At 5/5/24 03:19 PM, BlueMonday1984 wrote:Think I might go through Munguia's collection one more time - pretty sure I missed a fair few medals.
Well, I was right. I was missing a crapload.
(26/26 - cleaned out)
(21/21 - cleaned out)
(36/36 - cleaned out)
(43/43 - cleaned out)
Should've been 45 given the fucker somehow got elected, but ah well.
(1/1 - cleaned out, spirits raised)
(42/42 - cleaned out)
Protip: If you die with very specific timing after restarting (unsure of exact timing), you become invincible. If you get your sword out before the glitch kicks in, you retain it, making levels borderline-trivial.
Another protip: Right-clicking, then left clicking lets you move much faster than the game expects, limiting how much the pink enemies move.
I strongly recommend abusing both these glitches.
(15/15 - cleaned out)
Ended up grabbing and editing a random AHK script off the Internet for this. If you want to avoid RSI like me, here you go:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #SingleInstance Force InstallKeybdHook InstallMouseHook SendMode("Event") SetKeyDelay( 0, 50) ~$SPACE:: { While GetKeyState("SPACE", "P") { Send("{Blind}{SPACE}") }}
(15/15 - cleaned out)
(20/22 - abandoned)
Munguia described this one as a rage game. After spending the last hour or so dealing with one of the most unwieldy jump arcs I've ever seen (fourty-five of which spent on trying and failing to get "Free conspitation dance"), I can see why.
The last two medals can remain unearned for now, though - I've just breached the 6k mark.
Four thousand medals, and nine hundred saves remain.
See you on the Hexalist.