a meter in the air to try to take a bite out of my face, so I don't like them much either ...

HEY NOW. I love teh skwirls. ;_; There are zillions of friendly ones at Rice U... when I was attending classes there, I would always enjoy seeing them as I walked between classes. Friendly lil' beggars.





in other news...

DAMNIT! I missed Dogma's 3333 posts screenie-op. ;_;

Ah well. At least I snagged 1111 and 2222. :::forges a 3333 later:::

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 15:41:27

At 11/19/04 03:19 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

(unless responding to someone else responding to me and it happened to include stuff about that, of course).

and then another person will responde and he will still include the same subjects and it keeps going.. that's what I meant. When we post comments about something, it doesn't mean it would be directly about that subject so it could take 1-2 pages before the subject is completely different.

What I really wanted to mean is that none of the people that I listed would forget that kind of milestone because statswhores simply keep an eye on any stat that will be reached.

is glad he doesn't have a single post on page 700 or 834 of this topic:::

I did post 2-3 times... to tell everyone to shut up :P

Yeah, it'd be really funny... to the mod who first noticed it and locked the hell out of it immediately.

That topic wouldn't even stay alive during one day unless ALL the mods are too lazy to make a quickcheck on the club and crews. Although, I'm sure someone would warn at least one mod...

When ramagi stopped (on December 4th, 2003), she stopped at 36,000 b/p and fixit had approximately 35,750 b/p. IOW, he was only 250 behind her at that point (versus... when she hit 35,000 b/p and he was over 1100 behind her at around 33,860 b/p on November 11th, 2003)...

It's not difficult to be that fast when you are just a program =/

fixit passed her only 3 days later, on December 7th, 2003. IOW, at the rate he was going compared to the rate she was going between 35k and 36k, she was going to be passed in December. Maybe a week or so later, but in December 2003. So I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there, Syme. I have the top 50 lists to prove it.

That's what I thought. fixit would easily take over the spot because he's not even human.

And then... He went on to gain 19,500 b/p (enough for Brigadier General) in the next 5 months, averaging over 125 bppd. So... in defense of EKRegulus... had fixit never stopped, and had he continued the way he normally b/ped... NO ONE could have caught him. Ever.

Where would he be right now? Over 75000? That's simply impossible to catch.

All that said... she did almost EVERYTHING there was to do, save hitting 40,000 and 45,000... before fixit ever came close to doing them. And she was #1 for a super long time. And because fixit stopped his engines at 49,500 after a few months of rabid b/ping... and then retired for the next 6 months or so... his reign at the top, mostly dormant, only lasted 11.5 months. ramagi is back on top where she belongs! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN! #;-}>

fixit will always be known as the fastest b/per! :P That's one crown that ramagi will never get her hands on. Even Ya_Ya and bonusstage are far ahead her in that category.

fixit never deserved that place anyway simply because he's a program.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 15:41:28

At 11/19/04 03:19 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 11/16/04 12:37 PM, SadJerry wrote: God speed all my fans,

-Jerry Garcia, aka Sad Jerry.
HAHAHAH. Greatest post EVER in this topic. I can't believe NO ONE FUCKING REPLIED TO IT OR EVEN SEEMED TO NOTICE IT. What the hell is wrong with you people?!?! #;-}>

I noticed, and I was very upset

At 11/17/04 02:58 AM, Denvish wrote: congatulations to:

SadJerry - 3 BP. Sorry to hear about your retirement *sobs*


At 11/19/04 01:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You're not THAT far over 10k, are yas? Anyway... up to 10,004 now... the odometer o' life keeps on ticking away... day by day, mile by mile.

13102 as of today.. I think... I forget, senile dementia tends to take over in the evenings


While I'm here, quick congrats catch-up: Well done to

David_Deluxe - EG Private
YoinK_VineS - 16000 blams

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 16:55:17

Looking at DOGMA's profile i noticed the heshe lives in NH like me. What part of NH are you in DOGMA?

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 17:01:02

At 11/19/04 03:41 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 11/19/04 03:19 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
(unless responding to someone else responding to me and it happened to include stuff about that, of course).

and then another person will responde and he will still include the same subjects and it keeps going.. that's what I meant. When we post comments about something, it doesn't mean it would be directly about that subject so it could take 1-2 pages before the subject is completely different.

Yes, but if you hadn't noticed, my posts tend to contain several conversations at once. If I, and the people replying to me, don't talk ONLY about the 25,000 post thing or whatever... then it's not going to be 1-2 pages of crap or pointlessness. Only if people talk ONLY about a meaningless stat like that and nothing else. And come on... do I ever only talk about one thing at a time in topics around here? Especially this one. :::nods:::

What I really wanted to mean is that none of the people that I listed would forget that kind of milestone because statswhores simply keep an eye on any stat that will be reached.

Ah. Well, I didn't notice till I came to the post by the person who pointed it out, personally.

is glad he doesn't have a single post on page 700 or 834 of this topic:::
I did post 2-3 times... to tell everyone to shut up :P

But see, that's usually just as pointless as the spam. #;-}>

I shoulda just deleted the whole freakin' page's posts when I read it all (topic was only to 703 or 704 by that point, I believe). Ah well... next time!

Yeah, it'd be really funny... to the mod who first noticed it and locked the hell out of it immediately.
That topic wouldn't even stay alive during one day unless ALL the mods are too lazy to make a quickcheck on the club and crews. Although, I'm sure someone would warn at least one mod...

It doesn't matter. Even if it didn't get noticed within the first week, all it would take is anyone (mod or regular) notifying liljim or Wade. Boom Zap ZAM.

That's what I thought. fixit would easily take over the spot because he's not even human.

Yes, well... the theories about fixit are more wide and varied than those about Dogma, so... #;-}>

And then... He went on to gain 19,500 b/p (enough for Brigadier General) in the next 5 months, averaging over 125 bppd. So... in defense of EKRegulus... had fixit never stopped, and had he continued the way he normally b/ped... NO ONE could have caught him. Ever.
Where would he be right now? Over 75000? That's simply impossible to catch.

Depends on the amount of stuff to vote on in the portal, but... yeah, I'd say around 70,000-80,000ish by now.

fixit will always be known as the fastest b/per! :P That's one crown that ramagi will never get her hands on. Even Ya_Ya and bonusstage are far ahead her in that category.

Yeah, but fastest b/per means nothing if you don't have endurance. And it's not the greatest quality to begin with. Fastest BBS poster is simply the person who gets banned the most often as well. Fastest b/per is the person who gets his point deleted for not watching movies and voting blindly. Capisce?

At 11/19/04 03:41 PM, Denvish wrote:
At 11/19/04 03:19 PM, gfoxcook wrote: HAHAHAH. Greatest post EVER in this topic. I can't believe NO ONE FUCKING REPLIED TO IT OR EVEN SEEMED TO NOTICE IT. What the hell is wrong with you people?!?! #;-}>
I noticed, and I was very upset

At 11/17/04 02:58 AM, Denvish wrote: congatulations to:

SadJerry - 3 BP. Sorry to hear about your retirement *sobs*

Ahhhh, I see. Musta missed it in one of those big multi-congrat combo posts that you and Dogma do in here. I remember when I pioneered the artform. :::nods:::

Boy am I glad I don't try to do that anymore. #;-}>

So anyway.... okay, I'm the SECOND person to notice/reply to that post. Not all that much better. But thanks for saying something about it, Denvish. :::enjoys:::

At 11/19/04 01:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You're not THAT far over 10k, are yas? Anyway... up to 10,004 now... the odometer o' life keeps on ticking away... day by day, mile by mile.
13102 as of today.. I think... I forget, senile dementia tends to take over in the evenings

You forget? You mean you have a running count? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 17:15:00

yey, i leveled up to an Elite Guard Colonel!!


Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 17:16:56

Yay, I just hit 6,000 blams.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 17:18:02

At 11/19/04 05:15 PM, Toocool100 wrote: yey, i leveled up to an Elite Guard Colonel!!


Big congrats!!! Its awesome leveling up with only 88 blams yet beein 43% ;D

I would like to stop blamming when i'll get to exactly 15k, then i'll start only saving till 15k in both and it will be the coolest way to get to EGSC! haha...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 17:25:27

At 11/19/04 05:01 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Yes, but if you hadn't noticed, my posts tend to contain several conversations at once. If I, and the people replying to me, don't talk ONLY about the 25,000 post thing or whatever... then it's not going to be 1-2 pages of crap or pointlessness. Only if people talk ONLY about a meaningless stat like that and nothing else. And come on... do I ever only talk about one thing at a time in topics around here? Especially this one. :::nods:::

I had that in my mind. I know that you keep alive 5-6 different or similar subjects (if not more :O) at the same time. I almost predicted that reply from you.

Ah. Well, I didn't notice till I came to the post by the person who pointed it out, personally.

Well, it's easier to notice when it's going to happen than when it already happened because when it already happened, you need to make a short calculation (a simple one of course but humans are lazy :P) to find the answer instead of just looking the numbers beside the thread's name.

But see, that's usually just as pointless as the spam. #;-}>

Well, it isn't exactly what I posted. Let's just say I made a comment about that spam. I probably tell them to shut up only once. I would need to check that page but I won't do it because that pointless spam will hurt my eyes :P

I shoulda just deleted the whole freakin' page's posts when I read it all (topic was only to 703 or 704 by that point, I believe). Ah well... next time!

It would be better if you never had to use the delete button! No spammers > deletion of posts. heh, it's a surprise anyway that so many posts are getting deleted. VERY popular forums like this one will always attract spammers because it's an open forum for any newcomer. I consider this forum as a private forum with it's own rules, banned people, restrictions, etc. BUT newcomers will always be welcomed because we don't know how they will act. It's NOT all newcomers that are dumb spammers. :)

Wow, I just stated the obvious... oh well, I wanted to type it!

CHARGE YOUR WEAPONS, it's time to clean up the place :P ....... ...... temporarily :( hahaha dang you immature new users!

It doesn't matter. Even if it didn't get noticed within the first week, all it would take is anyone (mod or regular) notifying liljim or Wade. Boom Zap ZAM.

Let's make a movie. Spambusters, Wade and Lijim, deleting all the crap that survives the first week. We can count on them because they don't play with the puck, they shoot it in the net and they lock it there!

Yes, well... the theories about fixit are more wide and varied than those about Dogma, so... #;-}>

I thought fixit situation was simpler than Dogma's. Anyway, fixit isn't here every day to confuse us even more :D

Depends on the amount of stuff to vote on in the portal, but... yeah, I'd say around 70,000-80,000ish by now.

That would be insane.

Yeah, but fastest b/per means nothing if you don't have endurance. And it's not the greatest quality to begin with. Fastest BBS poster is simply the person who gets banned the most often as well. Fastest b/per is the person who gets his point deleted for not watching movies and voting blindly. Capisce?

ozcar didn't get banned that much when he was a regular. It always depend on how helpful and constructive someone can be.
O_o pts deleted? what do you mean?.... new flashes usually stay under judgement during a several minutes so we do have the time to watch them. Sometimes, we close the window before it ends but we still watched a part of it. Fastest b/per might just be the guy that stays awake all day so he can watch AND vote alll the submissions :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 19:01:45

At 11/19/04 05:18 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote:
At 11/19/04 05:15 PM, Toocool100 wrote:
Big congrats!!! Its awesome leveling up with only 88 blams yet beein 43% ;D

I would like to stop blamming when i'll get to exactly 15k, then i'll start only saving till 15k in both and it will be the coolest way to get to EGSC! haha...

good luck, only protecting is a long and .... long process o_O

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 19:45:38


today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 pritection points, in that order!!!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 19:51:57

At 11/19/04 07:45 PM, BilA wrote: WOOT WOOT and WOOT

today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 pritection points, in that order!!!

Fook!! I know I mis-spelled "protection"
and "within" oh well

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 19:58:30

At 11/19/04 07:51 PM, BilA wrote:

today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 proieueiutection points, in that order!!!

Veeeeeeeeeerry nice. Bet you had to work on making that all come up together...

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 22:15:05

At 11/19/04 07:45 PM, BilA wrote: WOOT WOOT and WOOT

today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 pritection points, in that order!!!


Whoa, very cool.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 22:41:08

At 11/19/04 05:15 PM, Toocool100 wrote: yey, i leveled up to an Elite Guard Colonel!!


Congratzs. to you I'll remember to have a drink in honor of that later.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 22:45:11

At 11/19/04 07:45 PM, BilA wrote: WOOT WOOT and WOOT

today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 pritection points, in that order!!!


Wow that is really nice to have all the 000 at once.

I ment to include thsi in my last post but I hit submit by mistake.

Congratz to Kyle to.

congratz to any I missed.

I'm over at my BF, were going out celebrating.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 22:51:28

At 11/19/04 07:45 PM, BilA wrote: WOOT WOOT and WOOT

today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 pritection points, in that order!!!


Nice, with all them 000's, im going dizzy, congats to you, looks like im behind, lol. Also congrats to -Kyle. Well i just passed 600 saves, so congrats to me aswell. Compare 600 saves to 14000, OMFG, im fainting.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 23:21:24

At 11/19/04 09:35 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Yeah im getting into so much trouble over drinking to much over the last few weeks, im gonna stay in tonight and get pissed. The one handed jab at the keyboard is painful sometimes.

You should come over to irc with us tonight if you're just bored sitting on your ass.

At 11/19/04 10:45 PM, ramagi wrote: I'm over at my BF, were going out celebrating.

Well have fun, RL can be that sometimes heh.

Grats out to:
bilA- For a new milestone in almost every stat. (!)
Toocool- Col. on basically saves alone.
Kyle- 6kb

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 23:50:40

At 11/19/04 07:45 PM, BilA wrote: today ( with 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 pritection points, in that order!!!

Congrats BilA, it's always more gratifying when you reach several milestones at once.


Bangerang Peter!!

Fook!! I know I mis-spelled "protection" and "within" oh well...

I wouldn't worry too much about it buddy. With only 338 posts under your belt it's not like we have to put up with your atrocious spelling every day (lol). Now if it was your voting that sucked I probably wouldn't be ranked 5th on the top 50 b/p list right now.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-19 23:51:17

At 11/19/04 07:58 PM, Denvish wrote:
At 11/19/04 07:51 PM, BilA wrote:

today ( within 12 hrs) I have passed
25000 blam points
39000 blam/save points, and
14000 protection points, in that order!!!
Veeeeeeeeeerry nice. Bet you had to work on making that all come up together...

yes and no... it just happened to come together this time...
i almost mgot them to line up nicely a couple months back, I Id been watching for another occurance of triple 000s

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-20 00:12:43

Hehe, nice timing Bila, how much time did you have to spend planning that one again? :o Or was it all just luck?

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-20 01:37:11

At 11/19/04 07:01 PM, Toocool100 wrote: haha
good luck, only protecting is a long and .... long process o_O

But at least i like voting higher than lower haha...
Anyways, that would be in a long time from now hehe...
4500 blams+ so there's time... :D
But at least meanwhile im on the protectors list and not in the blammers ^_^

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-11-20 03:26:45

Wow, I've got saturday school for 4 hours tomorrow. Have to wake up at 7, its like 2:30 right now. Christ....

I reached 500 posts today! W00t!! Don't suppose anybody got a screenie... :(

729 b/p and still climbing. Damnit they seem to go up so fast, but I never get anywhere!

I've reached the top 3,000 though, so I'm satisfied. Now for the top 2,000. That'll be awhile though. Exp is much harder. I've been waiting for the top 3k for quite awhile, I havent even reached the top 5k yet....

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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