At 1/21/04 08:19 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Kool GFoX - already checked it out and left a post - BTW have you noticed it a full fledge battle of the ranks and positions: This is something to keep a close watch for............I'm tryin to get that 11 spot closing in - (if i did not reduce voting due to work and etc. but i am going to make up for it) 11th here i come (Hopefully.....)
I saw your post, man. 'sno problem.
Damn straight I've noticed. I just commented on it over in the blam list. Or was it save list... er... whichever one you lost 1 spot in to chaotic1.
You, alex, and chaotic are having a similar race to the one that I had with them back in the Sergeant ranks (First Class or Master, I believe, down in the 5000-7000 range).
Of course, the difference is that you guys have 3 times the points now, basically, so the race has a lot higher stakes.
I envy your close race, man. The ability to rise or fall to the challenges... the jousting for a spot on the list... the ups and downs... they're all in the distant past for this account, pretty much. Well, in b/p, at least.
I still have my exp and VP battles to take part in... not to mention post battles. #;-}>
At 1/21/04 11:59 AM, tehpom wrote: yay only about 17 blms/svs until next rank police leiutenant(hey not my fault im only police officer)
Congrats in advance on your rankup, but I must inform you that it's going to be to police sergeant, not lieutenant.
safety patrol -> security guard -> police officer -> police sergeant -> police lieutenant -> police captain -> eg private -> eg private first class -> eg corporal -> eg sergeant -> eg staff sergeant -> eg sergeant first class -> eg master sergeant -> eg sergeant major -> eg praporshchik -> eg second lieutenant -> eg first lieutenant -> eg captain -> eg major -> eg lieutenant colonel -> eg colonel -> eg brigadier general -> eg major general -> eg lieutenant general -> eg general -> eg supreme commander.
it's a fun path, man. I know it by heart, and I've been (almost) all over it. Have fun in the police ranks, it only gets steeper and tougher from there!
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)