At 6/11/04 06:04 AM, MrX2003 wrote:
Do entries take a long time to pass judgement and you voted on them twice? And keeps keeping? Blam/Save is over ten times better than Curb/Keep.
There were a few instances (3 or 4) where I got to vote twice on a flash and got points for both. It still doesn't explain how I have 62 points in 2 days when the most recent flash is entry #200. Of course, I do know what happened with most of my "curbs" ... and that he fixed it this afternoon lol.
I guess, but I wouldn't want to go there. It seems like NG with a few differences from all the screenshots I've seen (eg, an FS-Bot with a VERY similar message) and getting a top rank within that short period of time just kill the chances of going back there.
Wander tehir forums a bit. There's people spouting off left and right about "pwning NG" and other drivel of that ilk. Flip himself, OTOH, seems to have his head on straight about it ... doesn't seem as if he has the delusions of grandeur ... just trying to get the site running and wait and see what happens.
That really does suck. I mean if even 5 people got angry with one of the artists over there, the flash could be 'curbed' within a minute. And if it passed judgement, the score could reach a low score very quickly.
If ONE person you mean lol It's all new, so even if there is a VP of some sort, we're all essentially tied at 1VP anyway atm. Even so, one person on one account can seriously mess someone's scores up by throwing 5s or 0s at it. Start throwing alts into the mix and that one person could make or break any UJ. Even presuming the author 5s his flash, 5 0s break it.
Presumably the author is (or was) allowed to vote on their flash, but recently I've seen entries park UJ with no votes, or just mine, for a half hour plus.
At 6/11/04 02:49 AM, D0GMA wrote:
That would be a cool feature, but NG has so many users and only the top 50 blammers and savers are important here.
Does that mean I can stop updating?
You mean you don't know? You not knowing something? By the sound of that, flipsided obviously didn't have any information about ranks. Let's hope the ranks are different from the NG ones.
NG only recently got around to listing the ranks we have. Most of the info prior to that was gleaned from watching ramagi rank up lol
That site better do some updates, because I don't see much of a future for it at the moment.
The latest fun one is that they recoded the portal at ~3:30 this morning. He tried to encrypt the site, which promptly screwed everything up because the server wasn't able to read the DB info and vice-versa ... pages missing backgrounds, black 12 point pica Times Roman fonts on dark blue table backgrounds, etc. I caught the "fixes" along the way. He's now got the page communicating directly with the DB server, but you (client) run through a page called trick.php, which is just the javascript gibberish encryption, before you get to it, so that's the "page" you get when you view source on it now. When he essentially jacked the formatting and layout from NG, I fail to see any purpose whatsoever to encrypting it ... besides, I already had one of the source codes up comparing it with NG, so I just saved it. Anyone want a copy? :-P~~~
And on an related note, it appears the yellow in the posting box ran out. A lot of people of people already knew that it ran out at a certain point, including myself, but it is the first time I have seen it. I'm not going to celebrate over it or anything, I'm just stating I've seen it now.
It runs out at 6,550 characters. Unless you start running a list, or doing multi-replies like I usually do, you won't typically run into a problem. The gold/white breach is roughly 6500 characters, presuming you actually use every space. Putting a space between paragraphs chews up one of the allotted gold lines, but actually only costs you a space. Visually you'll see a pargraph take up (like your comment above) 5 lines, but the reality is, each line ends in spaces you did not actually use as the word wrap kicked in. It's actually kind of difficult to get to the limit. My gold/white breach was right through the middle of "communicating directly with the DB server, but you (client) run", half of each word in gold and half in white, but I'll bet I still have 1k characters or more left just from here.