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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 03:28:27

At 3/11/04 01:23 AM, _BR_ wrote: People have come and go, much topics have been brought up here, and the term "level up" and "congrats" has been much used, all due to time.

Yeah and we use those words every carefully and with alot of pride and consideration.........

How are you BR - what made you change your name into abbreviations?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 03:36:43

At 3/10/04 06:51 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: I leveled up in B/P so I guess that counts.

Congrats! and 1000+ b/p points is a good number to have.

This calls for some ghey sex!

O_o right....

this pushed my vp to 7.09. So long 6's

ah w00t for you! now get to 8.00 vp :)

do you guys realize your conversation is like 342 pages long!Holy shit!

yes.. thats what happens when a topic is over a year old.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 04:16:37

At 3/10/04 08:34 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Unbelievable, I get fucked out of my vote again. Whatever.

Congrats XwaynecoltX. Nice to see that the deadline couldn't be held over until I got back from my days off but whatever... I get screwed out of my chance to vote a second time in a row.

Take it away gfox.

Thanks Recon, hope you atleast had some fun on those days off...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 07:08:06

At 3/11/04 04:16 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Thanks Recon, hope you atleast had some fun on those days off...


You know he did, like he always - chillin with the ladies and getting his gamin on......

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 13:29:42

At 3/10/04 05:54 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 3/10/04 03:45 PM, gd07 wrote: Yeah! Double header for me...
After long last I got to levl 13, with 711 exp. till my next.
But, it may only last 1 day, till tommrow, but if it goes down, I'll get to lvl 13 tommrow..
I also got to E.G Sergent, horray with 2,200+ blams and 785 saves...So until I come back thanks agian, and congrats to all future level up's.
Nice, congratulations.

indeed, congrats!

I think I'm now past James finally on b/p... not much further until a rank up as well, only ~150 points. This weekend perhaps?

Review list is updated, not a great deal of change on it really.

Well, good luck to both you and James for a long and productive b/p battle. I noticed you're both quite close to each other in VP when I did the update a couple hours ago, BTW, as well.

And yeah, I noticed teh list update, thanks for that.

VP list is updated as well, and similarly, as lightning has pointed out, there isn't a GREAT deal of change on it either. But certainly some people will be interested to see their movements and so forth. And hell, teh numbers are always nice to look at. Mmm. big numbers... mmmm...

At 3/10/04 11:55 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Yeah I noticed his name is now "Dobio-" I thought he was just trying to copy your name to piss you off.
But I have no clue as to why anyone would just give up and give someone else their account.
Did he tell you why he did it?

heh! I guess "-" stands for alt in this case. #;-}>

I think if AP was going to mimick Dobio, he would have changed his profile pic and his comments as well, though. That's a dead giveaway that it's not him anymore.

At 3/10/04 06:51 PM, Dobio wrote:
At 3/10/04 06:01 PM, bumcheekcity wrote: Dobio, what are you going to do with AnarchyPenguins account?
Use it as an alt account, nothing more...and yeah, protect it, lay low for a while.

and pass it in posts... don't forget that part, it's the most important one! #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 13:43:35

At 3/10/04 06:51 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: I leveled up in B/P so I guess that counts. Yea, I know have over 1000 b/p movies viewed. It may not compare to some of you but I think it is quite the accomplishment

we call that a rankup 'round these parts. Congrats on that.

At 3/11/04 02:50 AM, James0 wrote: Once again, pointless. What's the use of noting it?


Really? Weird... it's still slimjim63 @ hotmail, right? That's the one I sent it to, along with everyone else. I find it strange that it didn't get through to you, but no one else seemed to have that problem. Ehhh...
Yeah, still slimjim63. What was the Subject Line? I checked my Junk Mail but didn't see anything outstanding from the great mass of porn. Maybe I should permanently change to one of my other email addresses, in an attempt to control junk mail.

"Where is/How to? membership election"

not easily mistaken for spam and porn IMO, but who knows. O_o

So yeah, anyway... if you do change e-mail addies, just make sure Recon and I know about it.

Yeah, next time I say "I'm sending out the e-mail to everyone right now" in the memberlist thread, and you don't get the mail within 30 mins, you should go ahead and e-mail me and Recon with whoever you want to vote for anyway, presuming you know the nominees.
I rarely check that topic anyway. Last time I did was just after Wayne joined us, and I had one and a half pages to catch up on. So that probably aided in my confuzzlement too.

Well, I guess I should have noted that I was e-mailing everybody here as well... I kinda thought I did, but I guess I'm just thinking of the update on who voted that I posted a few hours before the vote day ended and then the confirmation of Xwayne as teh most-votes-getter.

At 3/10/04 08:34 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Unbelievable, I get fucked out of my vote again. Whatever.

I'm sorry, man. I guess by "again" you're referring to last time, when jon was elected. I was never clear exactly why you didn't vote that time, and I e-mailed you about it. I e-mailed you a week after that, too. And then again a week after that. Three e-mails in January....

and never once did I get a reply from you. Man, how am I supposed to address your concerns or figure out what's wrong if you don't e-mail me back when I try and talk about them?

Congrats XwaynecoltX. Nice to see that the deadline couldn't be held over until I got back from my days off but whatever... I get screwed out of my chance to vote a second time in a row.

As often happens, I forgot you don't work on Monday and Tuesday, and more importantly, I forgot you don't use a computer anywhere but work. You make it sound like I intentionally held the vote when you were away from your e-mail, man. That was obviously not the case.

The nominations for Xwayne (and one for Toocool) had been coming in for days, and people appeared to be starting to vote already IN the memberlist topic. You wanted it moved to e-mail after last time, when hurt feeling arose after it was done in public here on the forum. So I wanted to rapidly get it done in e-mail so a situation like that could be avoided. As I said in the e-mail, I set a deadline, and when it came up, I was only missing two votes. 9-3 was pretty definitive. No matter how you and James voted, it was going to be somewhere in between 9-5 and 11-3, so...

I ended the vote so we could stop the suspense. Had I REMEMBERED you couldn't respond due to it being your Monday-Tuesday weekend, I would have set the deadline later to begin with. But I can't keep track of everything, damnit.

And were I not used to my e-mails to you never getting replied to, perhaps I would have thought it was strange you hadn't e-mailed me. But I'm kinda getting used to that.

Take it away gfox.

How about next time you run the election so you can't get pissed at me for screwing it up? I'm not perfect, and I'm tired of being blamed for things. I'll stick to updating the memberlist, you can do all the other membership stuff and mass e-mails and whatever else from now on if that's what you want. Okay?

So again, I'm sorry, and with a single word from you (okay on the above), you (and I) won't ever have to worry about it again, thank god.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 14:27:27

I'll just have to wait for the next vote.
::waits impatiently for the next round::
hmmm, think i should start some political campagning? ;)

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 14:36:07

At 3/11/04 12:39 AM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote:
At 3/11/04 12:37 AM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: Sergeant Major Pop Alot; this pushed my vp to 7.09. So long 6's, good riddance.
PIC (forgot><)

Congrats man! That is a nice looking Badge!
Just think pretty soon you will go gold! The Gold Badges are always cool!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 15:00:33

At 3/11/04 03:28 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:
At 3/11/04 01:23 AM, _BR_ wrote: People have come and go, much topics have been brought up here, and the term "level up" and "congrats" has been much used, all due to time.
Yeah and we use those words every carefully and with alot of pride and consideration.........

OF course.

How are you BR - what made you change your name into abbreviations?

I felt more comfortable to be called as BR rather than Bahamut and I'm doing fine. Hanging on to my midterms.

How are you gfox?

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 15:04:11

At 3/11/04 01:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Yeah, still slimjim63. What was the Subject Line? I checked my Junk Mail but didn't see anything outstanding from the great mass of porn. Maybe I should permanently change to one of my other email addresses, in an attempt to control junk mail.
"Where is/How to? membership election"

not easily mistaken for spam and porn IMO, but who knows. O_o

Hotmail filtered it to my junk mail FYI, probably due to the largish number of recipients. I was kind of half expecting it to go to my other primary account actually, but it got there in any case.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 15:09:34

At 3/11/04 02:27 PM, Toocool100 wrote: I'll just have to wait for the next vote.
waits impatiently for the next round::
hmmm, think i should start some political campagning? ;)

Ehhhhh. Our tiny little membership doesn't have much room for special interests, huge amounts of campaign funds, or any sort of real campaign war. So I doubt it would help. Just be patient and wait. #;-}>

At 3/11/04 12:37 AM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: Sergeant Major Pop Alot; this pushed my vp to 7.09. So long 6's, good riddance.

Congrats on teh Sergeant Major! Not much longer now till teh Praporshchiks.

At 3/11/04 03:00 PM, _BR_ wrote: I felt more comfortable to be called as BR rather than Bahamut and I'm doing fine. Hanging on to my midterms.

To be BR you had to add the _s though, eh?

I kinda like your longer name more, but whatever floats your boat, man.

How are you gfox?

Aside from only getting 5.5 hours of sleep, just fine, my good man! #;-}>

just got up to teh lucky #36 postcount rank, so I'm happy about that (had to post quite a lot to get from #38 to #36 today).

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 15:11:49

At 3/11/04 03:04 PM, jonthomson wrote: Hotmail filtered it to my junk mail FYI, probably due to the largish number of recipients. I was kind of half expecting it to go to my other primary account actually, but it got there in any case.

I just sent it to the addies people gave me back around new years day in the memberlist thread. Remember teh whole "I'm gonna make an official e-mail list" thing? I managed to get a fresh addy from everyone back then, and since then only lightning's has changed AFAIK.

anywho. Maybe I should CC or BCC it next time, but I doubt that would help if the junk filters are getting that damned picky.

My junk filter is my delete key.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 18:47:10

Sorry to rant in here but I just got to get this out of my!

I am really starting to think Dobio is right about the General forum page.
I noticed a few good topics, not many of them ever really make it to have a lot of posts in it.
But then I see shit like this dumb n00b lvl 2 ask if Newgrounds is a place for her to be in and it has 8 pages to it!
What the fuck, I have posted some really great topics and they never make it past 1 page.
What is going on here? Are people really that stupid.

I am sure more then half of the posts in there are from stupid horny males that are to ugly to ever talk to a girl in real life.

God damn!!!!!!!!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 18:51:11

There's a reason why half of my posts are in this forum. I might only have 1 or 2 things to add to the general forum each day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 18:56:51

At 3/11/04 06:47 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Sorry to rant in here but I just got to get this out of my!

I am really starting to think Dobio is right about the General forum page.

Yeah, I get your point as well. There's an awful lot of junk topics in General, I find myself posting there less and less. There's the occasional good topic in Politics, but that forum's massively American and rather biased against Bush/Blair (not that I support them anyway), and it doesn't interest me hugely.

Some of the problem stems from the fact that there are very few original topic ideas. Everything's been done before, or so it seems. If it's been said before, it's not worth saying again. And if it is said again and is funny, it has the potential to become a fad.

In fact, just looking at some of my recent posts, my posting in General has definitely decreased compared to other forums, although that might have something to do with posting in the NG Army topic.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 19:15:38

Yeah I just don't get it.
I would think if n00bs see someone who has been here a while post something they would all post in it.

I wish I was a mod, that topic would have sooooo been locked for being another "Hi I am New" topics.
I still post in the General forum, but I have to weed through all the shit to find something good.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 19:19:33

At 3/11/04 06:47 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
What the fuck, I have posted some really great topics and they never make it past 1 page.

Yeah, like your topic about the audio portal.

But occasionaly there are great topics on the general board. I laughed my ass off reading the Breakfast with Tom and Liljim thread by Wade !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 19:25:59

At 3/11/04 07:19 PM, Shpouiten wrote: But occasionaly there are great topics on the general board. I laughed my ass off reading the Breakfast with Tom and Liljim thread by Wade !

Yeah that was a good topic!
It would be so cool to eat with them, I wonder what Tom is like. I can kind of get the idea of what wade is like but tom never really posts.
Wade makes good topics and posts in other peoples topics, that is why I like him better!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 19:48:41

At 3/11/04 01:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 3/10/04 08:34 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Congrats XwaynecoltX. Nice to see that the deadline couldn't be held over until I got back from my days off but whatever... I get screwed out of my chance to vote a second time in a row.
As often happens, I forgot you don't work on Monday and Tuesday, and more importantly, I forgot you don't use a computer anywhere but work. You make it sound like I intentionally held the vote when you were away from your e-mail, man.

Cut me some slack man, that's not what I was driving at. I've missed out on voting twice now gfox and although it may mean squat to you I'm a little pissed about it. Let's extend the voting period to 72 hours, this way if it happens again during my days off I can still catch the tail end of the election.

Thanks for your time.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 19:53:24

I am glad i left general forums way back when i did the topics there come and and go, but the ng users seem to not have any respect for anyone down there in that filth hole, but i am happy here and clubs forum, and once inawhile flash forums...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-11 22:12:58

At 3/11/04 07:19 PM, Shpouiten wrote:
At 3/11/04 06:47 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
What the fuck, I have posted some really great topics and they never make it past 1 page.

Do you wanna make a topic that will go many pages? well then, i have a one word answer for you.


Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 00:34:46

I think i have officially claimed the 10th spot on the all time Blammers and Savers list.................Hopefully i can hold onto it.................

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 00:41:25

At 3/11/04 06:47 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Sorry to rant in here but I just got to get this out of my!

I smell jealousy...

Boo hoo hoo none of my topics are succesful I want to be popular...

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 01:07:23

At 3/11/04 12:37 AM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: Sergeant Major Pop Alot; this pushed my vp to 7.09. So long 6's, good riddance.

Congrats. And to think at one time I was ahead of you. Oh well. When did you start getting into b/p points anyway?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 01:09:50

At 3/12/04 12:34 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: I think i have officially claimed the 10th spot on the all time Blammers and Savers list.................Hopefully i can hold onto it.................

Congratulations X, I'm real happy for you. Once you edge your way into the top 10 you start to look at the blam/save list a little differently. Now if you can put some distance between you and NeMeSiSM66 then you'll have a nice buffer zone you can fall back on during the days you're away from Newgrounds. Nice job bud.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 01:19:16

At 3/12/04 01:09 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Congratulations X, I'm real happy for you. Once you edge your way into the top 10 you start to look at the blam/save list a little differently. Now if you can put some distance between you and NeMeSiSM66 then you'll have a nice buffer zone you can fall back on during the days you're away from Newgrounds. Nice job bud.

Thanks Recon, that means alot to me especially coming from you. You are one of the few that that made my visit to Newgrounds a resourceful one and i thank you for it. It took me awhile to get this far and i plan on going all the way and getting to the last rank...................I also see that you are responsible for me achieving my 3,000th post in the RPG forum you sneaky devil you...........Glad I was able to take a picture of it before making this post onto the BBS..........I hope i can make a distance from those that are behind me, hope and pray but time will only tell.........As you remember i told you and the W i/W t club way back when was to become one of the Elite and i think i have almost gotten there...............Thanks again Recon and the Where is / How to Club!!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 01:32:59

At 3/12/04 01:19 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:
At 3/12/04 01:09 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Congratulations X, I'm real happy for you.
Thanks Recon, I also see that you are responsible for me achieving my 3,000th post in the RPG forum you sneaky devil you.

Now X, do you honestly think I'd pull a stunt like that?

... oh yeah, congrats on your 3,000th post bud!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 01:54:45

Roffles, double congrats for X. Firstly, for becoming the 10th best blam/saver OF ALL TIME!!! and secondly, for reaching the three thousand post mark. I beat you to 3,000 n00b, har har narf!

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 02:03:19

At 3/12/04 12:34 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: I think i have officially claimed the 10th spot on the all time Blammers and Savers list.................Hopefully i can hold onto it.................

Nemesis is no longer 10/10 anymore. Congrats X, fox altered the top 5 and now you are doing so with the top 10. What a day for you, also getting 3kP! Days like these answer the question, "why am I on NG almost every waking hour?" heh

At 3/12/04 01:07 AM, MrX2003 wrote: Oh well. When did you start getting into b/p points anyway?

Believe it or not, I had a few old blams back when there was an X on the voting panel. I actually made Police Captain on a 56k. THEN I got cable and have been doing quite well in the b/p race IMO.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-12 05:19:34

Nice work on the blams, but I can't imagine having enough to say to post that much X so uh Grats!?!? :-P~~

Btw (/me wanders over and swats Greg) this is a nuisance I happened to notice yesterday. Now that gfox is EGSC, adding yet another 2 line person to the list, I got shifted. Makes me feel like a five year old whose been sent to bed but snuck back downstairs to see what all the adults are doing ...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge