At 1/31/04 01:34 PM, Goldendragon07 wrote:
Now, can somebody post the link to the place where I can see all the level ups, and th things needed please, so I don't have to ask you guys what's next.
Well, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it should at least help you answer a few questions. I'm not going to take credit for this one though. If you want to thank anyone for this information, it should be the creator of the Flash, NightElf121. I only help with the links.
Oh, and in other news, I just leveled up to Lv. 13. I've been waiting for this baseball bat for a while but on the other hand, I'm already starting to miss my barbed wire boxing glove. Still, I think that old boxing glove is going to make a bit of a reappearance tonight anyways. After humantarget52 makes his deposit for today, I'm going to be knocked back down to Lv. 12 for a few hours. But that's just fine. My next deposit's in about ten hours. I'll survive.