The #BlueMondaySweep continues.
(40/40 - cleaned out)
Sidenote: I never played LttP - I need to do that sometime
(7/7 - cleaned out)
Ended up busting this one open in JPEXS to get past Level 2.
(5/5 - cleaned out)
Broke out JPEXS for this one as well. (I should be making answer keys for some of these, in retrospect...)
(4/4 - cleaned out, ruffle tested)
(4/4 - cleaned out)
(3/3 - cleaned out, ruffled)
(14/14 - cleaned out)
(8/8 - cleaned out)
"thanks to jonbro for the medal guide! almost makes up for all that other stuff he did" - DSKdev
(22/22 - cleaned out)
Only ones I missed at first were the 1 minute and 2 minute ones, given I got everything else at lightning speed
(14/14 - cleaned out)
(4/4 - cleaned out)
(5/5 - cleaned out)
(7/7 - cleaned out, ruffled)
"Say your prayers" and "Watch some telly" gave me some trouble - didn't think to check the preloader.
(8/8 - cleaned out, ruffled)
(11/17 - abandoned)
This mousepad is *not* good enough to get the harder medals, fuck me
(39/39 - cleaned out)
Main difficulty here came from the medals which required shooting the square posthumously.
(3/3 - cleaned out)
Tried screwing around in JPEXS to work it out, then gave up and searched through the reviews. Luckily, Ximolia worked it out before me, then TFZ9 copy-pasted it, so I'll do the same:
To get the secret medal, you need to go to the picture with the artist's name, Blounty. Click in the center of the left most eye.
Then click on the center of the screw in the ice cream.
Then click in the center of the screworm on the right side of the bump.
After that click slightly below the tonsil.