At 11/16/04 12:37 PM, SadJerry wrote:
Well, having just hit 3 blam points, I have some breaking news for all my fans.
I must retire from blamming and saving. Now, now, don't cry for me, because some day, I may return. But untill that day, I don't want to see any tears, or and mouring for me.
God speed all my fans,
-Jerry Garcia, aka Sad Jerry.
HAHAHAH. Greatest post EVER in this topic. I can't believe NO ONE FUCKING REPLIED TO IT OR EVEN SEEMED TO NOTICE IT. What the hell is wrong with you people?!?! #;-}>
At 11/17/04 02:25 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 11/17/04 02:15 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
You guys didn't even notice the 25,000th post or the 25,000th reply. You just ruined my day. ;-)
true, but they surely noticed the 700th page :P
The main reason why nobody mentionned it is because megastatswhores like gfoxcook, dogma, bonusstage, j00bie or ekregulus(do I know him?) weren't there to discuss or spam during 3 pages about who got the 25 000 th post.
Hey now... don't include me and Dogma on that list. Sure we're megastatwhores, but we don't ramble on forever about something as silly and simple as 25,000 posts in a topic or something. If I was here that day, I would have made one simple post about it and that's it (unless responding to someone else responding to me and it happened to include stuff about that, of course). I've never TRIED to get a specific post in a topic, and I've never gone on and on about such a thing. The only thing I do is try to start my list updates, occasionally, at the top of a new page. That's it.
:::is glad he doesn't have a single post on page 700 or 834 of this topic:::
At 11/17/04 07:53 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
At 11/17/04 07:34 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 11/17/04 07:27 PM, EarthCrisis wrote:
Are you guys trying to be the second BBS topic to get to 1,000 pages?
uhhhh that's not the purpose of this thread, please read the first post and you will understand why we keep posting here.
that would be pretty funny wouldn't it ^^ Start a club... and the only purpose is to reach 1000pages ^^
Yeah, it'd be really funny... to the mod who first noticed it and locked the hell out of it immediately.
I'm sad guys... no way highlight my BPs rank up :'( and my 1500th post :'(
no way highlight? WTF?
At 11/18/04 01:03 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 11/18/04 12:55 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: do they do that? Can't just put the # of posts that the thread has instead of the number of replies, it only sounds more logical to go by total posts rather than total replies. Maybe they consider the first post to be the actual thread....wait....this is so confusing, I know how it works and all....I just don't understand WHY they decided to set it up that way...
lol, take it up with liljim or whoever the hell formates this site :P
i would say that its reasonable logical... sort of...
in the bbs menu thingy, with all the threads listed.... it shows the number of replies, doesnt it? and in here it sais the number of replies aswell? yeh.... i dont see how its confusing. because the person that MAKES the thread isnt really replying to it are they?
Yep. But either way... thread-starting-post or reply to thread... a post is a post when it comes to postcount and in postsearches...
But here's the thing: Total threads + total replies = total posts. That's why threads and replies are kept track of, because they add together to form posts. So it breaks it down into "topic starters" and "topic continuations" basically.
At 11/19/04 12:22 AM, Syme wrote:
At 11/18/04 11:52 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
If fixit was still active, ramagi would NEVER be able to catch him :P
you always like this or is today special? if ramagi hadn't STOPPED fixit wouldnever have caugth her.
When ramagi stopped (on December 4th, 2003), she stopped at 36,000 b/p and fixit had approximately 35,750 b/p. IOW, he was only 250 behind her at that point (versus... when she hit 35,000 b/p and he was over 1100 behind her at around 33,860 b/p on November 11th, 2003)...
fixit passed her only 3 days later, on December 7th, 2003. IOW, at the rate he was going compared to the rate she was going between 35k and 36k, she was going to be passed in December. Maybe a week or so later, but in December 2003. So I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there, Syme. I have the top 50 lists to prove it.
And then... He went on to gain 19,500 b/p (enough for Brigadier General) in the next 5 months, averaging over 125 bppd. So... in defense of EKRegulus... had fixit never stopped, and had he continued the way he normally b/ped... NO ONE could have caught him. Ever.
All that said... she did almost EVERYTHING there was to do, save hitting 40,000 and 45,000... before fixit ever came close to doing them. And she was #1 for a super long time. And because fixit stopped his engines at 49,500 after a few months of rabid b/ping... and then retired for the next 6 months or so... his reign at the top, mostly dormant, only lasted 11.5 months. ramagi is back on top where she belongs! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN! #;-}>
At 11/19/04 08:14 AM, ramagi wrote:
First thanks all.
I stepped my pace back up a little to get here. I said about 4am the page would update someone posted it at 5am, not too far off.
I do plan on taking it easy this weekend so 50K in about a 7 days.
"Only" 7 days. #;-}>
The top 50 lists autoupdate, they aren't posted by anyone. And generally, the server recalcs profile rankings and the top 50s around 4:35 AM to 4:45 AM NG time, though it can vary. I miss the old days when it was more like 3:30 AM NG time. ;_;