Ramagi - 268 b/p for fixits downfall
At 11/15/04 11:41 PM, -Kyle wrote:
Finally, the time has come, I have reached 500 posts. I am now half-way to 1,000 posts.
I feel ya man, this is my 450th post!!!!! W00T!
At 11/15/04 09:59 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
you say hammered beyond belief and ready for bear?!?
I say it looks like Recon's back in the Alcoholic's club
At 11/15/04 06:42 PM, BilA wrote:
that stat HAS ALREADY BEEN PETITIONED, and I guess it wasn't worthy because it never went into effect. So none of us know how many of are whistles were good .
Damnit, and I thought I was being original too! Well shit, I guss there's just no hope then :( I'll just flag insanely and hope for the best :P
At 11/15/04 05:00 PM, j00bie wrote:
Nothing new or interesting on my end, except for a nifty screeny.
Nice screeny man! Ooh shit...heres that "jealousy" feeling again. Deep, deep breaths...In, out, in, out...
At 11/15/04 03:28 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
Huge congrats!! I can't wait to get 5000Blam and 2000 Saves.. it seems so far away from my actually stands :'(
You have no idea...
At 11/15/04 01:06 PM, ramagi wrote:
Trust me you would not like that feature. Nor would anyone one else with whistle ambitions. I actually could not tell you acutlatly how many I have marked anymore I lost count after the first month. Lets put it this way think in the four digit area.
Christ, four digit area? That's pretty crazy.. You'd think they'd give you a shit whistle because they'd get tired of dealing with all the reviews you flagged, lol :P Congrats on the diety whistle, not sure how long you've had it. Lookin good though, that nice little halo on it has probably brought rage, anger, frustration, and jealousy to many. Hey.....wipe that smile off your face!
At 11/15/04 11:34 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Im with you on that level 11 does suck, but 12 ownz so im just looking forward to that at the moment.
Absolutely :) Level 14 is another good one, don't think I'll be seeing that around for a little bit tho :P
Go for abusive reviews all the way thats how i got my shinny silver whistle : )
LoL, yeah, just realized that recently. I completely forgot about those damn reviews, never really saw the advantage in flagging them as a n00b. Sure enough though, I flagged about 10 or so last night, I wake up and my whistle is still normal. I'm clueless as to how many I need in order for my whistle to level up, I guess just flag like a madman and never give up! :P
Yer pretty stupid, i wouldn't be suprised if there was a 'level up club' in clubs and crews section soon.
This has always confused me,
Stat Topics aren't allowed. Everyone on NG (potentially) has a profile for a reason. No need to have a "Post your popularity here!" thread. Level up (blam/protect or experience) threads and threads about how many posts you have are also not allowed.
There are at least five of these and they're pretty popular, pages in the hundreds. The name "level up" is even in the name of this thread, but how did it manage to get past the mods like that? It's been bugging me forever, I was just hoping somebody would answer it so I didnt have to ask it. :( didnt happen.