At 3/10/04 06:51 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote:
I leveled up in B/P so I guess that counts. Yea, I know have over 1000 b/p movies viewed. It may not compare to some of you but I think it is quite the accomplishment
we call that a rankup 'round these parts. Congrats on that.
At 3/11/04 02:50 AM, James0 wrote:
Once again, pointless. What's the use of noting it?
Really? Weird... it's still slimjim63 @ hotmail, right? That's the one I sent it to, along with everyone else. I find it strange that it didn't get through to you, but no one else seemed to have that problem. Ehhh...
Yeah, still slimjim63. What was the Subject Line? I checked my Junk Mail but didn't see anything outstanding from the great mass of porn. Maybe I should permanently change to one of my other email addresses, in an attempt to control junk mail.
"Where is/How to? membership election"
not easily mistaken for spam and porn IMO, but who knows. O_o
So yeah, anyway... if you do change e-mail addies, just make sure Recon and I know about it.
Yeah, next time I say "I'm sending out the e-mail to everyone right now" in the memberlist thread, and you don't get the mail within 30 mins, you should go ahead and e-mail me and Recon with whoever you want to vote for anyway, presuming you know the nominees.
I rarely check that topic anyway. Last time I did was just after Wayne joined us, and I had one and a half pages to catch up on. So that probably aided in my confuzzlement too.
Well, I guess I should have noted that I was e-mailing everybody here as well... I kinda thought I did, but I guess I'm just thinking of the update on who voted that I posted a few hours before the vote day ended and then the confirmation of Xwayne as teh most-votes-getter.
At 3/10/04 08:34 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Unbelievable, I get fucked out of my vote again. Whatever.
I'm sorry, man. I guess by "again" you're referring to last time, when jon was elected. I was never clear exactly why you didn't vote that time, and I e-mailed you about it. I e-mailed you a week after that, too. And then again a week after that. Three e-mails in January....
and never once did I get a reply from you. Man, how am I supposed to address your concerns or figure out what's wrong if you don't e-mail me back when I try and talk about them?
Congrats XwaynecoltX. Nice to see that the deadline couldn't be held over until I got back from my days off but whatever... I get screwed out of my chance to vote a second time in a row.
As often happens, I forgot you don't work on Monday and Tuesday, and more importantly, I forgot you don't use a computer anywhere but work. You make it sound like I intentionally held the vote when you were away from your e-mail, man. That was obviously not the case.
The nominations for Xwayne (and one for Toocool) had been coming in for days, and people appeared to be starting to vote already IN the memberlist topic. You wanted it moved to e-mail after last time, when hurt feeling arose after it was done in public here on the forum. So I wanted to rapidly get it done in e-mail so a situation like that could be avoided. As I said in the e-mail, I set a deadline, and when it came up, I was only missing two votes. 9-3 was pretty definitive. No matter how you and James voted, it was going to be somewhere in between 9-5 and 11-3, so...
I ended the vote so we could stop the suspense. Had I REMEMBERED you couldn't respond due to it being your Monday-Tuesday weekend, I would have set the deadline later to begin with. But I can't keep track of everything, damnit.
And were I not used to my e-mails to you never getting replied to, perhaps I would have thought it was strange you hadn't e-mailed me. But I'm kinda getting used to that.
Take it away gfox.
How about next time you run the election so you can't get pissed at me for screwing it up? I'm not perfect, and I'm tired of being blamed for things. I'll stick to updating the memberlist, you can do all the other membership stuff and mass e-mails and whatever else from now on if that's what you want. Okay?
So again, I'm sorry, and with a single word from you (okay on the above), you (and I) won't ever have to worry about it again, thank god.