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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 07:46:36

At 10/19/04 07:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: Well heh Stamper must've stopped pretty quickly being that he still is a level 3 and hopefully forever will be :)

hahaha, is stamper actually on level 3???

Making fun of my RANDOM CAPITALIZATIONS EH? I challenge you TO A DUEL :o

rofl! hahahaha.
eh, when are you gona write some more reviews, Bonus?
t3y = big! lol.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 09:23:09

Hello ppl! I know its not the best place to ask but... umm well...... i'll ask anyway O_o
I need voices for my flash movie, which i really get back to working on it... soo...
Can anyone do voices? Just e-mail me here emailk13@hotmail.com for more details :P
Thank you (:)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 09:41:36

Congratualtions to Bedn for level 23 and congrats to Eldarion for EGS and Continuum for EGMS.

At 10/18/04 12:56 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: yea but, the talk about new levels introduced has been going on for over a year now.. bedn and I use to talk about that about a year ago. I don't think you can strongly believe there will be new levels. I think it's just like pico 2.. talk about it a lot but then never actually complete it.

I know that any of the things that have been talked about might not come before 2006, that's why I said if new levels are introduced. Let's just hope that IF new levels come, we're still here to enjoy possible large jumps and cool icons.

At 10/18/04 09:02 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/18/04 12:49 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Stuff about screenie
oh of course, but have you ever seen a screenshot like that one? Nijsesus' is old and cliche ;P

No, I can't say that I have. And it's not cliche, it's classic.

If someone else had said that (but knew I didn't care about my post count), they might not have used the tag and I still would have found it funny.
oh i see how it is, now let us travel to a long long time ago, to a place called Camelot where flashes roamed and .. some fragons too,

Fragons? Oh I get it, hahaha...

one day Qwoxyl one of the mediocer knights of the octogonal ottoman ... died THE END ^_^

As you can see here, Bonus is trying to insult me by calling me mediocre and by saying that I died, he's obviously showing that he wishes I was dead (the emoticon only proves that point further).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 10:52:06

Congrats to Eldarion, Bonusstage and Continuum on their recent rank up's. and anyone else i missed.

At 10/19/04 12:00 AM, JmBd wrote: Hey, I just became level 23. o_O

....And now your 22 again : ( congrats anyway..

At 10/19/04 07:05 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: well, its been dead tonight, hasnt it...
meh, i might leave soon :( haha.

Leaving now in in MARCUS language = will probably stick around for another hour saying how he's going to bed but never does....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 12:02:02

At 10/18/04 04:32 PM, Continuum wrote: OMG RANK UP!
Commence to congratulating!

Congrats to you :)

At 10/19/04 12:00 AM, JmBd wrote: Hey, I just became level 23. o_O

Uh oh. I hope ht52 has good security on his account...



At 10/19/04 05:36 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Big Grats to Eldarion, it looks like i better dig out that "I have a Vagina" sig.....sighs.

Haha! Can't wait to witness your public humiliation :D

At 10/19/04 07:24 AM, BonusStage wrote: Well heh Stamper must've stopped pretty quickly being that he still is a level 3 and hopefully forever will be :)

Yeah, Stamper owns level 3 like Crimson_Edge owns Level 1 :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 12:41:29

At 10/19/04 12:07 PM, JmBd wrote: I had a photo from earlier this morning.

ouch... that hurts... but hey you'll level up 2 times in 2 day.. that's quit an accomplishment! ^^

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 16:18:16

OGM I got to level 15 today!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 16:21:18

At 10/19/04 12:07 PM, JmBd wrote: I had a photo from earlier this morning.

That staff looks very weak. It should be the avatar for level 1...

Lately, ht52 deposits before the daily experience update which includes the top50 list refresh, the modified ranking, etc. Ht52 and his crew used to deposit during the day but it seems that they changed their mind. Maybe a new peon has access to his account.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 16:34:48

At 10/19/04 07:05 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: ...i can think of a few people with more Protection points than they do posts... hmmm.

There's quite a few actually, a quick skim over the top 50 list showed most of them falling into that category.

At 10/19/04 07:46 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: hahaha, is stamper actually on level 3???

Yep, lately it's been his
white power fist.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 18:03:31

At 10/19/04 04:40 PM, BonusStage wrote:
BUT WHAT IT, what if CE decides to ruin it all and become the king of level 2 :o

He wont because hes a n00b fag, that thinks hes gonna be a mod very very soon, hes that arrogant.

Congrats DonDoli on the level up to 15, well done bud, shows staying power :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 18:19:30

Toms00 - i actually went to bed after that post!!! hahahha.

At 10/19/04 04:40 PM, BonusStage wrote: Hmm i may today, not sure though, i'm actually antisipating watching some more of the series that i started yesterday SO, i may have some more :), haven't gotten the responses though, which is not what i am used to considering that RogerR always does his basically the day after ^_^, still not done with his movies ):<

yeh roger r is a good responder. well, i hope you write some more soon.

t3y = big! lol.
explain this?

they are big! hahaha. i know, it was stupid... *looks ashamed*...
*then runs of to school*.
laters! haha.
well, the suspense is killing me:
Experience: Ranked # 1,004 out of 612,347 users!
be back in the later hours :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 19:38:07

At 10/19/04 04:18 PM, DonDoli wrote: OGM I got to level 15 today!

Grats, grats!!

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 20:24:38

At 10/19/04 12:07 PM, JmBd wrote: I had a photo from earlier this morning.

Ha. Personally I think 22 looks much more bad asss than 23 does. (No offense to you Yoink_Vines!) I would stop depositing at 22, unless getting to 24 or 25 was enough modivation to keep me at it.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 20:44:28

4000 protection points. Not a bad number, eh ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 20:57:09

At 10/19/04 08:44 PM, Shpouiten wrote: 4000 protection points. Not a bad number, eh ?

SWEET!!! I'm working my ass up to get my first K of protect... it's harder than I tough :'(

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 21:16:36

At 10/19/04 04:18 PM, DonDoli wrote: OGM I got to level 15 today!


Chains are cool, very cool

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 21:36:17

At 10/19/04 12:07 PM, JmBd wrote: I had a photo from earlier this morning.

I think you'll make/lose 23 once more before you get it permanently.

At 10/19/04 04:18 PM, DonDoli wrote: OGM I got to level 15 today!

I'd say grats, but the only thing running through my head is, "oh geez, another red chain." It's hard enough scrolling through threads looking for my posts when I overlap with jon lol

Oh well, grats =)

At 10/19/04 08:44 PM, Shpouiten wrote: 4000 protection points. Not a bad number, eh ?

Nice work, but the screenshot is where? ^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 21:55:24

At 10/19/04 09:16 PM, Bila wrote:
At 10/19/04 04:18 PM, DonDoli wrote: OGM I got to level 15 today!

Chains are cool, very cool

indeed!!! My fav Icon before top level 25-30 is lvl 16 icon! It looks so fucking rad!!

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 22:19:15

At 10/19/04 08:44 PM, Shpouiten wrote: 4000 protection points. Not a bad number, eh ?

Not bad at all Shpouiten. Now it's time to get yourself into the top 50 finally.

I have finally surpassed chaotic in b/p and have taken the 12th spot on the list. So I'm happy with that.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 22:32:54

crap....level 11 on tuesday. i really hate that symbol. the hand symbols are for 1 to 9, it shouldn't interfere with the weapons in 10 to 30. i wish it could be changed :/ at least the ability to pic the ethnic race of the hand...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 22:35:08

At 10/19/04 10:32 PM, _stem_ wrote: crap....level 11 on tuesday. i really hate that symbol. the hand symbols are for 1 to 9, it shouldn't interfere with the weapons in 10 to 30. i wish it could be changed :/ at least the ability to pic the ethnic race of the hand...

shit, my bad, thursday is when i level up. see you here on that day!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 22:39:14

At 10/19/04 10:32 PM, _stem_ wrote: i wish it could be changed :/ at least the ability to pic the ethnic race of the hand...

So you hate black people then?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-19 22:59:20

At 10/19/04 08:44 PM, Shpouiten wrote: 4000 protection points. Not a bad number, eh ?

nope not at all congratz

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 00:16:46

At 10/20/04 12:12 AM, Kam-Ron wrote: Level 12 today, but I know I'm already upstaged by osama.

Congratz too both of you then.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 00:21:30

At 10/20/04 12:12 AM, Kam-Ron wrote: Level 12 today, but I know I'm already upstaged by osama.

Uhhh...Osama only has LVL 11, while you have LVL 12....

12 > 11
...but when I get my bat in a few days, then I'll tell you that:
13 > 12

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 00:22:26

At 10/20/04 12:04 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/20/04 12:02 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote: Speaking of level 11...

Congrats osamarama!

omfg pictar spam heh NOT REALLY, but congrats on level 11 and being the top of FOUR PEOPLE that got 12 on the dot while I GET 12:00:01 and come in 5th .... seems a little bit unfair at this point :_<

I finished 6th at 12:00:02.... sk got another top3 .. HE CHEATS!!

At 10/19/04 10:39 PM, JerkClock wrote: So you hate people then?
who doesn't? I MEAN <,< >.>

The only colour that excites me is red. Red on humans. Any human. I'm sick :P

At 10/19/04 08:44 PM, Shpouiten wrote: 4000 protection points. Not a bad number, eh ?


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 00:33:52

At 10/20/04 12:21 AM, RedCircle wrote: 12 > 11
...but when I get my bat in a few days, then I'll tell you that:
13 > 12

Remember, though: 5929 > 5750. Heh.

At 10/20/04 12:26 AM, JmBd wrote: 23 > anything lower than 23. :0)

Keep your Q-Tip to yourself. Hey, you! Did you see my post in RG's "Site Ideas" forum? How about some more stats in those profiles, eh?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 00:57:43

Finally got that last movie I waited for a while to pass judgement.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 01:07:07

At 10/20/04 12:21 AM, RedCircle wrote: ...but when I get my bat in a few days, then I'll tell you that:
13 > 12

Whoa, RedCircle with the bat. That will take some getting use to. I'm so use to you with your barbed wire glove. But congrats in advanced.

At 10/20/04 12:26 AM, JmBd wrote: 23 > anything lower than 23. :0)

Amen to that brotha!

At 10/20/04 12:57 AM, ramagi wrote: Finally got that last movie I waited for a while to pass judgement.

Nice! Congrats on 16k saves ramagi. That's one thing that sucks about protect points.. it takes longer for them to happen than blam points. But really.. i still think protect points > Blam points any day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-20 01:14:15

All the level ups of everyone making me want to level up 2!!
Congrats everyone, i shall level up in about 18/19 days (:)

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