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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 05:56:41

At 7/31/04 07:16 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 7/31/04 06:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Faraleth is your alt? Jesus, man. I TRIED to send it an e-mail when I blammed that movie and then noticed it had indeed been whistled, but it got bumped. Way to use a fake e-mail addy for that account.
Why did you try to send my alt account an email? Besides, I no longer have access to that email anyways, I sorta jacked my cousins for no apparent reason and while I was at it signed up for an alt account.

To tell it what I ended up telling you in here in that post you're replying to above? #;-}>

i dont plan on touching that account again, I completely forgot about it, but when my buddy was signing in on my comp, (his account starts with F) the popdown came up for "Faraleth".
I dont even remember the password for it, but when I click the name on the pop-down menu, the password appears as well.
To ensure I never touch it again, i honestly did delete the cookie for it, didnt even bother to do the 'Find - GG' command dealy to find the pass again.
As of right now, I do NOT remember my password to alt account "Faraleth", and therefore will NEVER be logged on that account again.

Dude, none of that really matters. Just please live by the "don't do anything on an alt that you wouldn't do on a main account" policy. Well, except for say admit personal things that you don't want people to attach to your main account or something like that. Although that's not exactly wise, either.

At 7/31/04 07:37 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote:
At 7/31/04 07:28 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: I always wondered, how do you quote multiple posts? Do you copy paste?
Yea always good to have a word program or a tabbed browser.

Tabs are okay, but... Firefox crashes on me when I try to post large posts, so... I tend to use firefox for the portal and IE for the BBS. Weird, I know, but it works for me.

Personally, I just open up a quoted reply, select all, copy, paste it all into notepad, then go back to the thread, find another post to reply to, open it up, select all, copy, paste it into notepad as well, etc. etc. etc.

Then go through and reply to each post I want to reply to, copy the whole chunk in notepad, paste into a post window and boom, super big gfox post style SUCCESS.

At 8/1/04 01:47 AM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/1/04 01:42 AM, j00bie wrote: Any of you guys have fun blamming my submission? bastards...
At the time of removal, your submission had accumulated a score of 1.56/5.00,
with 200 votes being cast.

One of the links in my quiz was broken, that was the main complaint.

Im surprised, it almost made it, and this was just a shitly fast put together flash. I guess i'll fix it and submit it tomorrow. It's getting late (1:45AM) holt shitdoh! later all!

Much like with the attempted e-mail to your alt's e-mail addy... I tried to review your flash with some tips and suggestions and reactions, but when I hit submit, it was already blammed. ;_;

At 8/1/04 11:43 AM, j00bie wrote: OGM! TOM REPLIED TO MY POST!


At 8/1/04 09:34 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/1/04 08:02 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: what does a saving movie look like? You know when you save the flash?
Blam Movie.
Protection Movie

Psst, BTW, the saviour movie IS on the portal, yanno:


so is _altr_'s version of a saviour movie:


and this nifty look at the blamming of a movie to balance out all that saving:


ENJOYETH, and go vote on 'em. Just watching the swf isn't as nifty, IMO, as voting, reviewing, reading others' reviews, seeing the author comments, etc. etc.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 05:58:07

At 8/2/04 12:29 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/2/04 11:15 AM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: You mean someone took your BonusStageComleted name! Well now they can just use your sig,lol oh well you can always get another good name! I liked the old one though!
WELLL comleted is not taken :P, but Completed sure is (again) :P, and anyways i may want to make a Com1337ed name or something like that, because immediately what i read once i figured out you made a tiny little mistake :D, and i think i should just stick with this name for a while, but OH YES i will change my name again, but this time the name shall be safe *evil laugh*

Ah, the sound of someone finally realising they can protect their name(s) with alt account(s). :::nods:::

At 8/2/04 11:15 PM, MPA wrote: I don't really mind the 2,000 gap ranks as much being in the general ranks, I don't see myself getting tired of any of them.

Indeed. Who can get tired of the nice stars and the lush green wreathy goodness?

At 8/3/04 08:54 PM, D0GMA wrote: My B2S rate finally started going back down again, so maybe it's a good thing I missed out, but points always help ... until you get to EGSC, after which it's rather useless to keep going without some ulterior goal in mind. I've already stated the target at which I expect to "retire" this ID, and it's quite a bit above the 30k minimum. gfox has mentioned a number of times, as likely wishful thinking as real insider information, the possibility of new rank levels being added. It's always been odd that the ranks stopped at 26 (or 25, depending upon how you look at it), while the levels stopped at 30, so it's more possible that they would add ranks than levels, with the possibility increasing as the number of SCs grows.

I've simply said that the possibility (which is of course there until the admins say NO NOT EVER WILL THERE EVER BE ANY MORE B/P RANKS, which they haven't) of new ranks being added SOME day is one of many reasons to keep b/ping after you hit 30,000.

Here, BTW, are MY specific reasons:

A) I like to watch UJ stuff anyway, why not keep voting on it?
B) It's a habit now, I can't break it!
C) I don't want to slip down the top 50 list
D) I like to strive for higher and higher numbers, especially in protects.
E) The challenge of hitting 50,000.
F) The possibility of new ranks in the future.

And yes, that list is in more-or-less more important to less important order.

At 8/4/04 09:30 AM, D0GMA wrote: Although the calendars work out fine for solar cycles, "normal" people have a "day" cycle of slightly over 25 hours, which is part of why you'll find it well nigh impossible to get to sleep some nights, or get up some mornings, at your "usual" time. What you normally blame now (too much coffee that day, too much liquor the night before, etc.) still plays the larger part, but that cyclic change is a factor.

The green is the average "normal" value for people, 25.25 (I think). The blue is whatever your value actually is ... best guess is mine is about 28.

Yeah. Well, I'd estimate mine ranges from 26 to 30, so I know the feeling. Whenever I just let it go crazy, I end up falling asleep and waking up hours later than I did the day before (or two days before in some cases, heh).

:::will one day move to a planet with a 30 hour day so his sleep schedule isn't constantly fucking up:::

At 8/4/04 12:52 PM, JerkClock wrote: I think they should add one that only future platinum accounts will have access to:

Elite gaurd secretary of defence - 40000 - 70%

Elite Guard Owns Your Mother - 50000 (+10000) - 80%
Elite Guard SuperTopMasterSniperDude - 70000 (+20000) - 90%
Elite Guard God - 100000 (+30000) - 100%

That's my suggestion, anyway. #;-}> To hit EG God, you'd have to gain 30,000 b/p from the previous rank... thereby making it as hard as getting to EGSC in the first place. HOW'S THAT?! #;-}>

At 8/4/04 07:48 PM, jonthomson wrote: Tom's news post right now makes me happy. Not sure how Johnny Rocketfingers would translate to console, but I'd love to see it happen.

MTE... I'm not sure it's an translatable to console gaming as Alien Hominid is, but... why not try? IMO it'd make a better computer game than a console game. Maybe an adventure game like the old LucasArts adventures (Sam 'n' Max, Maniac Mansion, etc. etc.).

At 8/4/04 10:57 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Also, I seen some very long post but didn't catch the alias(When I say "Quick skim", I mean it. :D). gfox doesn't seem to be online, so i'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that Dogma's been posting again. Right?

ha... ha... ha... #;-}> I haven't posted since page 573.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 05:59:02

At 8/5/04 01:15 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 8/5/04 01:06 PM, Bila wrote: variable, unpredictable, top user mumbo jumbo.
How much does HumanTarget sway your amount needed to level up day by day?

You deposit 10 points needing x amount of exp to get to next level.
HT deposits, your ammount needed to get to the next level is now (x+?).

Sorta what i mean is, how much exp does HT add on to your requirement to level up each day

assuming HT deposits every day, as he has been for almost a year with only one day missed, these facts are true:

the amount needed for level 10 rises 0-1 per day
the amount needed for level 11 rises 0-1 per day
the amount needed for level 12 rises 1-2 per day
the amount needed for level 13 rises 1-2 per day
the amount needed for level 14 rises 2-3 per day
the amount needed for level 15 rises 2-3 per day
the amount needed for level 16 rises 3-4 per day
the amount needed for level 17 rises 3-4 per day
the amount needed for level 18 rises 4-5 per day
the amount needed for level 19 rises 4-5 per day
the amount needed for level 20 rises 5-6 per day
the amount needed for level 21 rises 5-6 per day
the amount needed for level 22 rises 6-7 per day
the amount needed for level 23 rises 6-7 per day
the amount needed for level 24 rises 7-8 per day
the amount needed for level 25 rises 7-8 per day
the amount needed for level 26 rises 8-9 per day
the amount needed for level 27 rises 8-9 per day
the amount needed for level 28 rises 9-10 per day
the amount needed for level 29 rises 9-10 per day
the amount needed for level 30 rises 10 per day

alternatively, here is the actual point pattern over a 20 day period, where a = 10:

level10 1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-0-1
(snip the rest cause James already posted it)

here's the (inexact) average increase in exp needed for these levels per day of HT depositing, though:

level10 0.488
level11 0.952
level12 1.429
level13 1.909
level14 2.375
level15 2.857
level16 3.333
level17 3.800
level18 4.286
level19 4.750
level20 5.250
level21 5.714
level22 6.200
level23 6.667
level24 7.143
level25 7.625
level26 8.091
level27 8.571
level28 9.048
level29 9.512
level30 10.000

At 8/5/04 06:42 PM, Dogma2 wrote: Unless you use AOL, or you are me, you get that validation e-mail in a matter of seconds. I didn't get it at the new account, the one I had just changed from, or the yahoo account that (miraculously) this account received a validation e-mail on in under a second. There's no question that my failure to get an e-mail was targetted and not some random glitch. Apparently, this petty bullshit is the payback for actually expecting them to bother to answer questions, and taking issue when they choose to deal with "more important matters" like telling someone off.

The same thing happened to me when I changed my e-mail addy back in December, Dogma. I just got liljim to fix it for me. No one has it in for you, you're being paranoid again.

At 8/5/04 10:36 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Well spoken JerkClock. If I didn't trust Tom, Wade or liljim there wouldn't be much point in me creating this account now would there? If it wasn't for admin roughly 60% of all the topics created on this site would be locked. Think about it.

If it wasn't for admin, there wouldn't be a BBS for any topics to exist on in the first place. I'm not sure what you mean by that "60% locked" figure.

At 8/6/04 03:03 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Send them an email, I'm sure you'll see this is just a misinterpretation of Othello proportions. It's all in your head.

misinterpretation of Othello proportions... great way to phrase it, Mistah James.

At 8/6/04 05:46 AM, FlGMENT wrote: I can understand that carmel, it's a great list. I don't really deserve the thanks though, gfox was the one who compiled it. Keep it in a safe place for future reference. I've added little bits to my copy for my own personal use (highlighted the levels I've made in blue and added the average daily addition to required exp on the right), but I remove those parts on the odd occasion that I post it. Of course, the blue gets rid of itself but I have to manually delete my right column.

Average daily addition is part of the full file I made, BTW, you coulda just asked me for the .txt via e-mail so you didn't have to bother adding that yerself, yanno. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 06:18:47

Level 12...Woo Hoo.


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 06:38:17

777 posts. And instead of being ironically nice like I was on my 666th post, I'm going to just be nice.
Congrats to biteme for 7k protects, MPA for 20k b/p, and IKRU for 10k blams. And anyone else I missed.

At 8/6/04 06:18 AM, Homo_The_Clown wrote: Level 12...Woo Hoo.


And congrats to you too. I can't believe 1337 people have gotten to level 12.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 06:40:53

At 8/6/04 05:59 AM, gfoxcook wrote: misinterpretation of Othello proportions... great way to phrase it, Mistah James.

Heh... thanks Mistah Greg. It seems that whenever I study a Shakespearian play it shows. This just seemed too much of a similarity to let pass though.

Average daily addition is part of the full file I made, BTW, you coulda just asked me for the .txt via e-mail

How was I supposed to know that man? Now that you've posted those extensive lists I can see just how much you've put into the thing. I don't suppose there's anything else you've done to it to warrant an email sending? I can't think of anything, but the power of your OCD has surprised me before...

so you didn't have to bother adding that yerself, yanno. #;-}>

Well, it gave me something to do at the time I guess. It was interesting to see a pattern emerge... until I could accurately estimate what the next number would be. My averages are only to two decimal places as well.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 07:08:51

At 8/6/04 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Ah, the sound of someone finally realising they can protect their name(s) with alt account(s). :::nods:::

Who would do such a thing?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 07:18:56

Congrats Biteme, on getting 7000 protects well done mate, also congrats to IKRU, MPA (still gutted about the rejection) and Homo the Clown, well done people, keep up the good work.

Also that leet screeny is excellent, i thought i was gonna get it myself a few weeks ago, but it ended up 1339, bah humbug.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 07:33:14

At 8/6/04 02:39 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
I don't think I will ever do that many, I will only deposit for people I really like, only two at the most at a time. I will never ask anyone, I would rather miss a deposit then have someone else do it for me.

I don't even deposit for my alt account. It's still loitering on 500-something. Can't be bothered to load up IE to deposit with it (I've got my main account logged in on Firefox, and my alt on IE) with its lack of tabbed browsing.

May need to have someone deposit for a couple of days next month when I'm moving, in case I can't get the uber-fast uni broadband working straight away (I know I'll need to fit a network card in any case).

At 8/6/04 05:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Tabs are okay, but... Firefox crashes on me when I try to post large posts, so... I tend to use firefox for the portal and IE for the BBS. Weird, I know, but it works for me.

It still does that for you? It slows down a bit for me, but it doesn't crash. Strange.

At 8/6/04 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/4/04 09:30 AM, D0GMA wrote:
daily cycle stuff

Meh, mine's fucked up. Up at seven perfectly fine today. I haven't been up before 10 in about four months (apart from that completely unnecesssary Access gubbins that I did last week)

At 8/4/04 07:48 PM, jonthomson wrote: Tom's news post right now makes me happy. Not sure how Johnny Rocketfingers would translate to console, but I'd love to see it happen.
MTE... I'm not sure it's an translatable to console gaming as Alien Hominid is, but... why not try? IMO it'd make a better computer game than a console game. Maybe an adventure game like the old LucasArts adventures (Sam 'n' Max, Maniac Mansion, etc. etc.).

If the new JR is half of what Maniac Mansion was, I'd beat down a path to the store to buy it.

Congrats to anyone who hit any milestones recently.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 07:37:56

Hehe.... Blam/Protect: Ranked # 74 out of 564,567 users!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 08:12:08

At 8/6/04 07:33 AM, jonthomson wrote:
If the new JR is half of what Maniac Mansion was, I'd beat down a path to the store to buy it.

What kind of game was Maniac Mansion ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 08:46:40

Hello there, how are you all?

At 8/6/04 07:33 AM, jonthomson wrote: Can't be bothered to load up IE to deposit with it (I've got my main account logged in on Firefox, and my alt on IE) with its lack of tabbed browsing.

Yeah, tabbed browsing is a nice feature. IE takes too long to load pages. I have a 56k modem, and there's a noticeable difference with Mozilla, which I have.

At 8/6/04 05:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Tabs are okay, but... Firefox crashes on me when I try to post large posts, so... I tend to use firefox for the portal and IE for the BBS. Weird, I know, but it works for me.
It still does that for you? It slows down a bit for me, but it doesn't crash. Strange.

Sometimes when I hit the vote button, and there's a high % processor usage, Mozilla crashes.

Congrats to anyone who hit any milestones recently.

I just got Police Captain. Yay! OK, that's shit compared to most, but I'm working my way up slowly.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 08:52:30

At 8/6/04 06:40 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Heh... thanks Mistah Greg. It seems that whenever I study a Shakespearian play it shows. This just seemed too much of a similarity to let pass though.

Othello was the first Shakespearian play I read (in high school), and I read it twice more in college and even performed a scene from it as Othello himself, so... I understand entirely.

How was I supposed to know that man? Now that you've posted those extensive lists I can see just how much you've put into the thing. I don't suppose there's anything else you've done to it to warrant an email sending? I can't think of anything, but the power of your OCD has surprised me before...

Back in the day (Spring 2003) when I made the file, I made quite a few posts (mostly in here, probably) offering anyone who wanted it the .txt file via e-mail. A few people took me up on the offer, but then I stopped getting requests, so I stopped bothering to mention it. If you want it, let me know by e-mailin' me as I won't be around here for a couple days or so.

Well, it gave me something to do at the time I guess. It was interesting to see a pattern emerge... until I could accurately estimate what the next number would be. My averages are only to two decimal places as well.

Yep. I have a temp file for level 17 right now that keeps track... my file, BTW, is a bit off. I probably have "4,4,4,4,3" and repeat for level 17, for instance. It turns out it's actually 4,4,4,4,3... 4,4,4,4,3... 4,4,4,4,3... 4,4,4,4,4,3 and repeat... Experiencing the actual daily grind to get to a level certainly clears up a few of the mysteries I encountered when I first made that file (I only sampled 20 straight days... had I done it for 60 straight days, I think it would be very close to poifectly accurate).

I'm gonna reply to your post from Dogma's topic here:

At 8/6/04 06:22 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Likely in the topics I don't check. Since I don't go out of my way to find abusive reviews, I haven't been in that 'Rage's gift' topic since the page count was only one digit for one. Pretty much the only large topics I regularly check in on are this one and the lounge, the others I just go to when you have a new link in your profile.

Probably so. And I didn't just mean the abusive review topic, there's plenty of noob question topics about reviews or so forth that I tend to offer my expertise within. But I guess you've been avoiding them, as well. #;-}>

New link in my profile? You mean a new page in my sig list links?

They might not be ideal, but even a little extra help is better than none. Although, I do understand that a Chat Op would have different views on the quality of a post than a forum mod who spends most of their time here.

Not just that, but not everyone wants to be an audio mod, for instance. Or a review mod, for that matter.

It would be volunteer. I mean, they'd obviously have one main area, but when they spend a little time elsewhere they could choose not to moderate.

Well yes, of course all modding on the site is voluntary, but I meant they want mods of any area to specifically opt-in. I suppose in the future new mods will be presented some amazing page with a list and checkboxes and you can just automatically get modded in whichever area you want to and have been preapproved to be a mod in, but it's all manually done by admins right now. #;-}>

I'll shut up about it now. I regret bringing up the idea. :(

hey now. No frownie faces for no good reasons! There was nothing wrong with bringing up the idea that you brought up. O_o

At 8/6/04 07:08 AM, TheJoe324 wrote:
At 8/6/04 05:58 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Ah, the sound of someone finally realising they can protect their name(s) with alt account(s). :::nods:::
Who would do such a thing?

Ooohhhhh, I dunno... EvilSan springs to mind... or say... a certain Joe... or a certain Ron... or hell, even a certain ME. #;-}>

At 8/6/04 07:33 AM, jonthomson wrote: I don't even deposit for my alt account. It's still loitering on 500-something. Can't be bothered to load up IE to deposit with it (I've got my main account logged in on Firefox, and my alt on IE) with its lack of tabbed browsing.

You could always log out on firefox and log in with your alt. That's what I do for both my alts each and every night. #;-}>

Main account: 6570 exp
Alt account: 3540 exp (just turned 13)
Alt Alt account: 1280 exp (recently turned 11)

I love to watch my combined exp grow and grow and grow by 30 per day. I know it doesn't mean anything, but it's fun.

It still does that for you? It slows down a bit for me, but it doesn't crash. Strange.

I haven't updated it in awhile, perhaps that's part of it. :::shrugs::: One thing I do a lot on the BBS anyway is right click -> t -> enter (to create a shortcut to that page of a topic), and you can't do that with firefox, anyway, so there are certain things about IE that make my NG BBS life a bit easier anyway.

If the new JR is half of what Maniac Mansion was, I'd beat down a path to the store to buy it.

heheh. Well, if it's for a console, it'll probably be for teh super ADHD-afflicted, so.... I doubt it will be anything like Maniac Mansion, but who knows.

Congrats to anyone who hit any milestones recently.

Indeed. I meant to congrat any and all congrat-worthy peops earlier, but it slipped my mind.

Congrats to everyone on any past, present, or near-future exp/b/p/VP/post/review/response/accountage/battingaverage/submissionscore/w
hatever achievements! #;-}>

At 8/6/04 08:12 AM, Shpouiten wrote: What kind of game was Maniac Mansion ?

It was a side-view adventure game where you pointed and clicked at various things in a mansion and you could perform actions and explore and funny shit would happen and so forth. I'm probably not explaining it the best way possible, perhaps jon's played it more recently by the sounds of his enthusiasm. #;-}> I actually never finished the original, though I think I finished the sequel.

Anywho, this post makes 6500 (woot, woot... it's taking FOREVER to get from 6000 to 7000 posts, as I've slowed down a ton since April)... and I am exhausted. Goodnig... er... good morning, everyone. #;-}> :::goes and passes out on the nice comfy bed he neglects all too often:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 10:15:21

At 8/6/04 08:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote: It was a side-view adventure game where you pointed and clicked at various things in a mansion and you could perform actions and explore and funny shit would happen and so forth. I'm probably not explaining it the best way possible, perhaps jon's played it more recently by the sounds of his enthusiasm. #;-}> I actually never finished the original, though I think I finished the sequel.

I played through the original on an emulator a few years ago when I first got Nesticle... those were the days :-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 10:55:30

Whee! I'm me again ... finally managed to miss a deposit that wasn't my fault :-P~~~

At 8/4/04 10:57 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
Also, I seen some very long post but didn't catch the alias(When I say "Quick skim", I mean it. :D). gfox doesn't seem to be online, so i'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that Dogma's been posting again. Right?

Dogma has been asking for ANY input on the new top 50 set-up for weeks now and only got responses from gfox and Syme. To "encourage" people to bother I posted in this thread, pointing out that if no one cared about them, then there was no point in continuing to maintain them *POOF* all of a sudden people started giving me ideas.

At 8/6/04 05:59 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
The same thing happened to me when I changed my e-mail addy back in December, Dogma. I just got liljim to fix it for me. No one has it in for you, you're being paranoid again.

I've changed my e-mail several times and only now had a problem being able to get back into my account. Mayhap it's paranoia, but after that last fiasco I'm hard pressed to read anything good into what happens around here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 11:04:36

At 8/6/04 10:55 AM, D0GMA wrote: Whee! I'm me again ... finally managed to miss a deposit that wasn't my fault :-P~~~

Oh goodie, Im 10 closer to you now! Watch out! only about 2k more to go!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 12:18:45

At 8/4/04 10:05 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/4/04 06:56 PM, Bila wrote: Well the surest way to tell is to TRY to change your name. If it's not taken thw system will let you have it.
Your right Bila, glad i finally tried, about 3 days ago that is :P

oops, so what was your original name? the one one that was stolden/ since I seem to have missed the boat here... :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 12:28:28

At 8/6/04 12:18 PM, Bila wrote: oops, so what was your original name? the one one that was stolden/ since I seem to have missed the boat here... :(

It was BonusStageComp leted, there did I spell it right?!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 12:29:03

At 8/6/04 02:22 AM, JohnJMangini wrote:
At 8/6/04 02:10 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Haha! We've got this super cute receptionist here (she's 22 years old) and I damn near got into a wrestling match with her (over control of the keyboard) because she was trying to see which site I was visiting. I'm just glad we didn't have anybody pass through the lobby at the time. I'll get her good tomorrow (heh).
When going in for the pin,make sure you have both hands on her breasts.

I thought you had to pin her arms and remover her shirt and bra with your teeth!... that's worked for me before... but only if she likes it!
If you have both hands on her breasts, JohnJMangini, she has hands free for tweeking you where it really hurts!!! (if she doesn't like your hands on her breasts yet)

Just some helpful advice from uncle Bila

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 12:39:18

At 8/6/04 10:55 AM, D0GMA wrote: Whee! I'm me again ... finally managed to miss a deposit that wasn't my fault :-P~~~

At 8/4/04 10:57 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
Also, I seen some very long post but didn't catch the alias(When I say "Quick skim", I mean it. :D). gfox doesn't seem to be online, so i'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that Dogma's been posting again. Right?
Dogma has been asking for ANY input on the new top 50 set-up for weeks now and only got responses from gfox and Syme. To "encourage" people to bother I posted in this thread, pointing out that if no one cared about them, then there was no point in continuing to maintain them *POOF* all of a sudden people started giving me ideas.

Well I for one didn't see your original request when you posted it.
I think others may have made that mistake too.

so are the ideas you are getting good? I wasn't sure mine was untill you mentioned how your lest improvements came about...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 12:45:13

At 8/6/04 12:30 PM, BonusStage wrote:

:: : oops, so what was your original name? the one one that was stolden/ since I seem to have missed the boat here... :(

my original name Was BonusStageUnlocked, i changed it to Completed (switching Unlocked of course) and then when i started making joke names OmgIChangeMyName, TypeNameHere, and NameChangeWhatsThat, someone made an account with my name :_<

OMG that is so rude!
thank Gawd and Tomfulp that your postings switch to your NEW name so we can tell YOU from this clone

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 13:40:53

while were on the topic of people stealing peoples names.

Check out this thread

JeWBiE or j00bie

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 14:05:21

At 8/6/04 12:39 PM, Bila wrote: Well I for one didn't see your original request when you posted it.
I think others may have made that mistake too.

so are the ideas you are getting good? I wasn't sure mine was untill you mentioned how your lest improvements came about...

The first few times around I told people to brainstorm. Even if I wasn't going to do it, someone might opt to run with it, or it would at least be perking on a back burner for the future.

Santo's idea (the By % C and D lists) took almost a year to actually happen on a recurring basis, but the idea was out there. It took my taking over the lists again, seeing that LockClock had webbed one of the updates, deciding the forums were essentially useless for posting the EGRL anymore, creating a website for the EGRL, gfox retiring from the Top 50s, and my picking them up for that idea to be implemented. It took a long time and a lot of goofy shit happening, but, like I've said before, it never would have dawned on me to make a list like that had he not mentioned it.

Your idea on sorting the EGRL by Gain and Avg gets a dry run tomorrow. The headers I put in every 50 are C&Ped manually, so that's going to be the time consuming part of it. I know for a fact that renumbering everyone's NG rank to reflect their Gain rank would be desirable, but it's simply going to require too much time and makework to do it manually. I've got some thoughts on some cell formulae that may make it feasible by automating it, but it's probably not happening this update. Change is going to be problematic if I get it to work.

A long time ago, gfox complained about how I merge the Main Page Comments with the EGRL when I archive them. Again, an idea clattering around my head like a BB in a boxcar that is finally getting used. As part of the "fix" to make sure using your idea doesn't create broken links, I've done some shifting of where files are located. It's not exactly a transparent change to someone visiting the site, as it adds a little lag on the load time for a page, but it just seemed natural (and symetrical ^^) to keep them separate in the new archival format.

carmel (I think) had the idea on the middle gain colouration. His thought was 90+, but it seems fairer that if I'm going to do that, it should be for 75+. I've considered a fourth average based colour before and mentioned why I hadn't done it in my thread and site comments. With the way I've shaved the spread it's a lot easier to do it, and there's less chance I'll miss on someone, so that gets tried tomorrow as well. Since I'd already opted not to apply a fourth, I wasn't going to be revisiting that idea any time soon without it being brought up by someone else.

gfox expanded on my Gain idea for the Top 50s and has been a good sounding board as we toss ideas back and forth. At this point, it's just going to be a matter of how well the splits on which I've settled actually play out. With as few people getting gold on the EGRL as there have been, there won't be many on the Top 50s either. The real question is how often the lower splits of 35 blams/day and 15 saves/day work out.

I think that about covers the input so far.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 14:26:38

I leveled up to an Elite Guard Private First Class yesterday, and I'll be level 10 tomorrow (I really shouldn't have stopped depositing for all that time...).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 14:55:52

Can someone please help me, I have 410 exp points, yet it still says that I have a voting pover of 5.00 and not 5.10!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 15:05:24

At 8/6/04 02:26 PM, Greeniemachinie wrote: I leveled up to an Elite Guard Private First Class yesterday, and I'll be level 10 tomorrow (I really shouldn't have stopped depositing for all that time...).

Congrats Green, on getting EGPFC, Level ten and getting to 2k posts, well done. Also congrats to other users that reached a milestone while i was at work, good job.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 15:08:22

At 8/6/04 02:55 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: Can someone please help me, I have 410 exp points, yet it still says that I have a voting pover of 5.00 and not 5.10!

Haha Dire, you're simply getting a dose of reality now. From depositing, my voting power gains 0.01 every 3-4 days.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 15:11:46

At 8/6/04 03:08 PM, MPA wrote:
At 8/6/04 02:55 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: Can someone please help me, I have 410 exp points, yet it still says that I have a voting pover of 5.00 and not 5.10!
Haha Dire, you're simply getting a dose of reality now. From depositing, my voting power gains 0.01 every 3-4 days.

You have got to be kidding, really that low!? That really sucks, thanks for telling me I thought that something was wrong. Darn it!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 15:29:43

Review list has been updated. The days of people creeping into the top 100 with less than 500 reviews are numbered...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-08-06 15:59:20

At 8/6/04 03:29 PM, jonthomson wrote: Review list has been updated. The days of people creeping into the top 100 with less than 500 reviews are numbered...

Just saw the list, nice job like always Jon, and congrats to all the others with new ranks and so-on...



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