At 8/6/04 05:45 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
Well, congrats to the level-ups of Dire and Homo_The_Clown. Didn't notice any others, but if I did in fact miss someone, then i'd like to congratulate you as well.
Also, I finally got to see that BiteMe user post. It was interesting since Dobio constantly compares me to him and this was the first time i've seen him post at all.
Frankly...I don't see the reselmblence.
Um... perhaps you need to go deep into his post history.
You see, he hit 10,000 posts in September of 2003.... and since then, he's only posted about 800 times or so. 800 posts in almost a year... you do the math.
But from April 2003 to September 2003 he posted at least 9000 of his first 10,000 posts in that period. 9000+ posts in HALF a year. Again, do the math.
He went from being like a 60+ ppd guy to a 2 ppd guy. When Dobio calls you a biteme, he's referring to the OLD biteme from prior to September 2003, as that's the one he grew to love/hate.
At 8/7/04 12:41 AM, Bila wrote:
Huh? I'm refering to the way if I cange my settings, every post in every forum updates to the new name. (in the old school BBS days your old messages were stuck with your old name so it was confusing)
Now THOSE were the days. Heh. If only it were that way now... That would teach those people who change their name every week. TEACH 'EM GOOD!
At 8/7/04 04:02 AM, FlGMENT wrote:
At 8/6/04 08:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Back in the day (Spring 2003)
I meant how was I supposed to know that you'd added all that other stuff to the list. I remember you offering to send it out to people, but I (stupidly, as it turns out) assumed that you would be sending out the exact same thing you posted, which I had already saved to my harddrive. Should have realised how silly that was!
Indeed. Because I'd love to be able to post my entire txt file here, but there's just one major problem:
it would look like shit, due to how NG BBS formats stuff. Plus, lines would be wrapping all over the place.
Fair enough. Jumping from topic to topic isn't the most convenient way to converse with someone.
Not just that, I had one more post to go till 6500 and didn't want to bother with the alt account (turned out I needed to anyway, but oh well, I didn't know that at the time).
New link in my profile? You mean a new page in my sig list links?
Yeah... that. >_< Whenever a link changes from a dimmed orangey colour to a bright yellow one, I know there's an update I have to check out.
Ah yes, good point. For me, they're ALWAYS dimmed orangey, so... I didn't think of that. I thought you meant you mouseovered the link to see what page it was to. O_o
hey now. No frownie faces for no good reasons! There was nothing wrong with bringing up the idea that you brought up. O_o
I just don't like being wrong.
Cause it happens so rarely, right? heh. You da man, James.