As I just said in the memberlist... Welcome the newest official member of Wi/Ht?...
by a margin of 9 to 3...
Congrats, King of Reviewers, and welcome aboard as #18. #;-}>
At 3/9/04 11:15 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote:
At 3/9/04 09:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
01 spancker .... ?
Umm hope he can vote.......
despite his recent pop-in, he's not exactly around lately... so I wasn't expecting him to.
02 Drimarki .... ?
Not likely to vote.......
yeah, no kidding.
03 Recon .... ?
Hmmmmm not available today but will tomorrow though......
I forgot it was his weekend and he was away from the computer at work. The margin was so wide it doesn't really matter, though. Also, from his seconding/thirding/whatnot of Xwayne as a nominee, I think we can safely assume that woulda been his vote, and it would have simply been a bit more in his favour.
05 jessica .... ?
M.I.A. not sure they are going to.......
about as unlikely as Spancker, though no one was as unlikely to vote as Drimarki.
06 XkwiziTOnE .... ?
Correction have voted 11:10pm EST
11:05 by the timestamp on the e-mail you sent. Thanks for getting it in!
08 James .... ?
Will later tonight......
Well, he's still welcome to, but it's a bit late. He posted to level up! just awhile after I sent out the e-mail last night, so I guess he either didn't check his e-mail then, or didn't see my e-mail, or didn't care to vote... oh well.