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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 08:25:49

the 2nd half to my yearly update. Read above if you're not sure what is going on.

Voting Power
it has not been a major thing for me, but still, i always like to improve it.
at the moment, my base voting power stands at 5.86, and my total VP is 7.39. 26% of which has come from my B/P points.
Ahh, the good old BBS. as i've said before, i never realised that it was around untill i was into my late level 9-early level 10 period, and i never started posting daily untill a couple of months after that.
From there, i joined a few clubs, including the NGDD (NG department of defense), the LNL (Late Night Lounge), The NG assasins (which i have left), and Addicted to NG (which i posted in for a few days, and havent posted since (about 4-6 months ago, i'd think). Then, only 3 or 4 months ago, i joined up with The Slackers Crew, who's regulars always have good conversations with me. (MALforpresident, PainBringer, Biteme2514, etc).
i also post in other threads, such as the Top Reviewers List, Rages gift to you: Abusive reviews, and ofcourse of late, the level up! Lounge.

1,662 in total (4.543 per day)
as you can see, that amounts to over 4.5 posts a day. i only recently (im talking in the last week or so) hit 4 posts a day, as in my 2 week holiday period, i had a bit more time for posting :)
For a very long period of time, my whistle level was normal, this was because i did not know you could gain whistle points by marking reviews as abusive!! haha.
so, quite a few months back (my best guess is 4 or so), i gained a Bronze whistle, of which i was very proud of. soon after, i was up to silver, and that is where i plan on keeping it.
I would like to thank the thread 'Rage's gift to you: Abusive reviews' for all of the links to abusive reviews, as they have helped me gain uncountable whistle points.
Furthermore, i think that i have accomplished a lot in my one year period at Newgrounds, and i hope that everyone has enjoyed my reviews, posts, and general friendlyness.
A week or two ago, i set a few goals that i wanted to hit for my 1 year period.
About a month or 2 ago, i wished of entering the top 10 reviewers list, as it was always my ultimate goal. i have done that feat, then bettered it 3 times over. im 7th :)
I also set the goal of 6,000 B/P points. i accomplished that not 3 or 4 days ago.
And, i set for myself the goal of reaching 1,600 posts, which i reached about 3 or 4 days ago, also.
So once again, i think that i have done well.
Note - many of my stats may have changed by now, as i've spent around 20+ minutes making this update :) i have probably also missed out on a few posts in the thread.
OH! and, before i forget, not 2 days ago (i believe), i actually made my first milestone post in a thread, ever.
it was in this thread, and i had made the 22,222th reply. i made a post, which was the 22,221st... then forgot to add something from a previous post, and added it 5 minutes later.
i was then told of the feat, and laughed my ass off, because it was a total accident. someone who is a level 12 (but a few hundred exp points below me) threatened to beat me senseless with their wired glove... good times. :)
So, in my final conclusion for the year, i hope that you have all enjoyed my presense at much as i have enjoyed being here, and i do believe i've accomplished quite a few things to be proud of over the last 365 day period.
And dont you worry, everyone... i'll be back on the 11th of November in 2005 to do the same thing all over again. :D hahahah.
...End of update.
And now i must go to bed. so goodnight, all.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 08:28:11

At 10/11/04 08:24 AM, terqui wrote: Hey bonusstage!!!!!!11!!!!!

Whoever has the most experiance on January 1st 2005 gets $20 from the loser?

Between you and me.

Kinda like ozcars shindig. But better.

and you just had to post in the ONE MINUTE space i left between my updates.
YOU, good sir, are know my sworn enemy.
*writes down 'terqui' in his permanent shit list book*
im just kiddin ya man.
although i am extremely pissed off about the situation, theres not much i can do about it...
im sure you didnt mean to, aswell. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 08:43:05

whoopsie daisy.

I find that situation hilarious, that i just managed to post, in such a small needed time period.

Sorry bout that m-a-r-c-u-s

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 09:07:58

Damn music practice, congrats to everyone who leveled up (I thought I would never say it, but too many hours on the piano has sapped my spare time).

At 10/11/04 08:24 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: "Today is a glorious day... for today i am a MAN." - Me!! :P

You're a man for having an account for a year? You don't even show your real age, how can you be a man?

O.K, everyone... here it is. my first one-year period update for my time here at NG, and i have blessed the level up! Lounge with it.

Blessed us with your year stats? Ok...

Sign-up Date: 10/11/03
current date: 10/11/04
Day: 365 - one year.

GASP! I would have never guessed, the year update certainly didn't give it away, oh no.

i knew nothing about Newgrounds for a very long time, and, on the 11th of November, 2003

Ahem, today is the 11th of October.

I - as a big fan of RPG games where you upgrade your 'stats' - became quite entangled with NG after that, and i quite liked jumping up through the levels.

So now ask yourself, how many months ago were you jumping through levels? (that would have been before level 10 for sure)

I never knew about the BBS untill i was on level 9 or 10, and therefore i learnt pretty much everything i know about NG by my little old self.

There's a FAQ section, you don't need the BBS to learn those things.

and now, it has been a year. so here are my statistics for the site.
Experience: Ranked # 1,036 out of 607,236 users!

Hmm, what went wrong here? This could take all night to figure out.

Exp. Points: 3,360 / 3,657
that makes 336 days out of 365. so 29 days i have missed out on depositing this year, and it is because of A: a trip to Queensland in January for 10 days, going camping - 5 days, and other assorted times.

Wrong, you get 20 points for making a profile, so that's at least 31 days you missed, and then there's the 5 points you get each for NG updates and Daily Top 5.

total exp for the year = 92.054%
i'll be getting into the top 1,000 very soon indeed.

Now there's something I can't agrue with.


You said update, not NG life story, we've heard enough of that.

Reviews written by M-A-R-C-U-S:
2576 reviews available

Available? What about the unavailable ones, the deleted ones, didn't you write more than 2576?

days at NG - 365.

Repetition, repetition, let's do it again.

so yes, in one year, i have assumed the 7th position on the site in terms of reviews

You just had to say that again didn't you?

And, apart from XwaynecoltX having over 1,000 responses, i believe that i have the highest amount of responses on NG. (2nd to X). if ANYONE has more, please come forward.

Love that you always say "I have the highest amount of responses" all the time and then you put 2nd to X. And then knowing this, you ask if Wayne can come forward since no one else has more.

Blam/Protection points. (NOT saves, they are protections). (B/P)

It says saves in my profile, so they're saves and they're the same thing anyway.

I for one have never been able to gather a lot of B/P points, because of where i live. when i come home from school, it is around 2AM, NG time. when i head off to bed, it is something like 7-9AM, NG time. so, i think that most people are asleep in America. = bummer for me.

Yeah, that's the same place I live, AUSTRALIA (I won't even mention how many I have). And you go to bed from 9-11PM? Some man, can't even stay up late.

and ofcourse, the least amount of B/P points ive gotten in a day has been 0. haha.

Yes, I'm sure missing a day (and over 29 other days) had nothing to do it.

days - 365.

Repetition, repetition, it will drive you insane.

Ratio of blams/protection points = 2.502 (not bad, considering how much crap is in the portal).

It just means being neutral, voting the same as the majority didn't get as many blams as voting according to what the crap deserves.

There is the first half or so to my update. Read below for my other half. (no one better post inbetween my posts!!! haha)
more to come.....

And terqui ruins it.

I think I might read your second post tomorrow and go to bed soon, seeing how it's after 1. And remember, I made fun of you because you should think of what you're writing for your year update instead of just writing as much as possible and hoping that everyone skims over it and congrats you for being here for a year.

That and I just feel like making fun of you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 09:54:44

Thank you for your deposit, Sentinel_specter! You now have 2,840 experience points. You need 3 more to get to level 12.
The next Grounds Gold day begins in 14 hours, 6 minutes and 39 seconds. Come back then and start racking up more experience points!

Hahaa, damnit. Only 3 more exp points till level 12!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 10:06:34

At 10/11/04 09:54 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
Thank you for your deposit, Sentinel_specter! You now have 2,840 experience points. You need 3 more to get to level 12.
The next Grounds Gold day begins in 14 hours, 6 minutes and 39 seconds. Come back then and start racking up more experience points!
Hahaa, damnit. Only 3 more exp points till level 12!!!

lolerblades, soo close.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 10:22:19

Too much to quote, so Ill just remember what I read..

Recon Rebel Wrote
<flaming Lacie> RAWR!

This is kind of odd, because I find what you are saying (as well as your flaming of Quikfox) surprisingly funny. Though I guess it isnt funny when Im the target. Remind me to TRY and stay on your semi-good side... I do not believe I have any chance of actually getting on your good side, now.. or ever. Unfortunately :'(.

Lacie Wrote
I dont care what you say Recon (aka 'honey').

Well, I guess thats the sensible thing to do is ignore any flames being shed towards you... but I think that you should drop the 'honey' part in your posts... Just a thought.

Recon Rebel Wrote

Well, I dont think I'll be ignoring her posts in anywhich way... (I probably shouldnt say this =\), and I think that what you are doing Recon is just downright childish! (OOPSIE, did I say that?).

Marcus Wrote

Congrats on the 1 year anniversary you can finally shut up about ;).
But just remember one thing.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 10:24:07

Oh, and Recon_Rebel.
Seeing as you have a sudden hatred towards quikfox, I thought you might want to view this little flash movie I picked up the other day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 10:54:42

At 10/11/04 09:54 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
Thank you for your deposit, Sentinel_specter! You now have 2,840 experience points. You need 3 more to get to level 12.
The next Grounds Gold day begins in 14 hours, 6 minutes and 39 seconds. Come back then and start racking up more experience points!
Hahaa, damnit. Only 3 more exp points till level 12!!!

Congrats on your almost level up. 12 was a big one for me. I really like that Barb-Wire Glove. Enjoy the good times of Lev 12.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 11:25:11

At 10/11/04 10:24 AM, j00bie wrote: Oh, and Recon_Rebel.
Seeing as you have a sudden hatred towards quikfox, I thought you might want to view this little flash movie I picked up the other day.

I thought it was some what amuzing. ^_^

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 11:26:59

At 10/10/04 10:54 PM, Dave wrote: One more hour to level 12! The suspence is killing me.

LVL up ! Congrates DAVE

At 10/11/04 12:50 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Deposit your points and go away. Why are you here Lacie? There's no little boys in this forum that are gonna jump around and drool with infatuation over you. You left your preschool entourage in the clubs forum. I bet when you got up this morning to go to work you thought "what a complete waste of makeup."

Get told Lacie!, wise words there from Recon will said.
<raises hand for high 5 >

At 10/11/04 03:30 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Well well well, today is number 365 here at NG for me.

Happy NG B-day MARCUS and many more to come?

Exactly! There's really no point in doing it, you won't get any respect.

My point exacltly !

...SABBATH-BOY's a shit name anyhow. :P

Did you see that SABBATH BOY tribute club he made with his alt...i don't nomaly bitch about people ( much) but what an idiot.

At 10/11/04 05:04 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/10/04 03:01 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Not entirly he bought that account from his friend when it was on police Captin; so.....
I hope that was a bad joke ...

It's really not...pathetic eh?

At 10/11/04 11:00 AM, Crossofdevil wrote: Why doesnt newgrounds just stop hating other user and it will stop alot of problems i just dont get it?

Not...hate ...idiots......? what is this strange philosiphy you talk of?
If useres need to but flamed **cough** Lacie**cough** than flamed they shall be.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 11:40:53

At 10/11/04 11:26 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
...SABBATH-BOY's a shit name anyhow. :P
Did you see that SABBATH BOY tribute club he made with his alt...i don't nomaly bitch about people ( much) but what an idiot.

Oh. My. God. What a fucking loser.


Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 11:49:14

At 10/11/04 11:28 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Hey guys, yesterday I was banned so I made like 120 b/p :D I now need like 75 more to get a rank up.

That's so interesting... TELL US WHEN YOU GET THE RANK-UP!

Well, another funny thing is that I'm starting making a Flash Movie about the BBS, and I'll try to show every users posting regularly. Well, this means all you guys will be in the movie :D

The flash itself might be funny but right now it's not. Take your time, I don't want to see myself in a rushed flash.

35 more to get level 10... I hate being level 9...

I'm at 508 pts from level 12. Somehow I sound ridiculous while typing that. Please, type about your rank-ups and milestones. We don't care about how far you are from a level or a rank.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 11:58:00

At 10/11/04 11:28 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Hey guys, yesterday I was banned so I made like 120 b/p :D I now need like 75 more to get a rank up.

120! thats an achivement right there grats, come back tommorow with the rank up though...

Well, another funny thing is that I'm starting making a Flash Movie about the BBS, and I'll try to show every users posting regularly. Well, this means all you guys will be in the movie :D

Will it be crap?

35 more to get level 10... I hate being level 9...

Yer lvl 9 sucks hairy balls 10 is 'da bomb' where as lvl 16 is 'da nuke'

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 11:58:29

I don't bother to hate ppl on the internet. It is pointless to waste your energy on someone who you will never meet, should never affect your life, and probably lives 5,000 miles away from you.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 12:44:05

At 10/11/04 11:26 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 10/10/04 10:54 PM, Dave wrote: One more hour to level 12! The suspence is killing me.
LVL up ! Congrates DAVE


Also happy Ng BIrthday, M-A-R-C-U-S, i have mine 7 days ago, lol but I didn't make it a huge deal like you. =p. Also congrats on coming second in command in NGDD. :D

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 12:56:35

Sweet merciful page increases, Dr. Doom! Damn this place grew fast. Couldn't get online yesterday due to it being Thanksgiving Sunday here in Canada. Luckily, Thanksgiving Monday(Today) is a bit slower, so I can make my usual NewGrounds rounds.

Congrats to everyone! (Sorry, but I missed a shitload of pages. I ain't readin' all 'dat!)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 14:11:31

At 10/11/04 06:48 AM, TheRotArm wrote:
Hey, what's wrong with saying "I'm almost 18" or whatever? (I'm not, but hey)

By itself, there's nothing wrong with it. This thread is where you post what you've accomplished ... which is the same context of the question and "answer" I posed above. In other aspects, it's a lot looser, but coming in to post what stat you haven't yet reached is just fucking annoying.

It shows that you're excited by it and stuff.

It shows that people need to rethink posting habits.

Quit wasting all your time making 55 2 line posts and maybe you'll have some spare left over to actuall go and wacth some of the falsh ... you know, the reason this site exists?
i dont actually think i could agree more... too many people come here JUST for the BBS... that sucks.
o Don't be such elitists... >_< They can do what they want. If they just want to use the BBS, then fine, that's their choice.

It's not being elitist. It's being disgusted with eople who are ignoring the entire basis for a site's existece to go off and spam the forums associated with it. I'm not just referring to NG. I've seen it in a lot of other sites. There's always fuckups whose basis of interaction with a site is strictly their posting.

At 10/11/04 07:31 AM, BonusStage wrote: D0gma's relation to real life stories, inspire, confuse, and make me feel ... <,< good >.>

At least you didnt forget the fact that I confuddle people ^^

At 10/11/04 08:25 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: huge update

Reminds me of the type of thing gfox or I would write ... except you don't list lots of stats as they've evolved over time lol Grats on being "1 year old" ... hopefully the next shapes up as well for you.

At 10/11/04 09:54 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
Hahaa, damnit. Only 3 more exp points till level 12!!!

Could be worse. You'll find youself in situations where you deposit, get a level, then HT deposits and takes it back. At higher levels this can go on for days ...

At 10/11/04 11:26 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 10/11/04 05:04 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/10/04 03:01 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Not entirly he bought that account from his friend when it was on police Captin; so.....
I hope that was a bad joke ...
It's really not...pathetic eh?

Quite ... especially when you consider the low level and rank of what he acquired.

At 10/11/04 11:28 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Well, this means all you guys will be in the movie :D

What about the non-guys?

35 more to get level 10... I hate being level 9...

Which is 4 days from now. See my post at the top of 751.

At 10/11/04 11:49 AM, EKRegulus wrote:
Hey guys, yesterday I was banned so I made like 120 b/p :D I now need like 75 more to get a rank up.
That's so interesting... TELL US WHEN YOU GET THE RANK-UP!

That one I actually left alone because it provided other information ... back from ban and he had 120 BPs yesterday. The latter is definitely something to crow about lol

At 10/11/04 12:44 PM, Dave wrote: Also happy Ng BIrthday, M-A-R-C-U-S, i have mine 7 days ago

Well happy belated NGBday to you too then ^^

At 10/11/04 12:56 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Congrats to everyone! (Sorry, but I missed a shitload of pages. I ain't readin' all 'dat!)

Read mine and Recon's post. beween what we say and whom we quote, you'll have a pretty good idea of what's occured.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 14:15:13

Will you still respect me in the morning?


[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 14:24:02

At 10/11/04 02:11 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/11/04 11:28 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Well, this means all you guys will be in the movie :D
What about the non-guys?

The prove just keeps on pileing up. And here I thought a lifes quest would be difficult.

Read mine and Recon's post. beween what we say and whom we quote, you'll have a pretty good idea of what's occured.

Alrighty then. Sounds like lots of stuff must've happened, what with the large page increase. *Jets to read, because knowledge is power!*

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 14:26:45

At 10/11/04 02:15 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Will you still respect me in the morning?

The question is will you respect me in the moring?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 14:31:16

WOO-HOO!!! LV 4!!! WUPY! :)))

ffs. that is all.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 14:57:27

At 10/11/04 02:11 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/11/04 09:54 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
Hahaa, damnit. Only 3 more exp points till level 12!!!
Could be worse. You'll find youself in situations where you deposit, get a level, then HT deposits and takes it back. At higher levels this can go on for days ...

Are HT deposits where you loose exp? THAT must really suck and congrats to all Who lvl up and rank up and good luck for those who are close to lvl/rank up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 15:12:16

At 10/11/04 02:57 PM, jamboreen wrote: Are HT deposits where you loose exp?

The only way you can lose experience points is if the site admins manually take it away from you. When HT deposits, he raises the point requirements of each level from 10 to 30. That's why, if you stop depositing, you can lose an experience level or two.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 15:13:27

At 10/11/04 02:15 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Will you still respect me in the morning?

Of course I will. Why ever would you feel the need to ask such a thing ;)

At 10/11/04 02:24 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
The prove just keeps on pileing up. And here I thought a lifes quest would be difficult.

What proof? He said he was including the guys. I merely asked about the people he's leaving out with that statement in a way that included me. Note that I did not ask, "what about the girls?" Technically I'm a "non-guy" and a "non-girl." You need to look more deeply into my comments grasshoppa ...

Alrighty then. Sounds like lots of stuff must've happened, what with the large page increase. *Jets to read, because knowledge is power!*

Not a lot of stuff ... just a lot of the same stuff. I just figure with the volume of quotes we make, you at least get the cliff notes of what everyone else has to say.

At 10/11/04 02:57 PM, jamboreen wrote: Are HT deposits where you loose exp? THAT must really suck and congrats to all Who lvl up and rank up and good luck for those who are close to lvl/rank up

It's not that you lose XP, per se. It's that you make a deposit of 10 XP, which gains you the level. HT deposits, which increases the level requirement past your total XP, which takes that level away. Next day, rinse repeat. At the higher levels this can go on for days due to the fact that when HT deposits, the level requirement increases 6+ experience.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 15:24:13

At 10/11/04 05:04 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/10/04 02:12 PM, The_Bees_Knees wrote: im neary 1337 post!
No one cares. You're just the latest in a long string of nuisance posts, so don't take this too personally. Since no one seems to get it, here it is.

So he says hes nearing a post count milestone, you go all crazily angry.

Later, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/11/04 09:54 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote: Hahaa, damnit. Only 3 more exp points till level 12!!!
Could be worse. You'll find youself in situations where you deposit, get a level, then HT deposits and takes it back. At higher levels this can go on for days ...

Then he posts that hes nearing a new experience level, and you respond 'nicely' in comparison.

Though Im sure there are reasons (Level Up > Post Count, Regular > Non-Regular, Post Count = pointless), but it just struck me as somewhat 'odd' that youd respond so differently to two very similar posts.

While Im posting this, Ill just mention that I realised Im now in the top 150 B/Pers... (148 OMG!), Something not-too interesting, but Im making a post anyways, so deal with it! IM 148! SHUKIT TREBEK!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 15:47:12

At 10/11/04 03:24 PM, j00bie wrote: Though Im sure there are reasons (Level Up > Post Count, Regular > Non-Regular, Post Count = pointless), but it just struck me as somewhat 'odd' that youd respond so differently to two very similar posts.

In the Bees case, he commented he was almost at 1337 posts when he was barely over 1300. People keep posting they are "approaching" something when they are well and clear away from it. They are useless and stupid posts and it's been a trend of late that I'm fed up with.

In the latter case you cited, Sentinel was 3 XP away from level. That's a whopping 2 days worth of HT increases that caused him to miss, plus he's well within 1 day of level up. I read that more as the standard aggravation at almost making it and replied in kind ... in this case "almost" was actually being almost.

Completeley absent in this "case" you are making is quoting my comments in response to EK. In one case (nearing a rank-up) I let it be, with the reasons (later mentioned) being that it incuded a great total on a day. In the second case (level) I nailed him for "almost" being several days off.

I'll still congratulate you on your argument. It's well founded in the basis of all position papers ... cite the facts that support your position and "accidentally neglect" those that don't. It should serve you well in your assignments at school =)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 15:58:17

At 10/11/04 03:24 PM, j00bie wrote: stuff.. Post Count = pointless ...stuff

Off on a bit of a tangent....
I think that's the crux of the matter. To some people, posting is a means of communicating, and the actual number of posts they have is irrelevant. I couldn't care less whether I have 600 or 6000 posts. To others, postcount is quite an important stat to track. The funny thing is when someone like Lacie comes along, and all these people who've been keeping tight tabs on their postcounts suddenly start flaming her because she posts 50+ times a day. I personally think it's hilarious the way she deals with flamings, and so far I don't think any of her posts in Wi/Ht have been excessively spammy (although I haven't checked her posts elsewhere).
Slid off the point there a bit; what I mean to say is, importance of postcounts is strictly a matter of personal opinion.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 17:25:32

At 10/11/04 04:49 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Well, my Movie will be pretty nice, you guys will probably like it. I'll post a message in here so you guys get informed when I put it in the Portal.

Ya, level 9 sucks, and level 16 is THE best level :D

Again with the guys thing ya damned misogynist :-P~~~

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-10-11 17:40:02

Hey guys, I've decided to try to get my posts per day to over 44 and I'm almost to my 42nd month with ng.


Sorry, I had to.