what.. the...
where am I? ...
... what time... hell, what DAY is it?
... CLOCK... DAY?!?!?
<<<<<<<<<<<<RISE FROM THE GRAVE>>>>>>>>>>>>
At 8/4/15 04:10 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hellooooooooo
I swear that when I become a rich and fancy diplomat, I'll have a beer with all of you here. Personally. In your very own houses. That goes for you, @Murray, @Haggard, @Coop, @NEVR, @Auz, @gfoxcook and everyone else that I forgot.
I'm having a beer right now. Where the fuck are you, eh? EH?
Oh wait, WHEN you become a rich and fancy diplomat, I see. YOU MEAN YOU AREN'T ALREADY?
*also, I didn't know NG had a tagging feature now - huh, the times, they are a'changing*
Cheers & beers,
- Nuts
What's with this damned I-can't-vote-5-on-my-fave-Beebo-and-Marc-M-flashes-every-day(LOLOLOL,yeahright)-anymore system, eh wot?
Happy belated birthday to me, as well. I shed the 37 like freakin' 6 weeks ago. (yawn)
38 ain't so bad. Coop probably likes dat number. Mista 3+5+8-liking dude that he is.
:::gets knocked off a buildingtop and back into a coma:::
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)