At 10/15/04 05:28 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
ONLY in HC. In every SC variant of D2 simply getting your body back gets your gear back ... unless you listened to the scammers and filled up on stamina pots
In ENGLISH, Doc!! what is HC, what is D2....
StarCraft rules, ive been playing it all afternoon :)
When you die in hardcore Diablo 2, all your gear is toast ... unless you've designated someone in game to snatch your gear off you. Anything in your stash or inventory is still gone, period. If you are killed by a player, 20% of your total gold hits the ground for them to scoop up.
In softcore, when you die you lose 20% of your total gold. If you are killed by a player, it hits the ground. If you are killed by a monster it's just gone.
If it is a normal level game, 20% of your gold is gone and that's it.
If Nightmare, you lose 5% of your XP bracket. If you are able to get back to your body (where you died) you regain half that lost XP.
If Hell level you lose 10% of your XP bracket. If you are able to get back to your body (where you died) you regain half that lost XP.
EG: BeauJacquesDeux, level 97 SC Classic (as opposed to expansion) Amazon prior to the 1.10 patch earns 110k xp per Hell Chaos run, 120k per Hell Cow run. The level bracket is from 97-98 is 240m XP. (2.9something billion to 3.2something billion XP)
If a player kills her, 20% of her gold hits the ground. I can either leave the game and pick my body up in another game, or I can try to get past the PKs parked on my corpse to pick up my body and kill them, maybe getting my money back.
Prior to patch 1.07 all PKs cost you the same experience a monster kill would have. Also prior to that patch there was no ability to "salvage" lost experience by getting back to your body.
If a monster kills her in a Hell game, 20% of her gold disappears. 24m experience disappears. (In normal no XP loss, in Nightmare 12m XP loss) IF she can walk all the way to her where she died with no equipment and walk over her body (pick up her gear) she will instantly gain half of what she lost (6m XP in NM, 12m in Hell). If she is unable to do so, she has lost 24m XP, but can quit the game and start, or join, another game.
In softcore, following a death, anytime you join a new game your body, and all gear you had equipped, will be found in town and no one else will be able to touch it.
If she attempts to pick up her body and fails, each of those deaths costs an additional 24m (or 12m in NM) until she is parked at base XP for level 97.