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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 19:58:18

At 10/16/04 07:11 PM, MPA wrote: SCD: How have you been doing with your b/p'ing? I haven't been keeping tabs on you lately. Atleast 25 per day I hope, or I'll have to start laying down the law MPA style. hah

Prepare to be disappointed, and lay down the law MPA style.\
163 220 Slightly_Crazy_Dude 2586 13 13.10

Oh, and by the way peoples, I just had a AIM convo with liljim about this whole mess, I couldnt decide to post just the main parts what he said, but that might just not be believable enough for some.

It didnt work out exactly the way I wanted it to, but... whatever, I have it here, so... yeah...

j00biee: can admins see IP address from posts?
liljimnewgrounds: Yes.
j00biee: could you prove the people in this topic wrong by reading off my IP address, and the guy at the top of that page.
j00biee: Im being accused of stealing someones account and posting or whatever..
j00biee: the guys primary account is '-trix-'
j00biee: He started posting on 2 alt accounts as well, on the next page, under '-flasher-', and -I- or -l-
liljimnewgrounds: Where are they accusing you of doing that?
liljimnewgrounds: I have like 10 IM windows open at the moment and don't have time to trawl through all of this stuff.
j00biee: Well, Top of Page 763, the guy whos alias is now 'trix_j00bie_is_cool' or whatever, the guy who lost his account is the one accusing me of stealing his account, and posting on that one.
j00biee: Nobody else accuses me, they just simply dont believe my 'defending of myself'.
liljimnewgrounds: Just ignore it. It's not like anyone's taking any notice.
j00biee: Still, that and the other guy kinda wants his account back...
But he was kinda stupid for posting it on the BBS in the first place...
He accuses me simply because I also had access to his account.
j00biee: I have no idea why hed post his password on the BBS though...
liljimnewgrounds: Alright, you've lost me...
liljimnewgrounds: Trix gave his account away?
liljimnewgrounds: On the BBS?
liljimnewgrounds: Where?
j00biee: I forgot his password, so I asked him what it was, fully expecting him that he'd e-mail or IM me...
j00biee: im lookin
j00biee: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=33159&page=762
j00biee: 2nd post from the bottom.
j00biee: I thought it was further back, but apparently the very next post is when 'his' account posted again.
liljimnewgrounds: Why would you have access to his account in the first place?
j00biee: He wasnt going to be around for a while, and he asked me to continue to deposit his experience points.
j00biee: you probably think that sounds pretty stupid =\
liljimnewgrounds: No, what I do think sounds stupid is that he has advertised his password or part of it on the forums. And that you're contacting me now because of all of this, when you're in possession of more facts than I am.
j00biee: You have the IP thing though =)
j00biee: thats what Im after
liljimnewgrounds: Well, that only proves to some extent that it wasn't you who used the account to post. Not the fact that he was dumb enough to post details about his password. Or that you had access to his account for some legitimate reason in the first place.
j00biee: I guess it was pretty dumb of him to do so, I'll just hope it doesnt come up again...
j00biee: and if it does, Ill be sure simply to copy and paste this AIM convo we've been having in my defence

THERE YA HAVE IT (SORTA), Im going to leave for a bit now, Ill come back to read everyones posts on how im just wasting the topic away with AIM convos later.

Ta ta!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:18:09

I'm sorry, j00bie, but I really could not care less.

Congrats to:
Snowy_Beast for 2000 blams
gfoxcook for existing
Bonus for being a persistent bastard ;)

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:22:47

At 10/16/04 08:18 PM, Denvish wrote: I'm sorry, j00bie, but I really could not care less.

ROGER THAT! keep your mess for youself ! :D

Congrats to:
Snowy_Beast for 2000 blams

indeed congrats snowy

gfoxcook for existing

I think that I'm in love with him..... ummm yeah, welcome back gfoxcook

Bonus for being a persistent bastard ;)

He's much worse... wait and see!
Congratulations to denvish for ummm posting! hey I didn't congratulate you for your 4000saves and 5000 exp pts. Since when are you that high in those stats? here's a late congrats!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:26:26

so...much...posting! NAAAAHHH!!!!
Gfox, thx for those updates, ill be sure to post shortly in the top VP thread. (im #402!!)
j00bie, thats an interesting convo between you and liljim there.
also, i just saw your flash that you submitted! everyone go vote something above 2 on 'Say No To Sticks'! haha.
well, it sais that the other guy did the animation, what did you do j00bie? come up with the idea? meh, im gona review it now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:40:03

At 10/16/04 03:15 PM, -Noir- wrote: I was having trouble depositing last night and today. I have so much virus's and spyware on my comp, no protection program, and I'm on a wireless network. I feel so vulnerable. >:(

Any kind of Firewall and Spybot S&D. Those are now first on your "to do" list.

At 10/16/04 04:40 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Yeeh D0GMA you finally updated the lists :D

What "finally?" After my grandmother died, with the funeral on "update day" I delayed the update. Rather than have 2 weeks and a week between updates, I split the difference with an 11 day and a 10 day update.

Well, now on today I already made like 90 b/p... i need 10 more to go so I get 100 today.

Heh ... I got 90 by 4 then needed to go get some sleep. Definitely bad timing on my part. I missed out on 50 PIDs in the 3 hours I was asleep.

At 10/16/04 08:18 PM, Denvish wrote: Congrats to:

Bonus for being a persistent bastard ;)

LOL I remember all last summer when it was you and Syme. Good to see you've got your "competition" already lined up from go ^^

At 10/16/04 08:26 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
also, i just saw your flash that you submitted! everyone go vote something above 2 on 'Say No To Sticks'! haha.

My first instinct was it was going to be another piece of trash him and fluffy and the rest of the idiots keep submitting. It's actually pretty decent.

well, it sais that the other guy did the animation, what did you do j00bie? come up with the idea? meh, im gona review it now.

Standard BS. Get someone who already has a lot of submissions as a co-author to try and get yours to survive (granted most of j00bie's are also with him as co-author, but whatever). He originally had two other people listed as co-author but removed them. I think fluffy was one of them. Listing him and j00bie was a large part of the reason I hovered over the 0 for so long.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:44:14

At 10/16/04 08:40 PM, D0GMA wrote: My first instinct was it was going to be another piece of trash him and fluffy and the rest of the idiots keep submitting. It's actually pretty decent.

yeh same here, i was thinking that it might have been another try-hard n00b movie, but it came good :)... sorta.

Standard BS. Get someone who already has a lot of submissions as a co-author to try and get yours to survive (granted most of j00bie's are also with him as co-author, but whatever). He originally had two other people listed as co-author but removed them. I think fluffy was one of them. Listing him and j00bie was a large part of the reason I hovered over the 0 for so long.

standard bs? bullshit? lol.
and ahhh, i see i see... that makes perfect sense. when i saw the other guy, i saw that he had one submission... i was thinking 'hmm, blam or protect?' haha. but then i saw t3h j00bs... and i was thinking, 'probably decent, but is it another ToTW attempt?' lol.
well, i liked it, i reviewed it, and im expecting a response!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:53:47

At 10/16/04 08:44 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
well, i liked it, i reviewed it, and im expecting a response!!

j00bie is at least pretty good about replying to reviews, if that's a stat you actually care about. Unfortunately, Acid submitted it (who has now re-added Quikfox as a co-author) so it's up to him to bother to reply.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 20:58:43

At 10/16/04 08:53 PM, D0GMA wrote: j00bie is at least pretty good about replying to reviews, if that's a stat you actually care about. Unfortunately, Acid submitted it (who has now re-added Quikfox as a co-author) so it's up to him to bother to reply.

yeh, j00bs does respond, and yeh i really do like that stat. (just for Qwox, im gonna say it again... :D)
i think that i have the 2nd largest amount of responses on the site, to XwaynecoltX. currently i have 811. ahha, out of the last 3 reviews i've written, i've got 2 responses. chances are one is from j00bies movie, i'll go and read them now :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:00:33

At 10/16/04 08:53 PM, D0GMA wrote: j00bie is at least pretty good about replying to reviews

Yeah but they usually contain "lol it passed judgment ur mom HAHAHAHAHAH!!11" and such.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:08:59

At 10/16/04 09:00 PM, MPA wrote:
At 10/16/04 08:53 PM, D0GMA wrote: j00bie is at least pretty good about replying to reviews
Yeah but they usually contain "lol it passed judgment ur mom HAHAHAHAHAH!!11" and such.

eh, thats very true.
also, i reviewed 3 movies, got two responses... but not one from t3h J00bs!! oh no3s! lol.
also, nice work with the 2,200 posts, mpa.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:09:17

At 10/16/04 09:00 PM, MPA wrote:
At 10/16/04 08:53 PM, D0GMA wrote: j00bie is at least pretty good about replying to reviews
Yeah but they usually contain "lol it passed judgment ur mom HAHAHAHAHAH!!11" and such.

only the first 2 movies I did that.

as for all this flash j00bie talk...

1) Acid-Rain submitted it, I just gave ideas and told him how to do the basic stuff (thats right, even though my flash works suck doesnt mean I dont know how to use it), minimal tweening and the whatnot.
2) It appears Ive been co-authored already today by THEPOSTALMAN, for some reason... and
3) Ive been working near all day on a flash for a Time Trial, so.... yeah... it may be terrible, but that's the point ;).
I think the outcome may actually look decent. Nothing to 0 on thats for sure.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:14:25

At 10/16/04 09:09 PM, j00bie wrote: 3) Ive been working near all day on a flash for a Time Trial, so.... yeah... it may be terrible, but that's the point ;).

Oops posted too soon.
I think its better then my current 2 frame stuff for sure, but it's still not as good as id like it to be, but if I wanted it to be good, I wouldnt have participated in a time trial.

ALSO, I have a different flash in the works, I assure you it wont be any crappy 2 framer.

Judging by the song Ive picked for it and the 18 FPS as my selection, it should be about 1800 frames, and I plan on doing most of it FBF.... Itll take a while, but I figure I may as well start somewhere to learn the basics, and that is the main reason why I started joining the Star Syndicate...
Basic flash work where people wont bash you for making complete shit.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:14:56

hmmm fair enough, you got it, j00bs :) lol.
meh, i would have liked a response for that tho... *grumbles* hahah.
well, im not going to be around very much today at all. i will be back later on in the day, but for the next few hours i dont think i will be...
family thingo, bleh.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:23:35

Snowy for 2000 blams and gfox for posting in here for the first time in a long time (hey, you never saw my MSPaint picture, it's at the end of this post if you're bored enough to care).

At 10/16/04 08:16 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 10/16/04 08:02 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: What about me? (It isn't fair)
Sorry, you posted after I made the list, so I missed you (I didn't really do it cos I hate your guts, honest guv =). Well done on the 18,000 b/p points and 1,000 posts.

Thanks, you're now my favourite music person.

At 10/16/04 08:40 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/16/04 06:14 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Congrats to ME for 18,000 b/p points and 1,000 posts.
18,002 ;) Oh wait, we covered that already ...

/me goes off to "adjust" the EGRL

Thanks, you're now my favourite... question mark person.

At 10/16/04 06:50 AM, Eldarion wrote: Anyway, I just made it into the top 500 blammers/saviours!

Congrats, only 450 more people to pass.

At 10/16/04 09:01 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/16/04 06:27 AM, Denvish wrote: BonusStage EG Captain
thanks i guess RC and Qwox decided to skip over it though :\

Whoops, so Denvish wasn't the only one to get Captain. Congrats and thanks, you're now my favourite name changing person, wait, that's TheJoe. You're my favourite boxing glove person, wait, nevermind. Ok, let me think... you're my favourite... gooba (person).

At 10/16/04 10:04 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 10/16/04 08:02 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: What about me? (It isn't fair)

I've had enough, now I want my share

Can't you see? i wana live!

But you just take more, you just take more than you give
What about me...

and, what SCD said is true... except she doesnt use the tail at a pike, she gets it from the predator dude...
well, the end of the pole is the alien's tale, yeh.

You didn't write SPOILER, now watching the movie is pointless, pointless I say!

i've done my SC dash, and now im tired, lol.

Yay, you stayed up. +5 Man points.

i made the regular's list, except i dont know what that means.. :S
i mean, did i have to get nominated to be on there or something? bleh.

Yes, you were nominated and that means you can vote on others (I think, I'm too lazy to find out). And by others, I mean people you know. And I just happen to be one of those people, that you know, you know? . And I can vote for future Wi/Ht? Members, you know, give a little, get a little. And if you can't vote, just forget I said anything, ok?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 21:23:49

omgx0r! look at this cool stat i found...
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 4,500 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 1,809 quality entries
XD XD XD, yah-huh thats me! lol.
also, i will soon be joining BlueCircle in his top 1000th exp ranking...
Experience: Ranked # 1,014 out of 610,458 users!
im gettin there...
so, here is a recap...
2,600 reviews.
4,500 blams (exactly atm)
1,800 saves
1,770 posts.
i r t3h happy. hahaha.
k i gotta jet for a bit. laters.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 22:10:59

Cool beans Marcus, I just hit 2K Saves my self =)
Im about 19 away from 6K Blams, hence, 6 points away from hitting the golden badge dealies =)
Ill make an 'official' announcement thingy when I do hit it, but Im a little concerned about MPA.... MPA!!! RESPOND TO ME!!!! Are you alive?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 22:12:10

At 10/16/04 10:10 PM, j00bie wrote: Cool beans Marcus, I just hit 2K Saves my self =)
Im about 19 away from 6K Blams, hence, 6 points

6 points? WTF am I on? lewel..
19 points damn it 19!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 22:21:55

Heh, I forgot how fast this place is. Well congrats to everyone who I can't keep up with, =P

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 22:33:20

At 10/16/04 10:10 PM, j00bie wrote: Cool beans Marcus, I just hit 2K Saves my self =)
Im about 19 away from 6K Blams, hence, 6 points away from hitting the golden badge dealies =)
Ill make an 'official' announcement thingy when I do hit it, but Im a little concerned about MPA.... MPA!!! RESPOND TO ME!!!! Are you alive?

damn. i remember that about a month or just over ago, you were around 1,000 bp points infront of me...
you must be going like crazy dude! now you're 1,700 odd infront of me... and only 17 to go untill you get that shiny gold badge :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:02:53

Given that I flat-out refuse to read 3 pages of SPAM from the last 2 days, I can't specifically congrat anybody. So...congrats to those who deserve it, rats to those who don't, and hello to everybody else. I'm at my parents' house at the moment, and won't get back to my room until late Sunday. So......yeah. Ooh, ooh, and I finally broke #2000 in experience! Although I managed to drop a rank in B/P because I didn't get any points in the last day and a half.....:-(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:15:46

At 10/16/04 11:02 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Given that I flat-out refuse to read 3 pages of SPAM from the last 2 days, I can't specifically congrat anybody. So...congrats to those who deserve it, rats to those who don't, and hello to everybody else. I'm at my parents' house at the moment, and won't get back to my room until late Sunday. So......yeah. Ooh, ooh, and I finally broke #2000 in experience! Although I managed to drop a rank in B/P because I didn't get any points in the last day and a half.....:-(

lol, yeh the past two pages havent been filled with the biggest posts around, eh? well, i suppose that's a congrats to me, and a rats to... hmm... j00bie! lol. hes like 15 points away from 8k b/p, the bastard.
hmm, you said that you broke #2000 in exp, lol... i was thinking you had said 'i got 2000 exp points!' when infact that was over a month ago :P hahahah. nice work breaking the 2k mark, atm im 1014!!! damn, so close... lol.
also, you know how you signed up in 2002... where have you been? i mean obivously you havent been extremely active for your whole period of time here ...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:21:52

Hey everybody, just letting you know that I finally hit my 10,000th blam today. Now, its mostly just trying to get into the top 50 for blams and saves. All the while trying to hit 10,000 posts as well. I dunno why I set the 10,000 post goal, but I did. Maybe it has something to do with me not doing much while I'm at work except posting and shit on NG.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:26:00

At 10/16/04 11:21 PM, QuikFox wrote: Maybe it has something to do with me not doing much while I'm at work except posting and shit on NG.

You should rephrase the last part of your statemement to "...posting shit on Newgrounds." That's what most of your posts amount to moron.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:32:59

At 10/16/04 11:26 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 10/16/04 11:21 PM, QuikFox wrote: Maybe it has something to do with me not doing much while I'm at work except posting and shit on NG.

lol, slacker. (at work that is). also, well done on hitting 10k blams... wow, you only have 2k saves! you need to work on that ratio! hahaha.

You should rephrase the last part of your statemement to "...posting shit on Newgrounds." That's what most of your posts amount to moron.

lololololol! someone doesnt like t3h QF, hehe.
actually, i have come accross several or more people who have taken a disliking to you... apparantly, j00 like to flame t3h n00bs! hahahah.
just another cool little thingy... last post was my 1,777th. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:36:22

At 10/16/04 11:15 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: also, you know how you signed up in 2002... where have you been? i mean obivously you havent been extremely active for your whole period of time here ...

Actually, that's kind of a running joke. I signed up for the account in '02, got a bit of experience and a few b/p's, then got bored and moved on. Off and on I'd get on the site to grab some exp and a few b/p's, but I wasn't on here regularly until a few months ago. I became active in Wi/Ht? a month and a half ago, and the rest is history. I'm just a living testament to the fact that you should always at least get your daily experience.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:40:31

At 10/16/04 11:36 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Actually, that's kind of a running joke. I signed up for the account in '02, got a bit of experience and a few b/p's, then got bored and moved on. Off and on I'd get on the site to grab some exp and a few b/p's, but I wasn't on here regularly until a few months ago. I became active in Wi/Ht? a month and a half ago, and the rest is history. I'm just a living testament to the fact that you should always at least get your daily experience.

yeh definately. i mean, if you had spent 5 mins a day here everyday, you could be on like level 14 or above, i would guess....
im about a month or so away from level 13, that will be another end of year goal for me.
my others would have to be 7k b/p, 2k posts, and maybe 3k reviews.
lol, i just made them up now. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:46:51

At 10/16/04 11:26 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: You should rephrase the last part of your statemement to "...posting shit on Newgrounds." That's what most of your posts amount to moron.

Ohh clever. Careful next time, your damn dentures might fall out because your brain will lose focus on holding you mouth shut while you're thinking another one up. And we certainly wouldn't want that to happen, you can't live off puree and slurry food forever.

Commence a personal attack on me now to show how you are the bigger man. Because I know I'm not, I've admitted that many times before.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:55:35

At 10/16/04 11:40 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: yeh definately. i mean, if you had spent 5 mins a day here everyday, you could be on like level 14 or above, i would guess....

14 or above? dude... If I deposited everyday id be level 14...
SK would be around Level 20ish.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-16 23:57:13

At 10/16/04 11:46 PM, QuikFox wrote: Commence a personal attack on me now to show how you are the bigger man. Because I know I'm not, I've admitted that many times before.

You're implying that commencing a personal attack results in said attacker to think he's the bigger man. You then state you're not the bigger man, but before that you commenced a personal attack on Recon. You are confused and hypocritical.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-17 00:10:33

At 10/16/04 11:55 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 10/16/04 11:40 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: yeh definately. i mean, if you had spent 5 mins a day here everyday, you could be on like level 14 or above, i would guess....
14 or above? dude... If I deposited everyday id be level 14...
SK would be around Level 20ish.

Very good guess, j00bie. I did the math, and it turns out that if I had deposited every single day since my sign-up, I would have 9,870 experience points, placing me right smack-dab in the middle of level 20. *sigh* How depressing...