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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 06:18:17

At 10/15/04 05:23 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 10/15/04 04:52 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: and when you're about to post, you get "This program is not responding".
ohhh man, that sucks. My Microdoft Word always stuffs up when MSN is running. if i make a keystroke just when someone changes their name of goes on/offline, it freezes...
pisses me up the wall, it does.

Note to self, Microdoft (lol) Word and MSN together sucks. You'll have to tell your friends when you're using MDWord (haha) or use Notepad.

hahahah. well, i wouldnt necessarily recommend beer after a hangover, but SCD seems to know what hes talking about... he's always talking about his shenanigans in the LNL, hahaha.

If someone else said some of the stuff he said, I probably wouldn't trust them, but he usually does know what he's talking about, so I just need to remember that during a hangover.

I was still on the train when you said that, doing art takes a bit of work, especially when after half an hour your picture stills looks like a five year old did it.
hmm fair enough. yeh, i know a few people that have done Art or Graphics for a VCE subject... they dont say that its too hard, but theres a freaking huge amount of work apparantly.

I don't know what VCE (Visual something?) means (AcronymFinder gave Vapour Cloud Explosion), but I agree there's a lot of work that isn't too hard. Painting fruit and flowers isn't hard, but it does take a long time to get it right.

-i cant draw for absolute shit.

I can't really draw either (although I have been told I can draw a nice stickman), but it's sort of good because the teachers tell you it's 'different' and in the art age of anything goes, that's good enough to get your work anywhere (you just need a really, really good thesis).

That guy is really an idiot, good job so far telling him that he can't take your e-mail name. And if there were respect levels, you would have something gold on yours.
hahahah! thats exactly what i said! haha.
...yeh, that guys an ass-hat.

You didn't say it would have gold, you said Respect level up. At the rate we use respect points in the topic, we'll need to design actual levels. As for the guy, I'm joining AUSSIE DEATH SQUAD #3.

At 10/15/04 05:49 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 10/15/04 05:23 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/15/04 05:02 AM, RedCircle wrote: L. O. L.

LOL indeed, nice number too. I had 1,112nd for exp and then 1,110th, you're lucky you can't skip post count numbers.

So, ah, how'd the show go?
Ha! I went great!!! Everything was high-energy and pumping. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I FUXX0RED that "What it Takes" 14 second "B" long note. I was disheartened,

Wait, usually when someone says "It couldn't get any better" it does.

but I remembered what you told me earlier, and I will definitely take care of that.

Well that's good, and remember, you can beat those 'Redcricle' guys any day.

At 10/15/04 05:30 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Because i want to delete my stupid submission - The Cartoon Parody :/

I think you had a 7 on the end of the id in the movie when it's a 6 on the page. If I'm right, delete it.

But seriously...

Wait, RedCircle already told you something good and you agreed not to delete it. I guess this is the end of my post now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 06:20:42

TY redcircle for that convincing little talk with carmel :) ahaha. no loss of reviews for meeee!!

At 10/15/04 05:59 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/15/04 05:28 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: In ENGLISH, Doc!! what is HC, what is D2....
StarCraft rules, ive been playing it all afternoon :)
When you die in hardcore Diablo 2, all your gear is toast ... unless you've designated someone in game to snatch your gear off you. Anything in your stash or inventory is still gone, period. If you are killed by a player, 20% of your total gold hits the ground for them to scoop up.

fair enough. i can understand that.

In softcore, when you die you lose 20% of your total gold. If you are killed by a player, it hits the ground. If you are killed by a monster it's just gone.

once again, good good. doesnt seem too harsh.

If it is a normal level game, 20% of your gold is gone and that's it.

If Nightmare, you lose 5% of your XP bracket. If you are able to get back to your body (where you died) you regain half that lost XP.

oh, i see.

If Hell level you lose 10% of your XP bracket. If you are able to get back to your body (where you died) you regain half that lost XP.

mmmhmmm. gotcha.

EG: BeauJacquesDeux, level 97 SC Classic (as opposed to expansion) Amazon prior to the 1.10 patch earns 110k xp per Hell Chaos run, 120k per Hell Cow run. The level bracket is from 97-98 is 240m XP. (2.9something billion to 3.2something billion XP)

i say again...
IN ENGLISH, DOC!! is it obviouse that i've never set eyes on Diablo 2 yet?
i mean, wtf is a hell cow run... or a hell chaos run!?!?

If a player kills her, 20% of her gold hits the ground. I can either leave the game and pick my body up in another game, or I can try to get past the PKs parked on my corpse to pick up my body and kill them, maybe getting my money back.

so its official, D0GMA is a girl. :)

Prior to patch 1.07 all PKs cost you the same experience a monster kill would have. Also prior to that patch there was no ability to "salvage" lost experience by getting back to your body.

whats a PK? and what does patch 1.07 mean...

If a monster kills her in a Hell game, 20% of her gold disappears. 24m experience disappears. (In normal no XP loss, in Nightmare 12m XP loss) IF she can walk all the way to her where she died with no equipment and walk over her body (pick up her gear) she will instantly gain half of what she lost (6m XP in NM, 12m in Hell). If she is unable to do so, she has lost 24m XP, but can quit the game and start, or join, another game.

i sort of understood that...

In softcore, following a death, anytime you join a new game your body, and all gear you had equipped, will be found in town and no one else will be able to touch it.

and what is meant by hard/softcore games??

If she attempts to pick up her body and fails, each of those deaths costs an additional 24m (or 12m in NM) until she is parked at base XP for level 97.

yeh, see, i have no idea what you're talking about.
notice how i said 'what is HC, and what is D2?'? well, i didnt get to find out what HC meant, but i now know that D2 is Diablo... 2.
now, wth was all of that explanation of D2 about?!?! lol...
i r t3h lost.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 06:37:21

At 10/15/04 06:18 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Note to self, Microdoft (lol) Word and MSN together sucks. You'll have to tell your friends when you're using MDWord (haha) or use Notepad.

hahahahh! man oh man, normally im not the one to make spelling errors, as i dont like the look of them when im typing, hehehe, but thats a pretty good one, no? lol, MDWord... hahaha.

If someone else said some of the stuff he said, I probably wouldn't trust them, but he usually does know what he's talking about, so I just need to remember that during a hangover.

damn straight.

I don't know what VCE (Visual something?) means (AcronymFinder gave Vapour Cloud Explosion), but I agree there's a lot of work that isn't too hard. Painting fruit and flowers isn't hard, but it does take a long time to get it right.

bah, i forgot you live in SA...
in Victoria, the last two years of school are called VCE. i cant remember what it stands for... i think its something like Victorian C..... Education, or SOMETHING weird. i dunno. what it is, its the last two years of highschool where you do the subjects that count for your ENTER score... and the higher ENTER score you have, the more courses you can get into at Uni.

I can't really draw either (although I have been told I can draw a nice stickman), but it's sort of good because the teachers tell you it's 'different' and in the art age of anything goes, that's good enough to get your work anywhere (you just need a really, really good thesis).

Yeh, art is one of those subjects where if you draw some really SHIT stuff, the teachers think you have a great abstract mind...
all that pot they smoked in the 70's really hit them hard, i guess.

You didn't say it would have gold, you said Respect level up. At the rate we use respect points in the topic, we'll need to design actual levels. As for the guy, I'm joining AUSSIE DEATH SQUAD #3.

haha, well i was saying that my respect level for him went up. even though the 'shaddap' emails were pretty stupid :D
yeh, ill join AUSSIE DEATH SQUAD #3 aswell :)

Wait, usually when someone says "It couldn't get any better" it does.

hahahaha. true, i thought something was wrong when i was reading that.

I think you had a 7 on the end of the id in the movie when it's a 6 on the page. If I'm right, delete it.

But seriously...

Wait, RedCircle already told you something good and you agreed not to delete it. I guess this is the end of my post now.

hehehhe, yeh.
note to Carmel... DONT DELETE IT! hahahaha.
thats my opinion :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 06:45:04

At 10/15/04 06:18 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Note to self, Microdoft (lol) Word.

LMFAO. That damn Bill Gates and his Microdoft >:O

I don't know what VCE (Visual something?) means (AcronymFinder gave Vapour Cloud Explosion),

Vagabond Catapult Experiments?

I'm joining AUSSIE DEATH SQUAD #3.

Laugh. Out. Loud. X-D

So I got:
#1. Enoll
#2. M-A-R-C-U-S
#3. Qwoxyl

At 10/15/04 05:49 AM, RedCircle wrote: Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I FUXX0RED that "What it Takes" 14 second "B" long note.
Wait, usually when someone says "It couldn't get any better" it does.

Ha, yeah, but it felt so much better knowing people will be expecting it to be great, then it drops out like a 16 year old junkie.

At 10/15/04 05:30 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Because i want to delete my stupid submission - The Cartoon Parody :/
I think you had a 7 on the end of the id in the movie when it's a 6 on the page. If I'm right, delete it.

You know he can upload a revised copy?

But seriously...

Wait, RedCircle already told you something good and you agreed not to delete it. I guess this is the end of my post now.

Yeah! Shhhhhh. Don't wake him :)

At 10/15/04 06:20 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: TY redcircle for that convincing little talk with carmel :) ahaha. no loss of reviews for meeee!!

Self-centered bastard! Haha!!

At 10/15/04 05:59 AM, D0GMA wrote: If a player kills her, 20% of her gold hits the ground. I can either leave the game and pick my body up in another game,
so its official, D0GMA is a girl. :)

Oh, but wait! Chris will definitely tell you that it is a character, and that he/she doesn't have to give his/her character the same gender he/she has in real life...or something like that...wait for it :-D

i r t3h lost.

Here is a compass!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 07:02:37

At 10/15/04 06:45 AM, RedCircle wrote: LMFAO. That damn Bill Gates and his Microdoft >:O

heheh, indeed. Co-founder = me :)

Vagabond Catapult Experiments?

hahahahhaha. hold on, ill ask my sister. (finished VCE last year...)
*goes off to ask sister*....
*comes back into room*...
ahh, well, my sister was on the phone... suprise suprise, so i asked my daddy...
VCE = Victorian Certificate of Education.

Laugh. Out. Loud. X-D

indeed. :)

So I got:
#1. Enoll
#2. M-A-R-C-U-S
#3. Qwoxyl

hehehehe. any more skips? Shrapnel, feel like joining? hahaha.

Ha, yeah, but it felt so much better knowing people will be expecting it to be great, then it drops out like a 16 year old junkie.


You know he can upload a revised copy?

yeh, but i think he just thinks its shite, and wants it gone..
NO! haha.

Yeah! Shhhhhh. Don't wake him :)

hahahahh. indeed.

Self-centered bastard! Haha!!

:P well (heheh, yeh im gonna say it once more, even though Qwox doesnt like it when i brag :P) when you become the 7th reviewer on NG, you'll know how important reviews are! hahahaha.

Oh, but wait! Chris will definitely tell you that it is a character, and that he/she doesn't have to give his/her character the same gender he/she has in real life...or something like that...wait for it :-D

hehehe, i know that.... but theres no harm in simply stiring it up! hahaha. and by 'it', i mean t3h D0GMA. :D

Here is a compass!!!

HAHAHAHAHA. man, that was the first thing i saw of your post when i refreshed, but i didnt take the time to read about what it was in reply to... lol. that cracked me up. :)
SO0o0o0o! are there any level ups KWOOD up for the weekend? i dont have any planned, as i've just reached a few a couple of weeks ago...
so i guess it will be normal boring chat! hahaha.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 07:09:05

Congrats DRD, Continuum and MPA (again, sigh) Recon (again, sigh) :)
and D0GMA.

At 10/15/04 04:52 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
I hate it when that happens, but it's even worse when you leave a window or two open so you can make sure that even if you copy something at the wrong time, it's ok, and when you're about to post, you get "This program is not responding".

Hahaha, yeah ive had that once before, its a real fucking pain in the arse.

Did you mean "that more beer is bad" or is that a subconscious message from your brain for you to stop drinking beer for a hangover? Either way, I'm sorry for saying beer is bad for a hangover, so you can drink beer no matter what state you're in.

Np apologies needed, it was a joke old bean, you know that. I just feel that if a hangover is bugging you, the only step out of the misery is to postpone in for another couple of hours by having a few more beers :)

At 10/15/04 06:18 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
hahahah. well, i wouldnt necessarily recommend beer after a hangover, but SCD seems to know what hes talking about... he's always talking about his shenanigans in the LNL, hahaha.

Beer is life, live with it :)

If someone else said some of the stuff he said, I probably wouldn't trust them, but he usually does know what he's talking about, so I just need to remember that during a hangover.

Good man Qwoxybaby, when iot comes to the matters of booze i find i do well :)

As for me, i finally made it into the top one thousand for experience two days ago, i didnt have enough time to notice, haha, but thats cool now :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 07:13:14

At 10/15/04 06:20 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
EG: BeauJacquesDeux, level 97 SC Classic (as opposed to expansion) Amazon prior to the 1.10 patch earns 110k xp per Hell Chaos run, 120k per Hell Cow run. The level bracket is from 97-98 is 240m XP. (2.9something billion to 3.2something billion XP)
i say again...
IN ENGLISH, DOC!! is it obviouse that i've never set eyes on Diablo 2 yet?
i mean, wtf is a hell cow run... or a hell chaos run!?!?

When you complete the quest to kill Diablo (joining a game started by someone who has already completed that quest doesn't count) you are then able to magically create a portal to the cow level ... think 525 3m tall cows wielding 2m halberds in an acre of map.

If a player kills her, 20% of her gold hits the ground. I can either leave the game and pick my body up in another game, or I can try to get past the PKs parked on my corpse to pick up my body and kill them, maybe getting my money back.
so its official, D0GMA is a girl. :)

BeauJeacquesDeux was an MK-bowazon. BeauJacques was a hybrid-mage-bowazon. Amazons can wield javelin class weapons (javazon), spear class weapons (jabazon), sword or mace class weapons with a shield (tankazon) or use a bow (bowazon). All amazons are female. How I finished off in the top 5 with BJ completes eludes me. BJD finished 10th only because I stopped playing her for 48 weeks and slid from 2nd.

Prior to patch 1.07 all PKs cost you the same experience a monster kill would have. Also prior to that patch there was no ability to "salvage" lost experience by getting back to your body.
whats a PK?

PK = Player Killer. BJD was an MK (Monster Killer).

For zons:

MK builds are to do a lot of damage each hit, but not necessarily a lot of hits per second (damage over time = DoT). They use slower class bows to high effectiveness against monsters. With as much damage as they do, there is not a lot of need for life of mana leech to be equipped. As part of the character build you increase your damage stat (dexterity for jav/bowazon) at the expense of increasing your life. (If I can kill all the monsters before they get to me, why do I need more than X life to survive the special attacks?) Skills are allocated to support anything that slows the monsters down (Ice/Freezing Arrow) or distracts them from bothering you (Decoy/Valkyrie).

PK builds are significantly lower damage with significantly higher life. Equipment is primarily geared to leech life off each hit they do. Skills are allocated specifically towards those which increase damage and stun your opponent (Max Critical Strike), and those which make it more difficult for your opponent to hit you with a ranged attack like an arrow (Max Avoid and Evade).

The game runs at 25fps. Every weapon has an inherent frame rate which it takes to complete and start another attack, which, to a degree, you could adjust by the type of equipment you wore (1.06 patch and earlier was easy. 1.07 patch+ I had to write a spreadsheet to work out frame rates and DoT) . My character was built to kill monsters and earn XP. I shot one arrow every 10 frames for 600 - 1100 damage (double if a critical hit). Their characters were built to kill characters just like mine. They shot 1 arrow every 9 frames for 600-900 damage (double if a critical hit). Not only was their DoT better than mine, they were equipped to leech more life than I was, so could survive even a 1 - 1 shoot out better.

I invented the auradin specifically to hose any PKs that came after me. With that paladin build standing next to my amazon, cycling through damage and +attack speed party bonus auras, I was able to hit an 8 frame attack rate, doing 1400-2900 damage, with 9m more range than they had. I could hit them faster, harder, and I could hit them before they could get close enough to shoot. Then these same fucks who were using hacks like auto-aim would whine that I was cheating.

and what does patch 1.07 mean...

1.07/1.08 were simultaneous patches released to Diablo 2 at the time that the Expansion pack came out. 1.08 was almost exclusively adjuments to the beta Expansion release, while 1.07 reworked virtually every facet of every item and every skill. For all intents it remade the game into something entirely different. The major plus alterations introduced in 1.07 were that PK deaths no longer cost you experience and that, upon being killed by a monster, you could regain half your lost experience if you were able to regain your body, which led to the phrases "half-death" [died in NM/Hell level but got body back] and "full death" [unable to get body so lost full 5 or 10% of XP bracket].

and what is meant by hard/softcore games??

The joke I was passing around was, "Hardcore, where death is no longer just a waste of good gambling money." As previously mentioned. In hardcore ... you die, your shit is gone, the end. All the work you put into your character is lost, start over. Death is death. It doesn't matter if you get PKed or MKed. My best HC character died at level 84 during a lag glitch in Hell Cows. When he died, I had to start over on a new character since I could no longer play him.

"Softcore" is standard Diablo 2. Even if you do something silly and get your character killed, you can keep playing with it. You have unlimited lives. BJD's first death was at level 87. Before I gave her to my niece's boyfriend at the 1.10 patch, she had died 34 times, including 12 PK deaths. Last I heard, she had died over 100 more times in fights against PKs.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 07:22:00

At 10/15/04 06:45 AM, RedCircle wrote: Oh, but wait! Chris will definitely tell you that it is a character, and that he/she doesn't have to give his/her character the same gender he/she has in real life...or something like that...wait for it :-D
At 10/15/04 07:02 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: hehehe, i know that.... but theres no harm in simply stiring it up! hahaha. and by 'it', i mean t3h D0GMA. :D

Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about t3h D0GMA ... and will be sorry to have found out

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 07:41:35

first off, im glad i have something to reply to other than all of the Daiblo stuff. im just goint to leave that topic alone, and never bring it up again XD

At 10/15/04 07:22 AM, D0GMA wrote: Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about t3h D0GMA ... and will be sorry to have found out

hmm, i read that, then i followed the link and read the rest.
i really wasnt prodding for information there, just having myself a little joke, because i find the whole....
"i dont want to reveal my age/gender"
"oh really? then are you a boy or girl? how old are you!?" issue to be really stupid. but meh.
now i know a little more about 't3h D0GMA'.
i g2g now, i got Alien VS Predator on DVD to watch. laters, all.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 07:45:55

At 10/15/04 06:37 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 10/15/04 06:18 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Note to self, Microdoft (lol) Word
hahahahh! man oh man, normally im not the one to make spelling errors, as i dont like the look of them when im typing, hehehe, but thats a pretty good one, no? lol, MDWord... hahaha.

I have to admit, it's one of those rare spelling errors that are actually funny, like finding speel check in a software presentation, not like Flump (the error itself is not funny, the person's stupidity is though).

I don't know what VCE (Visual something?) means (AcronymFinder gave Vapour Cloud Explosion),
bah, i forgot you live in SA...

I don't live in SA, the only thing that I can see in my profile is Student, Australia. I live in NSW.

in Victoria, the last two years of school are called VCE. i cant remember what it stands for... i think its something like Victorian C..... Education, or SOMETHING weird. i dunno. what it is, its the last two years of highschool where you do the subjects that count for your ENTER score... and the higher ENTER score you have, the more courses you can get into at Uni.

Right, that sound like UAI (higher score=more courses).

I can't really draw either (although I have been told I can draw a nice stickman),
Yeh, art is one of those subjects where if you draw some really SHIT stuff, the teachers think you have a great abstract mind...
all that pot they smoked in the 70's really hit them hard, i guess.

I know, but that work which was a black square on a white background really changed the way I looked at art, the negative space, the emptiness, the black and white, it makes me think... about how people can get away with that.

haha, well i was saying that my respect level for him went up. even though the 'shaddap' emails were pretty stupid :D
yeh, ill join AUSSIE DEATH SQUAD #3 aswell :)

Well when I saw your post, I wanted to carry on the respect. The shaddap emails were bad, but not bad enough to stop joining SQUAD #3.

At 10/15/04 06:45 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 10/15/04 06:18 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I don't know what VCE (Visual something?) means (AcronymFinder gave Vapour Cloud Explosion),
Vagabond Catapult Experiments?

Works for me, better than Vic Certificate.

I'm joining AUSSIE DEATH SQUAD #3.
Laugh. Out. Loud. X-D

So I got:
#1. Enoll
#2. M-A-R-C-U-S
#3. Qwoxyl

Yay! We need more Australians now. -Err0r could be in, but only if he dies first in a horrible death, I mean noble death.

At 10/15/04 05:30 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Because i want to delete my stupid submission - The Cartoon Parody :/
I think you had a 7 on the end of the id in the movie when it's a 6 on the page. If I'm right, delete it.
You know he can upload a revised copy?

Yes, but I was joking, and it wouldn't be funny if I said "If I'm right, upload a revised copy", unless I said something about j00bie as well.

At 10/15/04 06:20 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 10/15/04 05:59 AM, D0GMA wrote: If a player kills her, 20% of her gold hits the ground. I can either leave the game and pick my body up in another game,
so its official, D0GMA is a girl. :)
Oh, but wait! Chris will definitely tell you that it is a character, and that he/she doesn't have to give his/her character the same gender he/she has in real life...or something like that...wait for it :-D

You were right, although he did give a good explaination. And I call D0GMA an he since the only thing I've seen that was more than vague that pointed towards guy was "numbnuts" (do girls say numbnuts?) and that he is what you're meant to say when you don't know what the gender is. Plus saying it doesn't sound good.

At 10/15/04 07:09 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
At 10/15/04 04:52 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Either way, I'm sorry for saying beer is bad for a hangover, so you can drink beer no matter what state you're in.
Np apologies needed, it was a joke old bean, you know that. I just feel that if a hangover is bugging you, the only step out of the misery is to postpone in for another couple of hours by having a few more beers :)

Sounds good to me. :) I have been enlighted on the subject of beer now.

As for me, i finally made it into the top one thousand for experience two days ago, i didnt have enough time to notice, haha, but thats cool now :)

Congrats, can't believe you need so many exp points just to be in the top 1000.

At 10/15/04 07:41 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: i g2g now, i got Alien VS Predator on DVD to watch. laters, all.

See you, tell me if it's a waste of time or worth renting or something when you get back.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 08:06:40

At 10/15/04 07:41 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: hmm, i read that, then i followed the link and read the rest.
i really wasnt prodding for information there, just having myself a little joke, because i find the whole....
"i dont want to reveal my age/gender"
"oh really? then are you a boy or girl? how old are you!?" issue to be really stupid. but meh.

~shrug~ I've never really hidden my age. My chat with RC night before last was when I realized/remembered I had removed my age from my profile. I've made no bones of that fact that I'm an old un lol

As to the other, in that same conversation with RC I mentioned a chat I had tried to have with BobbyJenkins. She had made some comments that, if read one way were innocuous, but if read another meant she needed to track down some help. I spent at least 10 minutes trying to get past her presumptions that I was just some random male looking for a "way in" to get her to even listen to what I had to say with an open mind. I'm really just fucking tired of trying to help someone and having to work to be allowed to do so.

i g2g now, i got Alien VS Predator on DVD to watch. laters, all.

lol I had forgotten about that being out. Not my usual fare but, just from wanting to know who wins and how, I'm kind of interested in watching it.

At 10/15/04 07:45 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
(do girls say numbnuts?)

Yes, as I recall, even that specific comment was covered in Toocool's thread

Plus saying it doesn't sound good.

Pick a pronoun and be consistent is all I ask. I don't care if it's he, she, or it ... unless there's too many people using he or she, then I stir it up again.

At 10/15/04 07:57 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Yeeh level up!! I'm no more level 9!! That was, according to me, the worst level... because there's so much level 9 peoples!! Well, I have now 813 more exp points to get before level 11. :D

Grats. Now just keep hamering away ^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 09:07:10

At 10/15/04 07:45 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: I have to admit, it's one of those rare spelling errors that are actually funny, like finding speel check in a software presentation, not like Flump (the error itself is not funny, the person's stupidity is though).

yeh that 'Has any one actually ever seen Tom Flump post before?' thread was hilarious, man... lol.

I don't live in SA, the only thing that I can see in my profile is Student, Australia. I live in NSW.

oh yeah i forgot, i was thinking of someone else then... Shoooweee!

Right, that sound like UAI (higher score=more courses).

yah yah.

I know, but that work which was a black square on a white background really changed the way I looked at art, the negative space, the emptiness, the black and white, it makes me think... about how people can get away with that.

VERY FREAKING TRUE. i look in art books, and i think to myself 'you know, with a few hundred dollard worth of paint, and a really big canvas, give me 3 hours, and ill make millions'... art just pisses me off sometimes.

Well when I saw your post, I wanted to carry on the respect. The shaddap emails were bad, but not bad enough to stop joining SQUAD #3.

yah yah.

Vagabond Catapult Experiments?

lol, that stupid acronym finder site! haha

Works for me, better than Vic Certificate.

lol, what does that UAI thingy stand for?

Yay! We need more Australians now. -Err0r could be in, but only if he dies first in a horrible death, I mean noble death.

yeh, phsycho_clown85 could be in (that IS -Err0r), so could Shrapnel, Ben Coombs (not a bbs user, but he lives in Victoria), and a few others... like Klacid! yeeeh. lol.

You were right, although he did give a good explaination. And I call D0GMA an he since the only thing I've seen that was more than vague that pointed towards guy was "numbnuts" (do girls say numbnuts?) and that he is what you're meant to say when you don't know what the gender is. Plus saying it doesn't sound good.

yeh, see the thing is i really didnt know much about any well known bbs users (like D0GMA) untill a few weeks ago, when i started posting in here, so i was asleep to the matter of D0GMA - boy/girl? lol.
meh, im gonna go with my gut instincts... on one hand i think t3h D0g is a guy, and on the other, i think that t3h D0G is a girl :P hahah.

Congrats, can't believe you need so many exp points just to be in the top 1000.

was that Redcircle saying that?? because he has 150 more than i, and this is where im at...
Experience: Ranked # 1,016 out of 609,798 users!
so yah, congrats.

See you, tell me if it's a waste of time or worth renting or something when you get back.

atm i've seen 40 mins into it, and its starting to get really good now. the 'problem' so to speak has arisen, and the climax will surely ensue for the next hour or so :)
as of 40 minutes into it, i love it... because i loved Predator, with Arnie, and i've seen and loved all of the Alien movies, atleast twice each... so im loving AVP so far :)
also, its only just come out at the movies a few weeks ago where i live.... my friend is Asian, so... you know. =copied!! hahaha.
off to the land of nod for me, i have to be up at 7 to play tennis. laters, y'all.

/\/\ . /\/\ (lol)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 10:55:18

BonusCrimsonRain, please check if i deposited tommorow, i might not be at home (im going in 10 minutes or so..)..
thx (:)
Oh and if anybody wants this, i'll make ;D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 11:35:08

At 10/15/04 07:57 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Yeeh level up!! I'm no more level 9!! That was, according to me, the worst level... because there's so much level 9 peoples!! Well, I have now 813 more exp points to get before level 11. :D

Congrates lvl up Woot!!
Iv noticed that Level 10 is becoming the new 9 ( read my long post from a few pages back)
Also congrates to Recon R on his 240000 blames.
congrates to anyone iv missed as well. Holy crap this place has been moving fast as of late!, being british sucks, i get home and 3-4 new pages! Ah well better to have a place thats posting alot than not at all. Not achivements for me hoping to get 1 VPD ! sounds crap i know but when i sighnd up i was barly awar of the BBS at all!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 12:14:30

i don't see why there's so many complaints about leveling to level 9 or 10... it only takes a little over 3 months to get over 1,000 exp points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 12:20:16

At 10/15/04 12:14 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: i don't see why there's so many complaints about leveling to level 9 or 10... it only takes a little over 3 months to get over 1,000 exp points.

Easy for you to say, Mr im lvl 23!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 14:41:57

At 10/15/04 12:14 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: i don't see why there's so many complaints about leveling to level 9 or 10... it only takes a little over 3 months to get over 1,000 exp points.

i'm gonna agre with you there, people who get to level 9 always complain about this "massive" exp till level 10. i was certainly happy to upgrade from 9 to 10, as the icon is a lot better. but im NOT happy about upgrading to the level 11 symbol in 6 days, it's the worst one :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 15:46:56

At 10/15/04 02:41 PM, _stem_ wrote: i'm gonna agre with you there, people who get to level 9 always complain about this "massive" exp till level 10. i was certainly happy to upgrade from 9 to 10, as the icon is a lot better. but im NOT happy about upgrading to the level 11 symbol in 6 days, it's the worst one :(

It's a fist with brass knuckles.. what's so bad about that? then after that one the barbed wire glove me thinks... either way.. you'll be able to fly through these early levels a lot easier than the higher ones.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 16:06:40

I really see nothing to congratulate anybody on, except for maybe 1 or 2 Level 10 level ups... but that's about it....

Wow, Lots of Diablo II Talk in here... The only part i particularly feel like replying to is this one...

At 10/15/04 07:13 AM, D0GMA wrote: My best HC character died at level 84 during a lag glitch in Hell Cows.

I had the exact same problem.
Level 97 Druid, with max stats in Werewold, Lycanothropy, Oak Sage and Fury, with the rest shoved into Elemental Shield.
My Weapon was the best weapon a Druid could ever dream of, a LEGIT 'Godly Pike of Quikness', and it had 7% life steal to it.
My dude did 6K-8K Damage in 1 hit, and could hit enemies 8 times per second.
Fuckin right! =)
He died due to lag in Hell Cows... and Ive never touched Diablo II since.

As for Shpoutien and his comment about my thread at the SS forums... I really dont see why you have a problem with it. Obviously none of my movies ive submitted are worthy of ANY award except for turd.
Seeing as my flash skills are currently very minimal, I really dont care if a flash of mine gets Turd, in fact.... I'd rather have one then nothing at all.
That's why I made the thread, and I didnt even know you visited there...
By the way... it's working.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 17:32:11

Heh, I see bonus decided to take over the name change title while I was away, doesn't he know I'm the only tanner-wanna-be allowed here? >=(
So congrats to everyone's rank-ups and such since yesterday, I've been moving slow so I won't rank up for quite some time. ;_;


Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 18:21:58

At 10/15/04 02:41 PM, _stem_ wrote: i'm gonna agre with you there, people who get to level 9 always complain about this "massive" exp till level 10. i was certainly happy to upgrade from 9 to 10, as the icon is a lot better. but im NOT happy about upgrading to the level 11 symbol in 6 days, it's the worst one :(

11 isn't so bad. I want my cool gauntlet back.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 18:44:01

At 10/15/04 10:55 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: BonusCrimsonRain, please check if i deposited tommorow, i might not be at home (im going in 10 minutes or so..)..
thx (:)
Oh and if anybody wants this, i'll make ;D

j00bie OR someone can anyone do my voting no bypass on virus thingy

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 18:50:27

At 10/15/04 06:21 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote: 11 isn't so bad. I want my cool gauntlet back.

Maybe someday you'll have the gold gauntlet instead. Level 25 is the best.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 19:07:20

At 10/15/04 06:44 PM, -trix- wrote: sure
j00bie OR someone can anyone do my voting no bypass on virus thingy

1) Your password is fucked, I cant log on to it anymore
2) You kept posting here when I was banned to get me to respond to you, but I cant log on to it anymore for some reason.

Maybe somebody else can for you... I must be typing wrong password or something... *rolls eyes*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 19:15:19

Thanks for the congrats on 5kXP/666posts/8.5VP, everyone

Congratulations go out to:

EKRegulus, 5k blams
carmelhadinosaur, 65 sigs
j00bie, 7.70 VP
DRD1982, 4444 blams
MPA 7k saves (!)
Continuum, 4444 blams
Recon_Rebel, 24k blams, 13k saves (!)
RedCircle, 1111 posts
D0GMA, getting some crap off her chest (no, not literally)
FBIpolux, Level 10

Well done, all. You're all unafraid to admit to NG addiction =)

I see that ramagi is back in the BP game, despite all her claims about preferring real life... 380+ since Monday...

Well it's been a sluggish (UK) day on the Portal, but now I DO have a legitimate level-up announcement - 2 stripes (EG Captain)!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 19:18:56

At 10/15/04 07:15 PM, Denvish wrote: (EG Captain)!

Fuckit. I should name my pics something other than Image1.gif, Image2.gif.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 19:24:12

At 10/15/04 07:15 PM, Denvish wrote: Congratulations go out to:
j00bie, 7.70 VP

Errr, it's 7.50 VP, but it will be 7.70 soon enough, seeing as im close to a rank up whichll give me a slight boost.

Speaking of rank ups, let's have a little fun... seeing as Im making a post anyways =)

As you MAY remember, when I was nearing 3K Blams and 1K Saves, i asked what would I hit first....
It ended up I hit 1000 Saves with 2998 Blams... I managed to get a tri-screenie anyways (3kBlam/1KSave/Rank up).

WELL, it's that time again! But with 6K Blams and 2K Saves...
The current numbers are...
5854 Blams (146 needed), and
1965 Saves... (35 needed).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 19:38:55

OMFG 1337!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 19:48:50

At 10/15/04 07:38 PM, Jew-B wrote: also j00bie, you'll hit saves a lot easier then hitting blams, but i say do it again, since saves are going a lot slower than they had there for a while :)

The portals improved since last time I did this, as well as the thingy is 3:1 B/S Im shooting for, yet it doesnt add up 3:1 at all...

Clearly Ill hit Saves first, but what the heck...

Clever name change ;)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-15 21:02:13

At 10/15/04 04:05 AM, RedCircle wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=185337
My recent update of this loser who thinks he can "scare" me out of my e-mail account name.

That's ridiculous. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it Red. I checked out your topic and the guy obviously (nice of you to point out his spelling mistake) doesn't have a pot to piss in. You registered the name a year before the band was registered and in any case it's just a bloody e-mail account! Too bad, so sad. End of story.

I bet the guy loses IQ points every time he takes a dump.

At 10/15/04 12:14 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: i don't see why there's so many complaints about leveling to level 9 or 10... it only takes a little over 3 months to get over 1,000 exp points.

I think they're complaining about the steady experience increase Yoink. Come on man, you must have been around when it took less than a month to level up. Even I remember when the increment was only 400 points.

At 10/15/04 06:21 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote:
At 10/15/04 02:41 PM, _stem_ wrote: but im NOT happy about upgrading to the level 11 symbol in 6 days, it's the worst one :(
11 isn't so bad. I want my cool gauntlet back.

Tell me about it. I'm not looking forward to level 19. I rather skip it and move on to level 20.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature