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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 11:07:09

At 3/6/04 05:08 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Congrats on teh chain lvl up! Now you have teh lvl 16 icon to look forward to, as I am sure you are looking forwatd to as it seems to be a lot of peoples fav.

Yes its is in fact i cant wait - I always eyed that level as far back as i can remember................Thanks for the Congrades.........

At 3/6/04 12:04 PM, _lightning_ wrote: No problem, do you like the icon you have now?

Oh no doubt i feel like i moved up in the world, right next to The Jeffersons...........Thanks again for the Congrades!......

Me? I'm doing great not a bussy week this week and my brother moved out of the house today. So i'll get a much bigger room so that my tv can fit in it and a lot more computer time. What i could use right about now becouse i've been slowing down a lot with the b/p points this week. And how are you doing?

Say word i guess its all good for you then, in a major way. I always liked the idea to have the TV and the computer near each other so you can get all the screen and monitor effect.......Well me i have to makes some major moves so i slowed down a bit as well. I would have been captured that 10th spot if i was not away but alas I must make up for lost time and get things in order and back to the way they were and belong..........

Btw gfox you might like this site even more then i do, if you don't all ready know it that is.: http://www.archive.org/web/web.php

Wow thats an informative site.........very useful indeed......

At 3/6/04 08:34 PM, Afterburner wrote: Congrats XkwiziTOnE! Level 15 and 16 are two of the best looking icons. I myself have attained Elite Guard Corporal while still maintaining my 10 to 1 save ratio.

Thanks Afterburner! Yes I think they are the greatest levels......but i will still strive higher..........Congrades to you on your new rank - I remember that rank myself - wow i've come a long way.........and btw keep up the 10 to 1 ratio, it looks good on you bro!

At 3/7/04 12:01 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Congrats to X for reaching level 15, the nasty chain. I wonder why Tom never created a whip icon. Congrats to Afterburner for reaching Elite Guard Corporal. You have a ways to go if you're gonna catch Toocool100.

Thanks for the Congrads Recon - and yeah thats a question for the ages........the whip, whip it good!

At 3/7/04 05:47 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: XkwiziTOnE, congratulations for the 15.

Thanks KornFreakeR - very much obliged!

I have been away for a few days....anything new I should know?

Ummmmmmm nothing i can think of, more blam and protection points and some achieving new ranks and levels, other than that nothing much........

At 3/7/04 05:53 AM, jonthomson wrote: That you should be congratulated on reaching 8 in voting power?

Wow he did? Thats great congrades KornFreaker!

Congrats to XkwiziTOnE as well, and anyone else who's levelled up recently. I'm sure there's a couple, I've just not been paying attention that much :-(

Thanks Jonthomson, aww thats ok glad that you was able to poke your head in and acknowledge everyone though.......

At 3/7/04 06:01 AM, Crono- wrote: Congrats on level 15 XkwiziTOnE

Thanks Crono- - its been a long time bro how you been, still makin sigs?

Its alot better then the horrible pipe.

LOL everyone has something against the pipe, the poor thing lol hey a pipe is useful though lol...........

4. Crono- 07/27/02 M 30,779 26 Elite Guard Supreme Commander
5. gfoxcook 02/18/00 M 30,326 26 Elite Guard Supreme Commander

and it seems that i might lose my #4 spot soon O_o

Whoa i have no comment to that one man........but only good luck and try to fight lol!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 11:08:32

At 3/7/04 08:22 AM, EviLudy wrote: OMG!
Fear my Lvl 13 Bat!

Congrats on teh sexy bat!
I can't wait to get to lvl 13 myself, cuz it is only one level away from my favorite lvl icon!

Also, ph33r my new sig pic!
I may edit it more later.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 12:09:47

i just got to level 9 yay. i m happy finally not to the 50 point lvl up anymore. i hope i get to lvl 10 soon.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 12:17:10

At 3/7/04 12:09 PM, linkinparkrules wrote: i just got to level 9 yay. i m happy finally not to the 50 point lvl up anymore. i hope i get to lvl 10 soon.

Congrats man!
I bet you hate that god damn huge gap to lvl 10 don't you?
Just never miss a deposit and keep blaming and saving movies to get your votting power ^
Once you get to level ten things don't seem that bad anymore.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 12:26:43

At 3/7/04 11:07 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Say word i guess its all good for you then, in a major way. I always liked the idea to have the TV and the computer near each other so you can get all the screen and monitor effect.......

Yep i'm going to miss that becouse the computer isn't on my room..... =[

Well me i have to makes some major moves so i slowed down a bit as well. I would have been captured that 10th spot if i was not away but alas I must make up for lost time and get things in order and back to the way they were and belong..........

Well this weekend wasn't so bad for me, it helped that my brother isn't around on the active hours any more. =]

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 12:32:44

Congrats man!

I bet you hate that god damn huge gap to lvl 10 don't you?
Just never miss a deposit and keep blaming and saving movies to get your votting power ^
Once you get to level ten things don't seem that bad anymore.


thx on the congrats. the huge gap isn't so bad i just keep racking in all the points i can. i never miss blaming and saving moives unless i m in skool, but i want a shit load of voting power like the highest u can get.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 12:57:35

At 3/5/04 04:10 PM, LockClock wrote: Yay, level 13 today!!!!

Congrats, LC!

At 3/5/04 05:20 PM, LockClock wrote:
At 3/5/04 04:39 PM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: Looks good on you =] So what is that, about a 4 month ride to the pipe?
Yea, unfortunately :( Levels are 707 points apart now. Probably will be 900 by the time I get level 14, yikes!

Ehhh, I doubt it. Maybe 760 to 800 by then.

I think the range widened from 500 to 700 from the time I was level 11 to 15, so... it's not going to get 200 wider during just one level's time for ya, man, don't worry.

At 3/6/04 03:15 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: I have moved up a level:

Level 15 - Chain

Oh how sweet it is................

kick butt. Welcome aboard the green chain gang, X!

At 3/6/04 08:34 PM, Afterburner wrote: Congrats XkwiziTOnE! Level 15 and 16 are two of the best looking icons. I myself have attained Elite Guard Corporal while still maintaining my 10 to 1 save ratio.

congrats on teh Corporalhood and the integrity of your super-light-aura save-2-blam ratio. #;-}>

At 3/7/04 05:53 AM, jonthomson wrote:
At 3/7/04 05:47 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: I have been away for a few days....anything new I should know?
That you should be congratulated on reaching 8 in voting power?

Heh! Indeed. Congrats, Freaker. Glad you finally got teh VP you wanted.

At 3/7/04 06:38 AM, punk6sic6 wrote: yeah I am now an Elite Guard Private First Class

congrats on PFC!

At 3/7/04 08:22 AM, EviLudy wrote: OMG!
Fear my Lvl 13 Bat!

and congrats on level 13!

At 3/7/04 12:09 PM, linkinparkrules wrote: i just got to level 9 yay. i m happy finally not to the 50 point lvl up anymore. i hope i get to lvl 10 soon.

and finally, congrats on level 9!

At 3/6/04 02:18 AM, biteme2514 wrote: Yeah well, the Academy Awards have always been geared more towards dramas than anything else. I don't always agree with the decisions, but on the other hand, I still like the Oscars because, as you said, it's nice when a picture or person you like wins one. It's nowhere near a perfect system, but it gets the job done.

It's better than our political system, that's for sure. #;-}>

Oderus_Urungus is no longer a threat to me now.

well, that's good to hear, man!

Did I ever tell you that I actually played a band gig with three friends of mine at a house party on my 15th birthday? So many memories. They're thinking about getting together again for another gig sometime soon. Should be fun.

I can't recall, but cool either way. Have fun!

Also, congratulations on the whole Elite Guard Supreme Commander thing. I'd tell you to start going after fixit but I don't want to kill you, so I'll just wish you well and tell you that I'll be rooting for you when you pass DuMa_RyoHahn for the #5 spot. Good luck with that, dude. That way, you'll be in the same position with blam/protect points as I am with posts. We really have come a long way since we both hit 1337 posts that day. Except you've come much farther. You're a freakin' moderator now. And what am I? Just a has-been. Newgrounds works in mysterious ways, my friend. Oh, and just for the record, I saw Rushmore. Happy now?

Thanks for teh congrats, man. No no no, no fixit chasing. Enough people have been asking me about that, anyway. Everyone between me and fixit is fair game, though. #;-}>

And yep, we're both #5s at something now. You're only a has-been if you feel like one, man.

And yes, I am happy. But I'd be happier if you'd said you enjoyed it. Did you? #;-}>

It was filmed in my city, and a lot of neighborhoods nearby my apartment, BTW. The hotel Bill Murray stays in... the school itself is the high school I would have gone to had I been in Houston at the time (I was in Pennsylvania then, though). The house where the female teacher is staying is a dozen blocks away from me, and the path they walk down is on that same street. Gorgeous area.

At 3/7/04 06:01 AM, Crono- wrote: 4. Crono- 07/27/02 M 30,779 26 Elite Guard Supreme Commander
5. gfoxcook 02/18/00 M 30,326 26 Elite Guard Supreme Commander

and it seems that i might lose my #4 spot soon O_o


I was at 6 and 7 for what seemed like half a year (closer to 4 months, I suppose). 5 ain't so bad, is it? I'm certainly enjoying it for now. And hey, like I said, let's go take down Joe. #;-}>

:::waits for Joe to say "HEYYYYY!!!!":::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 13:03:27

At 3/7/04 12:57 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And hey, like I said, let's go take down Joe. #;-}>

Good luck with that... Looks like I'll have to do a little more voting than normal.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 13:19:41

The top 5 as been altered. Nice job gfox.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 13:28:41

At 3/7/04 01:19 PM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: The top 5 as been altered. Nice job gfox.

Out of interest, any idea roughly how many blams/protects a day you're getting? You're getting rather close to me and I don't want to have to lose a place again :-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 16:16:08

Well I'm going at a slighty higher pace right now and will be for another 7 1/2 days due to semester break. I don't have the cash to go anywhere, so I'm home all week and am hoping to maintain 100 a day until break is over.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 16:23:01

At 3/7/04 04:16 PM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: Well I'm going at a slighty higher pace right now and will be for another 7 1/2 days due to semester break. I don't have the cash to go anywhere, so I'm home all week and am hoping to maintain 100 a day until break is over.

I had no school 2 weeks ago but becouse ng was really slow i was luky if i could get 16 points aday. =[

Btw a lot of crappy movie the last hours wouldn't you say?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 16:54:56

At 3/7/04 04:23 PM, _lightning_ wrote: I had no school 2 weeks ago but becouse ng was really slow i was luky if i could get 16 points aday. =[

I bet that was a bit frustrating.

I agree about the last couple hours. I was hoping for a better portal day after waking up and getting 4 protects in a row.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 18:37:57

At 3/7/04 12:57 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And yes, I am happy. But I'd be happier if you'd said you enjoyed it. Did you? #;-}>
It was filmed in my city, and a lot of neighborhoods nearby my apartment, BTW. The hotel Bill Murray stays in... the school itself is the high school I would have gone to had I been in Houston at the time (I was in Pennsylvania then, though). The house where the female teacher is staying is a dozen blocks away from me, and the path they walk down is on that same street. Gorgeous area.

I was expecting something different while watching the movie, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Besides, unexpected is good. Especially with all the movies I watch. I just rented four more movies last night. I spend way too much money watching movies, don't you think? Oh well, as long as I'm enjoying them, it's not a waste. As for the flick being filmed in your hometown, it really is a small world, isn't it? A couple of movies were filmed in my hometown too. If you ever see the upcoming flick, I, Robot, you'll see a couple of scenes filmed just down the hill from my house. And if I ever follow through on my dream of becoming a screenwriter, you'll see a lot more scenes from my hometown. Of course, that's just a pipe dream now, but hey, you never know.

Oh, and I just ranked up to become the eighteenth person to hit Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. I've been waiting quite a while for this. It feels great to hit a nice even 40% boost to my Voting Power. It's worth 8.47 votes now. Things just keep getting better and better for me here. The way things are going now, making it to Elite Guard Supreme Commander one of these days no longer seems quite so crazy. Well, wish me luck. Shiny badge, no?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 21:02:02

Blam/Protect: Ranked # 575 out of 458,830 users!
I'm only 30 b/p away form 1337ness

Damn I've been gone for 3 days so i got nothing more than my daily exp. it seems as tho nothing has been protected for 6 hours?
wtf is going on?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 23:42:00

At 3/7/04 01:19 PM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: The top 5 as been altered. Nice job gfox.

Same here gfox, congratulations. Kind of a nice feeling when you entrench your position on the list 'eh? Now if X would turn up the heat just a little and catch NeMeSiSM66 we could have 4 Wi/Ht? members in the top 10.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 23:55:26

At 3/7/04 09:02 PM, SlowBro wrote: Damn I've been gone for 3 days so i got nothing more than my daily exp. it seems as tho nothing has been protected for 6 hours?
wtf is going on?

Some people have been blowing the whistle on most of the submissions all day. Two movies got threw, but that's it. And to think I wanted to get to the next rank before Wednesday.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-07 23:58:37

Yeah, those fucks, Wade should show all of Newgrounds their E-Mail address so they would get like 1000 E-Mails and it would crash their mail.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 00:34:05

At 3/7/04 11:58 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Yeah, those fucks, Wade should show all of Newgrounds their E-Mail address so they would get like 1000 E-Mails and it would crash their mail.


i could not agree more
i'm 30 b/p away from 1337ness
those fukers
oh well.
i was wondering how one would go about joining the Wi/Ht club?

since you guys are all way cooler than those other clubs and crews.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 00:37:04

i gotta a question can u get more exp points than 10 a day?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 00:40:34

At 3/8/04 12:37 AM, linkinparkrules wrote: i gotta a question can u get more exp points than 10 a day?

You "could" but not anymore. They were removed Because of abuse...

so you can only get 10 exp per day at max now.

O_o im really sick of level 15....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 01:16:09

At 3/8/04 12:40 AM, Crono- wrote:
At 3/8/04 12:37 AM, linkinparkrules wrote: i gotta a question can u get more exp points than 10 a day?
You "could" but not anymore. They were removed Because of abuse...

so you can only get 10 exp per day at max now.

O_o im really sick of level 15....

Never thought I lived to hear that.

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 01:25:18

At 3/8/04 12:40 AM, Crono- wrote: O_o im really sick of level 15....

That's not unusual to hear Crono-, I'm starting to get tired of looking at the nunchaku every day. I'm a fan of the gauntlets and I need another 240 points to snag the bronze.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 01:39:18

At 3/7/04 11:58 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: Yeah, those fucks, Wade should show all of Newgrounds their E-Mail address so they would get like 1000 E-Mails and it would crash their mail.


Yeah, Time Trial V got flagged, what the hell is going on

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 02:29:11

At 3/8/04 01:25 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That's not unusual to hear Crono-, I'm starting to get tired of looking at the nunchaku every day. I'm a fan of the gauntlets and I need another 240 points to snag the bronze.

I am not tired of my boxing glove, I should have my new lvl in 11 days. I think at the rate things are going I should be at my favorite level (14) by my birthday. Oh my that will be swell!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 02:39:24

At 3/8/04 02:29 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
At 3/8/04 01:25 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That's not unusual to hear Crono-, I'm starting to get tired of looking at the nunchaku every day.
I am not tired of my boxing glove, I should have my new lvl in 11 days.

The brass knuckles are a cool icon. I still don't know why you like the rusty old pipe Baron. Was it you that said it looks like a brawling weapon? I'll start my final patrol in about 10 minutes then after that I pack up and gear up for the weekend. I'm tired now but I'm sure I'll wake up once I step out the door.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 10:40:54

Where do oyu work at?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 12:10:49

At 3/7/04 11:42 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 3/7/04 01:19 PM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote: The top 5 as been altered. Nice job gfox.
Same here gfox, congratulations. Kind of a nice feeling when you entrench your position on the list 'eh? Now if X would turn up the heat just a little and catch NeMeSiSM66 we could have 4 Wi/Ht? members in the top 10.

Congrades to you GFOX! Me the 4th member to reach the top 10? Me thinks me like it! Time to strap on my seatbelt lets ride.................

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 13:11:23

i'm so happy i have just achived 1337ness;)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-03-08 13:20:11

At 3/8/04 01:11 PM, SlowBro wrote: i'm so happy i have just achived 1337ness;)

Congrats, I know it is a great feeling to reach that far.
But remember it is all up hill from now, don't give up!


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