At 2/21/21 12:55 PM, Murray wrote:I don't watch any sports but will know well enough when Liverpool are playing or when my local football are playing as the stadium is that close to home.
Nice. :) No stadiums at all over here, wonder if we have any local club hmm...
Oh damn! Could see that being the case, though without the audience noise drowning any sounds.
Possibly another Trump moment in WWE. Him and Vince McMahon are good pals.
Oh! Interesting to know. McMahon's a beast too, wonder what kind of conversations they might have off camera...
I don't think Vince would approve of that nowadays. 😂
Bad for business?
Well, it is and isn't. It's recent but without going to these events for the last 11 months at this point it is feeling eternal.
Aha. Just a year though... to me it feels like these last soon-12-here months have flown by faster than usual. In some ways I feel like I'm just now picking up where I left off last year. Like everything's been on pause all this time and it's now starting up again... but seems possible another year might pass before I know it and I'll be at this same place again next year and feel like it's all been on pause again until then. A bit like Groundhog Day, just living the same session over and over until stagnation lifts and life resumes its natural course.
I was with my friend and she got more of a talk with him than I did. Must have chatted for like 15 minutes straight. Thanks to her she got a free autograph and a free photo of us with him out of it. 😁
Niiiice! :D Good friend to have!
I'm surprised they haven't already but this is where they really need to make this lockdown the very last. Once the vaccination has rolled out entirely I can imagine more of the population not putting up with any more lockdowns by then.
Personally I'd like to see the back of these lockdowns and not have any more of them but admittedly this period has been a great opportunity to be building up my music collection. Once this is all over I sadly won't be as spending crazy on more records as I am right now.
Physical records? Wonder if I've been buying more or less myself... maybe less...
I hope vaccinations feel like the decisive maneuver here, but don't see them really stopping the spread considering their potential to not just spread this further as more people get sick via said vaccines (common side-effect to actually get a milder variant of whatever you're attempting to cure), and make those people also potentially all the more asymptomatic and difficult to track as ditto, but also with the various mutations in mind that said already not entirely effective vaccines may be all the less effective against...
At this point I just hope the media let up on the hysteria a bit, either by people rising up or by vaccinations at least being deemed a successful countermeasure, and that we eventually reach a certain state of flock immunity one way or the other. It's the natural progression of any contagion of the sort to grow weaker too, viral self-preservation lies in a state of adapting to the host as to not kill it so as to spread further, so at this point... just feels like way too much undue psychological torment with the actual current severity of said virus in mind. They say the mutations spread faster but nothing about if they're more dangerous or no. If only we could go back to living like usual with a little better hygiene I think it'd all work out better. IMHO.
At 2/22/21 12:55 AM, MatthewMcChan wrote:I WILL BECOME LEVEL 33 TOMORROW!
At 2/21/21 03:04 PM, Urichov wrote:1,000 medals. My 1,000th was for completing Drop Cannon, my 1,001st was for getting a perfect loadout on every level, the latter maybe taking an extra hour lol. Final level is tough.
Edit: Noticed this is the 88,000th reply on this thread. Pretty cool.
What an iconic one to get as your thousandth. Nice.
Closing in on the cumulative 100,000 hmm, at this pace it shouldn't take more than a few years...