At 11/10/04 05:20 AM, Denvish wrote:
Huge congratulations, man. Well done on sticking it out. Have a few days' break now, give your eyes a rest....
Thanks, and it really would be nice to have a 24 break at least. I guess we'll see if I just like to get b/p's or if I have to get them heh. The problem is I've already envisioned myself realistically getting up to #6 (if D0GMA stalls longs enough on 36509) on the list in a semi-reasonable amount of time
(February?). I guess we'll see if my real b/p goal was to just hit the final rank or if it is to climb well into the top 10, time will tell.
At 11/10/04 05:38 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
Huge congratulations to MPA for EGSC! Congrats congrats congrats and CONGRATS!
Congrats X5 heh, thanks Q.
At 11/10/04 06:38 AM, OMGFindMySamurai wrote:
Could've sworn you were 12th to do it, why not make it 35612 then :o
I am the 12th, as far as getting to 35612 then, I'd have to have that 107 pace for another 52 days and I don't know if I can (anything's possible) do that that much longer. We'll see I guess.
At 11/10/04 06:53 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
Celebrate good times come on, do do do do, well done MPA, one of my fave guys has made it to the final rank, fuxing excellent, and he got Halo 2 (rented, but still got it). What a bloody good game huh, ive had it for a while now (dont ask :P)
Hah thanks SCD you crazy old bean. Yeah Halo2 is great and I have a few ideas as to how you got it early, but I still won't ask.
For me, i i just breached the 900 mark on experience, nothing special to you high ranked mofos, but i like it :D
900 is something special, it means you're ridiculously close to the bat. Grats
At 11/10/04 08:45 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote:
And MPA you are my BIG BIG BIG WINNER!!!
Ze Big big big big big big big big big big Winner!
Congratulations *Nods in respect towards you*
I'm ze big winner? Fucking awesome. haha thx.
At 11/10/04 09:48 AM, D0GMA wrote:
Woot =) Grats and welcome. I feel like a rag doll, you hit that barricade so hard.
/me dusts off butt.
Let's forget the Aerosmith reference and stick with the thanks.
Gawd, I hate those times. You sit there waiting and waiting for stupid crap to finally get killed off. At least it was only 10 minutes.
Didn't you have a fun 40 minute son of a bitch when you were waiting for EGSC?
At 11/10/04 10:37 AM, ramagi wrote:
Welcome to the club.
If feels good.
Now you don't have to stress over points.
Hopefully heh
Hope you enjoyed playign halo.
I did and will later today.
At 11/10/04 10:45 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
Ultimate Congrats MPA, take the halo 2 break you deserve it : )
Ultimate thanks Tom_, I did and I thought I did too.
Summary: Thanks a lot all, I'm basking in the glory of all these grats because I know I'll never have an accomplishment warranting such grats in the future. hah