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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-29 10:37:09



At 6/24/20 10:07 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 6/9/20 10:32 PM, DomAndFroShow wrote:Not a huge deal, but I do think the way I got to it was pretty cool.

The Dom and Fro Show reached Town Watch today! (100 B/P)


Attempting to keep both saves and blams at a similar level? Difficult feat these days!

I'm just going out of my way to find the bad ones. I find that I can grab somewhere around 5 a day. Might not be a lot in the later levels, but at least for now it's kind of easy keeping about even when depositing experience points.

Today the Dom and Fro Show celebrates a gold whistle! I've been catching a lot of submissions under judgement that are breaking rules!

So it's still possible! :D Feels like you don't stumble upon as many unsuitable reviews as you used to, but submissions then... first podcast account ever to potentially reach Deity hmm?

I also ran into someone who had 240 copy/paste reviews of the same exact 1 word "lol" over and over that were too old to clear without being marked first. That helped quite a bit. :P But yeah, at least 2-3 stolen submissions weekly that I mark up as well. I try to B/P right at midnight and I'm always finding something so I just switch over to this account when I do.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-29 11:31:38 (edited 2020-06-29 11:32:50)

At 6/29/20 10:37 AM, DomAndFroShow wrote:IM SO OVERWHELMED RIGHT NOW


This might seem like underwhelming congrats but: Congrats!

I'm just going out of my way to find the bad ones. I find that I can grab somewhere around 5 a day. Might not be a lot in the later levels, but at least for now it's kind of easy keeping about even when depositing experience points.

If you can keep it consistent it'll all amount too.

I also ran into someone who had 240 copy/paste reviews of the same exact 1 word "lol" over and over that were too old to clear without being marked first. That helped quite a bit. :P But yeah, at least 2-3 stolen submissions weekly that I mark up as well. I try to B/P right at midnight and I'm always finding something so I just switch over to this account when I do.

Nice find! And what a grind.

How do you usually know what's stolen? Easy to figure out via submission descriptions if the user isn't why they say they are? Doesn't seem so easy if the submission doesn't happen to be on the site already though. If you don't know the real artist's style already.; frequent a bunch of other content streams.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-29 11:55:07 (edited 2020-06-29 11:59:35)

At 6/29/20 06:10 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 6/27/20 04:49 PM, Haggard wrote:I think in Germany it's very evenly distributed. Of course there are "hotspots" like Berlin (3 million), Hamburg (1.5 million), Munich (1 million) and of course the Ruhr Area (5 million). But there really isn't an area like the Finnmark, where you can drive for an hour and never even see another car, let alone some small town.

Sounds population-wise pretty dense then! :O I'm trying to picture how many people per square km there might be further up North here... in a lot of areas it's probably not more than 1-2/km at most.

Interesting, and somewhat depressing, as one who's not a huge fan of large cities or populations...

I like big cities, so I am all good, lol.

I guess the most famous is "Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz", it's a guy (maybe the son "Fritz" of a guy named "Fischer") who fishes fresh fish.
Another good one is "Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut" (Wedding dress remains wedding dress and red cabbage remains red cabbage).

Whaaat is that one about? XD

It's a good speaking exercise, for voice actors for example. :)

Nice. Seems you really chose the most difficult ones too, Googling around ones like 'Zehn zahme Ziegen ziehen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo' are so much more beginner-level. ;)

Yup, that one is easy. A better one is "Zwanzig Zwerge zeigen Handstand, zehn im Wandschrank, zehn am Sandstrand". Even I have problems saying that over and over again. :D

I'm probably pronouncing these way off at the moment, seem to adopt a Russian accent with the second one for some reason, and the other two will probably take a while to master...

Good thing that German pronounciation is pretty straightforward most of the time. XD

Interesting how similar to English the "Fisher Fritz fishes fresh fish one is too. Could be an international tongue-twister. Extended Swedish alternation: Fiskare Fritz fiskar färsk fisk, fräsh fisk fiskar färskfiskfiskare Fritz.

Nice. "Färskfiskfiskare" means "fresh fish fisher"? And, in Swedish "r+s" isn't pronounced as "sh" like in Norwegian, right?


At 6/29/20 06:17 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:Btw 'Fischer' wouldn't be just 'fisher'? Name implied only because of capitalization? Though why is Fische also capitalized?

In German every proper noun is capitalized. Yes, we are weird. "Fischer" can be a name, or it can be a profession. But since it's "Fischers" at the begining it implies possession, so either the guy who is a fisherman possesses something or the guy who is called "Fischer" does. Impossible to tell. If the guy "Fritz" was a fisherman, then it would be "Fischer Fritz", without the "s". I'm sure such a variation exists, too.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 06:56:00

40k EXP today!

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 09:21:31 (edited 2020-06-30 09:24:05)

At 6/29/20 11:55 AM, Haggard wrote:I like big cities, so I am all good, lol.

Did you happen to grow up in one? I do wonder sometimes how so many people can have such an affinity for such an artificial style of life. :) Makes sense if it's all based on familiarity though. Or maybe if you're just extroverted enough to want to always be around people.

It's a good speaking exercise, for voice actors for example. :)

Right. :) Was thinking potential correlations between wedding dresses and red cabbage over there?

Yup, that one is easy. A better one is "Zwanzig Zwerge zeigen Handstand, zehn im Wandschrank, zehn am Sandstrand". Even I have problems saying that over and over again. :D

One of those that seem deceptively simple the first time hmm... nice.

Good thing that German pronounciation is pretty straightforward most of the time. XD

That is a good thing yeah! Not so simple for an outsider but very similar annunciation/grammar otherwise. or at least the grammar seems similar when you read these bits.

Interesting how similar to English the "Fisher Fritz fishes fresh fish one is too. Could be an international tongue-twister. Extended Swedish alternation: Fiskare Fritz fiskar färsk fisk, fräsh fisk fiskar färskfiskfiskare Fritz.

Nice. "Färskfiskfiskare" means "fresh fish fisher"? And, in Swedish "r+s" isn't pronounced as "sh" like in Norwegian, right?

Yupp. As for the second question though it is pronounced that way in Swedish too. Trying to think if it might be different in certain words but it seems like this is the norm... interesting. Never realized we have some silent r's too.

Seems the r in rs might not be silent with say Finnish or Icelandic, maybe some hybrid dialects exist here too where the sh doesn't apply.

In German every proper noun is capitalized. Yes, we are weird. "Fischer" can be a name, or it can be a profession. But since it's "Fischers" at the begining it implies possession, so either the guy who is a fisherman possesses something or the guy who is called "Fischer" does. Impossible to tell. If the guy "Fritz" was a fisherman, then it would be "Fischer Fritz", without the "s". I'm sure such a variation exists, too.

Oh, interesting. Does this impact how you title things over there overall - products, media, etc? Does the rule of proper nouns being capitalized take precedence over other capitalization trends? Still common with all words capitalized in titles?

A possessed fisherman huh. :) Good to know.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 09:21:43

At 6/30/20 06:56 AM, FattyWhale wrote:40k EXP today!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 09:52:15 (edited 2020-06-30 09:55:18)

At 6/30/20 09:21 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:Did you happen to grow up in one? I do wonder sometimes how so many people can have such an affinity for such an artificial style of life. :) Makes sense if it's all based on familiarity though. Or maybe if you're just extroverted enough to want to always be around people.

I grew up near Hamburg, yes. And I think it's nicer in big cities for introverts like myself. No one cares about what you do, as long as you are not misbehaving in an outrageous way. In small villages everyone knows everyone else, so fuck up once and the whole village will know in an instant, heh.

But I think being used to larger cities does have it's advantages. When I traveled to Glasgow for example, I felt pretty comfortable running around in the city centre. I didn't feel overwhelmed like maybe people that are used to small places might feel like.

Right. :) Was thinking potential correlations between wedding dresses and red cabbage over there?

I see. No, it's just the different position of "l" and "r" in those words. "Brautkleid" is 'r ... l', while "Blaukraut" is "l ... r'. Other than that they are of very similar structure, both start with a b, have three same amount of syllables and both end with a sharp "t" sound (yes, a 'd' at the end of a word is spoken like a 't').

Nice. "Färskfiskfiskare" means "fresh fish fisher"? And, in Swedish "r+s" isn't pronounced as "sh" like in Norwegian, right?

Yupp. As for the second question though it is pronounced that way in Swedish too. Trying to think if it might be different in certain words but it seems like this is the norm... interesting. Never realized we have some silent r's too.

Oh, that's good to know. I learned that in Norwegian it depends on how you pronounce the "r", if you speak a "rulle-r" (don't know if that term exists in Swedish too... It's a rolling r, just like an angry Scotsman would use lol), then r+s = sh (even across words, which is really unusual for me, "vær så" is pronounced "væshå"). If your 'r' is a 'skarre-r' (at the back of your mouth, like the French do), then r+s are pronounced separately.

Oh, interesting. Does this impact how you title things over there overall - products, media, etc? Does the rule of proper nouns being capitalized take precedence over other capitalization trends? Still common with all words capitalized in titles?

I haven't really been paying attention to that, but I think capitalization rules apply to titles as well. Apart from the yellow press of course, they just write their headlines in all caps.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 11:01:54

At 6/30/20 09:52 AM, Haggard wrote:I grew up near Hamburg, yes. And I think it's nicer in big cities for introverts like myself. No one cares about what you do, as long as you are not misbehaving in an outrageous way. In small villages everyone knows everyone else, so fuck up once and the whole village will know in an instant, heh.

Hmm personally I feel like you're much more anonymous in the middle of nowhere. :) You can scream, you can shout at the top of your lungs, you can run around half-naked even when you're not in optimal beach shape... so much more freedom to be yourself and be anonymous I guess. You're right the middle ground small town gets much more personal on another level.

But I think being used to larger cities does have it's advantages. When I traveled to Glasgow for example, I felt pretty comfortable running around in the city centre. I didn't feel overwhelmed like maybe people that are used to small places might feel like.

Definitely. It's not only the people I'm adverse to though, I can enjoy the anonymity you mention above, but the sense that you don't really have control. You're forced to act according to the set of rules that govern the city. Everything costs. Everything's regulated. I feel caged whenever I'm in places populated to the point they require some sort of order to stay pleasant for all.

Not that I do go around screaming all the time when I'm in the wild, it's just that it's possible. Anything's possible. You're not trapped either behaviorally or geographically the same way. There's fresh water to drink if you know where to look. There's plenty of food too if it's the right season. Nature provides, and people take. Too much city = too many people = too much taken away.

I see. No, it's just the different position of "l" and "r" in those words. "Brautkleid" is 'r ... l', while "Blaukraut" is "l ... r'. Other than that they are of very similar structure, both start with a b, have three same amount of syllables and both end with a sharp "t" sound (yes, a 'd' at the end of a word is spoken like a 't').

Ah right. Makes sense similar words would be used like this, just seemed maybe there was some backstory too. :)

Oh, that's good to know. I learned that in Norwegian it depends on how you pronounce the "r", if you speak a "rulle-r" (don't know if that term exists in Swedish too... It's a rolling r, just like an angry Scotsman would use lol), then r+s = sh (even across words, which is really unusual for me, "vær så" is pronounced "væshå"). If your 'r' is a 'skarre-r' (at the back of your mouth, like the French do), then r+s are pronounced separately.

Rolling r yes (ruller = rullar in Swedish btw). Your example above's the same in Swedish. If you want to be very articulate you can pronounce the r in the example above too though, when the words aren't connected, but I don't believe it's that common. You could say it's the older/more formal form of annunciation. Alternatively if you're trying to sound aggressive/tough. Possible it's also dialectal...

I don't think I've ever thought this much about how and when different r accentuation occur in our language. XD

No back of the mouth r's here. :) It's all tip of the tongue r's, both rolling and no. In 'rullar' for example, if you're somewhat articulate the first r will be a rolling r, and the last one will be more like the r in a short dog bark (the actual sound, can't think of a way to write it so it comes across the same, hopefully you hear the same sound in your head). The softness/amount of roll in the r depends on how articulate you are, how much emphasis you put in the word, and which part of the country you live in.

Up North the r's roll stronger and slower, down South actually maybe we actually do have those French r's after all... it's not a dialect I'm too fond of though. :P Skånska or småländska.

I haven't really been paying attention to that, but I think capitalization rules apply to titles as well. Apart from the yellow press of course, they just write their headlines in all caps.

Good to know.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 13:14:04 (edited 2020-06-30 13:18:20)

At 6/28/20 04:34 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/28/20 10:55 AM, Murray wrote:Well, the ranking list doesn't lie. Says it right there. I'm now in the top 40 for EXP rankings.

That's quite an achievement, congrats!

Many thanks! Admittedly I like to see it as an early 30th birthday present, although it's nothing compared to what I'll actually get IRL for my 30th. New hifi to play CDs and vinyls and I now have a vinyl collecting addiction.

At 6/29/20 05:51 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 6/28/20 10:55 AM, Murray wrote:Now can I reach the top 30 at some point? 🤔

At some point and with great perseverance most probably. :)

Aye, always the way with EXP. I say it's somewhat reachable looking ahead now but it's gonna take some time and a few more above me to drop off.


Many thanks! Be back for.... 59k in August.

At 6/30/20 09:52 AM, Haggard wrote:I grew up near Hamburg, yes.

Just seen this. I was actually in Hamburg last year for my dad's 60th. Dunno about you but I didn't quite see many stein glasses about.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-06-30 21:27:34

Oh yeah 31k exp.

So I'm now currently rank 328 and also 428 for b/p.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-01 00:38:32

At 6/30/20 01:14 PM, Murray wrote:New hifi to play CDs and vinyls and I now have a vinyl collecting addiction.

I can relate to that.

At 6/30/20 09:52 AM, Haggard wrote:I grew up near Hamburg, yes.

Just seen this. I was actually in Hamburg last year for my dad's 60th. Dunno about you but I didn't quite see many stein glasses about.

NOW you are telling me?! Where did your dad celebrate?

And to see stein glasses you'd have to travel further south. Bavaria should have plenty.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-01 11:45:45

Hit level 26. I prefer the level 25 icon, though, so I'm keeping it for now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-01 11:55:06

Just got past 28,000 total b/p points!

SM/AMA/FAQs (Now both are ready, well sort of) My shortcuts

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-01 12:02:53

At 6/30/20 11:01 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:Hmm personally I feel like you're much more anonymous in the middle of nowhere. :) You can scream, you can shout at the top of your lungs, you can run around half-naked even when you're not in optimal beach shape... so much more freedom to be yourself and be anonymous I guess. You're right the middle ground small town gets much more personal on another level.

Depending on which city you live in, you could get away with all of that. ;P

Not that I do go around screaming all the time when I'm in the wild, it's just that it's possible.

Too late. Now I imagine you running around screaming whenever I see one of your posts. ;)

Anything's possible. You're not trapped either behaviorally or geographically the same way. There's fresh water to drink if you know where to look. There's plenty of food too if it's the right season. Nature provides, and people take. Too much city = too many people = too much taken away.

That's definitely true. But on the other hand, you have much more job opportunities. I really can't understand people who drive 2 hours, only to get to work (and then 2 hours back, of course).

Ah right. Makes sense similar words would be used like this, just seemed maybe there was some backstory too. :)

At least I am not aware of any, and a quick google search didn't turn up anything useful. But I guess I will see a lot of ads for wedding dresses now.

I don't think I've ever thought this much about how and when different r accentuation occur in our language. XD

It's funny how little we think about our native languages. I've discovered many new things about German during the past 1 1/2 years I am learning Norwegian now. I think I've mentioned it before, but it's so obvious that our languages are closely related, we even use the same figurative language on many occasions. For example how you can use "å dra" to indicate movement, we use "gehen" (to go) for the same thing, or how "å tilhøre" is used to indicate belonging, we use "gehören", and as you can propably see, "å høre" and "hören" (=to hear) is present in both these words. Fascinating!

No back of the mouth r's here. :) It's all tip of the tongue r's, both rolling and no. In 'rullar' for example, if you're somewhat articulate the first r will be a rolling r, and the last one will be more like the r in a short dog bark (the actual sound, can't think of a way to write it so it comes across the same, hopefully you hear the same sound in your head). The softness/amount of roll in the r depends on how articulate you are, how much emphasis you put in the word, and which part of the country you live in.

The same over here. If an "r" is at the end of the word as in "Wasser" (water) we more or less swallow it, and the word becomes "ˈvasɐ" in the phonetic alphabet.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-02 12:33:13

At 7/1/20 12:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/30/20 01:14 PM, Murray wrote:Just seen this. I was actually in Hamburg last year for my dad's 60th. Dunno about you but I didn't quite see many stein glasses about.

NOW you are telling me?! Where did your dad celebrate?

Haha. I actually forgot which part of Germany you lived in. The thought didn't occur to me at the time but around that then lot of personal shit was going on.

We explored many places, although many names escape me now. However, thanks to Google Maps I did manage to find the name of the two rock bars we went into for most nights. They were Zwick St. Pauli and Grotte if you recognise either of them. We also went to Lehmitz a few times for live music.

Additionally we explored the areas where The Beatles statues are (even though we live near the city they originated from and see plentiful of them).

And to see stein glasses you'd have to travel further south. Bavaria should have plenty.

Well that explains it. There I was expecting to find stein glasses in any place like finding Guinness in any Dublin bar. Come next visit to Germany I'd like to go where I can find them steins.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-02 15:41:42

At 7/2/20 12:33 PM, Murray wrote:
At 7/1/20 12:38 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 6/30/20 01:14 PM, Murray wrote:Just seen this. I was actually in Hamburg last year for my dad's 60th. Dunno about you but I didn't quite see many stein glasses about.

NOW you are telling me?! Where did your dad celebrate?

Haha. I actually forgot which part of Germany you lived in. The thought didn't occur to me at the time but around that then lot of personal shit was going on.

We explored many places, although many names escape me now. However, thanks to Google Maps I did manage to find the name of the two rock bars we went into for most nights. They were Zwick St. Pauli and Grotte if you recognise either of them. We also went to Lehmitz a few times for live music.

Not the bars I frequented when I went to the Kiez (which wasn't all that often, tbh)

Additionally we explored the areas where The Beatles statues are (even though we live near the city they originated from and see plentiful of them).


Yes, living near Liverpool you must see a lot of Beatles statues.

And to see stein glasses you'd have to travel further south. Bavaria should have plenty.

Well that explains it. There I was expecting to find stein glasses in any place like finding Guinness in any Dublin bar. Come next visit to Germany I'd like to go where I can find them steins.

Munich is really a beautiful city. And you don't even need to visit the Oktoberfest to get a Maß Bier.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-04 18:13:57


Brig. General rank.

Just another NG user.

Thanks, @COOLZONE17500 for the cool signature.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-04 18:17:14




At 6/30/20 09:27 PM, Viper wrote:Oh yeah 31k exp.

So I'm now currently rank 328 and also 428 for b/p.


At 6/28/20 10:55 AM, Murray wrote:Well, the ranking list doesn't lie. Says it right there. I'm now in the top 40 for EXP rankings.

Now can I reach the top 30 at some point? 🤔

Congrats!, though it looks as though you're tied at the moment... Good luck on moving up the rankings further. In related news, it seems that Pimp surpassed Bomb again recently.

At 7/4/20 06:13 PM, ZomAlien wrote:
Brig. General rank.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-05 05:58:32

At 7/4/20 06:13 PM, ZomAlien wrote:
Brig. General rank.

you gain b/p so quick

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-05 05:59:43

why does nglogs redirect to This

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-05 10:11:31 (edited 2020-07-05 10:15:21)

Well that's a few more vinyls picked up. Thought after a week in work where things were going tits up I'd treat myself. It's a self-torment to get them when I can't even play them yet. However, my wait won't be for too much longer.


Additionally, I did venture out to the pubs yesterday upon their reopening and thankfully where I went weren't rammed. If anything, the pubs I went to were actually safer than going to the supermarkets. Much better management with social distancing measures. Safe to say my first pint of Guinness was amazing.

At 7/2/20 03:41 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/2/20 12:33 PM, Murray wrote:Additionally we explored the areas where The Beatles statues are (even though we live near the city they originated from and see plentiful of them).


Yeah, that's the one!

Yes, living near Liverpool you must see a lot of Beatles statues.

I wouldn't say loads of statues but there's definitely them around. This isn't me complaining, of course because I appreciate the band enough for what they've brought to the city. Liverpool would be entirely different if they never existed.

Well that explains it. There I was expecting to find stein glasses in any place like finding Guinness in any Dublin bar. Come next visit to Germany I'd like to go where I can find them steins.

Munich is really a beautiful city. And you don't even need to visit the Oktoberfest to get a Maß Bier.

Glad to hear it's doable outside Oktoberfest which I can imagine it to be very busy and expensive.

At 7/4/20 06:17 PM, OneThousandMeeps wrote:
At 6/28/20 10:55 AM, Murray wrote:Well, the ranking list doesn't lie. Says it right there. I'm now in the top 40 for EXP rankings.

Now can I reach the top 30 at some point? 🤔
Congrats!, though it looks as though you're tied at the moment...

You're not wrong there. I am indeed in the middle of a tie at the moment but figured to post about reaching it when I realised. Should be more secure soon enough, I hope.

Good luck on moving up the rankings further.

Many thanks. It only gets tougher from hereon to move up the ranks, particularly when there's only 39 other users above me and nearly all of them are still active.

In related news, it seems that Pimp surpassed Bomb again recently.

Those two have been like a yo-yo for a while now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-05 16:07:29

At 7/5/20 10:11 AM, Murray wrote:Well that's a few more vinyls picked up.

I have the "In Rock", too. Very nice!

At 7/2/20 03:41 PM, Haggard wrote:Yes, living near Liverpool you must see a lot of Beatles statues.

I wouldn't say loads of statues but there's definitely them around. This isn't me complaining, of course because I appreciate the band enough for what they've brought to the city. Liverpool would be entirely different if they never existed.

Music would be very differently as well, I think.

Glad to hear it's doable outside Oktoberfest which I can imagine it to be very busy and expensive.

Never been there, but from what I read about it beer prices have gone up quite a lot over the past few years.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-05 20:56:37

Officially passed 14 years on this bloody website.



Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-06 00:03:24

At 7/5/20 11:16 PM, NekoMika wrote:
At 7/5/20 05:59 AM, Kieran wrote:why does nglogs redirect to This

Seems to work just fine, unless you were being sarcastic?

I wasn't being sarcastic

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-06 13:39:44

At 7/5/20 04:07 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/5/20 10:11 AM, Murray wrote:Well that's a few more vinyls picked up.

I have the "In Rock", too. Very nice!

It's a fantastic album for sure. It can be hard to choose between it and Machine Head but from what I found at the record shop, In Rock it was.

At this time I'm trying to vary the vinyls I'm getting so no getting all Maiden albums right away on it. Might sound strange but I'm thinking next an album from RHCP to get on vinyl. Got a bit nostalgic over them the other night so it's stuck now.

At 7/2/20 03:41 PM, Haggard wrote:
I wouldn't say loads of statues but there's definitely them around. This isn't me complaining, of course because I appreciate the band enough for what they've brought to the city. Liverpool would be entirely different if they never existed.

Music would be very differently as well, I think.

Sure would be. Although, you know which English city I'm jealous that they have? Birmingham. They have Black Sabbath and Judas Priest.

Glad to hear it's doable outside Oktoberfest which I can imagine it to be very busy and expensive.

Never been there, but from what I read about it beer prices have gone up quite a lot over the past few years.

Going to my London trips twice a year (well, outside any pandemics, of course) is already expensive enough. I've spent over £7 just for a single pint at some places and I dread to think of London prices next time I'm down there.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-06 17:38:06

At 7/6/20 01:39 PM, Murray wrote:
At 7/5/20 04:07 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/5/20 10:11 AM, Murray wrote:Well that's a few more vinyls picked up.

I have the "In Rock", too. Very nice!

It's a fantastic album for sure. It can be hard to choose between it and Machine Head but from what I found at the record shop, In Rock it was.

A nice find for sure. Fireball and Live in Japan are albums to look out for as well. Especially the live version of Space Truckin' is a real treat, with over 19 minutes of runtime.

At this time I'm trying to vary the vinyls I'm getting so no getting all Maiden albums right away on it. Might sound strange but I'm thinking next an album from RHCP to get on vinyl. Got a bit nostalgic over them the other night so it's stuck now.

I haven't bought any new music albums lately. For the time being my focus shifted towards movies. But it will shift back again to music, I am sure about that.

Sure would be. Although, you know which English city I'm jealous that they have? Birmingham. They have Black Sabbath and Judas Priest.

Hamburg at least has Helloween.

Going to my London trips twice a year (well, outside any pandemics, of course) is already expensive enough. I've spent over £7 just for a single pint at some places and I dread to think of London prices next time I'm down there.

A pint is a little more than 0.5 litres, right? A Maß is 1 litre and in 2019 the price was around 11€ on the Oktoberfest.

So, prices in London are even more expensive. 😲

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-07 19:30:19

I am now the 9th best Supreme Commander on this place. Took nearly 12 years of climbing the ranks.


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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-08 12:53:27

At 7/6/20 05:38 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/6/20 01:39 PM, Murray wrote:It's a fantastic album for sure. It can be hard to choose between it and Machine Head but from what I found at the record shop, In Rock it was.

A nice find for sure. Fireball and Live in Japan are albums to look out for as well. Especially the live version of Space Truckin' is a real treat, with over 19 minutes of runtime.

Now those two already have on CD are amazing but saying that, there's still plenty of their albums that I don't have in that format. I think I've neglected them for a few years so there's much to return to and to even discover.

At this time I'm trying to vary the vinyls I'm getting so no getting all Maiden albums right away on it. Might sound strange but I'm thinking next an album from RHCP to get on vinyl. Got a bit nostalgic over them the other night so it's stuck now.

I haven't bought any new music albums lately. For the time being my focus shifted towards movies. But it will shift back again to music, I am sure about that.

I go through phases. Hell, I wasn't even music collecting all that much in the mid-10s. I'm glad I got around to bringing my CD collection over to my flat. That's what kickstarted the collecting again and not just listening to everything on Spotify/YouTube.

Sure would be. Although, you know which English city I'm jealous that they have? Birmingham. They have Black Sabbath and Judas Priest.

Hamburg at least has Helloween.

Shit, almost forgot there. Yep, Hamburg has them all beat. 😂

Going to my London trips twice a year (well, outside any pandemics, of course) is already expensive enough. I've spent over £7 just for a single pint at some places and I dread to think of London prices next time I'm down there.

A pint is a little more than 0.5 litres, right? A Maß is 1 litre and in 2019 the price was around 11€ on the Oktoberfest.

So, prices in London are even more expensive. 😲

11€ is near enough £11. That much is more than the steins I've had locally (they've been between £6-8) but of course that's comparing local bars to Oktoberfest.

If we're talking about how expensive drinks can get at places, according to my boss he once paid 21€ for a pint of Peroni in Venice. 😳

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-08 15:41:45

At 7/8/20 12:53 PM, Murray wrote:
At 7/6/20 05:38 PM, Haggard wrote:A nice find for sure. Fireball and Live in Japan are albums to look out for as well. Especially the live version of Space Truckin' is a real treat, with over 19 minutes of runtime.

Now those two already have on CD are amazing but saying that, there's still plenty of their albums that I don't have in that format. I think I've neglected them for a few years so there's much to return to and to even discover.

I've discovered so much over Deezer, if I'd buy all those on CD or LP, I'd need an extra storage room.

I haven't bought any new music albums lately. For the time being my focus shifted towards movies. But it will shift back again to music, I am sure about that.

I go through phases. Hell, I wasn't even music collecting all that much in the mid-10s. I'm glad I got around to bringing my CD collection over to my flat. That's what kickstarted the collecting again and not just listening to everything on Spotify/YouTube.

Same, that's why I know my focus will shift back to music at some point. As written above, currently I listen to stuff on Deezer and got into Truckfighters, Electric Wizard, My Sleeping Karma, Burning Saviors, Earthless, Somali Yacht Club...

Sure would be. Although, you know which English city I'm jealous that they have? Birmingham. They have Black Sabbath and Judas Priest.

Hamburg at least has Helloween.

Shit, almost forgot there. Yep, Hamburg has them all beat. 😂

What about Krefeld, tough? Blind Guardian... And let's not forget Essen and Kreator.

A pint is a little more than 0.5 litres, right? A Maß is 1 litre and in 2019 the price was around 11€ on the Oktoberfest.

So, prices in London are even more expensive. 😲

11€ is near enough £11. That much is more than the steins I've had locally (they've been between £6-8) but of course that's comparing local bars to Oktoberfest.

If we're talking about how expensive drinks can get at places, according to my boss he once paid 21€ for a pint of Peroni in Venice. 😳

Hm, hopefully I will go back to Norway in a few months. I think there your can easily pay 20€ and more for a drink. 🤐

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2020-07-09 10:26:36


At 6/29/20 11:31 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 6/29/20 10:37 AM, DomAndFroShow wrote:IM SO OVERWHELMED RIGHT NOW


This might seem like underwhelming congrats but: Congrats!

Thank you sir. I've seemed to manage to control my emotions this time and am only just satisfied with my achievement.

How do you usually know what's stolen? Easy to figure out via submission descriptions if the user isn't why they say they are? Doesn't seem so easy if the submission doesn't happen to be on the site already though. If you don't know the real artist's style already.; frequent a bunch of other content streams.

To be honest the ones that I've been finding are really obvious. TV recordings of godzilla, famous cartoons from tv, or speed runs of people recording their screen of other users games.

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