At 10/16/04 07:11 PM, MPA wrote: SCD: How have you been doing with your b/p'ing? I haven't been keeping tabs on you lately. Atleast 25 per day I hope, or I'll have to start laying down the law MPA style. hah
Prepare to be disappointed, and lay down the law MPA style.\
163 220 Slightly_Crazy_Dude 2586 13 13.10
Oh, and by the way peoples, I just had a AIM convo with liljim about this whole mess, I couldnt decide to post just the main parts what he said, but that might just not be believable enough for some.
It didnt work out exactly the way I wanted it to, but... whatever, I have it here, so... yeah...
j00biee: can admins see IP address from posts?
liljimnewgrounds: Yes.
j00biee: could you prove the people in this topic wrong by reading off my IP address, and the guy at the top of that page.
j00biee: Im being accused of stealing someones account and posting or whatever..
j00biee: the guys primary account is '-trix-'
j00biee: He started posting on 2 alt accounts as well, on the next page, under '-flasher-', and -I- or -l-
liljimnewgrounds: Where are they accusing you of doing that?
liljimnewgrounds: I have like 10 IM windows open at the moment and don't have time to trawl through all of this stuff.
j00biee: Well, Top of Page 763, the guy whos alias is now 'trix_j00bie_is_cool' or whatever, the guy who lost his account is the one accusing me of stealing his account, and posting on that one.
j00biee: Nobody else accuses me, they just simply dont believe my 'defending of myself'.
liljimnewgrounds: Just ignore it. It's not like anyone's taking any notice.
j00biee: Still, that and the other guy kinda wants his account back...
But he was kinda stupid for posting it on the BBS in the first place...
He accuses me simply because I also had access to his account.
j00biee: I have no idea why hed post his password on the BBS though...
liljimnewgrounds: Alright, you've lost me...
liljimnewgrounds: Trix gave his account away?
liljimnewgrounds: On the BBS?
liljimnewgrounds: Where?
j00biee: I forgot his password, so I asked him what it was, fully expecting him that he'd e-mail or IM me...
j00biee: im lookin
j00biee: 2nd post from the bottom.
j00biee: I thought it was further back, but apparently the very next post is when 'his' account posted again.
liljimnewgrounds: Why would you have access to his account in the first place?
j00biee: He wasnt going to be around for a while, and he asked me to continue to deposit his experience points.
j00biee: you probably think that sounds pretty stupid =\
liljimnewgrounds: No, what I do think sounds stupid is that he has advertised his password or part of it on the forums. And that you're contacting me now because of all of this, when you're in possession of more facts than I am.
j00biee: You have the IP thing though =)
j00biee: thats what Im after
liljimnewgrounds: Well, that only proves to some extent that it wasn't you who used the account to post. Not the fact that he was dumb enough to post details about his password. Or that you had access to his account for some legitimate reason in the first place.
j00biee: I guess it was pretty dumb of him to do so, I'll just hope it doesnt come up again...
j00biee: and if it does, Ill be sure simply to copy and paste this AIM convo we've been having in my defence
THERE YA HAVE IT (SORTA), Im going to leave for a bit now, Ill come back to read everyones posts on how im just wasting the topic away with AIM convos later.
Ta ta!