Rank up! Elite Guard Colonel! That's about it for doing stuff!
And hello to XkwiziTOnE, and Jessica_ , fellow Wi/Ht members for posting. It reminds everyone that you're still here and hopefully you'll post more often in the future.
At 10/7/04 12:05 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/6/04 10:36 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:
They better be matked, I want to see your picture.
Not cool enough to have a place in the picture it seems :_<
No, you're cool... in fact, you're too cool, to be in the picture. :)
Ok, here's why I didn't put you in. You are based on a copyrighted character, meaning it would be illegal to draw you, in fact, even quoting your name could land all of us in jail (no, hang on)...
Ok, here's the real reason. I only thought of a few jokes, I didn't want to draw everyone since that takes too much time (even for a crappy picture like that) and because you smell. Maybe SCD will draw you... and that's a big maybe, but it's a maybe...
At 10/7/04 02:14 AM, SlowBro wrote:
how many p/b points would i need every day to move up in rank at a steady speed?
I don't know, but that DS song actually wasn't bad. *starts singing*
At 10/7/04 03:35 AM, RedCircle wrote:
Second, I want to let everyone know that RageVI and Denvish are super awesome audio artists. They are my new NG idols.
Who were your old ones? Anyway, I've listened to a lot of RageVI, but I haven't heard any from Denvish. I probably have from a flash movie, but I couldn't name any of them. I'm listening as I type and now I can see you have great music taste.
At 10/6/04 07:13 AM, LockLock wrote:
i have now Elite Guard Private
and voting power from 5.91 to 6.02
Finally above 6 Votes. Awesome :D
Oh sure, point out something I didn't. >:(
And good gong LockX2 for passing 6VP.
At 10/6/04 10:36 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:
Congrats to
a lot people and the top 50 list.
I concur. You all rock!
Early congrats to Joe for level 20,
Dave for 7VP,
and Dave for level 12.
Ditto. (lame attempt to ride on Q's congrats message)
Yes, that was lame, you said congrats twice to someone for the same thing and you didn't care about all my time looking for everyone to say congrats to, no, you think you can just quote me and say "You all rock!". And I'll stop now, I'm caring too much about something which isn't worth caring about.
And RedCircle, who gets a picture for being here for a year.
Heh, yeah, it still doesn't feel like a long time. You all make it so interesting. Yet again, I get the bluecircle pic. Heh heh, I'm still flattered.
That's nice to know that the minutes I spent doing that picture weren't wasted. Thanks for your comments.
At 10/6/04 11:29 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Just got my 4000th blam. RedCircle's gonna hate me (or at least be slightly miffed), because I also just now passed him in B/P's. :-D
Congrats on both things. And yes, he is miffed, but not slightly.
(Look at my Sig Quote) :-P~~~~~~~~~~
I see you're a little upset. I'll just move away from my computer... wait, you can't do anything to me.