Updating a fair bit earlier than usual, because I have fucking rocketed past the 6.8k mark:
(2/2 - cleaned out, Golden Astronaut found)
You only need one full playthrough to get both medals, but I ended up running through this twice for completeness' sake.
Main differences I found are alternate opening dialog depending on if you spared/killed Aikawa, and alternate ending dialog depending on if you spare/kill Aki.
(3/3 - cleaned out, Golden Astronaut found)
At the risk of spoiling things, fuck that twist was brutal.
(3/3 - cleaned out)
(8/8 - cleaned out)
(6/6 - cleaned out)
(8/8 - cleaned out)
And with that, I've completely cleaned out HAGER-NG's games collection.
(4/4 - cleaned out)
(8/8 - cleaned out)
(1/1 - cleaned out)
(1/1 - cleaned out)
(1/1 - cleaned out)
(5/5 - cleaned out)
(4/4 - cleaned out, ruffled)
(1/1 - cleaned out, ruffled)
My intellect failed to see me through to a solution, but thankfully, the game's sole medal is earned by finishing a game, win or lose.
(Ended up passing out for a couple hours after this one. Not sure why.)
(2/2 - cleaned out, ruffle tested)
(1/1 - cleaned out)
(2/2 - cleaned out)
Took me a lot longer than it should've to realise I was supposed to use arrow keys for the bonus game, not the mouse.
(1/1 - cleaned out)
Thinking about it, scouring through old Clock Day submissions might be an easy source of medals.
(15/15 - cleaned out, ruffled, guide made)
(15/15 - cleaned out, ruffled)
(+0 - 37/38 - in progress)
Just two more days, and I can put this fucker to rest.
(16/16 - cleaned out)
(7/7 - cleaned out)
Initially had trouble using Max Auto Clicker on this, but those issues went away after unchecking the "Emulate human click" option.
(3/3 - cleaned out)
Same story - struggled to get past 15 with "Emulate human click" turned on, got all three medals on the first try with it turned off.
(12/13 - abandoned, medal reported)
50-ish points was achievable with an autoclicker, 90-ish was achievable with the AutoHotKey script I've put down below:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
SetKeyDelay( 0, 10)
~$SPACE:: {
100 points? Pretty much unobtainable.
(1/1 - cleaned out)
(8/8 - cleaned out)
3141 medals left, 190 saves remaining.
Plus some milestones. Four positive, one negative.